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Gordon Campbell

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Any chance someone that knows Ayers might send this photo to him and ask as to the identities of the men in the photo?


According to his publisher, Sander Hicks, Bradley does not use email. I will pass on this information to Shane O'Sullivan who is in contact with Bradley.

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Guest John Woods

Any chance someone that knows Ayers might send this photo to him and ask as to the identities of the men in the photo?


According to his publisher, Sander Hicks, Bradley does not use email. I will pass on this information to Shane O'Sullivan who is in contact with Bradley.

A view of Campbell's ship during JMWAVE operations. I believe Ayers background

requires additional research.


Sorry guys, unable to post this image. i will try later.

Edited by John Woods
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  • 1 year later...

In chapters 17-18 of “Who Killed Bobby” Shane O'Sullivan examines the filmed evidence taken on the night of the assassination. To summarize he points out the following identification/non-identification of the following:

Subject 1

Gordon Campbell

Yes - Bradley Ayers,

James Crichfield

Yes – Tom Polgar (later changed his mind)

No – Lois Crichfield

Michael D. Roman

Yes – Michael Roman’s son,

Subject 2

George Joannides

Yes – Ed Lopez, Dan Hardway, Tom Polgar (later changed his mind)

Frank Owens

Yes - Michael Roman’s son

Subject 3

David Morales

Yes – Bradley Ayers, Wayne Smith

No – Ruben Carbajal, Tom Clines, Ed Wilson, Manny Chavez, Luis Ferdnandez, Rita Morales, Sandra Morales

The problem is that a great number of these people are unreliable witnesses. That is to say they are protecting fellow members of the CIA or are defending the reputations of their fathers.

In my view, the most reliable witnesses are Ed Lopez, Dan Hardway and Wayne Smith. However, that does not mean they are right. From the evidence you have accumulated, I would suggest that subject 1 is almost certainly Michael Roman but there are possibilities that subject 2 and 3 are Joannides and Morales. What do other members think?

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I have never heard of Crichfield, Roman, and Owens. I assume they were CIA agents? JM/WAVE?

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I have never heard of Crichfield, Roman, and Owens. I assume they were CIA agents? JM/WAVE?

James Critchfield was the CIA chief in the Middle East. He was at first identified by Tom Polgar, the CIA chief in Saigon. He also identified Joannides in the film but was later prsuaded to change his mind.

Michael D. Roman worked for Bulova Watch Company. Frank Owens also worked for this company. Both men were at the hotel that night. Shane O'Sullivan raises the possibility that Bulova was a CIA front. General Omar Bradley, first chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stepped down in August 1953 to become chairman of Bulova.

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I have not been able to find out who QDDALE was. (Me)

I'm guessing here but maybe William Pawley.


First see CIA cryptonym list at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_cryptonyms.

Best clues on identity of QDDALE are from Wallace D. Parlett report of contact with QDDALE--document at http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do

  1. QDDALE planned to sell Miami Transit Company to Dade County.


* Pawley bought South Miami Coach Line and the Keys Transit Company.


* July 21: The Metropolitan Dade County government was officially established.


* The County Commission tried to purchase the bus system for the first time. The plan was dropped because of the high cost.


* The County Commission passed an ordinance creating the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) to unify the different transit operations into one countywide service. This ordinance provided for the purchase, development, and operation of an adequate mass transit system by the County. These companies included the Miami Transit Company, Miami Beach Railway Company, South Miami Coach Lines, and Keys Transit Company on Key Biscayne and would be managed by National City Management Co.

2. QDDALE had been an ambassador and the friend of many, many high-level personalities in ODYOKE [uS Government]...

After the war Pawley held several diplomatic posts in Latin America, including being the United States Ambassador in Brazil and Peru....In the 1950s Pawley owned an airline and a bus company in Cuba.

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  • 2 years later...

The Gordon Campbell character should be of great interest to anyone studying the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers. Finding out what happened to the man Brad Ayers knew as Gordon Campbell after JMWAVE was phased out is very important. Possible links to the Ambassador Hotel and the Bulova Company are tantalizing.

This image of Gordon Campbell is from the exceptional photographic archive of James Richards. [Thank you for sharing, James] The image quality is not the best, but I don’t think there are any other photos available of Campbell at this time.


Hopefully someone out there can help shed some light on this mysterious aspect of JMWAVE.


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The Gordon Campbell character should be of great interest to anyone studying the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers. Finding out what happened to the man Brad Ayers knew as Gordon Campbell after JMWAVE was phased out is very important. Possible links to the Ambassador Hotel and the Bulova Company are tantalizing.

This image of Gordon Campbell is from the exceptional photographic archive of James Richards. [Thank you for sharing, James] The image quality is not the best, but I don't think there are any other photos available of Campbell at this time.


Hopefully someone out there can help shed some light on this mysterious aspect of JMWAVE.


A key to unlocking the mystery of the Gordon Campbell Brad Ayers knew at JMWAVE is his boat, a saleboat, a big saleboat that was kept at Dinner Key in Florida, where Ayers visited him and his wife and drank martinis with them.

