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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Hi, Tim Having been dealt "fearsome" treatment in Havana by Castro's DGI in 1960, my natural opinion should be that Castro and his nothing Cuban DGI skunks were in someway guilty in Kennedy's Nov. 1963 death, but I cannot. Also I cannot forget the endless number of "pro-Castro revolutionaries" that were gunned down by his firing squads since the Revolution. Sorry, Castro is a murderer for certain, but he did not reach out for Kennedy. Harry
  2. Hi, From the beginning to the present time Man's progress is only in his spirit's climb. H.Dean
  3. Hi Harry, Can you confirm that after retiring from the FBI, Grapp became the head of security for Flying Tigers Airlines? James <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi, James I know nothing further on Grapp, sorry. But was thinking Bill Turner would be a good source for info. on Grapp that would aid JFK Researchers. Always great talking with you James. Harry
  4. Interested in Wesley Grapp, FBI? Grapp unlike most Bureau agents I dealt with was an old grouch and Very Close with FBI Director Hoover. Grappy was sent out to verify information I had given to the Los Angeles office and other regular agents over a several months period in 1963 re; JFK, FPCC, some anti- Castro {Alpha 66} and Pro- Castro, and other groups with whom I was associated, eg; MM, JBS etc. It is likely William Turner, Author, and {former FBI Agent} is very much aware of Grapp, in case researchers are interested in information on Grapp and/or his connections to Hoover & etc; Harry
  5. Hi, Dixie Yes I do recall our e-mails re; Jagels Mean Justice, and thanks for the info. I did read some excerpts from the book and recall him on TV news begging to explain away " his malfeasance " as a District Attorney. Is he still DA there? I'm glad you got to meet Mr. Turner, and I am forever grateful to Edward Humes for exposing the " politically dangerous and subversively powerful " Jagels. I'm sure that Bill has info. on Jagels. It is always great to hear from you Dixie. Harry
  6. Hi,William Great to see you here. Do you recall 38 years ago when we met at Rosemead, Ca. re; JFK/Garrison investigation information?. I would like to ask if you have info. on District Attorney, Edward Jagles of Kern County,Ca {Bakersfield}? Can't recall the name of an expose' book someone wrote re; him that caused some harm to his career just wondered if you are aware of it? No doubt you recall he led the successful drive to remove Chief Justice {Rose Bird ?} from the California Supreme Court. Jagles was originally from San Marino, Ca. Any info re; this will be appreciated. It sure is great to chat with you here. Harry
  7. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> RCD & all. I did not learn of Sprague and some other authors until after 1999, having acquired a computer late in that year. It is quite likely that I first learned of Sprague's book on John's Forum. I can only refer you to what is already stated by me on this Forum. Harry
  8. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> RCD & all I did not learn of Sprague and some other authors until after 1999, having acquired a computer late in that year. It is quite likely that I first learned of Sprague's book on John's Forum. I can only refer you to what is already stated by me on this Forum. Harry
  9. Justin, Follow the link that I provided to Sprague's letter to Cutler. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...indpost&p=29688 - lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi, Mr Howard I could not raise the link re; "Sprague's letter to Cutler" My interest in it results from Sprague's, Cutler's and a writer named W.R. Morris having each written book{s} in the distant past relating to me. I have heared of these efforts but never read them, except Sprague's which is available on this Forum. Reaching the link you mentioned will be of great interest to me. Much thanks. Harry Dean More on DeMohrenschildt. These excerpts are from Deadly Secret's pgs. 236-238 His fourth and last wife was ...the daughter of a director of the Nationalist Chinese railways system. In 1962 he opened an office in Dallas and joined the exclusive Dallas Petroleum Club. By this time he was on a first name basis with William R, Grace of Grace Lines, NO Saints owner John Mecom and George and Herman Brown, who sponsored LBJ's political campaign.....DeMohrenschildt may have been undertaking a contract of a different kind. A clue surfaced in 1976 when a de-classified CIA Office of Security file dated April 29, 1963 read "[Deleted] Case officer had