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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Jack Anderson is an interesting character and deserves his own thread. He is still alive but is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. I suspect he will be unwilling to talk to us about the case. For many years Anderson was considered to be a fearless investigative reporter. I have to admit he was one of my heroes. I first began having doubts about him when I read his biography of Drew Pearson (Confessions of a Muckraker). Anderson went to work for Pearson after the war. He became his assistant and providing information to Pearson about corrupt politicians and businessmen. Pearson was on the left and refused some of the material Anderson gave him. Some of this information came from Joseph McCarthy who was a friend of Anderson. When McCarthy was discredited Anderson also became one of his critics. Anderson was also close to LBJ. Pearson thought LBJ was a crook and despite Anderson’s pleas he refused to help him in his campaigns. However, Pearson did agree to call off his investigation of LBJ’s relationship with George and Herman Brown. When Pearson died Anderson replaced him at the Washington Post. He was considered to be a liberal campaigning journalist. However, his reputation was hurt by the publication of the LBJ tapes. It became clear that Anderson was being used by LBJ to smear his opponents. In most cases Anderson’s stories were true (in many cases they were coming from Hoover), however, they were being used to keep LBJ’s critics quiet. LBJ had files on every person in Congress. Robert Kennedy tells an interesting story of how LBJ tried to use these files on those who were asking questions about the Bobby Baker case in 1963. I believe that Anderson was CIA. I suspect he was recruited to the secret services while in China during the war. Pearson was the most dangerous investigative journalist in America in the 1940s. It make sense for the security services to infiltrate his operation. Anderson became Pearson’s assistant when he came back from China. It was Anderson who persuaded Pearson to expose the corruption of Owen Brewster, chairman of the Senate War Investigating Committee was being paid by Pan American Airways (Pan Am) to persuade the United States government to set up an official worldwide monopoly under its control. Brewster was destroyed by these stories. He was obviously corrupt and deserved to go. However, Brewster was doing some important work investigating corruption in the armaments industry. This included investigating the activities of LBJ's friends in Texas. Brewster was also investigating Howard Hughes who was awarded two contracts, of $18m and $22m each, to create and build two revolutionary aircraft - a giant plywood cargo seaplane that could carry thirty-five tons of men and weapons (HK-1), and a very fast photo-reconnaissance aircraft (F-11). This was the real reason why Hughes wanted to get Bewster. The information that was used by Pearson to destroy Brewster came from Howard Hughes. As the owner of Trans World Airlines, Hughes posed a serious threat to this plan. Hughes claimed that Brewster had approached him and suggested he merge Trans World with Pan Am. I have now come to the conclusion that Howard was part of the LBJ Texan Network. Anderson was ideally placed to help LBJ and the CIA with the “Mafia did it” theory ("Plan B"). This he did very well. As I suspected, Anderson was working closely with William Harvey on this. I think he was also working with LBJ in covering up the assassination of JFK. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAandersonJ.htm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mormon bishop, Jeffrey Willis a long time CIA personal director, while no stranger to public controversy Willis was forced {in one case} to face the cameras personally rather than relying on CIA public relations staff. His comments revealed that Many other CIA men were LDS Ward members, and that he had sought public relations advise from an old friend, newspaper columnist Jack Anderson himself a member of the Silver Springs,Maryland, Ward. Larry Bush, an official at the Agriculture Department explained in 1981 that Washington Saints 'Mormons' refer to themselves, among themselves, as a Sisterhood. It's a term with roots at the CIA where the Church is well represented. CIA agents also refer to one another as "Sisters". George Bush 'Sr' learned to appreciate the Mormon Sisterhood within the larger CIA Sisterhood when he served as director of Central Intelligence. At that time he worked closely General, Brent Scowcroft at the Ford White House. For Scowcroft the Bush cabinet-level appointment capped a long carreer serving those at the seat of power from Nixon, Ford and Reagan. Even before taking the oath of office, Bush named Scowcroft,Roger Porter and Steve Studdert, all Mormons to top White House posts in foreign affairs, domestic policy and political scheduling. The Sisterhood was overjoyed. While Scowcroft,Porter and Studdert were the most visable Mormons running the government as the Bush administration began, they were three among hundreds, perhaps thousands of DC Saints with influential positions in the federal government. Furthermore , similar Mormon 'knots' thrive at the state, county and local levels throughout the U.S. . Mormon elder,James Fletcher, head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration {NASA}, visited the Sterling Ward House to read a letter from the Twelve Mormon Church Apostles ordering the Saints to oppose a constitutional amendment.The letter was then sent to Mormon lawmakers on Capitol Hill,Saints on the White House staff,and throughout the federal bureaucracy killing chances for ratification. Mormon Political Manifesto.....Saints must consult their ecclesiactical superiors to obtain permission before accepting Any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AD ON; The resulting power elite - a tightly knit, almost exclusively white male assemblage of jurists, journalists, FBI agents, CIA executives, Interior Department managers, Pentagon brass, corporation chiefs, and ranking White House officials. Mormons make up a substantial management of the United States Government.