Boats, like cars and airplanes, must be registered and have a paper trail.

What was the name of Godon Campbell's boat?

Who was his wife and what became of the boat when Campbell died?

And did he really die in 1962 as his death certificate attests, or live longer than JFK, as Ayers recalls having dinner with him at the Black Forge restaurant in 1964?

And whose the other Navy Gordon Campbell who worked for Wright Machinery and lived much longer?


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Guest Tom Scully

Aren't my posts displaying?


"The "other" Gordon Campbell was an apparently unimaginative Naval officer, Annapolis class of '26, with a wife named Addo and an assignment at the West Coast Sound School in San Diego, after commanding an antique submarine off the Alaska coast during WWII. He and his wife were issued SS numbers in North Carolina and seemed to have no connection to Miami.

The 1905 - 1962 Gordon S. Campbell must be ruled out, because he was buried at Arlington in 1962.


I already posted who his wife was.: "Bill, "Gertrude" is Gertrude Hoxie, daughter of Isaac Richmond Hoxie."

.... Thanks Tom,

That helps a lot. I knew there was more to this guy.

Now if we can get the name of the sailboat, that can be traced as boats leave a paper trail like cars and planes.



Endangered Durham


Friday, January 16, 2009

....The name of the company was soon changed to Wright's Automatic Machinery Company. During World War II, the company, again renamed as Wright Machinery Company, worked with the Sperry Corporation to manufacture "gun-fire control instruments for the US Navy." The large plant at Holloway St. was constructed for this, and employment peaking at more than 1000 people during the war. One previous commenter has posited that is the plant manufactured triggering mechanisms for bombs during the war. The plant received "four of the coveted Nacy 'E' awards for efficiency" during the war.

...By the 1950s, the company was run in part by Richard Wright's nephew, a vice-president - also named Richard H. Wright. After the war, the plant had returned to manufacturing packing and wrapping machinery....

So, unless Gordon Campbell was not the subject's actual name, the remaining leads are the name Keith Randall, or a different Gordon Campbell who "returned to Canada." As I posted in the first link, the answers to the identities of Campbell and Maurice Bishop are proabably going to come from Havan before they come from Langley or NARA, or a reliable American with knowledge of such.

Edited by Tom Scully
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Aren't my posts displaying?


"The "other" Gordon Campbell was an apparently unimaginative Naval officer, Annapolis class of '26, with a wife named Addo and an assignment at the West Coast Sound School in San Diego, after commanding an antique submarine off the Alaska coast during WWII. He and his wife were issued SS numbers in North Carolina and seemed to have no connection to Miami.

The 1905 - 1962 Gordon S. Campbell must be ruled out, because he was buried at Arlington in 1962.


I already posted who his wife was.: "Bill, "Gertrude" is Gertrude Hoxie, daughter of Isaac Richmond Hoxie."

.... Thanks Tom,

That helps a lot. I knew there was more to this guy.

Now if we can get the name of the sailboat, that can be traced as boats leave a paper trail like cars and planes.



Endangered Durham


Friday, January 16, 2009

....The name of the company was soon changed to Wright's Automatic Machinery Company. During World War II, the company, again renamed as Wright Machinery Company, worked with the Sperry Corporation to manufacture "gun-fire control instruments for the US Navy." The large plant at Holloway St. was constructed for this, and employment peaking at more than 1000 people during the war. One previous commenter has posited that is the plant manufactured triggering mechanisms for bombs during the war. The plant received "four of the coveted Nacy 'E' awards for efficiency" during the war.

...By the 1950s, the company was run in part by Richard Wright's nephew, a vice-president - also named Richard H. Wright. After the war, the plant had returned to manufacturing packing and wrapping machinery....

So, unless Gordon Campbell was not the subject's actual name, the remaining leads are the name Keith Randall, or a different Gordon Campbell who "returned to Canada." As I posted in the first link, the answers to the identities of Campbell and Maurice Bishop are proabably going to come from Havan before they come from Langley or NARA, or a reliable American with knowledge of such.

Thanks Tom,

I saw that before and just forgot about it.


I agree about Havana.

We'll just have to go there and ask them.


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Guest Tom Scully

FWIW, Jake Cogswell's best man in his 1953 wedding with Will Farish III's first cousin, Joan, and Lem Billing's friend and boss, Francis McAdoo's WWII buddy and marketing guy, George O. Walbridge 2nd, had been married to and had a daughter with the daughter of Dr. Randolph Ray. A vestryman in Ray's "Little Church Around the Corner" was the husband of Gordon S. Campbell's wife's, Gertrude Hoxie's sister.:

....Another naval officer was living at Joachim's house in May, 1942. His name was Harry Hull, he was a WWII submarine commander, retired from the navy with the rank of rear admiral, and was married from 1939 until his death, to a first cousin of James Kelsey Cogswell, III. Hull's mother was widowed in 1920 and married again in 1925 to a man whose brother became a four star US Navy admiral.

In 1953, James Kelsey Cogswell, III married the first cousin of Bush's best friend, Will Farish III. At his wedding ceremony with Joan Farish, Cogswell's best man was WWII US Navy, PT boat Squadron 7 radar officer and silver star medalist, George Olin Walbridge, 2d.