requested an expedited check of George DEMOHRENSCHILDT for reasons unknown to security." That terse sentence blended nicely with the concurrent disclosure of former CIA contract agent Herbert Atkin that DeMohrenschildt's real mission when he arrived at Port-Au-Prince in June was to oversee a CIA approved plot to overthrow dictator "Papa Doc" Duvalier. END From Crossfire pg. 279. Researcher Michael Levy obtained one CIA memo from former Director Richard Helm's stating that "DeMohrenschildt's trip to Yugoslavia (in 1957) provided "foreign intelligence which was promptly disseminated to other federal agencies in 10 separate reports." Another CIA memo indicated he also furnished lengthy reports on his later travels through Mexico and Central America. Marr's mentions that while in Dallas, in addition to the above mentioned individuals cited in Deadly Secrets DeMohrenschildt also knew H.L. Hunt, Clint Murchison (then owner of the Dallas Cowboys), Robert Kerr of Kerr-McGee and Jean DeMenil head of Schlumberger Corporation. (remember Jim Garrison's linkage with Schlumberger Corp and the New Orleans cuban exile weapons cache. Which Garrison alleged were provided by the CIA) NOTE MINE. Also from Crossfire page 284. During May 1963, as the DeMohrenschildt's were preparing to leave for Haiti, they stopped in Washington where, according to CIA records, DeMohrenschildt met with a CIA representative and the Assistant Director of ARMY INTELLIGENCE. .... What specifically was discussed at this meeting is not known, but at this same time another CIA documentshows that an Agency officer "requested an expedite check on George DeMohrenschildt." At this meeting was DeMohrenschildt's Haitian business associate Clemard Charles. Researchers have noted that Clemard Charles later was involved in the sale of arms and military eqipment involving a gun runner named Edward Browder. According to the HSCA Browder had leased a B-25 bomber under the name of a fictitious company and flew it to Haiti a year after the Kennedy assassination and later cashed a 24,000 check signed by Charles. Browder [was] a former Lockheed test pilot who is [this is in 1989] serving a 25 year prison sentence for 'security violations.' Browder told the HSCA he had been working for the CIA. According to author David Scheim Browder was also an associate of Jack Ruby in the 1950's when both men were arranging the sale of arms to Fidel Castro. END Lastly is the info requested about DeMohrenschildt's mysterious Doctor shortly before the end of his own life. From High Treason pg. 261 "DeMohrenschilt's wife believes that her husband was programmed to take his life on command. She say's that her husband was sent to a new Doctor in Dallas, Charles Mendoza. Jim Marrs writes in Cover-ups that a check wasa made with the Dallas County Medical Society, and Mendoza had registered with the association just two months before he began treating DeMohrenschildt. Mendoza left Dallas in December 1976, shortly after George entered Parkland for mental problems. The forwarding address the Doctor gave proved false......George underwent two or three hours of "therapy" at a time with Dr. Mendoza, which involved IV injections. George did not know exactly what the injections contained. Jeanne states "Mendoza also insisted that we buy all of George's medication from the pharmacy near his office. He explained that he was a part owner and that the medicine would cost less that way. But I checked with my usual pharmacy and learned that the medicine prices were the same if not lower, than the Dr's pharmacy. I confronted Mendoza with this information and demanded to know exactly what kind of medicine and treatment he was giving George. Mendoza then became very angry and upset, but I learned nothing useful." DeMohrenschildt quickly deteriorated emotionally, tried to take his life, became paranoid and finally appears to have shot himself. His wife says she believes that he received a phone call on the day he died, or a command of some kind which triggered his death, the day that the HSCA located him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  10. Hi, John & All I first met Bill Turner in 1967 while he was investigating the assassination on behalf of Garrison. He sought me out in Rosemead, California, my residence at that time. Later that year he and I were being interveiwed at an Los Angeles TV station where I saw him again. We communicated a few times re; the subjects that are contained in the 1990 manuscript/book and CD. Bill Turner was/is one of the nice guys I have known. I did have his e-mail address but have since lost it, but recalled his location up north, I am sure he would not be upset that I pointed it out on the Forum. Harry