  2. Jack Anderson is an interesting character and deserves his own thread. He is still alive but is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. I suspect he will be unwilling to talk to us about the case. For many years Anderson was considered to be a fearless investigative reporter. I have to admit he was one of my heroes. I first began having doubts about him when I read his biography of Drew Pearson (Confessions of a Muckraker). Anderson went to work for Pearson after the war. He became his assistant and providing information to Pearson about corrupt politicians and businessmen. Pearson was on the left and refused some of the material Anderson gave him. Some of this information came from Joseph McCarthy who was a friend of Anderson. When McCarthy was discredited Anderson also became one of his critics. Anderson was also close to LBJ. Pearson thought LBJ was a crook and despite Anderson’s pleas he refused to help him in his campaigns. However, Pearson did agree to call off his investigation of LBJ’s relationship with George and Herman Brown. When Pearson died Anderson replaced him at the Washington Post. He was considered to be a liberal campaigning journalist. However, his reputation was hurt by the publication of the LBJ tapes. It became clear that Anderson was being used by LBJ to smear his opponents. In most cases Anderson’s stories were true (in many cases they were coming from Hoover), however, they were being used to keep LBJ’s critics quiet. LBJ had files on every person in Congress. Robert Kennedy tells an interesting story of how LBJ tried to use these files on those who were asking questions about the Bobby Baker case in 1963. I believe that Anderson was CIA. I suspect he was recruited to the secret services while in China during the war. Pearson was the most dangerous investigative journalist in America in the 1940s. It make sense for the security services to infiltrate his operation. Anderson became Pearson’s assistant when he came back from China. It was Anderson who persuaded Pearson to expose the corruption of Owen Brewster, chairman of the Senate War Investigating Committee was being paid by Pan American Airways (Pan Am) to persuade the United States government to set up an official worldwide monopoly under its control. Brewster was destroyed by these stories. He was obviously corrupt and deserved to go. However, Brewster was doing some important work investigating corruption in the armaments industry. This included investigating the activities of LBJ's friends in Texas. Brewster was also investigating Howard Hughes who was awarded two contracts, of $18m and $22m each, to create and build two revolutionary aircraft - a giant plywood cargo seaplane that could carry thirty-five tons of men and weapons (HK-1), and a very fast photo-reconnaissance aircraft (F-11). This was the real reason why Hughes wanted to get Bewster. The information that was used by Pearson to destroy Brewster came from Howard Hughes. As the owner of Trans World Airlines, Hughes posed a serious threat to this plan. Hughes claimed that Brewster had approached him and suggested he merge Trans World with Pan Am. I have now come to the conclusion that Howard was part of the LBJ Texan Network. Anderson was ideally placed to help LBJ and the CIA with the “Mafia did it” theory ("Plan B"). This he did very well. As I suspected, Anderson was working closely with William Harvey on this. I think he was also working with LBJ in covering up the assassination of JFK. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAandersonJ.htm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mormon bishop, Jeffrey Willis a long time CIA personal director, while no stranger to public controversy Willis was forced {in one case} to face the cameras personally rather than relying on CIA public relations staff. His comments revealed that Many other CIA men were LDS Ward members, and that he had sought public relations advise from an old friend, newspaper columnist Jack Anderson himself a member of the Silver Springs,Maryland, Ward. Larry Bush, an official at the Agriculture Department explained in 1981 that Washington Saints 'Mormons' refer to themselves, among themselves, as a Sisterhood. It's a term with roots at the CIA where the Church is well represented. CIA agents also refer to one another as "Sisters". George Bush 'Sr' learned to appreciate the Mormon Sisterhood within the larger CIA Sisterhood when he served as director of Central Intelligence. At that time he worked closely General, Brent Scowcroft at the Ford White House. For Scowcroft the Bush cabinet-level appointment capped a long carreer serving those at the seat of power from Nixon, Ford and Reagan. Even before taking the oath of office, Bush named