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Pat Speer

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Everything posted by Pat Speer

  1. I'm a bit busy right now and don't have time to look up the exact reference, but I believe DeMohrenschildt wrote that McMillan was the ONLY reporter to visit him in Haiti after Kennedy's death, and that McMillan came recommended by an old friend. I've always wondered if DeMohrenschildt's old friend wasn't Priscilla Johnson.
  2. Wim, I think you should edit that last remark before someone starts a webpage investigating your "potty mouth." You disputed some of Jack's findings the other day. It's not at all surprising that he is now disputing one of yours. Can't we aLL just get along?
  3. My, my, Brendan, you are a bit sensiitive. Whatever accusations or smears you feel have been lobbed at your precious Republicans, the amount lobbed towards the Johnson Administration has been tenfold. Where was your protest when the father of dubya's last press sec wrote a book calling Johnson a murderer? Were you up in arms? Or does your outrage only run in one direction?
  4. I'm sorry I missed Weaver's post or I wouldn't have started that other thread. The capper is that "Cowboy" has little or no credibility as "Cowboy" is the man spreading all this stuff about Wim.
  5. Wim, I went to your website and read your posts. If things weren''t weird enough, this man J. called me six months ago after a friend of his saw my online presentation and asked for my number. He wanted to chat about Chauncey Holt and claimed he was a CIA ASSASSIN trained by Holt!!! He invited me over to his house but I got busy and was skeptical of his story and never got around to calling him back. He went simply by the name J but I recognize the phone number and the website. He told that that's him in the interview on his website. Now here's the really weird part...he used you as a reference!!! He kept telling me how he knew Wim Dankbaar and had all sorts of friends in the JFK assassination research community but he could always use more, etc... Did you tell him you didn't believe him and hurt his feelings or something? He told me he had a completed screenplay about his exploits as a CIA assassin. Was he trying to get financing from you?
  6. As Alt.assassination.JFK is a moderated newgroup, someone permitted this smear on Wim to be posted. I just sent them a post asking if they'd allow such a smear to be posted if it involved a prominent single-assassin theorist. We'll see if it makes it through.
  7. [/color]Someone with the initials BV perhaps? That is disgusting. Wim involved in child porn? Hardly! I think someone does not like Wim's connecting the dots and created some fiction our of whole cloth. Dawn Is BV from California? One of the people currently under "investigation" on this website is the lovely Governor of California. I doubt non-Californios would care... Also, this "person" posts pictures of Wim's kids on the site, and expresses the viewpoint they are in danger. That's really damned low, IMO. There is no evidence against Wim presented whatsoever, outside of accusations fropm anonymous sources. I'm thinking someone's looking to get bonked in the nose.
  8. Paranoid that some right-wing hatchet-men were out to smear Wim for his political beliefs, I went back to the website and looked at it with a critical eye. It appears to me that the website is the work of a conspiracy theorist, who creates "cases" against people or institutions he doesn't like, and then presents his "case" on the internet, as if it was the work of others. I suspect Wim knows who this person is. Please tell us who this person is, so we can avoid him like the plague. The link was posted on the McAdams Forum by someone using the name Tony Williams. Does anyone know if that's a real person?
  9. I was just checking in on the McAdams Forum to see what's going on, and noticed a seemingly innocent inquiry about Forum member Wim Dankbaar. When I went to respond I found that the post was a link to a smear on Wim. I can't believe there's anything to this smear (involving child pornography), because if there is, it would be a police matter and not the business of some website. Wim, do you know who's behind this smear? (If you feel the best way to deal with this smear is to ignore it, and wish for me to remove this post, I'll happily comply.) Pat
  10. Jack, if you could do blow-ups of the other two photos, it might prove interesting. When we looked at these last year, I remember thinking it was obvious that the rings had been moved between shots. If so, it would suggest at the least that Marina's recollection of taking the photos omits the mysterious detail that Lee changed his rings between pictures. At the most it would suggest that Oswald was indeed impersonated.
  11. Sturgis' Op 40 was just a street level nickname for a group of thugs. I don't believe there was any direct connection to the Forty Committee. I think Hemming explained this in one of his posts.
  12. The Bush Administration backers and their war on the war on global warming has reached the point where they are running television commercials depicting global warming activists as dangerous radicals. One of the commercials claims that global warming activists want carbon dioxide classified as a poison. The commercial disingenuously goes on to claim that life itself would be impossible without CO2, blah blah blah. I wish I had the transcript in front of me. Anyhow, like The Tobacco Institure before them, there seems to be no limit to the corruption and dishonesty of these men.
  13. double-post of a new topic.... wacky!
