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Walker's Speaking Engagements/Travel

Jim Root

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I do not have the ability to photo copy and post information that I have collected but would still like to put into the record a handwritten note that I have recently received a copy of. This note is not signed but seems to be written by Edwin Walker (based upon other signed hand written notes I have). Having read several Walker papers I have come to the conclusion that Walker was not an excellent English student.

Here goes:

Nov. 8th (P.M.) Jackson, Miss.

Nov. 19th 1:30 - 2:30 P.M.

Hatti(e)sburg - Southern Aire Motel

Nov. 20th Civic Club group

Hatti(e)sburg - lunch

Nov. 22nd Flew from N.O. to Shereveport

Mrs. Haverty (sp?) wants him

in Spring Hill, La. Citizins

Council on (the next words are scratched out but easily read) or about

23rd Nov.

Nov. 24 Back in Dallas

The Jung (famous New Orleans Hotel)

Capt. Shreve (Shreveport Hotel)

End of note.

It seems that Walker, as I believed did not have an actual speaking engagement arranged in Shreveport but had been requested to speak in Spring Hill ,La "on or about" 23rd Nov. To the best of my knowledge there is no record of that event being actually planned. Which leads me to ask several questions "Why did Walker arrive in Shreveport on the day of the assassination?" "How would a German Newpaper know to contact Walker in Shreveport on the 23rd (especially if he was to be in Spring Hill, LA on the 23rd)?" "Why is "or about" crossed out of his note?" This leaves only the word "on" to suggest that he arrived in Shreveport for a reason (he was scheduled to be in Spring Hill, LA) on the day following the assassination.

The note above was in a file along with another interesting note that begins, Calls placed from Shreveport 868-6412 on Dec. 5, 1963.....To J. Edgar Hoover(,) FBI - Washington D.C. (,) 11:55 A.M. Dec. 5th (,) Talked to Mr. Witt

Jim Root

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I do not have the ability to photo copy and post information that I have collected but would still like to put into the record a handwritten note that I have recently received a copy of. This note is not signed but seems to be written by Edwin Walker (based upon other signed hand written notes I have). Having read several Walker papers I have come to the conclusion that Walker was not an excellent English student.

Here goes:

Nov. 8th (P.M.) Jackson, Miss.

Nov. 19th 1:30 - 2:30 P.M.

Hatti(e)sburg - Southern Aire Motel

Nov. 20th Civic Club group

Hatti(e)sburg - lunch

Nov. 22nd Flew from N.O. to Shereveport

Mrs. Haverty (sp?) wants him

in Spring Hill, La. Citizins

Council on (the next words are scratched out but easily read) or about

23rd Nov.

Nov. 24 Back in Dallas

The Jung (famous New Orleans Hotel)

Capt. Shreve (Shreveport Hotel)

End of note.

It seems that Walker, as I believed did not have an actual speaking engagement arranged in Shreveport but had been requested to speak in Spring Hill ,La "on or about" 23rd Nov. To the best of my knowledge there is no record of that event being actually planned. Which leads me to ask several questions "Why did Walker arrive in Shreveport on the day of the assassination?" "How would a German Newpaper know to contact Walker in Shreveport on the 23rd (especially if he was to be in Spring Hill, LA on the 23rd)?" "Why is "or about" crossed out of his note?" This leaves only the word "on" to suggest that he arrived in Shreveport for a reason (he was scheduled to be in Spring Hill, LA) on the day following the assassination.

The note above was in a file along with another interesting note that begins, Calls placed from Shreveport 868-6412 on Dec. 5, 1963.....To J. Edgar Hoover(,) FBI - Washington D.C. (,) 11:55 A.M. Dec. 5th (,) Talked to Mr. Witt

Jim Root

"Nov. 22nd Flew from N.O. to Shereveport

Mrs. Haverty (sp?) wants him

in Spring Hill, La. Citizins

Council on (the next words are scratched out but easily read) or about"

Jim, re scanning and posting. On occasions I need to scan something I take a memor stick or floppy to the local PC shop and they do it for me for a small fee.