Scowcroft,Roger Porter and Steve Studdert, all Mormons to top White House posts in foreign affairs, domestic policy and political scheduling. The Sisterhood was overjoyed. While Scowcroft,Porter and Studdert were the most visable Mormons running the government as the Bush administration began, they were three among hundreds, perhaps thousands of DC Saints with influential positions in the federal government. Furthermore , similar Mormon 'knots' thrive at the state, county and local levels throughout the U.S. . Mormon elder,James Fletcher, head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration {NASA}, visited the Sterling Ward House to read a letter from the Twelve Mormon Church Apostles ordering the Saints to oppose a constitutional amendment.The letter was then sent to Mormon lawmakers on Capitol Hill,Saints on the White House staff,and throughout the federal bureaucracy killing chances for ratification. Mormon Political Manifesto.....Saints must consult their ecclesiactical superiors to obtain permission before accepting Any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties.
  3. James You likely know how latin names work, both father and mother's names etc. It is very possible 'Varela' fits. As mentioned via e-mail, Vega was FBI trained in the U.S.. Possibly around the time Castro was about to takeover? Harry
  4. Hi, James I can ck the date, but believe it was an 1964 artical in the Pasadena, California, "Star News" stating that Oswald had met with the Castro agent "VEGA" in Mex.City. This likely the same Francisco Vega that put me through a two + hour sweat at Havana Hdqtrs. 1960. Vega later entered the U.S. illegally at New York,City. It was with great joy that I gave him to my Intelligence contacts. I am not aware of Pina Randa. Correction; it was 1963 {not 64} the L.A. Bureau directed me to Captain Rene Valdez. Harry
  5. With no allegiance to entities, persons, or politics, I describe in the following poem my ONLY patriotism! AMERICA See her awsome wonders from shore to Fertile shore Jewel of creation spread afar with Nature's flair Unfolding wealth from mirrored Deserts in the west Blue Ridged Mountains where soaring Eagles feast Redwood forests; vast star crowned Central midlands Scenic New England and Pacific sunset States An Atlantic harbor where breathed First liberty Wild mighty rivers:The Great Lakes Inland seas Echoic skies upon this favored earth Endowed Visions of Eden - Imaging the mind God. {c} by Harry Dean
  6. James Remember EVERYTHING quickly change especially in the bureacracies as the 'New Americanists' ultra's moved into allpowerful positions upon the death of Kennedy. The fact they under Johnson 'Democrats' realized where the new and immovable power lay, even leading to his resignation. Johnson could no longer serve two masters. Things in the Bureau and all other agencies of U.S. Government even before the so-called Warren Commision was set up became part of the change, as they and their leaders began to serve the new system. {they followed instructions} The results of things since Nov.63 easily show the ongoing coverup, direction and change taken by this new revolutionary government. No one can or will ever be charge and convicted officially in the Dallas murder of Kennedy under this perpetual, immoveable system. {no matter by what name it is know} Republican/Democrat/or other. The only conviction{s} will result only from the untiring efforts of researchers and/or others that care. Cannot thank you enough for the info. on Howard and group et al. Am certain he and I went to his residence 1963 in Pico Rivera. All those towns surround L.A. City on the south and east and pretty much border on one another. Hall lived in Monterey Park, nearby. I cannot ID Hernandez in the photo with Howard and Billy Seymour. It is so that I observed mostly actionaries and leaders of groups including Larry Howard also other higher up symathizers, and causists where greater power lay. It is here about 10: PM, so I will wish you Happy New Year! Until later....... Harry
  7. James Was Howard's home then {1960s} in Pico Rivera, or Montebello, Ca.? He and I went there on two occasions as he returned from No Name. Can you quote Mr. Margeson conversations re; Howard? Rudy Hernandez, Slim, and Tex are not remembered by name{s} could be so- called war names. Would like to see photos of them. Have seen photos of Bernardo De Torres, am certain I never met him. Seymour may have come here with Howard and Hall to help transport arms and medical supplies to Florida?? Harry
