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Question for Jack White

Ron Ecker

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The Enquirer was big on psychics and stories about them. I am sure it was their

idea. They contacted Mary and asked her to invite some local researchers. She

invited me, Gary and Larry, and maybe Penn Jones (can't remember), as well

as Jim Leavelle. My wife went with me. It was a cheap looking apartment with

cheap furniture. I remember that the swimming pool had been filled in with dirt.

That is all that I know.


Thanks Jack. One thing I forgot to ask is, do you remember what year that

seance was held? If the apartment was still unoccupied, do you think it was

not too long after the assassination?


Bill C

Long after the assassination...probably late seventies. It was unoccupied

at that time, but cheaply furnished (formica, naugahyde). I am sure

that it had been occupied for many years. It was on the second floor, with

entry from a second floor outside walkway. I believe it had just one

bedroom and a combination living room and dining room, a bath and

a kitchen. I believe it had twin beds in the bedroom.


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there was not much to say about it...no startling revelations.

I know that seances don't work. (Hope that doesn't ruffle any feathers.) I was thinking of it from the human interest angle. Who was there, what they had to say, the atmosphere, description (as you've given here) of Ruby's old apartment, what the "medium" did or said, what it was like to hold Leavell's hand, etc.

I would enjoy reading about the evening, but I guess I could be in a minority.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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there was not much to say about it...no startling revelations.

I know that seances don't work. (Hope that doesn't ruffle any feathers.) I was thinking of it from the human interest angle. Who was there, what they had to say, the atmosphere, description (as you've given here) of Ruby's old apartment, what the "medium" did or said, what it was like to hold Leavell's hand, etc.

I would enjoy reading about the evening, but I guess I could be in a minority.

I agree Ron, BUT. In October 1972 I was with a group of people in Paterson, New Jersey, where we were all working for Senator George McGovern. One of the women suggested a seance for the purpose of "contacting" LHO. I do not remember the particulars of what we actually did, but immeiately afterwards one of our group walked into the other room to go to the rest room. She screamed. Of course we quickly followed and we could all both see and feel an energy, like something magnetic, or electrical, in the corner. I walked over and into it and experienced a kind of shocking sensation. It was very eerie, and frightening.


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  • 3 months later...

Jack, I have a question you might be interested in Penn Jones whom I regard as a very courageous individual, for taking the stand he did back in the 1960's when as a Dallasite it was "a somewhat precarious enterprise".....wrote several pieces re Robert Perrin/Jack Starr......the info is very interesting to say the least BUT the context of the articles is that there were individuals who apparently accompanied Bill Boxley [Penn Jones himself, if I understand correctly, at least on a couple of these interviews] and were listening to the answers the person's Boxley was interviewing. In effect, to the readers of FMG, Boxley is circumvented from twisting anything that was said as there were other people listening to the answers given....Boxley seems like a pretty bad apple from all that I have read....Are you familiar with the pieces on Robert Perrin and his dual identities? What is your take on that?

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Jack, I have a question you might be interested in Penn Jones whom I regard as a very courageous individual, for taking the stand he did back in the 1960's when as a Dallasite it was "a somewhat precarious enterprise".....wrote several pieces re Robert Perrin/Jack Starr......the info is very interesting to say the least BUT the context of the articles is that there were individuals who apparently accompanied Bill Boxley [Penn Jones himself, if I understand correctly, at least on a couple of these interviews] and were listening to the answers the person's Boxley was interviewing. In effect, to the readers of FMG, Boxley is circumvented from twisting anything that was said as there were other people listening to the answers given....Boxley seems like a pretty bad apple from all that I have read....Are you familiar with the pieces on Robert Perrin and his dual identities? What is your take on that?

I am familiar with all of Penn's writing, but from memory there is not

anything I can add. Sorry.


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Jack, I have a question you might be interested in Penn Jones whom I regard as a very courageous individual, for taking the stand he did back in the 1960's when as a Dallasite it was "a somewhat precarious enterprise".....wrote several pieces re Robert Perrin/Jack Starr......the info is very interesting to say the least BUT the context of the articles is that there were individuals who apparently accompanied Bill Boxley [Penn Jones himself, if I understand correctly, at least on a couple of these interviews] and were listening to the answers the person's Boxley was interviewing. In effect, to the readers of FMG, Boxley is circumvented from twisting anything that was said as there were other people listening to the answers given....Boxley seems like a pretty bad apple from all that I have read....Are you familiar with the pieces on Robert Perrin and his dual identities? What is your take on that?

I am familiar with all of Penn's writing, but from memory there is not

anything I can add. Sorry.


Not a problem, thanks Jack...

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