Walbridge served in Squadron 7 in New Guineau during WWII with PT-129 navy officer and fellow silver star medalist, Francis H. McAdoo, Jr., Lt. (jg) USNR.

McAdoo was the nephew of Ferdinand De Mohrenschildt's widow, Nona McAdoo, the sister of Francis H. McAdoo, Jr's father.

New York Times - Mar 26, 1939

...Mr. McAdoo had Arthur Pew Gorman of Stevenson, Md., for his best man, and the ushers were K. Lemoyn Billings and Robert Bell Deford Jr. of Baltimore,...

"..Mr. McAdoo is a grandson of former United States Senator William Gib bs McAdoo of California and, on the maternal side, of Mrs. Isaac E. Emers on of Baltimore. He went to St. Paul's School at Concord, N. H., and w as a member of the calss of '38 at Princeton University...."

In addition to being Lem Billings's close friend from Princeton University, this newly emerged, American relative of George De Mohrenschildt, became president of Emerson Drug Co. and appointed Billings as V.P. Francis H. McAdoo, Jr's WWII fellow navy PT boat officer, George O. Walbridge, 2d, was hired as an Emerson Drug Co. marketing executive and worked for the company until his retirement. The first link in this post contains a photo of Billings and Walbridge in Cuba in 1955. The post immediately before the linked post displays details of James aka Jake, aka Jack Cogswell's relationship with AMRAZZ-1, aka Joaquin Godoy.

Elmer H. Bobst's Warner-Lambert acquired Emerson Drug Co. in 1953, and Billings left the company in 1958. McAdoo stayed on.

Isn't it at all curious that Lem Billings relationships with two PT boat winners of silver star medals for heroic combat performances in the Pacific theater during WWII was never reported by the press, before or after JFK's assassination, or by the WC or HSCA, or by Lem Billings, himself?


Harry Hull's uncle, the four star admiral, was William K Phillips.:


Mrs. Anne Hull Weds Captain CT Phillips.

Pay-Per-View - Atlanta Constitution - Jan 29, 1925

Of wide social interest was the marriage of Mrs Anne Burnett Hull to ... heroom entered with his brother Lieutenant William KPhillips who acted ns best ...



$3.95 - New York Times - Jul 26, 1928

Gives His Bachelor Dinner-His Vl/edding to Miss Hoxie Saturday. Marsden Bayard Candler, who is to marry Miss Lenore Hoxie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. ...

MRS. GH WILLIAMS WED IN GREENWICH Z; Becomes Bride 5f Capt....

$3.95 - New York Times - Apr 10, 1943

The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Marsden B. Candler of I-Iewlett Neck, L. LL Richmond Hoxie Jr., brother of the bride, was best man. ...


Obituary 1 No Title

$3.95 - New York Times - Jan 10, 1969

... wife of the late h Richmond loving mother of Marsden B CandlerVrs Gordon Campbell and I Richmond Hoxie Devoted grandmother and greetgrandmother Reposing ..


25TH ANNIVERSARY OF DR. RAY HAILED; Rector of the 'Little...

$3.95 - New York Times - Apr 5, 1948

Dr. Randolph Ray receiving a commemorative scroll from Marsden B. Candler at the Little Church Around the Corner yesterday. ...


$3.95 - New York Times - Apr 29, 1932

Dr. Randolph Ray, the rector, conducted the services, assisted by the Rev. ... and the following vestrymen: Vernon Pell Baker, Marsden, B. Candler, ...

Background: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10654&view=findpost&p=225299


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  • 4 months later...

This image of Gordon Campbell is from the exceptional photographic archive of James Richards. [Thank you for sharing, James] The image quality is not the best, but I don’t think there are any other photos available of Campbell at this time.


For those interested, here is a link to Gordon Campbell's monument in Arlington National Cemetery. The photographs were just added today.

Gordon Sutherland Campbell (1905-1962)


Edited by Zach Robertson
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  • 4 months later...
Guest Tom Scully


The Miami News - Sep 21, 1962 page 5A

Greater Miami Deaths




...Seems to be the real deal... granddaughter of Lenore Hoxie, who was the sister of Gertrude Hoxie Williams Campbell, wife of Gordon S. Campberll. :


"Gordon Campbell was my great uncle. He could not have been at the Ambassador Hotel on that tragic evening in 1968 as he died of a heart attack on September 19th, 1962. Even if one were to disregard the obvious chronological inconsistency, the man depicted in the photograph at The Ambassador bears very little resemblance to Gordon Campbell. Mr. Campbell worked for the CIA as a mariner in Florida; he was the captain of a vessel used for trips to Cuba. He was also a wonderfully gracious man of unwavering character whose passing was deeply mourned by my great-aunt Gertrude, her children, and our entire family. It would mean a great deal to me if next time, before making public allegations that create widespread, false speculation about the actions of a person who is no longer with us, that you do the proper due diligence and are aware that the person had a family who loved and remembers him. "


Edited by Tom Scully
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