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Posted by Myra Bronstein on Facebook Feb. 18, 2016:

Larry Flynt Can’t Walk ‘Cause the Gov’t Killed JFK


60s & Early 70’s--John Lennon helps fund Paul Krassner newsletter The Realist which publishes articles researched and written by great researcher Mae Brussell.

1976-1978--The House Select Committee on Assassination is in progress. The CIA is determined to protect the family jewels.

February 17, 1978--Larry Flynt places a full page ad in his Hustler magazine offering a $1,000,000 reward for information about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Enquirer publishes story about associated Flynt press conference announcing his quest for truth in the JFK assassination. It features a photo of Flynt standing next to Robert Groden.

March 6, 1978--TWO WEEKS AFTER offering a $1,000,000 reward for information about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Larry Flynt and attorney Gene Reeves are shot in attempted murders. Flynt is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair.

Dec 8, 1980—Peace activist and truth funder John Lennon is murdered is before war-profiteers Bush/Reagan are inaugurated.

Early 80’s--After researcher Mae Brussell contacted Larry Flynt and told him who was behind his assassination attempt, Flynt's Hustler magazine began sporting hard hitting and serious investigative journalism.

1983--Flynt offers Brussell her own investigative magazine, The Rebel.

November 22, 1983--The Rebel magazine debuts on the anniversary of JFK’s assassination.

In The Rebel Flynt exposes the Iran Contra players three years before such a phrase existed, as well as ties of the White House to the global cartels and the and plotters of the Kennedy assassination.

The Reagan-Bush White House team size Flynt up as a threat and so trusty assets G Gordon Liddy and Gordon Novel were dispatched to infiltrate Larry's empire. Mae ultimately said they'd given Flynt debilitating painkillers.

Mae repeatedly warned Flynt to "get these people out of your house." Flynt, a self-made man, thought he could handle them. After it was all over he admitted: "Mae, you were right, I never should have let these guys in."

After Liddy and Novel depart, Larry Flynt is almost a vegetable, his wife dead from AIDS, Hustler purged of its investigative articles and writing team, and by 1984 The Rebel is eliminated.

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The Reagan-Bush White House team size Flynt up as a threat and so trusty assets G Gordon Liddy and Gordon Novel were dispatched to infiltrate Larry's empire.

Well, well, well, now isn't this a bit interesting, and now, we have Liddy who was [dispatched to infiltrate Larry's empire], and Liddy won't even talk to me after trying to contact him several times that I may engage in a private conversation with him, he shutdowns his Facebook account, and his radio station, I'm certain, I had nothing to do with that.

If Flynt's offer is still good, I'd like to cash in on that now.

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This is a lazy question, but it's Friday night:

Do any other issues of Flynt's The Rebel exist online?

Thanks. I have to say that the issue available at ratical.org is essential, though depressing, reading, considering what little change came out of the revelations, and what happened to Flynt. Many of the research findings within are still discussed on forums today. Perhaps that last part represents hope and a kind of progress. Perhaps.

Thanks to Doug Caddy for reviving The Rebel and Krassner's The Realist for our memories.

Edited by David Andrews
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This afternoon at exactly 1:55 p.m. a squad of 15 Federal Marshals arrested me at my house because I said I have a tape that reveals how the FBI framed John DeLorean. Even though I am confined to a wheelchair, I was subjected to this paramilitary operation. Jack Anderson has the same tape that I say I have, but no marshals were sent to surround his house and then drag him off to court.

For starters, Anderson was a different kind of enemy to the United States, he played both sides of the fence while also maintaining to be a loyalist to Frank Sturgis, Howard Hunt and the anti-Castro community.

Whether the subject is the secret little murderous wars being hatched in the Pentagon or CIA headquarters, or the government frame-ups of those who speak out, or the cozy relationship between the mob and groups of elected officials, or the multi-million dollar rip-offs and fraud perpetrated against the American people, The Rebel will be relentless in exposing the real facts.