Is the above a complete transcription of that days entry? I don't get the "(the next words are scratched out but easily read)" bit. Does that refer to 'or about'?

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I do not have the ability to photo copy and post information that I have collected but would still like to put into the record a handwritten note that I have recently received a copy of. This note is not signed but seems to be written by Edwin Walker (based upon other signed hand written notes I have). Having read several Walker papers I have come to the conclusion that Walker was not an excellent English student.

Here goes:

Nov. 8th (P.M.) Jackson, Miss.

Nov. 19th 1:30 - 2:30 P.M.

Hatti(e)sburg - Southern Aire Motel

Nov. 20th Civic Club group

Hatti(e)sburg - lunch

Nov. 22nd Flew from N.O. to Shereveport

Mrs. Haverty (sp?) wants him

in Spring Hill, La. Citizins

Council on (the next words are scratched out but easily read) or about

23rd Nov.

Nov. 24 Back in Dallas

The Jung (famous New Orleans Hotel)

Capt. Shreve (Shreveport Hotel)

End of note.

It seems that Walker, as I believed did not have an actual speaking engagement arranged in Shreveport but had been requested to speak in Spring Hill ,La "on or about" 23rd Nov. To the best of my knowledge there is no record of that event being actually planned. Which leads me to ask several questions "Why did Walker arrive in Shreveport on the day of the assassination?" "How would a German Newpaper know to contact Walker in Shreveport on the 23rd (especially if he was to be in Spring Hill, LA on the 23rd)?" "Why is "or about" crossed out of his note?" This leaves only the word "on" to suggest that he arrived in Shreveport for a reason (he was scheduled to be in Spring Hill, LA) on the day following the assassination.

The note above was in a file along with another interesting note that begins, Calls placed from Shreveport 868-6412 on Dec. 5, 1963.....To J. Edgar Hoover(,) FBI - Washington D.C. (,) 11:55 A.M. Dec. 5th (,) Talked to Mr. Witt

Jim Root

Jim, I'm curious as to where you found the notes?

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Everything within ( ) was added by myself.

"or about" was actually crossed out on the original but easily read.

Mrs. Haverty (sp) indicates that I am not sure if I spelled the name correctly.

The underlinning was on the note as show.

The Jung (famous New Orleans Hotel) was to indicate what "The Jung" was if someone did not know. Same for Capt. Shreve.

Hatti(e)sburg was spelled incorrectly in the original.

Because the note indicating a phone call to the FBI on Dec. 5, 1963 was within the same file I believe an assumption can be drawn that the "engagements" note was written at about the same time that the call to the FBI was made. We can speculate if the note was written before the FBI call or after but the Dec. 5th date is of interest because it was within a few days of the time that the FBI first began investigating and connecting Oswald to the Walker shooting incident.

Jim Root

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With the expert help of an outstanding archivist I was able to obtain access to the Walker collection stored at the University of Texas in Austin. Currently I have about 190 pages of copied material from that collection that I am sifting through. There is one very curious document that has me very perplexted. See my Swan Island thread where I will expound on that document and the file of papers that it came from further.

Jim Root

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With the expert help of an outstanding archivist I was able to obtain access to the Walker collection stored at the University of Texas in Austin. Currently I have about 190 pages of copied material from that collection that I am sifting through. There is one very curious document that has me very perplexted. See my Swan Island thread where I will expound on that document and the file of papers that it came from further.

Jim Root

WOW , How did you manage to get by the guard dogs? Was this one of the Archivists working in the Special Collections (Texas History ? )


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Suffice it to say that I do not feel at liberty to say at this time. I will say that my first attempt at gaining access was several years ago. I will also say that I still have additional hoops to jump through.

Have you attempted to view the Walker material? Let me know.

Jim Root

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Suffice it to say that I do not feel at liberty to say at this time. I will say that my first attempt at gaining access was several years ago. I will also say that I still have additional hoops to jump through.

Have you attempted to view the Walker material? Let me know.

Jim Root

Oh yes, several years ago.....I was turned down flatly. I politely protested but to no avail. 'The Collection's not open to researchers" I was told. I ve' been down to that library and the LBJ library across the way. Gary mack told me that The 6th floor has the other half of the collection. I'd love to see it some day.

