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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Hi, James Do you have a copy of my 26th July Movement card with photo issued in Chicago re; Cuba. As you know I am not able to post it from here. If you do not, perhaps another member of the Forum has and will post it? As always thanks much. Harry
  2. Would you believe Hall's statement{s} to the FBI, and 'later' Howards statement to me that they were at 'Bonita' Silvia Odio's residence. Hall of course naturally recanted his original Bureau statement........It was 'one' of their stops to raise badly needed funds to continue, at Gabaldon's instruction to Mexico City area. Howard made several other trips to see Gabaldon in Mexico. Harry --------------------------- My brother, who like me, "regretfully announces" that WE have grown extremely tired of this "self-admitted" FBI "snitch" [of the "Tooshie" category no less] who falsely claims that he was once allied with, but later, "defected from" some unknown Chicago ?? based Castro "26th of July Movement" exile entity. Over 40 years ago, one Constatine "Gus" Kangles, one-time lawyer for Fidel Castro -- and a long time close family friend of the Kennedy clan -- told me [and separately Robert K. Brown -- now of SOF/Mag] that ALL elements of the "M-26-Julio" miniscule entity in Chicago were: Batistianos paid by the FBI to serve as "false flag" sting operating "honey-pots" and agent procacateurs. "Gus" Kangles was warned by Fidel's people about this, and the then 1st Lt. R. K. Brown, CIC Special Agent [Chicago Unit] re-confirmed same after returning from Cuba during 1959 -- and after having been informed , subsequent to his inquiring of Fidel's folks in Habana -- about whether he should do a story on Fidel's "Chi-Town-Troops" !! The Habana response was: "...Absolutely NOT...all of those false rebels ["Rebeldes Falsos"] were in fact Batistianos....and spying for the FBI...no less.."!! Now we hear that one Harry Dean continued to work with said "M-26-Julio" operators?? "...after Fidel went Communist??.."!! I do recall that it is historical fact that Fidel went Communist just after the January 1961 breaking off of relations with the U.S. [then reported as a reaction to orders that the AM/Embassy-Habana reduce its staff to just 8 officers]!! Well, Senor Dean, NARA backs up RKB's [and others] statements that the Chicago ["False-Flag"] entity shut down and died after February 1959 ??!! So exactly WHO were you snitching upon until at least 1961 ??!! [Moreover, filmographer Bob Taber didn't create the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" until after the B.O.P. fiasco !! [1961] As for Larry Howard, he lived exactly 14 blocks from my apartment in El Monte, California. And moreover, be it Harold Weisberg, or the many other Garrison wannabe snitches and agent provacateurs who knocked at his door -- he told them to call back later. In the interim, he would come by [or call me] seeking advice and the bona fides of said inquisitors !! [Your name is NOT on that list !!] Where you have severely screwed up with your fabrications is that: [1] Larry Howard's first association with a later CIA operatvie occurred during the Korean War, where he, after being wounded in the ankle by ChiCom mortar fragments, ended up in the same M.A.S.H. Unit as a fellow Infrantryman [though from a different unit] -- who had also been wounded in that same battle. When they both were tranferred to a medical recovery unit at Camp Drake, Japan -- he grew brotherly close to this fellow wounded Staff Sergeant. This was S/Sgt. David Sanchez Morales, later of JM/WAVE !! Why didn't I tell Gaeton Fonzi and Joe Gonzales about this ?? Because, they NEVER once mentioned Dave's name, and moreover, I repeatedly told them ab initio that this HSCA bullxxxx was going to just another deepening of the WC cover-up. Even when "WWII War/Movie Hero" Guy Gabaldon and Larry were "photo-oping" around Long Beach Airport [post-BOP] Larry was working under the orders of the IRS's "Alcohol & Tabacco Tax Unit" [A.T.T.U.]!! Later on, and post No Name key, he became a full-time S.S.C.I. for the B.A.T.F., and under the supervision of the then asst/cover[L.A. Bureau F.O.] SpecialAgent Paul Hughes. Larry Howard would "sometimes invite" Gabaldon along on one of his annual "Grizzly Bear Hunts" in Mexico's Sierra Madre Mountains. After marrying into ex-prez of mexico Aleman's family, Gabaldon preferred the less stressful life of a "landed gentleman", not a revolutionary, and certainly NOT a bear hunter !! I sent Larry down with my brother to Central America during our PAID investigation of the "death-squad" kidnappers and killers. [1975] I employed Larry as a bodyguard in Puerto Rico [1980] whilst I investigated and "neutralized" [i thought] the perps of an assassination of a "Fortune-500" corporate executive. Perhaps you might give out with larry's wife name. The only time she got upset with me was when I expressed a preference for Hormel's "X-cellente Tamales" [boiled in watere "only" 30 