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Ian A. Kerr

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  1. Robin, Forgive me if this appears elsewhere but is the group that is referred to in the letter JFO 77 , or what ? Ian
  2. Tim and all, Interestingly, and possibly another twist is that the Harper fragment was found in a direct line with the west end TSBD windows ( as per Don's map). GPH isn't suggesting there was another "Appointment in Dallas " ? ( grin ) Ian
  3. Ron, The info came by way of my wife. She vacationed in Ireland last year and was befriended by a woman who told her this, in confidence The woman claimed that Millican was well known there and was from the general vicinity of that town in Ireland. The story was related by the woman, in a totally unsolicitated way - my wife is not interested in the assassination in any way ( a gross understatement ), nor did the woman know that I am. They were discussing connections between N.America and the Old World ... and the horse business. The story teller was severely admonished by other locals in attendance as they claimed to fear any potential involvement. My wife told me this when she came home from vacation but didn't give me a name ( she'd written it down , but misplaced it ), I didn't ask for specifics at that time, thinking it was simply some blarney - I soon forgot about it. This morning, I was reading the post about the silver hat and asked her if she now remembered the name she had written down. She remembered it as Millican, saying she vaguely remembered that his first name might have been Alex or Alec. I didn't get the chance to get further info as we were both " out the door " for work - I'll get more specifics tonight eg. ) name of the town . I know my wife knows the name ( and other details ) of the woman that told her this, but prefers not to say ( the woman asked her not to ). We're in the horse business and that part of my wife's vacation was spent at an Irish Horse Farm / Bed and Breakfast. The common connection to all of this was the horse business. I have no way of testing the veracity of this story except by doing some research on it myself and perhaps in recounting it here, some others will be interested enough to check it out. To the best of my knowledge, my wife isn't a xxxx ( grin ) - unfortunately, I can't vouch for anyone else's credibility. FWIW, it is my wife's sense that the woman wasn't making this up. Ian
  4. Robert, and everyone, I won't go into how I came about knowing the following info, except to say that although bizarre sounding, the circumstances surrounding how it was recounted make it at least appear plausible. FWIW : Apparently, the A.J. Millican seen in the photos was originally a shady horsedealer/trainer from Ireland. Prior to the assassination he was involved in transporting horses between Ireland/England and the US.He was known to locals as a crook. At the time of the assassination, he was employed in a field that he had no business being in since he had no previous experience doing that. ( His affidavit states he was a pipe fitter of sorts ). During a dinner party/booze-up back in Ireland just before the assassination, his wife was said to have implied his involvement in a plot by " Big Oil " against JFK. Millican was said to have been very upset by his wife's indiscretion, whereupon he attempted to explain it away, suggesting that oil interests were just upset with Kennedy. Those who attended the dinner party were dumbfounded when a few weeks later JFK was assassinated. Comments, anyone ? Ian P.S. For something to do, I did a property search on 2650 Valley View Lane, the address Millican gave in his affidavit . The property is listed as office condominiums, and is zoned Office ,having been built in the early 1980s. Perhaps there was a home(s) at this location prior to that ?