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I do not have the ability to photo copy and post information that I have collected but would still like to put into the record a handwritten note that I have recently received a copy of. This note is not signed but seems to be written by Edwin Walker (based upon other signed hand written notes I have). Having read several Walker papers I have come to the conclusion that Walker was not an excellent English student.

Here goes:

Nov. 8th (P.M.) Jackson, Miss.

Nov. 19th 1:30 - 2:30 P.M.

Hatti(e)sburg - Southern Aire Motel

Nov. 20th Civic Club group

Hatti(e)sburg - lunch

Nov. 22nd Flew from N.O. to Shereveport

Mrs. Haverty (sp?) wants him

in Spring Hill, La. Citizins

Council on (the next words are scratched out but easily read) or about

23rd Nov.

Nov. 24 Back in Dallas

The Jung (famous New Orleans Hotel)

Capt. Shreve (Shreveport Hotel)

End of note.

It seems that Walker, as I believed did not have an actual speaking engagement arranged in Shreveport but had been requested to speak in Spring Hill ,La "on or about" 23rd Nov. To the best of my knowledge there is no record of that event being actually planned. Which leads me to ask several questions "Why did Walker arrive in Shreveport on the day of the assassination?" "How would a German Newpaper know to contact Walker in Shreveport on the 23rd (especially if he was to be in Spring Hill, LA on the 23rd)?" "Why is "or about" crossed out of his note?" This leaves only the word "on" to suggest that he arrived in Shreveport for a reason (he was scheduled to be in Spring Hill, LA) on the day following the assassination.

The note above was in a file along with another interesting note that begins, Calls placed from Shreveport 868-6412 on Dec. 5, 1963.....To J. Edgar Hoover(,) FBI - Washington D.C. (,) 11:55 A.M. Dec. 5th (,) Talked to Mr. Witt

Jim Root

Do you have a digital camera Jim? If you're talking about a technical limitation (no scanner), I think digital cameras are great substitutes. If you're saying that you're not at liberty to share the material then that's a different story of course.

I sure would be interested in anything you can share with us.

I think Walker and Lemnitzer are two of the most suspicious military men, i.e., persons of interest.

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I personally feel that Maxwell Taylor is a much more suspicious General and was the one General (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs) positioned within the Government who would have access to the authority necessary to "pull the strings" of an assassination (but not acting alone).

Jim Root

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I do have an inventory of the Walker material stored at the 6th Floor Museum. Hope to get further into that information soon.

From the 6th Floor I did hand copy some notes that were made from the Warren Commission's volumes of information which had been in Walker's possession (Walker's notes). These notes were written on legal paper and correlated by Volume. It seems to support the fact that Walker may have been still searching for some answers himself as the time passed after the assassination. I tend to believe that Walker was not involved in the assassination (although the jury is still out on that one) but that he instantly knew who was and thought that he would be set up to be the "patsy"(hence the interview with the German Newspaper....see some of my early posts on this subject).

I'm not sure if I was surpised to find that many of the areas of the report that Walker seems to have found of interest are areas that I have looked into over the past several years as well.

The further I look, the deeper I go, I continue to believe that there is a McCloy -Taylor influence on the assassination and that the motive was the control of the spread of Nuclear Arms. (Walker had files on the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963).

Jim Root

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I do not have the ability to photo copy and post information that I have collected but would still like to put into the record a handwritten note that I have recently received a copy of. This note is not signed but seems to be written by Edwin Walker (based upon other signed hand written notes I have). Having read several Walker papers I have come to the conclusion that Walker was not an excellent English student.

Here goes:

Nov. 8th (P.M.) Jackson, Miss.

Nov. 19th 1:30 - 2:30 P.M.

Hatti(e)sburg - Southern Aire Motel

Nov. 20th Civic Club group

Hatti(e)sburg - lunch

Nov. 22nd Flew from N.O. to Shereveport

Mrs. Haverty (sp?) wants him

in Spring Hill, La. Citizins

Council on (the next words are scratched out but easily read) or about

23rd Nov.