minutes] over her hard cooked Mexican dinner one of many evenings. [How the hell did I know she had already cooked it ??!!] EVERY CONTACT by Larry was dutifully logged. These records are currently a part of the B.A.T.F. files. Your name, or "alias?" [especially an FBI snitch whom they had no Chicago record of] does NOT appear ??!! [Or are we to believe that "secret agent man" Dean's files are still "classified"?? You know, like the "classified records & secret mission" of the far too many phony Navy SEALS; festooned with medals -- as they "bar-hop" and regal the girls & boys with war stories??!!] Bob Brown called me last night, and I directed his attention to THIS Forum !! However, I may not contact Larry's beloved, as she is in ill health, and has no need for yet another inquiry reference ONE more bullxxxx artist wannabe !! Go "Fess" up somewhere else !! I think that Wim might welcome you ??!! CHAIRS, GPH _______________________________ I believe Fair Play for Cuba was actually founded in the first quarter of 1960. I have seen some but not all of NARA's holdings on Harry Dean and one thing strikes me. The ones I have seen all seem to be of the CYA variety--that is, they admit Harry was in regular contact with the FBI, but it was all initiated by Harry and they dumped him when they realized he was unreliable if not crazy, a picture of Harry as a wannabe spy. But they listened to him, and met with him, for a period of at least a year. So--where are those reports? --------------------------------- Hey !! Gary, Old Bean: I haven't heard from you for quite a while -- didn't realize you have been "lurking" on this Forum ?! It was earlier this year when this "wannabe famous" xxxxx Dean -- started to get me a bit pissed, eh wot old man ?! One of the first "dead-ass giveaways" [as to this clown's true hustle] was upon his mentioning that he has long mourned the fact that: he had "helped put Fidel in power"!! Hinting that this had been a youthful and gullible "fox-pox" [or is it Faux pas ?] on his part -- and we should forgive him as some misguided "revolutionary ??!! Next, he scribbled a cryptic [and laughably short] "squibb" -- which mentioned "WILLIE" Morgan. This hinted that somewhere in "space" -- he had carried on a friendship with the late [executed by Fidel] Cmdte. William Alexander Morgan. "Willie" ?? Anybody who was with William Morgan, even for a short time, learned rather abruptly [and sometimes physically]; that this "American Guerrilla" didn't like the name "Willie" !! Even when visited by his Toledo "Mob" buddies, Bob Nichols, et al. -- he barely tolerated them calling him "Bill". When Nichols asked me [while touring a Havana whorehouse] why "...Bill's"jaw got so tight when we call him Bill...?" I responded that: "...You've just hit the nailhead...around here he is "William"....to the bodyguards...to fellow rebel soldiers....especially with his wife...I guess he feels like he is starting all over, and with a new life, family, and a new persona..". "...What the hell is a persona..??!! "..Never mind Bob...just tell the guys not to call him Bill...call him William....and don't call him late for supper.."! Now, let us be rid of this "stone in our shoes" and get on with more serious explorations. You know how I hate to be the bearer of bad news -- you know; when so many folks have been "herded" down the primerose path for so many years. The Cubans were correct when they blamed all of the spying and counter-revolutionary operations on the FBI, instead of the CIA. I had then assumed that they were ignorant even of the existence of "The Company" during those early days. As it turns out, Hoover did "have-it-his-way" when it came to spying in the Western Hemisphere. Everybody has read that Hoover was "hesitant" to surrender his WWII powers of ALL Intel operations in The Americas, especially with the advent of the CIA. Well folks, he did have it his way -- and where it came to "Intelligence/Counter-Intel" those were all former W/H FBI agents -- who were only temporarily loaned to the CIA. The late 1950s Havana Chief of Station, Jim Noel -- once foolishly complained to both Ambassadors Gardner and Smith that: "his" CIA officers were cableing Hoover's folks even before they briefed him; or sent their "CIA" cables to the "T" Buidings on the Mall, or even to the "E" Street HQ in D.C. !! After the Langley HQ was opened during January 1962, Ted Shackley bitched about "all of these CIA officers really being FBI agents"!! A team of those "dual-hatted spooks" inside the AM/Embassy-Havana hatched out an "agent-provocateur"/ "honey pot scheme". They received approval, first from Hoover [at his old DOJ Bldg. office] and later from "E" Street. The scheme centered on creating an entity -- one which might draw in and coallesce a menage of Castro supporting people, especially Americans and Western Hemisphere nationals. One of the early 1960 "tools" was one CIA asset who was close to Fidel -- June Cobb [Fidel's "secretary"] who reported to a CIA case officer named Elizabeth Vetter. [One day, while