  11. William 'Bill' Turner lives in Mill Valley, California
  12. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lee, All anti-communist, anti-castro, anti-jfk et al; of which JBS, with it's creator LDS, and it's sponsors, was the "Ultra and pseudo conservative" vanguard, each had a total of intermingling followers. Harry
  13. Hi, John Edwin A. Walker, removed from command and forced into retirement by the Kennedy administration,was acting on his own behalf,as much as for the 'new Americanist order' that he served in both military and civilian life. Walker was more than a leader of ultra-conservatism. He was an arrogant, powerless, but explosive force, enjoying the praise of his LDS/JBS co-conspirators and followers. When Kennedy entered Texas, his life was in the deadly hands of 'extremist veteran riflemen' of Walkers former Munich, Germany 24th infantry command! Harry Dean, 1990 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> More from the 1990 manuscript/book, YROJ Connection To The JFK Assassination. After the {1961} unsuccessful Bay Of Pigs Invasion, and the wholesale capture of more than twelve hundred war prisoners, certain leading Americans, with the unofficial blessing of the Kennedy administration, organized a "Tractor for Prisoner Committee". The committee included influential AFL-CIO Union President Walter Reuther, Milton Eisenhower {brother of the former U.S. president}, Elenore Roosevelt, and other famous persons. They were to raise thirty-five million dollars for the purchase of 500 huge D-9 Catapiller earthmoving tractors. These were to be exchanged with Castro for the captured invasion survivors. Even as the equiptment was readied... for shipment to Cuba, Castro, who had originally suggested the idea and desperatley wanted the trade-off, suddenly rejected the deal. It was again a breach of my spy position to influence official dealings between governments, under U.S. Criminal Procedure, Title 18. This effort worried me for years until I at last realized that under all that concern, the operation was technically unofficial. Then there was the statue of limitations that allowed protection from prosecution. President Kennedy stated on July 5,1961, "the tractor Committee has done everything conceivable, but Mr. Castro has not accepted!" The tractor-prisoner deal failed as a direct result of the "self-created" misinformation transmitted to Castro by this "trusted agent". It was the hidden factor that no one would suspect. Even Castro's "war prisoners committee" sent to the U.S. for on-sight inspections of the tractors under construction could not hoped to detect..... such destructive actions. The urgent last minute treachery convinced Castro that the tractors were,in fact, being built "metallurgically unsound". The Tractors and spare parts would crack and breakdown after little use, and missile launching pads could not be built in Cuba with such junk! My feelings against Castro had increased over the years because of his unjust treatment of fellow revolutionaries who had given their all to overthrow the murderous tyranny of the Fulgencio Batista government in Cuba, only to be imprisoned or executed by Castro after the war. The list is long, and these are yet remembered as the dedicated, youthful heros of the true Cuban revolution. None of them were communists. Their only politics were of liberty! In fouling up the tractor-prisoner plan, I was striking another blow against the totalitarian dictator who betrayed the aspirations of a suffering nation. Nothing was wrong with the tractors. The prisoners were finally freed{ the following year} in late 1962 by another U.S. Cuba....... deal. Many Americans, Cubans and the war prisoners themselves, opposed the tractor deal,saying it would be a super propaganda victory for Castro. In destroying these efforts two things occupied my thoughts. One was a propaganda defeat for Castro, the other was in saving the U.S. thirty-five million dollars. I was always concerned..... but there were never any regrets! I would repeat the actions if I had to be in that position again. Anyway, it was sort of "on-the-job training for the lowly spy. Harry Dean, 1990
  14. John D. In that one-way only information system { from informants} I think informants names were above the level of special agents, in determining who { U8 } would be. Harry
