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Ed Partin

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I was doing some research on Ed Partin, and came across this FBI memo regarding a 'William Cooper' who had an interesting story about LHO, a cruise that took place in August 63 and a man who allegedly worked with LHO's father. Just wondering if anyone had heard this story or of any of the characters mentioned?


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Partin was the Teamsters Business Manager in Baton Rouge. He was also friends with Roy Hargraves.

The Sheriff Bryan Clemmons mentioned was indeed a friend of Bill Decker. Both men were behind a push to liberalize laws making it easier for law enforcement to search and seize.

The image below shows Clemmons on the left and Bill Decker on the right. The guy in the middle is another Sheriff by the name of Hugh Anderson.

I hadn't heard about the cruise before but it certainly sounds interesting.



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Hi James,

thanks for posting that photo, it is one I haven't seen before. So Partin was a friend of Roy Hargraves? That is interesting, I didn't know that. I was looking into Partin becasue one of the men who worked for him (Jerry Sylvester) was from the Clinton area and apparently told investigators with Jim Garrison that he had information about Shaw.

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