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A new edition of Mel Barney’s book “Four Wars” includes an Addendum entitled “Jack Ruby Had U.S. Security Clearance,” and details how Jack Ruby had a Security Clearance that permitted him to fly on a special Texas Instruments airplane.

The airplane, a B-26, which was identified as a “Texas Instruments Incorporated – Flying Laboratory,” had special, newly developed equipment – a “Automatic Terrain Following Radar Laboratory.”

Official records indicate that Ruby flew on the plane twice in Washington DC in 1961. Ruby, who killed JFK assassination suspect Lee Harvey Oswald while he was in the custody of the Dallas Police, is known to have had a special association with Richard Nixon and served as an FBI informant, but his special federal security clearance was not previously known.

Author of the book, Mel Barney wrote, “During our Washington D.C. demonstration flights, we were flying up to six very dangerous automatic terrain following flights over the mountains west of D.C. at an altitude of 200 feet. Grant Dove, Manager of the Texas Instruments Washington Office, scheduled all visitors and checked to assure that they had proper U.S. Security Clearance and a ‘Need to Know’. His engineers would then bring hem to the airport for their scheduled demonstration flights. This assured that no one would observe these demonstration flights unless they had proper government clearances.”

“On September 1, 1961 (see flight test log in Appendix, Flights 144 and 145) Ticknor was the TI Engineer on Flt. 144 and on Flt 145 Barney was the TI Engineer…To fly on these demonstration flights, the observer had to have a U.S. Security Clearance and a ‘Need to Know.’ Jack Ruby had these clearances and I recognized Jack Ruby on Flight 145. I do not know when or how he obtained these clearances which were usually controlled by the FBI or CIA.”

Not another person with the same name, Barney personally knew Ruby and recalled him being on the flights.

“I became acquainted with Jack Ruby in the late 1950s,” Barney writes. “As a program manager, I was often called upon to host visiting engineers and managers who solved problems or negotiated contracts with TI. Typically, I would take the customer or vendor to dinner and in many cases entertain them after dinner. A favored spot to entertain these guests (particularly the pilots) was Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club. The Carousel Club was a strop club in downtown Dallas. Jack Ruby would usually greet the group and give us ‘good table.’”

“Our D.C. flight demonstrations were dangerous, scary, and we had a very busy flight schedule. As I was going through the flight logs looking for TI engineers who flew on one or more flight demonstrations, I saw Jack Ruby’s name and remembered his flying on two of these flights.”

Barney also notes that, “Although Jack Ruby’s name appears in the flight log of ‘Four Wars,’ I did not highlight the Addendum information about his U.S. Security Clearance requirement until the third printing.”

According to Russ Baker in “Family of Secrets,” “Geophysical Service, Inc., which later became Texas Instruments….was a pioneer in technologies that became central to the (oil) industry, such as aerial exploration and the use of seismographic equipment in prospecting.” John B. Connally served on the board of Texas Instruments.

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Fairchild semiconductor originally ( as Fairchild Camera and instruments)did the same geophys work for the oil industry too

During the 80's they were bought out by Schlumberger .they had an extra-terrestrial chip division

And large scale array plant too.(processors for satellites and LSA for image mapping)

I remember seeing some packing crates in a photo from maybe Cuba bearing the Schlumberger name

Maybe there is a connection to Cuba in the movement of arms .

Maybe a geophys flight would escape close scrutiny.

Was France involved in many activities in Cuba?.


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Geophysical Service Inc. (often abbreviated GSI) was founded by John Clarence Karcher and Eugene McDermott in 1930 for the purpose of using refraction and reflection seismology to explore for petroleum deposits. It became one of the most successful seismic exploration contractors in the industry for many years. On December 6, 1941, the company was purchased by McDermott, Cecil Howard Green, J. Erik Jonsson, and H.B. Peacock. During World War II, the company produced submarine detection devices. PART OF THIS COMPANY BECAME THE BASIS FOR Texas Instruments.
It wouldnt be a crazy speculation that TEXAS INSTRUMENTS had ONI connections. Per unpublished Dallas Conspiracy,Jonsson was removed from SS report on parade Route meeting.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Jonsson material last post


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INFORMATION ONLY, no attack T. Folsom

Posted 16 June 2004 - 11:42 PM

T. Folsom aka Burton W. Folsom is connected with the Center for the American Idea that per website " ..a program of the Free Enterprise Institute."The Free Enterprise Institute receives funding from the William B. Moss foundation & the Philip R. Jonsson Foundation (PRJF). The PRJF was created by the mother and father of Philip R. Jonsson. So, who is the father of Philip R. Jonsson ???

John Erik Jonsson is the answer to the above question. When the SS prepared a document of 17 people who assisted with JFK visit- 3 names were withheld Robert Strauss, Eugene Locke and J. Erik Jonsson. Locke was mob connected and his law partner Purnell sat on the GSW board and was a director AH Belo. Locke/Purnell offices held the meeting for parade route. Of note, PD Scott has connected GSW and AH Belo employees to the assassination. As an example GSW, in a roundabout fashion provided the lawyers/managers for Ruby/Marina. GSW was a Murchison/Rockefeller investment.