  8. Hi, Dawn Yes, Tosh and I have spoken a few times via this Site. It is nice that you found this information helpful. Mr. Sprague no doubt got much of his information correct. However I have not read his book 'The Taking Of America'. It is so that I knew some of the people he mentions, some to well, others only in passing, or via phone. I intend to read his book made available on John's Site. Sincerely, H. Dean
  9. James No, Howard and I or the others never spoke of this set-up. No, I was not aware of any plans to connect me with Oswald at all. Howard's neighbor could have seen Seymour, or someone else that resembled Oswald. Re; tip-off not to fly to Mex. City with Gabaldon. Bureau agents based on info. given them would caution against certain activities for safety. Eg: Never carry arms, work out a code, or we will supply you with one etc; etc; It should be remembered that Any, involved in anti--efforts were then just little people,with no great signifigance as they went about their chosen efforts. Another bit of wisdom where I was concerned "stay out of camera range and focus' on 'safely' gathering information. Harry
  10. James Answered yours above, tried to post it, at that time the Site went off the air, and continued off for sometime. Will re-write and post answer soon. Harry
  11. James All involved embraced of the 'spiritual' drive of the 'New Americanist' scheme of the intrenched anti-Castro anti-Kennedy anti-Communist cause. All belived they were serving as patriots they also were convinced that by winning this 'shadowy revolution' none could, or would be held legally responsible for any actions in saving America from it's internal and external enemies. They were proven correct, as the old system died, with Kennedy, the new one came to birth! It is true that any means are justified by the outcome, including doublecross and death. My associates not only planned to set-up the Fair Play For Cuba Committee alledged Communist, Oswald, as the fall-guy in Kennedy's Dallas murder, they were toying with simular circumstances to involve me in a possible situation in Los Angeles, California { our base of operations } via Mexico City. Suspicion based on unusual events, is always the better part of natural intelligence. Keeping in mind that I was a former Fair Play For Cuba Committee, officer in Chicago Illinois { a pro-Castro, Communist front organization } a fact now well known by my anti-Castro associates, {who knew that I was now rabidly anti-Castro} They were, Guy 'Gabby" Gabaldon, Loran Hall, Larry Howard and others higher up in the scheme. At that time in late 1963 I was invited to co-pilot Gabaldon's plane from Los Angeles area to Mexico City, I was advised by a Bureau contact to not do so. and nicely avoided Gabaldon's offer. Larry Howard requested I rent an office in a downtown high office building in order to give out 'Press Reports' about raids on Cuba, upon hearing from him by phone from Florida. Then I was compromised when Gabaldon invited me to a special meeting at a Japanese resturant in Los Angeles, I showed up and Gabaldon who was also married with children, had lined up two charming babes who were, like us, also aircraft pilots. Gabaldon who speaks Japanese ordered the camera girl to take photos of us. There were many taken aimed at me. Why?. These episodes took place within a short time frame. Dallas was yet to come, or would it happen in Los Angeles? I had ask the Bureau if and when the president might be expected to come to L.A. at some point? It Must be remembered that Gabaldon, with certain Mexican Federal police were to kill Kennedy on his visit to Mexico in mid-1962. Harry
  12. James It is my intention to fully answer you but wish to go into the details of the 'set-up' to start with, then the above included. None of this was covered in my 1990 manuscript/book or the CD. Yes, it was near that time I became aware of being set-up by my associates. It is 10;pm here, and I arose at 5;am so must retire now in order to answer all of the above early tomorrow. Please forgive until then. Harry
  13. Mr. Sprague could not have known my true role in the plan{s} described ! Harry Dean
  14. James My aim is to take off today soon, but a thought re; Valdez.....the Bureau beleived him to be a dangerous, Castro agent! Will disscuss Howard and other subject at first opportunity. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Harry
