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New JFK book: 'The Mystique of Conspiracy: Oswald, Castro, and the CIA '

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I just saw this new book on the assassination that will be published in June on Amazon. Looks interesting, focusing on the anti castro cubans and also DA Phillips:


The author Brian Bugge teaches at the University of Phoenix and it says the author is willing to have 'online exchanges' with the reader. John, perhaps you could invite him to the forum, if he isn't already a member?

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I just saw this new book on the assassination that will be published in June on Amazon. Looks interesting, focusing on the anti castro cubans and also DA Phillips:


The author Brian Bugge teaches at the University of Phoenix and it says the author is willing to have 'online exchanges' with the reader. John, perhaps you could invite him to the forum, if he isn't already a member?

I believe this book was originally published in 1978.


“It requires courage to remain dispassionate in the heat of emotion which has been kindled about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Brian Buggé is to be commended. He has eschewed sensation, laid the facts on the line. It is up to each of us to reach our own conclusion, but Brian Buggé has performed a public service in making his case. What he has done is to ask us to look at the evidence. That is a refreshing suggestion.”

— David Atlee Phillips, CIA Western Hemisphere Division Chief (Ret.). Author of The Night Watch

From the foreword, which Phillips wrote.

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