If he has that million dollars up, then, and only then will I be more than happy to "provide" him with what is known as [real facts], lets sit-down, count the money out, and I'll give him the evidence, he can decide whether the evidence is real enough before giving me the money. Folks, don't believe, and that's okay, I plan on exposing information no one has ever known before or written in books, sure, they've come close, but I consider coming close in a game of horseshoes.

While the so-called legitimate media continue to collaborate with government and business instead of exposing criminal practices, this magazine remains committed to the principle that this country belongs to the people, not to crooks, elected or not.

Yeah, I have something to say in my update about the media too. Pretty sure they're not going to like it very much, for example, how CBS was planning on paying $300,000 just to cover an assassination of a government official before it even happened, and I'm not talking about here in the United States or Fidel Castro. That's right CBS wanted to pay out $300,000 to cover a coup, interesting. I also have more to say about the media in my update.

Larry was correct when he said,

Our right to speak is being taken away from us at an increasing rate.

Two words, Edward Snowden

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It's interesting that Mitch WerBell, who has been suspected of supplying silencers for the JFK assassination, went to work handling security for Flynt in 1980, two years after Flynt was shot. Bob Guccione, the publisher of Penthouse, claimed that Flynt paid WerBell one million dollars to assassinate Guccione.

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It's interesting that Mitch WerBell, who has been suspected of supplying silencers for the JFK assassination, went to work handling security for Flynt in 1980, two years after Flynt was shot. Bob Guccione, the publisher of Penthouse, claimed that Flynt paid WerBell one million dollars to assassinate Guccione.

Ah, Mitch, yes, he did.

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It's interesting that Mitch WerBell, who has been suspected of supplying silencers for the JFK assassination, went to work handling security for Flynt in 1980, two years after Flynt was shot. Bob Guccione, the publisher of Penthouse, claimed that Flynt paid WerBell one million dollars to assassinate Guccione.

Ah, Mitch, yes, he did.

Misdirected paranoia? Or informed vengeance?

Edited by David Andrews
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It's interesting that Mitch WerBell, who has been suspected of supplying silencers for the JFK assassination, went to work handling security for Flynt in 1980, two years after Flynt was shot. Bob Guccione, the publisher of Penthouse, claimed that Flynt paid WerBell one million dollars to assassinate Guccione.

Ah, Mitch, yes, he did.

Misdirected paranoia? Or informed vengeance?

Neither, just informed.

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Looks like there's better info here:


According to this Flynt's ad was on the back cover of his LA Free Press.

Apparently they found a proper patsy in Joseph Paul Franklin.

"Franklin & Flynt

Fast-forward to 1977. Joseph Paul Franklin, inspired by his white supramicist beliefs and what he believes to be "the will of God," begins his campaign of violence against minorities. On March 6, 1978, Larry Flynt was shot with a .44 caliber rifle in Lawrenceville, GA. Franklin would later confess to the crime, stating he did it because Flynt's Hustler had recently printed a pictorial featuring an interracial couple.

Is that really the case? Was there another reason to shoot Larry Flynt?

One possible reason emerges from a little-known incident in Flynt's history; one not talked about much by his supporters, his detractors, or in The People vs Larry Flynt. In December 1977, Flynt purchased the LA Free Press, an alternative California newspaper. Flynt wasted little time putting his own spin on the magazine but perhaps not in the way you might think:

