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The Paraffin Casts

Pat Speer

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I have spent much of the last few months reading about the paraffin casts put on Oswald's hands and cheek by the DPD, and trying to understand their significance. I'm still working on it, but I've put most of what I've gathered here:


I think this is fertile ground for investigation, as it not only demonstrates that Oswald may not have shot Kennedy, but that the FBI and WC deliberately hid this from the public.

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"Even more disturbing, the 6 line paragraph in Jevons' memo after the paragraph cited above was REDACTED IN ITS ENTIRETY when released to Harold Weisberg in one of his Freedom of Information Act lawsuits. This memo, to my knowledge, is not in the National Archives. As a result, we may never know what information was contained within this paragraph."

Pat, it looks like your article needs updating in light of the unreacted version of the Jevons memo I sent you.

John Hunt

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I was thinking of the 11-23 memo

John Hunt

John, thanks for your input. I'm sure there are a few mistakes. The memo in question is not, from what I can gather by looking through the FBI files at the Mary Ferrell Foundation, in their normal files. It seems that Weisberg was able to get, via his FOIA case, a number of internal memos from the FBI Laboratory. All discussions of the work being outsourced to Guinn, for example, were made in these internal memos. (No doubt some LuNatic will offer that Weisberg faked these memos, so that they could sit around in his archives for thirty years until McKnight decided to mention them in Breach of Trust).

I've talked to Rex about this, and we hope to put some of these internal memos up at the Mary Ferrell Foundation site in the near future.

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Pat, I think your research here--and the work of those who came before you--is giving some "legs" to the suspicions of many of us. I noticed years ago that little was said about Oswald's paraffin tests, particularly the one(s) from the cheek(s). So at this point, based upon the evidence, I believe that Oswald did NOT fire any rounds from ANY rifle on November 22, 1963.

So that leaves us looking for another shooter on the sixth floor, one who must have exhibited left eye dominance based upon the way the scope was mounted...but one capable of the same shots that Oswald was accused of making.

So...of the folks KNOWN to be in the TSBD, and not accounted for on another floor or outside...who was CAPABLE of shooting the President? Perhaps Mr. Frazier, who claimed to be in the basement...???

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