  5. Jim, It's my experience that the SSDI, like any other database, is only as good as the info entered into it. I stand to be corrected, but it seems to me that there are several versions of this database accesible via the internet, with the main one being offered by Ancestry.com., the others seem to be some variation of it. I have used this database before, looking for other individuals and have encountered problems. For example, one guy was I was looking for , I eventually found by accident , after I found his SSI # elsewhere and searched based on that- his name was entered into the database incorrectly. I haven't checked for John B. Hurt specifically, but I have also encountered problems with the use , or non-use of middle names for individuals, and the fact that when searching for John Hurt , for instance, I might get 1000 returns for that name. Without knowing where the person applied for his SSI # or indeed where he died ( never mind whether they were actually drawing SSI ) it makes it difficult to differentiate between John Hurt's and identify the one that you're looking for. I've included the URL for Grovor Proctor's site , where he documents his research on the Raleigh call http://www.groverproctor.us/jfk/jfk80.html,. Although, when reading it, it's obvious that he wasn't looking for John B. Hurt, rather a John D. Hurt or a John W. - to me, it's worth a read anyway eg. ) what firm evidence do we have other than some info on the web that it is actually John B. that we're looking for ?a picture, or e-article ? Also, is the B. representative of a name starting with B, or is it possibly something like Bill, as in John William Hurt, for example ? Since you have id'd his wife thru the SSDI, but haven't found him, my advice is to work from the last known ZIP that benefits were sent to her.( it's in the info returned with the SSDI search ). Assuming it's a residence, as opposed to say a nursing home, resources like the White Pages, 411, etc. could be used to trace the current owner of the property and work backwards from there. Also, I know a URL that lists property ownership and assessment info, by address, for most counties in Texas ( including Dallas ) - I've used it several times to locate ancestors. Perhaps the same sort of virtual database exists for N.C. ? I will start my search for this guy immediately. Ian <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Jim, and all I forgot to include that in my other posts on this subject I attached a blurb from a Jim Cates who was in the NSA connected 441st in Tokyo in 57-58 . IMO, this also may be a good place to start since he may have known or known of a John Hurt. Also see http://www.441st.com Ian
  6. Jim, It's my experience that the SSDI, like any other database, is only as good as the info entered into it. I stand to be corrected, but it seems to me that there are several versions of this database accesible via the internet, with the main one being offered by Ancestry.com., the others seem to be some variation of it. I have used this database before, looking for other individuals and have encountered problems. For example, one guy was I was looking for , I eventually found by accident , after I found his SSI # elsewhere and searched based on that- his name was entered into the database incorrectly. I haven't checked for John B. Hurt specifically, but I have also encountered problems with the use , or non-use of middle names for individuals, and the fact that when searching for John Hurt , for instance, I might get 1000 returns for that name. Without knowing where the person applied for his SSI # or indeed where he died ( never mind whether they were actually drawing SSI ) it makes it difficult to differentiate between John Hurt's and identify the one that you're looking for. I've included the URL for Grovor Proctor's site , where he documents his research on the Raleigh call http://www.groverproctor.us/jfk/jfk80.html,. Although, when reading it, it's obvious that he wasn't looking for John B. Hurt, rather a John D. Hurt or a John W. - to me, it's worth a read anyway eg. ) what firm evidence do we have other than some info on the web that it is actually John B. that we're looking for ?a picture, or e-article ? Also, is the B. representative of a name starting with B, or is it possibly something like Bill, as in John William Hurt, for example ? Since you have id'd his wife thru the SSDI, but haven't found him, my advice is to work from the last known ZIP that benefits were sent to her.( it's in the info returned with the SSDI search ). Assuming it's a residence, as opposed to say a nursing home, resources like the White Pages, 411, etc. could be used to trace the current owner of the property and work backwards from there. Also, I know a URL that lists property ownership and assessment info, by address, for most counties in Texas ( including Dallas ) - I've used it several times to locate ancestors. Perhaps the same sort of virtual database exists for N.C. ? I will start my search for this guy immediately. Ian
  7. Ian Care to elaborate? Was this the guy who was had race hate charges, brought against him in Canada. Isn't he a holocaust denier.(I may be mixing him up with another case) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Stephen, Zundel's story is widely available on the net , as well as the archives on this site. To repeat it would take too long . I'm sure you'll understand once you've looked it up. Just Google the name. cheers, Ian
