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Robert Walker

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  1. 404 Photographs from the Dallas Municipal Archives have been digitized and are now available here: http://texashistory.unt.edu/explore/collec...s/JFKDP/browse/ Enjoy.
  2. What I'd like to know is how this story got such deep penetration into the press. Who is pushing it?
  3. All I have to say on this is: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread411261/pg1
  4. See attached. It is in the ad for "Connors", bottom right of the page. 101857750.pdf
  5. Today, at the invitation of a friend, I videotaped 604 Elsbeth, Apt #2, EXACTLY 47 years (to the day) that Oswald rented it. I believe I am the first person to videotape the apartment. I beat the Fox 4 news crew by fifteen minutes!! The place was in extremely poor condition, as the building has been shuttered for a while. I also got a swatch of original wall paper. Nothing like being in Dallas in this time of year.
  6. "...Of course you're right that any camera is actually most likely to run at a speed that can't be set on the camera; you can't choose 18.3 fps or 19.75 fps and numbers like those are what real run rates look like. Just because you can't choose a particular rate doesn't mean that it's impossible for the camera to run at that rate. So it's not impossible for Zapruder's 414DP to have run at 24 fps just because 24 fps wasn't on the menu. I would think very differently about the Secret Service issue if Zapruder had said something like, "I've tested my camera and it runs...." or "On my camera..." instead of "The camera was set to take normal speed movie film or 24 frames per second..." It is impossible for Zapruder's 414PD to run at 24fps if it was an 18fps (or 16fps) camera. There are no menus on the camera. There is a simple spring-loaded switch that reads "Animation" (which clicks off one frame), "Stop" (off position), "Run" (normal operation mode) and "Slow Motion" (which speeds the film up - and makes a hell of a racket, by the way!). There is no middle ground between the "Run" and "Slow Motion" either, the camera either runs at the normal speed or the faster speed. Common speeds for 8mm film were 15, 16 and eventually 18fps. Since these cameras were spring wound, there are variations in the speed (resulting in an 18.3fps, etc). 24fps was used by 16mm and 35 mm film. 414PD's can be had on ebay for $10. I have four (including an exact match of Zapruder's camera (414PD, with manual lens stick). Hope this helps. Rob
  7. Why would they bring him to the boarding house (where he allegedly retrieves his revolver) instead of directly to the theater or to 10th and Patton or whatever, to the next contact? If Oswald has active handlers, then is he [a] a completely innocent person with no connection to the events in dealey other than he coincidentally worked in the TSBD, actively part of a larger conspiracy and fired shots from the TSBD, [c] part of conspiracy but did not fire shots from the TSBD, [d] mixed up in intelligence activities and other subversion, but otherwise not involved in the assassination, [e] the lone gunman as promoted by the WC, or [f] some other variation (for example, is part of a team - or believes he is part of a team - that was providing "security" to the president in Dealey, and that has now gone horribly wrong?) Obviously in [a] and [e] above, he wouldn't have handlers, though in (e) it is possible that he was being monitored. Interesting.
  8. Back to the point of letting him out of their sight, however, presuming it was indeed Oswald on the bus and in the cab, then he got out of nearly everyone's sight at least for 30 minutes. If he hadn't gotten out of their sight during that excursion, and it was him in the boarding house, then again he was let out of sight and might well have ducked out the back door to get away. I think that it would have been easy enough for Oswald to be "trailed" on the bus/cab by capable agents. However, if he does give them the slip at the boarding house, by slipping out the back, for example, that could be the crux for popping Tippit, because then the resultant manhunt has a very reasonable chance of sweeping Oswald up. Since Oswald wasn't identified by name in the APB, and the description matched hundreds of folks all across Dallas (and it's not like they were looking specifically in Oak Cliff for the assassin) they had to know that Oswald was in Oak Cliff (even generally) to set the rest of the events in action. It also depends on what/if any role Oswald had in the assassination. If Oswald was a pure patsy, not involved at all, but set up by folks familiar with his military/civilian record, AND the success of the plot rests soley on Oswald being identified as the assassin, then he has to be under surveillance at all times, because he could have simply left downtown and then gone to Lakewood, or the M-Streets or some other neighborhood and just chilled out. Oswald at some point realizes he's been set up as a patsy, and that he is not the trusted government agent he thinks he is (or is on the way to becoming). I wonder when he realized this? Good stuff.