  15. James Re; the sniper group near Barstow, could easily been some of our California Minutemen?, operating in several So. Cal areas doing war games with most weapons that were more freely available in those days. The reason for this possible explaination is because I was a MM, member#28515 advising the feds. As you likely know the MM were nationwide anti-Communist, trained para-military groups. However they like JBS were anti-Eisenhower anti-Kennedy and basically of the ULTRA-Conservative preference. There is to much of this history known to me to go into. Cross- connections to most other so-called Conservative organizations existed. The L.A. set-up was just another part of the same situation explained on the CD {did you get a copy?} and connected also to the same people mentioned in it> I did not write the 'set-up' on the CD as it was not then [1990] when I wrote the manuscript/book advisable. I aim to lay it out for you in the next day or after Christmas in a few days. It is my hope this information will be useful in your investigation{s} Harry PS. Have you info.on Captain, Rene' Valdez....Alpha 66 ? Bureau agents here had me seek him out {1964} Valdez 66 office in L.A..The Bureau was 'very concerned' about him then. I was at that time shown a picture of Valdez, Never heared further on him except to say he soon dropped from sight. I may have photo{s} of Swabeck, and will ck. soon. Ther are also some photos of Valdez Alpha office location. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> David How goes all with you, it's been a long time. 1. MM mainly De Pugh's, there were other groups here, known only slightly to me. 2. Never saw Bradley at any MM gatherings 3. Very difficult to think Bradley killed Roquemore { I did not know Roquemore } or Mower personally, however there were so many MM members,could have run into him? Heard much about Mower. 4.I had spoken with Bradley breifly via phone and received mail from him in mid 60s. While working for LAPD Intelligence the MM subject was very troubling and fearful concern to them. Harry
  16. Where was the TV interveiw with Howard and Valdez held, in L.A. or Florida?
  17. James Re; the sniper group near Barstow, could easily been some of our California Minutemen?, operating in several So. Cal areas doing war games with most weapons that were more freely available in those days. The reason for this possible explaination is because I was a MM, member#28515 advising the feds. As you likely know the MM were nationwide anti-Communist, trained para-military groups. However they like JBS were anti-Eisenhower anti-Kennedy and basically of the ULTRA-Conservative preference. There is to much of this history known to me to go into. Cross- connections to most other so-called Conservative organizations existed. The L.A. set-up was just another part of the same situation explained on the CD {did you get a copy?} and connected also to the same people mentioned in it> I did not write the 'set-up' on the CD as it was not then [1990] when I wrote the manuscript/book advisable. I aim to lay it out for you in the next day or after Christmas in a few days. It is my hope this information will be useful in your investigation{s} Harry PS. Have you info.on Captain, Rene' Valdez....Alpha 66 ? Bureau agents here had me seek him out {1964} Valdez 66 office in L.A..The Bureau was 'very concerned' about him then. I was at that time shown a picture of Valdez, Never heared further on him except to say he soon dropped from sight. I may have photo{s} of Swabeck, and will ck. soon. Ther are also some photos of Valdez Alpha office location.
  18. Yes, there was the strong possibility that Kennedy would be in danger here in L.A. by some of my associates, Howard, Gabaldon and 'Others', that for the first time ever, I will now state would involve me in a doublecrossing setup that was very cunningly being worked, with connections between here and Mex.City area. Re; Swabeck's I can confirm that he and FPCC while 'Pushing Kennedy' further toward a more liberal policy favoring Cuba and Castro, would not/were not considering harming Kennedy. This in light of FPCC being at the very top on U.S.Intelligence list as politically subversive, FPCC being directly connected to Cuba. Castro and Communism. Harry
  19. Yes, at first glance of this pic I would say it is Hall. Harry
  20. Hi James Yes, we were long time associates in FPCC Chicago,we coincidenatally were on the same flight to Cuba in 1960. Ed was a leader in SWP Socialist Workers party. He and his wife Marge were friends of ours' until, I blew my Intelligence cover on the Joe Pyne Show in L.A. late 1964. Ed said later ' I knew it! I knew he {Dean} was CIA. Ed ask me to appeal to CPUSA, FPCC leaders in Chicago to allow SWP to open an FPCC group there. I did so. They allowed it as long as one of CP people was one of it's leaders. It was always awful to betray people, but that was/is the way of Intelligence work. Ed and wife moved to L.A. {Venice} just before I did in 1960/61 and worked in L.A. FPCC. I was at that time involved with JBS and soon after, Gabaldon, Hall,Howard et al. in anti-Castro anti-Kennedy efforts. Also several other "Intelligence' activities for the Fed's. Harry I did not know you were aware of Swabeck. Where does he fit in your investigation?
