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Jack Valenti has a stroke

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I received this email from Gary Mack and post it here with his permission:

CNN's information was wrong. Valenti had nothing to do with the PR aspects of the Dallas visit. Those details were handled by the Sam Bloom advertising agency of Dallas, which was run by its founder, Sam Bloom. Bloom was a personal friend and strong supporter of JFK and he served on the Dallas Citizens Council, which was one of the three civic groups who sponsored the Trade Mart luncheon. Here's more on Bloom: http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online...s/BB/fblvh.html

Gary Mack

It seems to me that if Gary is right about this, a number of new questions arise.

How (or why) did CNN get this story so wrong?

What was Jack Valenti's actual role at the time, before and after the assasination?

What is documented about the role played by the Bloom agency?

Does Gary have evidence to support the claim that the Bloom agency handled the Dallas trip? The link provided no such evidence, just a brief bio of Bloom.

Who has their facts straight, CNN or Gary Mack? Mainstream media or gatekeeper for a museum dedicated to the maintenance of a lie.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter. What matters more is discovering facts about the backgrounds and connections of the people who controlled mainstream American media in 1963.

6th Floor Gatekeepr Mack is most certainly correct in this regard. Mae Brussell pointed out many years ago that the motorcade route was laid out in the offices of Sam Bloom, who also handled, according to the research of Dr. Robert, the PR for Texas Judge Joe Brown during the Ruby trial.

Jack Puterbaugh was in the thick of things there, and Jack Valenti was in on things from the beginning, though he mainly handled things in the San Antonio and Houston end of things.

As LBJ's biographers learn, and Bill Moyers and Jack Valenti knew all along, LBJ was a psycho killer who depended on the loyality of men like Moyers and Valenti to acomplish his nefarious goals.

While Bloom may have been a Democrat appointed to a post by JFK, that's no excuse to leave him out of the Palace Coup.

Valenti was one of the passengers on AF1 on the flight from Love to Andrews, when a lot of important things happened. \

I hope he doesn't die before he can be properly questions under oath about such things.


Edited by William Kelly
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