  9. Tippit was to kill the murderer of the president and be a hero like Ruby thought he was going to be after killing Oswald. ...I would suggest that Ruby didn't kill Oswald to be a hero. Ruby killing Oswald was plan "c" (or whatever letter fits) since Oswald wasn't popped at Dealey or in Oak Cliff. The idea of Ruby being the "patriotic american" vanishes when he corrects Wade on the "Fair Play for Cuba" flub, because there is no way a Dallas nightclub owner would ever know of an obscure little group like the FPFC. Ruby is part of the plot to kill Oswald, perhaps not totally happy about it, perhaps even after the fact, but he was directed to do this. The imposter says through the window of the squad car, "Oswald should be coming down the street any time now. If you want to get out of the car we can wait together and I'll be your witness that he drew first." But when Tip exits the car without alarm and without drawing his gun the imposter gets the drop on him and kills him dead. Then the imposter heads off to lead the cops to the TT so they can kill Oswald there. ...does this imply that Tippit was part of the conspiracy, or that the "imposter" used Tippit as a mean to an ends? Are you suggesting that the imposter and Tippit knew each other? Isn't also possible that the "imposter" also could have approached an innocent Tippit in the cop car, made some quick comment about the assassination, and then pointed out a suspicious looking Oswald heading his way, before capping him? So the purpose of killing Tip wasn't diversionary but imparative to lead the cops to Oswald so he could be gunned down in a dark place to give plotters time to construct the story line based on the outcome of events. ...yes. Oswald is in Oak Cliff. Oswald needs to be dead or in custody. All the cops are at Dealey Plaza. Oswald has to be got before he leaves Oak Cliff. It was this imposter who was thrown into the squad car in the alley behind the TT having accomplised his mission. ...I would surmise that this individual was the person monitoring Oswald after the assassination. I cannot believe for a second that if the success of the assassination (for the conspirators) rests on Oswald being killed or captured in short order after the assassination, that they would have left him out of their sights for even a second. After all, the bad guys knew Oswald was going to be at the TT looking for his handlers not roaming Oakcliff streets. ...how do we know this? How do we know that Oswald was even "supposed" to go to Oak Cliff after the assassination, let alone that the TT was the contact point? I would think that after all the careful planning and successful execution of the assassination of a popular president, that the conspirators would not leave that to chance, because Oswald is their whole ball of wax! They must know that Oswald will at some point realize he has been set up as a patsy, and when he does, all bets are off! Oswald must be under surveillance th entire time. So, when does Oswald realize that he has been set up as the assassin? I guess it depends on what role you believe Oswald may or may not have played in the events of the assassination. Lead the cops to where they knew Oswald was........YES. ...absolutely jim
  10. Duke, I would argue that the murder of Tippet played less of a role in getting cops out of Dealey (even though that's a great side benefit) and more of a role in getting cops TO Oak Cliff, because if Oswald isn't killed or captured immediately after the assassination, then there is no patsy, no lone gunman. It is correct that a fire or a bank robbery wouldn't do it, it had to be something of greater importance, and something potentially related to the assassination. The killing of a cop that soon after the assassination could be interpreted by the police as an act of panic and perhaps related to the assassination, which would then result in a large police response to the area. So the sacrificial killing of Tippit accomplished three things for the conspirators, it brought the police en masse to Oak Cliff to capture/kill the designated patsy, it helped establish the frame up of Oswald as a killer desperate to escape his crime, and it got the cops out of Dealey. Going one step further, since Oswald is the designated patsy I would also suggest that he was monitored by the conspirators at every turn, because the success of this conspiracy had to be the speed of the identification and capture of Oswald, because if Oswald somehow manages to slip out of Oak Cliff, and evades capture, the conspiracy is blown. Oswald can't be given an opportunity to defend himself publicly or slip into the woodwork. Whatever was supposed to happen with/to Oswald in Oak Cliff did not transpire, and in as such, Tippit had to be sacrificed to get police into the area to apprehend/kill Oswald, perhaps as plan "b". Rob One would think that, a President having been killed in public in a major city in a small park surrounded largely by railroad yards, that an intense police investigation of that area would result in the eventual discovery and apprehension of one or more of the shooters. How long would it be, under the expected circumstances, before police would start prying open the trunks (boots) of the cars in the parking lot, concerns for damage to private property be damned? There were nearly 100 cops in that three-acre parcel after the shooting; one would imagine that it probably wouldn't be long before one of them got bored and did something smart.So, what do you do to create a diversion significant enough to get half-a-hundred cops away from the area? And how do you make sure that "someone is picked up quickly to throw the public off?" A fire's not going to do it, nor will a bank robbery. A riot might, but where are you going to get so many people riled up over nothing so quickly? Kill a cop on the other hand ...? The fact is that, prior to JFK's shooting, DPD dispatch had pulled more than half of the cops out of the Oak Cliff area, and continued to do so even after they supposedly "realized they were draining resources" from the area (the rationale for having sent Tippit into central Oak Cliff). No other area of town was so depleted, either voluntarily or by direction. There were no less than two on-duty cops who were in Oak Cliff immediately after the downtown shooting, both of whom so informing the dispatcher, one along the route Tippit took from his normal beat to "central Oak Cliff," and the other at the end of that route. The officer who normally patrolled the district where Tippit was shot was in the district, at lunch in Luby's cafeteria on Jefferson Boulevard, the only on-duty patrol officer who took lunch at the time, in his case less than five minutes after the downtown shooting. Despite knowing about the emergency, and despite moving so many OC cops into the downtown area, dispatch okayed the break. JD Tippit was "part of the conspiracy," an unwitting part: he was the diversion. It worked.