  15. Pat, I was not awarof TSBD JBS activities or of Truly and Caster but their connections should be checked-out. Under the extensive umbrella of the JBS there were many police officer members. Yes focus on J.D. Tippet who worked weekends at a restaurant owned by another JBS member. Harry <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Harry, do you know anything about J.E. Day and why he resigned? Did it have anything to do with Dulles? JohnD <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John D. Sorry John, nothing of J.E. Day is known to me in any connection. Harry
  16. Pat, I was not aware of TSBD JBS activities or of Truly and Caster but their connections should be checked-out. Under the extensive umbrella of the JBS there were many police officer members. Yes focus on J.D. Tippet who worked weekends at a restaurant owned by another JBS member. Harry
  17. John, Just now answered your e-mail covering these questions. {1} September 1963, as things heated-up. {2} This also included discussions held about the idiotic plans regarding the main enemy, Kennedy. Harry <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How did the FBI react when you told them about the John Birch Society plots to kill JFK? Do you know if they checked it out? I have updated your page. Please let me know if I have got anything wrong. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John, It should be remembered, that before and after, reporting to the Bureau re; conversations about Kennedy by those JBS persons involved, I was at the same time advising the Bureau, as requested, re; certain other individuals and groups,{eg} of my section {as a member} Southern California, Minuteman activities, Fair Play For Cuba Committee person{s}, Alpha 66 Los Angeles leader{s} etc;. Certainly the Bureau checked any and all such details, as remote, or impossible as some reports might seem..... Bureau agents reactions were always no-nonsence, matter-of-fact, in personal meetings, or by phone. It is important that further questions on these subjects be refered to the CD as the agency {FBI} no doubt continues " upset" as shown by it's past denials of my association with them. Which is nearly always the case, especially where we who expose this association are concerned. Harry
  18. John, Just now answered your e-mail covering these questions. {1} September 1963, as things heated-up. {2} This also included discussions held about the idiotic plans regarding the main enemy, Kennedy. Harry
  19. Were you born in Cuba? What was the date? If your family were living in Cuba, what was the reason? When did you move to Canada? Were you living in Cuba at the time? If so, why were you there? Did you ever hear these names before in your group? Have you got any idea of the names of the gunmen? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John, {1} I was born in Canada 1927, {as a United States Citizen at birth, through my American father}. and lived there to age 15 years. {2} None of my family lived in Cuba. {3} I entered Cuba in mid-1960 to gather information for U.S. Intelligence, resulting from my having apparently solid Cuban credentials as a member of Castro's 26th Of July Movement in the United States. {4} I did not know of Larrie Schmidt, or Bernard Weissman at any time before the Dallas tragedy. JBS members were instructed ' to act as individuals' so as not to directly involve the JBS in their actions. {5} I do not know the names of Dallas gunmen. Harry { will mail out the last and only CD 18 July}
  20. Harry, I am very keen to get my page on you as accurate as possible (it has the highest ranking at Google). I would be grateful if you could post on this Forum (or by email) an accurate and more detailed biography. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKdeanH.htm It would also help me if you could answer the following questions: (1) Is Harry Dean your real name? (2) Could you provide me with the place and date of your birth? (3) Could you tell me something of your early life? (4) What year did you join the 26th Of July Movement? Did you join it as a spy or as a committed supporter? If you were a spy, who were you working for? (5) Did you join the John Birch Society as an FBI agent or were you a supporter of its ideology? (6) Were you involved in talks with Edwin Walker and John Rousselot about plans to frame Oswald? Or did you only find out about it via Harry Gabaldon? (7) You say that JFK was killed by the “deadly hands of 'extremist veteran riflemen' of Walkers former Munich, Germany 24th infantry command!” Larrie Schmidt and Bernard Weissman, two of Walker’s former men were in Dallas on the day JFK was killed. Could they have been the two shooters? (8) Is it right that the original plan was to kill Kennedy at the Trade Mart and that was changed at the last moment? (9) What do you think of Judyth Vary Baker? It seems that her story could be based partly on what you told W. R. Morris. (10) Could you tell me something of your life since 1963? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi John, I have just dug up the CD of YROJ Connection and will mail it, when you shoot me an address. Rich may still have some copies laying around, at jfkresearch.com/forum ? I can answer some questions you have ask here. The rest must come from the CD. {1}Yes my real name is Harry J. Dean II {2} I became a United States Citizen at birth, through my American father. He was from the State of Michigan. Upon being made aware by him, of my U.S. citizenship at age 15 years, I moved from Canada to Michigan. {3} I Grew up in a somewhat anti-American society that was hurtful for my parents. My mother was a proud product of what then was British-Canada. They both quietly suffered the thinly veiled resentment of her countrymen. {4}I joined the Cuban Revolutionary Movement as a humanitarian supporter in early 1958 and remained so until 1960. Turning against Castro in that year. {5}Yes, being a Conservative Republican, I became a supporter of The John Birch Society. {6} Yes, I was involved in conversations with, John Rousselot, General E.A. Walker, Guy Gabaldon and others on separate occassions. {7} I do not know if Larrie Schmidt, and Bernard Weissman were involved as JFK shooters. {8} The answer re; the Trade Mart is explained on YROJ, CD {9} I received two calls from Judyth Baker in 2004 for a copy of the Manuscipt/book to be placed in a museum in Holland. No copies were available. I cannot comment on Ms. Baker but have followed her battle on your Forum. Re; W.R. Morris, I discovered, that he has put his words in my mouth, and made a daring adventurer of me. {10} Life after the five year involvement in political spying 1960/65 finally became, 'somewhat' normal. Harry
  21. Jim, Inside Walker's 24th, Munich command, was a highly trained 'team' of winning, and unbeatable, expert riflemen. Some who shared Walker's political views. Harry
  22. Hi, Chris As Larry mentions Castro's Network, FPCC became International and a concern to all U.S. intelligence agencies. Yes FPCC was the most powerful tool being 'used' by American and foriegn Communist Parties, mostly in the northern and southern American Hemispheres to promote via Castro, an anti-U.S. Latin American total revolution. {It must be noted again that Oswald's death destroyed that dream} because of his connection to that extremely effective Fair Play For Cuba Committee, Communist Front probe. The remark by CIA Sullivan to Hoover, mentioned in a previous post would have been Sullivan's attempt at humor. The 26th Of July Movement members in the U.S. were Castro agents, then were absorbed at Castro's direction into the Fair Play For Cuba Committee revolutionary front. All of these were dangerous no-nonsence warriors, in greatly dangerous times. I cannot forget. I believe Matthews wrote a book Re; the Cuban Revolution, can't recall the title. Harry
  23. Pat The only info. I know re; V.T. Lee is that he had lived in Florida, he made several trips to Cuba., and was a firebrand for Castro. He arrived at FPCC in New York long after my time in the Chicago Chapter 60/61. Prior to V.T. Lee's position at FPCC, Richard Taber and Richard Gibson 'were FPCC', with whom Chicago FPCC leaders held a meeting and as FPCC secretary I was present, 1960. All I can say re; the Vincent Lee/Jack Ruby feud is that the age of V.T. Lee may not fit? Harry
  24. What is the background to you joining the FPCC? William Sullivan once told J. Edgar Hoover that there were more spies in the American Communist Party than actual members. I suspect that was also true of the FPCC. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John First, involvement in all political spying continues to be my regret. Re; FPCC, as a member of Castro's 26th Of July Movement we were instructed to join this new organization "as it was going to be of help to the {Cuban} revolution" Hoover said " The informant program is the heart of our operations" Harry
  25. Hi, John Available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, there is a 1963 report on hearings held July 13 & 14 1961 re; Fair Play For Cuba Committee. It's title is CASTRO'S NETWORK IN THE UNITED STATES. Held by Committee of the Judiciary United States Senate, Eighty-Eighth Congress, First Session. I do not recall the content but I and others of the FPCC Chicago Chapter appear in it as officers, and is shown in my 1990 Manuscript/book. I was not called to testify, as it was arranged by the Bureau for my protection while spying on FPCC. In any case thought this may be helpful. Harry
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