Nov. 24 Back in Dallas

The Jung (famous New Orleans Hotel)

Capt. Shreve (Shreveport Hotel)

End of note.

It seems that Walker, as I believed did not have an actual speaking engagement arranged in Shreveport but had been requested to speak in Spring Hill ,La "on or about" 23rd Nov. To the best of my knowledge there is no record of that event being actually planned. Which leads me to ask several questions "Why did Walker arrive in Shreveport on the day of the assassination?" "How would a German Newpaper know to contact Walker in Shreveport on the 23rd (especially if he was to be in Spring Hill, LA on the 23rd)?" "Why is "or about" crossed out of his note?" This leaves only the word "on" to suggest that he arrived in Shreveport for a reason (he was scheduled to be in Spring Hill, LA) on the day following the assassination.

The note above was in a file along with another interesting note that begins, Calls placed from Shreveport 868-6412 on Dec. 5, 1963.....To J. Edgar Hoover(,) FBI - Washington D.C. (,) 11:55 A.M. Dec. 5th (,) Talked to Mr. Witt

Jim Root

Jim, are you certain Walker wrote this? Wouldn't "Mrs Haverty wants him..." indicate it was written by another? Or if Walker wrote it, the the "him" in question was someone else altogether? The whole things reads a bit odd. The first 3 entries all read like normal diary planner entries... that is, future commitments... but then you come to that 4th entry and it uses past tense "...flew from..." and has that reference to "him"...

The Shreveport phone number was that of The Councilor. I do believe a meeting with Ned Touchstone (and perhaps others) was the reason for Walker's flight to Shreveport. LBJ crony, "Bully" Bullion also happened to be in Shreveport at the time.

More later. Some complex issues, but am pressed for time right now.

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I do not have the ability to photo copy and post information that I have collected but would still like to put into the record a handwritten note that I have recently received a copy of. This note is not signed but seems to be written by Edwin Walker (based upon other signed hand written notes I have). Having read several Walker papers I have come to the conclusion that Walker was not an excellent English student.

Here goes:

Nov. 8th (P.M.) Jackson, Miss.

Nov. 19th 1:30 - 2:30 P.M.

Hatti(e)sburg - Southern Aire Motel

Nov. 20th Civic Club group

Hatti(e)sburg - lunch

Nov. 22nd Flew from N.O. to Shereveport

Mrs. Haverty (sp?) wants him

in Spring Hill, La. Citizins

Council on (the next words are scratched out but easily read) or about

23rd Nov.

Nov. 24 Back in Dallas

The Jung (famous New Orleans Hotel)

Capt. Shreve (Shreveport Hotel)

End of note.

It seems that Walker, as I believed did not have an actual speaking engagement arranged in Shreveport but had been requested to speak in Spring Hill ,La "on or about" 23rd Nov. To the best of my knowledge there is no record of that event being actually planned. Which leads me to ask several questions "Why did Walker arrive in Shreveport on the day of the assassination?" "How would a German Newpaper know to contact Walker in Shreveport on the 23rd (especially if he was to be in Spring Hill, LA on the 23rd)?" "Why is "or about" crossed out of his note?" This leaves only the word "on" to suggest that he arrived in Shreveport for a reason (he was scheduled to be in Spring Hill, LA) on the day following the assassination.

The note above was in a file along with another interesting note that begins, Calls placed from Shreveport 868-6412 on Dec. 5, 1963.....To J. Edgar Hoover(,) FBI - Washington D.C. (,) 11:55 A.M. Dec. 5th (,) Talked to Mr. Witt

Jim Root


Edited by John Dolva
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Jim, I had a detailed reply to your question about the German newspaper ready to post, but lost it.

You'll have to settle for the cheap, nasty version.

The source was probably a Dallas r-w associate of Walker/Morris etc.

The key to this was developed by a researcher named Clark Wilkens who noted from looking at Larrie Schmidt's correspondence, it took 5 to 6 days in '63 for mail to arrive from Dallas to Germany and vice versa.