  8. Yes to all these, the GREEK situation was very touchy throughout this period, as they bordered the iron curtain, and had nationalist and royalist interests. Apparently Nixon was compromised, or very sensitive, about the GREEK political situation in our time period. Mr. Karamessines was a witting agent of the joint paramilitary domestic agenda of the period. Guenther Lewy's book, America in Vietnam shows Colby's Counter-Intelligence political assassination "corporation" but it showed me the fundamental futility of separating civilian agency and military forces roles and agendas. In 1963 this joiint paramilitary force was operating on US soil in illegal domestic operations, ARTICHOKE< MK ULTRA < PAPERCLIP <BLUE SKY <CHAOS<COINTEL< etc.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Shanet, ( and all ) Perhaps one can add Dr. Jose Rivera's name to this mix ( remember Adele Edisen? ) Snipped from an on-line obituary for Rivera : " During the Korean War he served in the 1273rd Medical Field Unit of the 406th Medical General Laboratory and received a battlefield promotion to major. After the war, he was chief of laboratory service and pathology at the U.S. Army Hospital in Tokyo. " ( this was in 1957 ) The 406th didn't limit it's involvement to just " run of the mill " field chemical analytical services, it was actively involved in research, both in the US and abroad. The infamous Japanese Institute of Health was placed under it's supervision after WWII, where experimentation on humans (POW's, civilians, and even US military personnel ) have been documented. Gen. Charles Willoughby , MacArthur's chief of intelligence was instrumental in getting immunity for the offiicials involved in the Japanese Biological/chemical warfare. Ed Landsdale, among others has a direct line of association to Willoughby. Given the proven presence of the MKUltra program at Atsugi ,( the LSD in the safe, etc ) , and the strange story of Ms.Edisen, things rapidly become less far-fetched. Nevermind all the linkages between MKUltra and the US NIH/NIMH. Also consider claims of Richard Case Nagell, who purported to have been associated with LHO in a Desmond Fitzgerald run operation to entice the Russian colonel, Nicholi Eroshkin, to defect. Nagell story has been slammed given LHO's having been in hospital during that time period, due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Nagell's assertions can sort of be tied to this thread somewhat, insofar as LHO was supposed to have met Eroshin in the Soviet embassy with Dr. Chicao Fujisawa , a contact of Nagell's (and also of Eroshkin). Nagell claims that Fujisawa was a Soviet agent - who knows ? What we do know is that Fujisawa is known as a Japanese author, philosopher and linguist. regards, Ian <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Further to the Nagell info, I came across this while surfing the 441st site : http://www.441st.com/ " Additional history commentary from Jim Cate JCate4@cs.com : "I served with the 441st CIC in Tokyo, Japan, from January 1957 until its reorganization in March of 1958. I served in the Counter Espionage - Soviet. The Korean War was over in the early 1950s. In 1958 there was a general reduction of military personnel worldwide. The 441st CIC encountered a major reorganization in approximately March of 1958 (Need to consult my orders and records for detailed information.) It was reduced to 36 people and was officially known as the 36th Detachment. Most married personnel with dependents were returned to the US for other assignments. The single or unmarried personnel such as myself at the time were mostly reassigned to the 308th CIC in Seoul, Korea. I was in the group sent to Korea to complete our military term of duty. I personally know many of the persons that remained behind in Japan as a part of the 36th Detachment. In fact my former Holabird classmates, Roger Hart and Will Callihan, were retained in Japan as a part of the 36th. I made a couple of trips from Seoul, Korea back to Japan somewhat as a liaiaon between the 2 units and some continuing activity in some open intelligence cases. I still have an order listing all the names of the personnel in the 441st at the time of its reduction or reassignment. I note Col. Rainford was listed as the CO. He finished his tour of duty and returned to the US in 1958. LTC Hontoon (? spelling) the executive office assumed the position for the short period of time until the 36th was established. Ed Meiser, S-4, was then the ranking officer under Hontoon. Ed is still alive and lives in NY State. I am in constant contact with him. I would like to contribute more to this history after some more careful review of records. If I can be of specific assistance, please advise. I shall be most happy to assist. In Japan the 441st was unique. McArthur had CIC with a wide range of authority. This continued until the reorganization. The CIC did much of the work that the CIA would normally do. When the "phasedown" occurred, much of the CIC activity was turned over to the CIA. The CIC in my years in Tokyo targeted the Soviet Embassy. We even ran a number of "defection" operations. Our best agent was often "followed" by CIA personnel in attempts to learn his sources. He was the best in the business. He is now in his early 80's having been at Pearl Harbor on December 7 and ending up WWII being shot down as a bomber pilot over Germany and captured. He now lives near Ft. Huachuca in retirement. I visited with him on January 5, 1999 and then went on the visit the MI Museum at Ft. Huachuca. His "right hand" fellow agent now lives in Los Angeles. Incidentally, I served as President of the National Counter Intelligence Corps Association in 2000. Currently, I am Vice Chairman of this organization. " IMO,this dovetails nicely with Nagell's assertions re: his background , and LHO's involvement.