The entire issue -- published two weeks before he was shot -- was dedicated to evidence that the CIA was behind the JFK assassination. On the back cover was Flynt's offer of $1 million dollars to anyone with new evidence in the case:
The ad and the offer would be reprinted in mainstream newspapers where Flynt had paid for advertisement.
The close timing between Flynt's sudden interest in conspiracy theories and his shooting lead many to question the motives. The observant among you will notice that Flynt was shot in Lawrenceville, GA, which was the home district of Congressman Larry McDonald, who was also head of the ultra-right wing John Birch Society. As we've seen in previous posts, the JBS is near the top of the list of suspects in the Kennedy assassination and has intelligence ties.
It bears noting that Flynt didn't learn his lesson. Conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell contacted Flynt in 1983 to inform him of the links between the recently-deceased Larry McDonald and his shooting. Flynt dove into Brussell's research with both feet and quickly started The Rebel, a conspiracy themed magazine featuring Brusell's seminal article, The Nazi Connections to the John F. Kennedy Assassination. Soon after the magazine's publication, Flynt found himself surrounded by a host of characters with intelligence ties: Watergate figure G. Gordon Liddy, intelligence agent and possible "Second Oswald" Gordon Novel, and OSS-man and mercenary Mitchell WerBell II. [Just to bring everything full circle: WerBell actually did run a well-known assassination school in southern Georgia and testified in the trial of the murder of producer Roy Radin, which Maury Terry alleges was committed by the same satanic cult behind the Son of Sam murders.] This tumultuous period in Flynt's life ended with him in a sanitarium, fighting for the company he had built himself. His interest in conspiracies ended after he re-emerged.
It was while Flynt was tucked away in an asylum that Franklin confessed to shooting him. Franklin was never a suspect, and the source of most of his 20+ body count is Franklin himself. While in prison he has busied himself confessing to all sorts of crimes, most of which he was never charged with because he was unable to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the crime to convince authorities he was responsible.
Franklin was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic by Dr. Dorothy Lewis, who felt that he was unfit to stand trial. However little time has been spent investigating whether or not he actually committed these crimes or was simply taking the rap for someone else. For what it's worth, Don Black stated on his white supremacist website this week that he had met Franklin in the late-sixties/early-seventies and that the white supremacist groups (the KKK, the Nazi Party) disassociated themselves with him then because of his erratic behavior. Interesting tidbit: Black (also from Alabama) was part of Operation Red Dog, a plot to overthrow the island of Dominica and establish an all-white nation. I shouldn't even have to say this at this point, but Operation Red Dog had ties to American intelligence agencies and the mercenary circles that Mitch WerBell ran in.
Did Franklin really shoot Flynt? It's possible. The shooting was similar to the crimes Franklin was known to have committed. His motive is questionable (Flynt had published interracial couples before) and the timing of Flynt's JFK ad is too curious to immediately dismiss, especially given future events.
Franklin's reign of (alleged) terror ended in August, 1980. Just a few short months later, another aimless drifter who was a member of the American Nazi Party would rise to national attention after shooting a public figure: John Hinckley, Jr.
More on that later."
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Looks like there's better info here:


According to this Flynt's ad was on the back cover of his LA Free Press.

Apparently they found a proper patsy in Joseph Paul Franklin.

"Franklin & Flynt

Fast-forward to 1977. Joseph Paul Franklin, inspired by his white supramicist beliefs and what he believes to be "the will of God," begins his campaign of violence against minorities. On March 6, 1978, Larry Flynt was shot with a .44 caliber rifle in Lawrenceville, GA. Franklin would later confess to the crime, stating he did it because Flynt's Hustler had recently printed a pictorial featuring an interracial couple.

Is that really the case? Was there another reason to shoot Larry Flynt?

One possible reason emerges from a little-known incident in Flynt's history; one not talked about much by his supporters, his detractors, or in The People vs Larry Flynt. In December 1977, Flynt purchased the LA Free Press, an alternative California newspaper. Flynt wasted little time putting his own spin on the magazine but perhaps not in the way you might think:

The entire issue -- published two weeks before he was shot -- was dedicated to evidence that the CIA was behind the JFK assassination. On the back cover was Flynt's offer of $1 million dollars to anyone with new evidence in the case:
The ad and the offer would be reprinted in mainstream newspapers where Flynt had paid for advertisement.
The close timing between Flynt's sudden interest in conspiracy theories and his shooting lead many to question the motives. The observant among you will notice that Flynt was shot in Lawrenceville, GA, which was the home district of Congressman Larry McDonald, who was also head of the ultra-right wing John Birch Society. As we've seen in previous posts, the JBS is near the top of the list of suspects in the Kennedy assassination and has intelligence ties.
It bears noting that Flynt didn't learn his lesson. Conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell contacted Flynt in 1983 to inform him of the links between the recently-deceased Larry McDonald and his shooting. Flynt dove into Brussell's research with both feet and quickly started The Rebel, a conspiracy themed magazine featuring Brusell's seminal article, The Nazi Connections to the John F. Kennedy Assassination. Soon after the magazine's publication, Flynt found himself surrounded by a host of characters with intelligence ties: Watergate figure G. Gordon Liddy, intelligence agent and possible "Second Oswald" Gordon Novel, and OSS-man and mercenary Mitchell WerBell II. [Just to bring everything full circle: WerBell actually did run a well-known assassination school in southern Georgia and testified in the trial of the murder of producer Roy Radin, which Maury Terry alleges was committed by the same satanic cult behind the Son of Sam murders.] This tumultuous period in Flynt's life ended with him in a sanitarium, fighting for the company he had built himself. His interest in conspiracies ended after he re-emerged.
It was while Flynt was tucked away in an asylum that Franklin confessed to shooting him. Franklin was never a suspect, and the source of most of his 20+ body count is Franklin himself. While in prison he has busied himself confessing to all sorts of crimes, most of which he was never charged with because he was unable to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the crime to convince authorities he was responsible.
Franklin was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic by Dr. Dorothy Lewis, who felt that he was unfit to stand trial. However little time has been spent investigating whether or not he actually committed these crimes or was simply taking the rap for someone else. For what it's worth, Don Black stated on his white supremacist website this week that he had met Franklin in the late-sixties/early-seventies and that the white supremacist groups (the KKK, the Nazi Party) disassociated themselves with him then because of his erratic behavior. Interesting tidbit: Black (also from Alabama) was part of Operation Red Dog, a plot to overthrow the island of Dominica and establish an all-white nation. I shouldn't even have to say this at this point, but Operation Red Dog had ties to American intelligence agencies and the mercenary circles that Mitch WerBell ran in.
Did Franklin really shoot Flynt? It's possible. The shooting was similar to the crimes Franklin was known to have committed. His motive is questionable (Flynt had published interracial couples before) and the timing of Flynt's JFK ad is too curious to immediately dismiss, especially given future events.
Franklin's reign of (alleged) terror ended in August, 1980. Just a few short months later, another aimless drifter who was a member of the American Nazi Party would rise to national attention after shooting a public figure: John Hinckley, Jr.
More on that later."

Thank you Myra, this is quite an interesting post, I find it just as interesting as recruiting G. Gordon Liddy, one of the men my father had a photograph of who also infiltrate Flynt's empire. I now wounder just what his role as Giddy, I mean Liddy was, after all, he is was smart enough not to say a word during Watergate, just what does he know about Kennedy? Even in the most strictest of well kept secrets, just what was his role? I knew my father stole and had all their photos for a reason. It was THIS reason my father turned on this country.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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Looks like there's better info here:


According to this Flynt's ad was on the back cover of his LA Free Press.

Apparently they found a proper patsy in Joseph Paul Franklin.

"Franklin & Flynt

Fast-forward to 1977. Joseph Paul Franklin, inspired by his white supramicist beliefs and what he believes to be "the will of God," begins his campaign of violence against minorities. On March 6, 1978, Larry Flynt was shot with a .44 caliber rifle in Lawrenceville, GA. Franklin would later confess to the crime, stating he did it because Flynt's Hustler had recently printed a pictorial featuring an interracial couple.

Is that really the case? Was there another reason to shoot Larry Flynt?

One possible reason emerges from a little-known incident in Flynt's history; one not talked about much by his supporters, his detractors, or in The People vs Larry Flynt. In December 1977, Flynt purchased the LA Free Press, an alternative California newspaper. Flynt wasted little time putting his own spin on the magazine but perhaps not in the way you might think:

The entire issue -- published two weeks before he was shot -- was dedicated to evidence that the CIA was behind the JFK assassination. On the back cover was Flynt's offer of $1 million dollars to anyone with new evidence in the case:
The ad and the offer would be reprinted in mainstream newspapers where Flynt had paid for advertisement.
The close timing between Flynt's sudden interest in conspiracy theories and his shooting lead many to question the motives. The observant among you will notice that Flynt was shot in Lawrenceville, GA, which was the home district of Congressman Larry McDonald, who was also head of the ultra-right wing John Birch Society. As we've seen in previous posts, the JBS is near the top of the list of suspects in the Kennedy assassination and has intelligence ties.
It bears noting that Flynt didn't learn his lesson. Conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell contacted Flynt in 1983 to inform him of the links between the recently-deceased Larry McDonald and his shooting. Flynt dove into Brussell's research with both feet and quickly started The Rebel, a conspiracy themed magazine featuring Brusell's seminal article, The Nazi Connections to the John F. Kennedy Assassination. Soon after the magazine's publication, Flynt found himself surrounded by a host of characters with intelligence ties: Watergate figure G. Gordon Liddy, intelligence agent and possible "Second Oswald" Gordon Novel, and OSS-man and mercenary Mitchell WerBell II. [Just to bring everything full circle: WerBell actually did run a well-known assassination school in southern Georgia and testified in the trial of the murder of producer Roy Radin, which Maury Terry alleges was committed by the same satanic cult behind the Son of Sam murders.] This tumultuous period in Flynt's life ended with him in a sanitarium, fighting for the company he had built himself. His interest in conspiracies ended after he re-emerged.
It was while Flynt was tucked away in an asylum that Franklin confessed to shooting him. Franklin was never a suspect, and the source of most of his 20+ body count is Franklin himself. While in prison he has busied himself confessing to all sorts of crimes, most of which he was never charged with because he was unable to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the crime to convince authorities he was responsible.
Franklin was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic by Dr. Dorothy Lewis, who felt that he was unfit to stand trial. However little time has been spent investigating whether or not he actually committed these crimes or was simply taking the rap for someone else. For what it's worth, Don Black stated on his white supremacist website this week that he had met Franklin in the late-sixties/early-seventies and that the white supremacist groups (the KKK, the Nazi Party) disassociated themselves with him then because of his erratic behavior. Interesting tidbit: Black (also from Alabama) was part of Operation Red Dog, a plot to overthrow the island of Dominica and establish an all-white nation. I shouldn't even have to say this at this point, but Operation Red Dog had ties to American intelligence agencies and the mercenary circles that Mitch WerBell ran in.
Did Franklin really shoot Flynt? It's possible. The shooting was similar to the crimes Franklin was known to have committed. His motive is questionable (Flynt had published interracial couples before) and the timing of Flynt's JFK ad is too curious to immediately dismiss, especially given future events.
Franklin's reign of (alleged) terror ended in August, 1980. Just a few short months later, another aimless drifter who was a member of the American Nazi Party would rise to national attention after shooting a public figure: John Hinckley, Jr.
More on that later."

Thank you Myra, this is quite an interesting post, I find it just as interesting as recruiting G. Gordon Liddy, one of the men my father had a photograph of who also infiltrate Flynt's empire. I now wounder just what his role as Giddy, I mean Liddy was, after all, he is was smart enough not to say a word during Watergate, just what does he know about Kennedy? Even in the most strictest of well kept secrets, just what was his role? I knew my father stole and had all their photos for a reason. It was THIS reason my father turned on this country.

Thank you Scott. I'm just getting familiar with your father's story.

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Thank you Scott. I'm just getting familiar with your father's story.

Myra, you and I could sit for hours and talk, I could tell you things that are not published, and somethings that are published that have not made it's way into the public's eye, there certainly would be no boring moments sitting around the coffee table. I just sent Dustin Flynt a message, I'd be interested if Larry gave up, or would he be interested in hearing what I have to say and look at my documents? It seems to me like it's the only way to get out from underneath the mainstream media who would rather suppress the information. I can't possibly understand how they would want to do that and not be interested in the truth, especially if it's backed by documentation?

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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Oh, and Myra, if you are by chance referring to my first book regarding my father, I'd say, throw it away, truthfully, too much information had been taken out by the publisher and information plugged in, (not by me), therefore, it doesn't complete the whole story. I have also added MORE than 70 pages of information including documentation.

My next publisher if they publish the book will adhere to not making any changes of this work.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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