I believe that this Dallasite wanted the DMN to report Oswald had been arrested for the Walker attempt, but had been released on the orders of RFK. They refused for fear of being sued. Instead, they published a very general claim on Nov 23 that the DPD was investigating an Oswald link to the Walker attempt. Clearly, this was a lie. They attributed the story to "officials" at DPD. Another lie. Currie had been asked at the Friday night conference if there was any link to the Walker incident and he replied, "I don't know."

The solution was to get a friendly foreign paper to publish the allegation first. This was written for them (just as it had been for the DMN) and posted to them. It was published 6 days later on Nov 29 with the published version mailed back to the original source. He in turn gave it to the DMN who could now quote the foreign article without fear of breaking any libel laws. They published on Dec 6.

This same person knew where Walker would be. The contact was necessary so that the German paper could give the impression that Walker himself had been the source.

There is a great deal more, but I'm sorry to say, I don't have the patience to try and put it all together a 2nd time. Will try and answer any questions you might have, though...

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I do not have the ability to photo copy and post information that I have collected but would still like to put into the record a handwritten note that I have recently received a copy of. This note is not signed but seems to be written by Edwin Walker (based upon other signed hand written notes I have). Having read several Walker papers I have come to the conclusion that Walker was not an excellent English student.

Here goes:

Nov. 8th (P.M.) Jackson, Miss.

Nov. 19th 1:30 - 2:30 P.M.

Hatti(e)sburg - Southern Aire Motel

Nov. 20th Civic Club group

Hatti(e)sburg - lunch

Nov. 22nd Flew from N.O. to Shereveport

Mrs. Haverty (sp?) wants him

in Spring Hill, La. Citizins

Council on (the next words are scratched out but easily read) or about

23rd Nov.

Nov. 24 Back in Dallas

The Jung (famous New Orleans Hotel)

Capt. Shreve (Shreveport Hotel)

End of note.

It seems that Walker, as I believed did not have an actual speaking engagement arranged in Shreveport but had been requested to speak in Spring Hill ,La "on or about" 23rd Nov. To the best of my knowledge there is no record of that event being actually planned. Which leads me to ask several questions "Why did Walker arrive in Shreveport on the day of the assassination?" "How would a German Newpaper know to contact Walker in Shreveport on the 23rd (especially if he was to be in Spring Hill, LA on the 23rd)?" "Why is "or about" crossed out of his note?" This leaves only the word "on" to suggest that he arrived in Shreveport for a reason (he was scheduled to be in Spring Hill, LA) on the day following the assassination.

The note above was in a file along with another interesting note that begins, Calls placed from Shreveport 868-6412 on Dec. 5, 1963.....To J. Edgar Hoover(,) FBI - Washington D.C. (,) 11:55 A.M. Dec. 5th (,) Talked to Mr. Witt

Jim Root


John, this is a great find!

There simply was not enough time for Walker to have received and have translated the German article by the 4th. If such a copy of the article existed by then, Touchstone would have published it on the 6th (his paper was published every Wednesday). Instead, he didn't publish until the 20th.

Walker was back in Dallas on the 24th. I believe the original Dallas source gave him the transcript which had been posted to the German newspaper. He could not call a press conference at that time, as he had no copy of the German publication to display. Instead, he went back to Shreveport and read it over a radio talk back show.

He did call a news conference back at his home on the 6th. By then, the German paper had arrived and supposedly had been translated by a German exchange student. He also said "I have waited a long time for this report." in regard to news that Marina had agreed her late husband was the Walker shooter.

The 6th was also the day the DMN published the German story. They too, would have published prior if a copy of it had been available before then.

In sum, what you found supports the contention that the story of RFK getting Oswald released from custody in April was authored in Dallas, posted to the German paper, which printed it on Nov 29 before posting a copy of the published version back to Dallas. In the interim, Walker was given a copy of what had been sent to Germany. Unable to call a press conference with just a copy of the originating Dallas version, he did the next best thing; phoned a radio show. The German paper arrived on the 5th - the next day, it's then published in the DMN and he's got a copy for his press conference.

I also find it extremely interesting that a phone call was made from Touchstone's office to Hoover's office the day after the radio phone in.

The Walker news conference of the 6th:



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