  21. Mr. Marlowe A question please. Did you know Ed Swabeck of L.A. FPCC? H.Dean
  22. A second revolution was raging. The so-called Liberal establishment in the U.S. was under attack by 'ULTRA Conservative' forces that had begun to organize in 1958. This fast growing power absorbed the Anti- Castro movement there. They used these Cubans to further their own 'rightist' goals, such as the American Communist Party was doing by exploiting the opposing Pro- Castro Cubans. But among the new and widespread 'rightist' {Americanist} movement were assassin-minded persons that would take action to aid in seizing control of the U.S. Government, if only given the word! 'So we welcome into the { JBS } Society A, who disagrees with B's ideas on how to fight Communists; and B who dislikes A; and C who looks scornfully at them both; and D who is to rabid; and E who is to restrained; and F who can stand nobody except those who land on middle ground; and G who wants to get his gun and come out shooting { if only we would say the word }.' ....unless we can have enough of an awakening in this country, and enough of a rebellion against the appeasement policies of our government outside, and it's communizing policies inside America, the Communists are going to succeed. ....in the course of awakening America, there was a rapidly rising identification of the policies of the Kennedy administration with the plans of the Communists. ....for unless we can eventually, and in time, reverse by political action, the gradual surrender of the United States to communism, the ultimate alternative of reversal by military uprising is fearful to contemplate. ....we are opposing a conspiracy...our determination to overthrow an entrenched tyranny is the very stuff of which revolutions are made. ....the result of our failure in this fight most positively will be consentration camps or worse, and soon..... President Kennedy stated,' the very system of government is in dire peril and may not survive my term in office' Kennedy was describing the severe threat posed by extremely powerful co-operative civil and military sedition at work.
  23. Right on history, that I lived in and remember. Thanks.
  24. John I can not find a way of dumping one of my accidental posts, will you remove one of them please? Tried to e-mail you but failed. Thanks, Harry
  25. From a 1990 manuscript/book. Kennedy continued the 'one world' liberal political system in following the United Nations plan after his election, as had Eisenhower and all of their predecessors after it's founding in 1945. None of these efforts gave consideration to including the conservative ideology that in the 1960s, still represented a mere political splinter. No honest Conservative really believed that we were trying to do more than call the Liberal establishment, communist sympathizers, in order to replace liberalism with conservatism. But we were unknowingly being used to help install this present system that is surreptitiously wielding every power of the U.S. Government to force the extention of a purely 'materialistic-religious empire' intent on redesigning the entire world into it's own 'communal' image! An effort that includes brute force, and isolation of resistant individuals and entire nations. Nearing the close of the first five-year plan of the 'New Americanist' ultra-conservatives, to usurp the power of government at any human or economic cost, was the fast-closing consideration of the upper echelon of the conspiracy, via the use of their political action arm, and some of it's radical followers. This long twilight struggle against the elected government of the United States was for world power. That power lay within an almost impotent United Nations Organization. Control and direction of that body would be realized by these subversives upon first neutralizing, then seizing the U.S. government by shock force { the assassination of President Kennedy } These,and their supporters,who wield this stolen power, expect to continue for hundreds of years in control of the present system now so wrongly titled Republican and Conservative {and in the future by any other name}. Their guilty leadership. by stealth, with blood stained hands, reached out and picked the overripe fruit of all constitutional government power and control. Wherein all other whites, colors and nations are now and forever 'second place subordinates' in all present and future schemes. They have however failed to silence truth. They, their dupes and lackeys, cannot forever stifle justice, even though it be buried under the disaster of their ominous presence, or hidden by these masters of twisted definitions! At the assassination of Kennedy, the planned ' New Americanist scheme", with it's framework so cunningly in place moved quickly to consolidate and hold perpetual power over a bewildered government and confused nation. General Edwin A. Walker, removed from command and forced into retiremen by the Kennedy administration, was acting on his own behalf, as much as for the "New Americanist Order" that he served in both military and civilian life. Walker was more than a leader of Ultra-Conservatism. He was an arrogant, powerless, but explosive force,enjoying the praise of his co-conspirators and followers. When Kennedy entered Texas, his life was in the deadly hands of 'extremist veteran riflemen' of Walker's former Munich, Germany 24th Infantry command! {c} by Harry J. Dean 1991
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