  9. For anyone interested : Ernst Zundel was recently deported to Germany, where he is currently incarcerated, pending trial on oustanding hate-related charges there.
  10. Yes to all these, the GREEK situation was very touchy throughout this period, as they bordered the iron curtain, and had nationalist and royalist interests. Apparently Nixon was compromised, or very sensitive, about the GREEK political situation in our time period. Mr. Karamessines was a witting agent of the joint paramilitary domestic agenda of the period. Guenther Lewy's book, America in Vietnam shows Colby's Counter-Intelligence political assassination "corporation" but it showed me the fundamental futility of separating civilian agency and military forces roles and agendas. In 1963 this joiint paramilitary force was operating on US soil in illegal domestic operations, ARTICHOKE< MK ULTRA < PAPERCLIP <BLUE SKY <CHAOS<COINTEL< etc.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Shanet, ( and all ) Perhaps one can add Dr. Jose Rivera's name to this mix ( remember Adele Edisen? ) Snipped from an on-line obituary for Rivera : " During the Korean War he served in the 1273rd Medical Field Unit of the 406th Medical General Laboratory and received a battlefield promotion to major. After the war, he was chief of laboratory service and pathology at the U.S. Army Hospital in Tokyo. " ( this was in 1957 ) The 406th didn't limit it's involvement to just " run of the mill " field chemical analytical services, it was actively involved in research, both in the US and abroad. The infamous Japanese Institute of Health was placed under it's supervision after WWII, where experimentation on humans (POW's, civilians, and even US military personnel ) have been documented. Gen. Charles Willoughby , MacArthur's chief of intelligence was instrumental in getting immunity for the offiicials involved in the Japanese Biological/chemical warfare. Ed Landsdale, among others has a direct line of association to Willoughby. Given the proven presence of the MKUltra program at Atsugi ,( the LSD in the safe, etc ) , and the strange story of Ms.Edisen, things rapidly become less far-fetched. Nevermind all the linkages between MKUltra and the US NIH/NIMH. Also consider claims of Richard Case Nagell, who purported to have been associated with LHO in a Desmond Fitzgerald run operation to entice the Russian colonel, Nicholi Eroshkin, to defect. Nagell story has been slammed given LHO's having been in hospital during that time period, due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Nagell's assertions can sort of be tied to this thread somewhat, insofar as LHO was supposed to have met Eroshin in the Soviet embassy with Dr. Chicao Fujisawa , a contact of Nagell's (and also of Eroshkin). Nagell claims that Fujisawa was a Soviet agent - who knows ? What we do know is that Fujisawa is known as a Japanese author, philosopher and linguist. regards, Ian
  11. Yes, it is Mr. Liebeler. It's known as 'the retaining wall' to some. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For anyone interested, here's a link to the entire passage in Zapruder's testimony referenced above http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/..._Vol7_0291a.htm . Liebeler and Zapruder were discussing what Zapruder saw in Ex.885 ( frame 185-186 ) and from the Hudson Exhibit No.1 . Below is an image of Ex.885 frame 185 . Draw your own conclusions... regards, Ian
  12. Shanet, Is this the area you mean ? Image one is from Mutchmore, Image 2 is from Hughes.
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