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New material on moon fakes coming to Aulis soon

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A researcher has enhanced some Apollo photos and

come up with images of the huge distinctive light bulbs

used in the moonset fixtures. Maybe Mr. Light will

recognize the type of bulb from its shape. Bet he won't

tell us though.

Jack B)

A bit early to be crowing about this supposed evidence since it hasn't been presented yet! Get back to us when the images have been posted, don't forget to tell him to include image numbers and if possile links to uncropped high resolution copies.

Considering all the times you've been shown to have been wrong and refused to admit it and worse the times you selectively cropped photos or swore you never said things you had, it's more than a bit ironic that you insinuate that another member of this forum is intellectually dishonest. Craig is often quite rude but I've never seen evidence that he has intentionally been deceptive, especially concerning photography.

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Ever plan to take down any of the old, debunked material on aulis?

Take that up with David Percy; he has not yet seen any DEBUNKED material.

In fact, his new material is from new researchers providing NEW proofs to

some of my original observations. Some of it is quite stunning. Several more

instances of BLACKED-IN skys are quite irrrefutable evidence of retouching

alleged originals. I did not do any of this NEW research.

Precision timing of the "jump salute" video showing the astronaut kicking up

dirt...shows that the astronaut stays in the air THREE TIMES LONGER than

it takes for the dirt to fall...a different gravity rate for dirt and man!

An anomalous "bootprint" with 12 "sole ribs" instead of 9 is not explainable.

But my favorite is the enhancement which shows the "light bulb"; it uses an

enhancement technique that had not occurred to me. After seeing it, I took

the same photo and enhanced it five different ways with the technique, and

got the same result! Good luck "debunking" this. There is no believeable



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Can't wait to see it, I'm sure it's quality work. :o

You know, the 'hang time' of an object depends on more than just gravity, it also depends on it's initial velocity. There is no reason the dirt should have the same initial velocity as the astronaut.

The bootprint I'll have to see, I can only guess now that it's 2 overlapping prints. We'll see.

No idea what you're talking about with the "light bulb", but I eagerly await the "evidence".

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Ever plan to take down any of the old, debunked material on aulis?

Take that up with David Percy; he has not yet seen any DEBUNKED material.

OK I've emailed Aulis several photos displayed on this forum on the thread entitled Jack White's Study On Anomalous Shadows, let's see what the response is.

Edited by Dave Greer
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A researcher has enhanced some Apollo photos and

come up with images of the huge distinctive light bulbs

used in the moonset fixtures. Maybe Mr. Light will

recognize the type of bulb from its shape. Bet he won't

tell us though.

Jack ;)

Jack ... I'm glad to hear that you will have some new studies up on Aulis soom .. I'm looking forward to that .... Maybe I can use them in my next YouTube video ...

Meanwhile , here's a new little game for all of those are still living in the land of geekdom by the river called denial .

I just posted this on another thread here, but for some reason Mr. Light didn't seem to want to play . :rolleyes:

(Image removed by Evan Burton; Reason: not relevant, also posted on another thread)

Edited by Evan Burton
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I am going to ask Bernice to post an image here from an Apollo photo,

showing a large piece of lighting equipment, consisting of a large reflector

pan, bulb, and likely a scrim, which softens the detail.

File number? You figure it out. You guys never do any research, so why

should I help you? There are plenty of clues in the image to help you.

Have fun.


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Ever plan to take down any of the old, debunked material on aulis?

Take that up with David Percy; he has not yet seen any DEBUNKED material.

OK I've emailed Aulis several photos displayed on this forum on the thread entitled Jack White's Study On Anomalous Shadows, let's see what the response is.

Thanks. That study was not as clear as it should have been. I have

simplified it for easier comprehension by those visually challenged.


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Ever plan to take down any of the old, debunked material on aulis?

Take that up with David Percy; he has not yet seen any DEBUNKED material.

OK I've emailed Aulis several photos displayed on this forum on the thread entitled Jack White's Study On Anomalous Shadows, let's see what the response is.

Thanks. That study was not as clear as it should have been. I have

simplified it for easier comprehension by those visually challenged.


You might want to re-write your study once again. It appears to have been written by the intellectually challenged and the photographically ignorant.

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