Jonsson was one of the founders of Texas Instruments. From the book Thy Will Be Done" when the Rockefellers wanted someting done behind the scenes they would employ Texas Instruments." Jonsson sat on the board of Equitable Life Assurance Society with David Rockefeller. Texas Instruments bigwigs Berkner and Haggerty were connected to several Rockefeller foundations. David (per bio I read) was closer to the CIA than even brother Nelson. The Rockefeller's had large $$ plans for Brazil . A few months after the assassination the president of Brazil (who JFK favored) was overthrown and Rockefeller investment in Brazil soared. One of the Asia Society's founders was David Rockefeller. The Asia Society had developed a gigantic plan for the development of SE Asia. JFK's plan to withdraw out of Vietnam would have stopped cold these plans. Readers of PROBE magazine will recall that JFK was going to investigate FreePort Sulfur ,that may have been stealing hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payers money (thats in 1950s-60s money). The Rockefeller family was a large part of FreePort Sulfur. Jonsson became mayor of Dallas = to continue the Earl Cabell coverup ?? THANKS NO ATTACK, just facts THANKS STEVE GAAL

Edited by answerknowI, 19 June 2004 - 01:54 AM.

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Thanks Ian and Steven, I think there's more to this story, and have added some bio info on Mel Barney to the blog post:


Would like to learn more about TI and how Ruby got to get to fly on their plane in DC. What was he doing in DC in '61?

I don't think he had any technical expertise, so it seems like they just let him take a joy ride since they knew him from the Carousel Club. I don't put too much credence in the security clearance angle, though Barney seems to imply they were pretty strict about it.

In April '61, the same year Ruby took his two flights in the TI research plane in DC, the CIA recruited pilots to fly the B-26 - the same type of plane, for the Bay of Pigs, and I think David Ferrie was qualified to fly it, and may have trained some of the Cuban pilots. It was a B-26 with Cuban markings that landed in Florida and claimed to have been a defector, which led to UN Ambassador Stevenson to embarrass himself. They couldn't get enough Cuban pilots so some Americans from the Alabama Air National Guard (Bush's unit), flew and a few were shot down and killed.

Also wondering, like Ian, if they used the TI research equipment in Cuba or Haiti, where DeMohrenschildt worked on mineral and oil surveys.

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I have been to the island of Hispaniola ,Haiti occupies around a third of the island

And the Dominican Republic takes up the rest and thousands of acres of sugar beet

Blends the border which appears to change on which village you are in.

In other words you could hide an army In The area between the countries.

I do think George De M thought he had got away free but he could easily have been

Used by intel whilst in Haiti but the French would have known about it as they controlled Haiti the. As

They do still.


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I have been to the island of Hispaniola ,Haiti occupies around a third of the island

And the Dominican Republic takes up the rest and thousands of acres of sugar beet

Blends the border which appears to change on which village you are in.

In other words you could hide an army In The area between the countries.

I do think George De M thought he had got away free but he could easily have been

Used by intel whilst in Haiti but the French would have known about it as they controlled Haiti the. As

They do still.


Well, if the equipment TI was developing was for aerial prospecting of remote areas - looking for minerals/oil etc., then that's what DeMohrenschildt was supposed to be doing in Haiti - taking a survey of possible oil fields, exactly what his other White Russian friends did in Libya, etc., so it makes sense they would contract out these planes for use, though I don't think DeMohrenschildt actually did what he said he was doing in Haiti.

Ruby certainly had no business or expertise in this field.


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The Ti guys get a ride on the carousel,Ruby gets a ride in the roller coaster plane!.

Nobody in the Dominican Republic likes to talk about these things

Until they learn I am English , they liked the sterling?.

Most conversations about Americans in the sixties are finished by them

Saying Ciao ,Ciao bye bye Mickey Mouse .

Some of the older generations around Puerto Plata will talk but only in general

Terms.mind you if you give them money they will make stuff up!.

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Looks like you are right about George De M. Of the total 1700 barrels a day they produced then and

Now ,they consume 67% of for electrical power. Oil was not a big prospect in the 60's but they could fly

A lot of "Missions" searching for oil.

It appears now that the oil fields of Haiti could be bigger than Venezula!!!!!.