  14. As many here know, I'm constantly skimming through old books looking for fresh pieces of information. I recently found one of the first books on the CIA "The Secret War" in a used book store just outside Twenty-Nine Palms military installation. President Bush had been there for church services just a few days before. Anyhow, while Oswald was reportedly a radar operator while at Atsugi in Japan, and while many suspect his presumed knowledge of secret U2 flights from that base played a role in his subsequent trip to Russia, this 1962 book mentions Atsugi in a different light, which might also have meaning. On page 181, while discussing a CIA operative named Downey held captive in China, it claims "After training in Washington, he was sent to Atsugi, a small town about fifty miles southwest of Tokyo. There the CIA ran a camp for Chinese nationalist volunteers who were dropped into Manchuria on guerrilla missions. The camp was opened with the agreement of the Japanese Government in July, 1951, as a result of the Korean war. It was reportedly shut down recently." So, is it a coincidence that the CIA ran a camp for behind-the-lines penetration of communist countries in the same facility where Oswald worked, and that, after leaving this place, he "defected" to the Soviet Union? Or is this just another one of those incredible coincidences?
  15. Not a direct answer to your question, I know. But I believe the Marine Corps ring is almost certainly the ring visible in the backyard photos. Intriguingly the first photo taken, and the one that disappeared for 15 years, has a blur on Oswald's ring finger. If the photos do indeed depict a body double, it seems reasonable to assume the perpetrators of this fraud forgot to have the double wear Oswald's ring for the first photo. Thus, the re-shoots. Thus, the disappearance of the photo.
  16. Could the photo have been taken through a car window? And could the trees have been the reflection of some trees behind the car?
  17. Paul May is a regular contributor to JFK Lancer. I'm wondering how he thinks his little diatribe is gonna be published anywhere. As we know, getting any pro-conspiracy info into the paper is near-impossible.
  18. bet there's something cooking for Debra's November shindig in Dallas Please explain. Are you insinuating that Debra's "shindig" is run by provocateurs? Or that provocateurs plan on infiltrating it? If the latter, to whom do you refer? Is everyone who disagrees with Jack's alteration claims a "provocateur"? I'm trying to understand.
  19. Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord. Brendan, I have no idea why Jack provoked you by wondering where you'd been, but the last line is uncalled for. Why couldn't you have just said "Sorry to let you down, Jack, but I've been busy having a life" and have left it at that? Can't you take the high road? Or are you still smarting from Clinton's smack-down of Fox News?
  20. Lamar, am I reading you correctly, or are you suggesting that RFK actively interfered with the autopsy, to hide the evidence for a second shooter? If so, I urge you to read my presentation on the medical evidence. The autopsy evidence DOES indicate more than one shooter. If RFK used Burkley to cover up the evidence, then why did Burkley raise the possibility of two head shots in his subsequent statements? Your theory, while well-researched and wide-reaching, seems to throw a little blame in every direction but one. The ONE in my opinion. LBJ. Is it just a coincidence that he had links to Marcello? Is it just a coincidence that the Clark Panel obfuscation of the medical evidence was released just as he left office? And that the last act of his Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, was to deny the District Attorney of New Orleans access to medical evidence, for use in a murder trial?
  21. I suspect Castro knew about the whole thing...FROM DAY ONE. The United States and its allies have constantly under-estimated Castro and the loyalty he arouses in others. IF the U.S. in fact approached Almeida, or Che, or any other "hero of the revolution" who remained behind in 63, the chances are strong that the man would immediately tell Castro, and that Castro would order him to "play along." If there was a C-Day, and Almeida was supposedly involved, the chances are strong he was stringing us along. Otherwise, he'd have defected or been imprisoned long ago.
  22. It's a little known fact that death takes years off your age.
  23. Stephen's right. Givens both had a record and disappeared after the shooting. Sylvia Meagher, among others, suspected that the police used this against him to get him to "cooperate".
  24. Yes, James. Thanks. That's the image. In the crummy newspaper version it looked like the man in the light suit with the hand on top of his head had a box in his left hand. In this image it's clear there really were clothes in the arms of the first man. I'm guessing the Kennedys and Connallys had a change of clothes in the car. The newspaper version, by the way, shows the entire back of the car. Pat Thanks again.
  25. Hi Pat, Could be this one? Maarten Thanks, Maarten, that's one of the "bucket" photos I referred to. There are a few taken by Cecil Stoughton in Pictures of the Pain and a few others on the Dallas News website. The picture I'm looking for was on the 11-22 front page of the Panama City Herald, among others, and was a UPI photo taken from the right of the position of the others. This photo, however, was taken after the top of the limo was fully back in place. It depicts a secret serviceman carrying a box away from the limo. I'm hoping a better version of the photo will reveal the contents of the box.
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