  11. Who knows? We are talking about physical evidence here. The physical evidence has inconsistencies.
  12. And if we are going to stray into the backyard photographs, this study is very interesting indeed.
  13. Last time I checked, this was a JFK Assassination DEBATE forum. I'm guessing a debate forum is a place where people (presumably on opposite sides of an issue) can come together to discuss issues (in this case issues pertinent to the JFK assassination). Though the battles between the Fetzer's and the Thompson's were tiresome, THIS is the forum where such exchanges are encouraged. I, for one, welcome an environment where there is a free exchange of ideas and lively discourse. Of course this whole "z-flim debate" broke down to name calling, personal attacks and so on, and as a result I skipped most of it. My idea would be that you are free to create your own website to celebrate all of the z-film alteration claims that have been debunked. They would be safe there for future researchers to delve into and you could control the ramblings of anyone against your position. I see no need to shut down debate on the alteration of the z-film (or any other substantive jfk assassination subject) since debate is the purpose of this forum. Rob
  14. John, I'd like to address a couple of these observations. "The governor is not as precise as one might think, it's mechanical. A full wind up allows for set seconds of filming. At the start the speed governior kicks in and functions more or less as it should to provide an even frame rate. As the spring winds down the time comes when the action of the governor is less and less precice." ...actually, a test of the four 414's in my collection reveal a minimum of one minute of filming time available at full wind up (65-75 seconds was the range) plenty of time to film the assassination sequence. And these suckers are 40 years old, so they may have had even more spring power in 1963. "If Zap started filming earlier then by the time the frames known as the z film were being exposed it would have been in the more stable rate with the governor working properly in the beginning of the known frames. Towards the end, the governor does not work as precicely in conjunction with the spring winding the film, actuating the mechanisms that drive the 'claw' advancing frames, and the speed drops towards the end of the film." ...can we assume that Zapruder had a fully wound camera for the recording of this event? It's just second nature to wind this camera between shots to keep the wind full. I can't imagine with the President coming he would have started filming the motorcade without a full charge. He had time, afterall. "Z did not zoom in and out so the effective 'depth of field' is that which he started with. So as the limo comes closer the view finder is looking at a different place to where the lens film combo is pointing, so the limo is at the lower part of the exposed frames. As the film behaves according to these factors as well as the panning is 'stepped' as zap periodically adjusts for the downward movement of the scene producing shifts in distortions, it has all the hallmarks of an amateur film." ...I don't think the Zapruder performed any "step panning". The 414 camera eyepiece has to be placed against the operators eye to be an effective viewfinder. The camera literally touches the operator's face (keep this in mind if you purchase a 414 on ebay - sanitize it first!). This also helps stabilize the camera. The step movements as seen in the Zapruder films happen in 1/18 and 1/9th of a second intervals. It's impossible to move your head in the steps seen in the Zfilm, because more than likely, the Zapruder's head would have to make those movements as well. Also, since the camera is non-reflex, it is entirely possible that Zapruder framed the sequence properly in the eyepiece, and that could lead to vertical discrepancy on what's captured on film due to the relationship between the lens and the viewfinder. (There is less of an argument for this because the portion of the Zapruder film before the Stemmons sign is properly framed). Bill, in terms of your question, "what does the zapruder film tell us?", first I think it would be interesting to know how many people have actually seen the Zapruder film projected on a projector at 18fps (or after having reverse telecined it) played on a computer screen at 18fps, let alone used these formats for their research. The telecine process that turns 18fps material into 29.97 material is pretty arbitrary, after all, and that process is designed to smooth motion from one format to another.
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