Use wiki for "oil output by country" info is supplied by the CIA


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some Texas Instruments alumni and pertinent persons in the JFK affair

Sidney Joseph Whiteside highly regarded employee at TI CD 1437

Charles Burns [TI employee, auto accident with Jada on 11/22/63

Jada Conforto see above

Virgil E. Hoffman [Deaf mute reported two gunmen behind picket fence]

Jim Dowdy Hoffman’s supervisor at TI


RECORD NUMBER : 179-20001-10417


#71, 2-20-67/3





TITLE : [No Title]

DATE : 03/10/1967







DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 00/00/0000



FBI 44-24016 Ruby HQ File, Section 89 [121 pages]


although the above document is ostensibly postponed in full, some rather

specific and I would go as far to say pertinent information is in the MFF URL


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Steve Thomas, I believe, was the person who discovered the following

passage. That Ruby and Oswald were both included in an NSA



Oswald and Ruby targeted by the National Security Agency?

On page 3 of a September 23, 1975 memo from Dan Dwyer and Ed Greissing of the Senate Select Committee to Paul Wallach, there is this paragraph:


II. It has been determined by the military task force, as a result of the NSA - watch list case study, that Oswald, Jack Ruby and Earl C. Ruby, Jack's brother, were targeted. An NSA spokesman reported that Oswald's name "appeared" in the rhyming dictionary on the day of the President's assassination. The following lines of inquiry should be considered:

A. The dates of which Oswald and the Ruby brothers names were placed on the list.

B. The amount of product.

C. The information contained in the product.

D. A determination if the product was forwarded to the FBI and CIA and how these agencies might have used the product in the investigation of the President's assassination.

Obvious question..... Where is the followup response?

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Steve Thomas, I believe, was the person who discovered the following

passage. That Ruby and Oswald were both included in an NSA



Oswald and Ruby targeted by the National Security Agency?

On page 3 of a September 23, 1975 memo from Dan Dwyer and Ed Greissing of the Senate Select Committee to Paul Wallach, there is this paragraph:


II. It has been determined by the military task force, as a result of the NSA - watch list case study, that Oswald, Jack Ruby and Earl C. Ruby, Jack's brother, were targeted. An NSA spokesman reported that Oswald's name "appeared" in the rhyming dictionary on the day of the President's assassination. The following lines of inquiry should be considered:

A. The dates of which Oswald and the Ruby brothers names were placed on the list.

B. The amount of product.

C. The information contained in the product.

D. A determination if the product was forwarded to the FBI and CIA and how these agencies might have used the product in the investigation of the President's assassination.

Obvious question..... Where is the followup response?

That's a real interesting document Robert.

I suspect NSA was keeping track of Oswald's communications when he was out of country.

What's a rhyming dictionary?

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The term is confusing but think of "comparison dictionary" instead of "rhyming dictionary." The NSA putting Oswald and Ruby through a rhyming dictionary was to cross-reference their names through FBI and CIA files. Within NSA, the watch list was supervised by a CIA employee Mabel Hoover.

see more google books

page 178; A Farewell to Justice - Joan Mellen

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The term is confusing but think of "comparison dictionary" instead of "rhyming dictionary." The NSA putting Oswald and Ruby through a rhyming dictionary was to cross-reference their names through FBI and CIA files. Within NSA, the watch list was supervised by a CIA employee Mabel Hoover.

see more google books

page 178; A Farewell to Justice - Joan Mellen

Thanks Robert, and Greg for straightening that out. I should have known that.

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  • 2 years later...

The Association of Naval Aviation - Page 126 - Google Books Result

2003 - ‎History

Flight test responsibilities included the Shrike AGM-45 missile sy stem, and ihe first military automatic terrain following radar system tesis along with other ...


Guide to the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest (GRCSW)/Southwest Center for Advanced Studies (SCAS) Collection, 1961-1969


Historical Sketch

Erik Jonsson, along with Cecil Green, Eugene McDermott and H.B. Peacock, purchased Geophysical Services, Incorporated on December 6, 1941. The United States’ sudden entrance into World War II changed their company’s focus from petroleum exploration into submarine detection, where they achieved great success. The company became Texas Instruments (TI) in 1951.


James Richards


Posted 22 January 2007 - 01:53 AM



Yes, both men knew each other through mutual acquaintance Robert Sherrod who at the time was editor of the Saturday Evening Post in New York. Sherrod had been a reporter in his day and many of his stories appeared in Life Magazine.

Also interesting to note is that Meyer was close friends with R.G. Storey.

In early 1963, the Advisory Council of the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest was created. Council members included James Aston, D. Harold Byrd, Ted Dealey, W.W. Lynch, Neil Mallon, Clint Murchison Jr. and Charles Meyer.

In the early to mid 1970's when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ordered its staff to investigate the CIA and its efforts to disrupt the Chilean government, subcommittee counsel Jerome Levinson recommeded reopening the confirmation hearings of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; sending transcripts of hearings to the Justice Department for criminal investigation and beginning perjury proceedings against Richard Helms and Assistant Secretary of State Charles Meyer.

Interesting associations indeed.


see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9159&hl=jonsson#entry92262


TI is deeply NAVY connected. I suspect Ruby had a clearance from ONI and not FBI and CIA as posited. ,gaal

Edited by Steven Gaal
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