she was at Morgan's penthouse apartment [16th & Calzada, Vedado] -- William whispered to me: "...Fidel's secretary??...I have told all of the boys that she is "Fidel's SUCKretary..but I don't know how to translate that into Spanish...can you do that for me..?" -- Olgita [Mrs. Wm. A. Morgan] -- who had overheard that, and while understanding little English, she had a frown on her face -- and was shaking her head NO !!] Robert "Bob" Taber had shown great courage during his trips up into the Sierra Maestra [1958] to interview and film Fidel and the "26th of July" rebel guerrillas. After Batista "bugged out" [Jan. 1st 1959] Bob Taber traveled back and forth between CONUS and Cuba. He organized "tours" by left-wing activists, both the wealthy and those of moderate means -- even some of the veterans of "The Abraham Lincoln Brigade", who had fought so valiantly during the Spanish Civil War -- showed up to a "red-carpet" treatment [pun intended]. The FBI/CIA decided to give both a financial, and a "networking" boost, to these initial excursions. Within months this morphed into a semi-formal organization -- and was loosely: "The Friends of Cuba Committee". Fidel's cadre grew to appreciate this admiration and assistance from the true "American people". During late 1959, the Havana/New York City nexus grew solid roots. This was being pushed by June Cobb, Juan Orta, Jesus Yanes Pelletier, et al. [Yanes Pelletier died, while still protesting against Fidel, as a dissident in Havana a few years ago, after a lengthy imprisonment] By the time Anastas Mikoyan visited Cuba during early 1960, the NYC FBI/CIA and Havana folks had built a solid covert Counter/Intel "Honey Pot" operation. Bob Taber was slyly guided into his leadership role in what was now spoken of informally as: "The Fair Play for Cuba Committee". Fidel's Intel agents at the U.N. warned him that he was under investigation for multiple federal felony violations of both the "Logan Act" and the "Foreign Agents Registration Act" [F.A.R.A.]. He immediately returned to Havana, where it was recommended that he "lie low" for a while. From that point on, the FBI/CIA conducted/controlled ALL activities of the nascent F.P.F.C.C. -- both in CONUS and many other places throughout the Western Hemisphere. Just before the Bay of Pigs, Bob Taber trained with Fidel's new militia forces. During "Playa Giron" he fought as a "foot-soldier" against the Brigade 2506 "mercenarios", and was later wounded and then hospitalized in the city of Cienfuegos [Las Villas]. Upon recovery, he once again began in earnest "HIS" re-shaping of this "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" !! During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the American cameraman that filmed for Taber while with Fidel in the mountains [Lewellen] was on No Name Key with us -- and he repeatedly expressed his doubts as to his buddy Bob Taber -- really "going-over-to-the-other-side". Maybe so, and maybe NOT ??!! CHAIRS, GPH _________________________________ WORDS Your many Idle words Return to you As relentless Soul slaying Killer angels Accusing, Unforgiving Your wordy sin. {c} by H.J.Dean
  3. Hi, Stephen Hall was hated by the others as they, Howard especially, blamed Hall for one or more busts by the feds just as these actions were ready to move. They new Hall was a blabber mouth that bragged to openly, and were as Howard stated, he/they were not going to be involved or connected with any confessions Hall made to the feds! I also knew Hall to be a braggert and excitable person, a convincing talker, and recommended him to Guy Gabaldon to be his political manager during a run for U.S. Congress. When the feds arrive on the scene 'everyone' involved protect themselves with carefully guarded stories. Everyone. Harry
  4. Would you believe Hall's statement{s} to the FBI, and 'later' Howards statement to me that they were at 'Bonita' Silvia Odio's residence. Hall of course naturally recanted his original Bureau statement........It was 'one' of their stops to raise badly needed funds to continue, at Gabaldon's instruction to Mexico City area. Howard made several other trips to see Gabaldon in Mexico. Harry
  5. {Leopoldo = Lorenzo} Pacillo, AKA: Loran Eugene 'Skip' Hall {Angelo = Alonzo} Escruido, AKA: Lawrence 'Larry' John Howard Leon = Lee Oswald etc. Harry
  6. RCD Well stated as always,and extremely important to all concerned. My thanks to you. Harry
  7. Hi Matt Burned is to be expected when one, 'for good reason' blabs after the resigning. The fear was that it might upset some ongoing intelligence operations if I became publically known. But I had to get out for 'urgent reasons', and did so. It was then a withering present and future for a time. In any case, thanks for your kind post. Harry
  8. Hi,Chris The FBI/CIA would and did use people of any stripe to gain info. In my case it was because I was already-in-place, in Castro's network in the U.S., and The Fair Play For Cuba front operation FPCC et al. 'prior to being turned'. {Later in rightist anti-Communist anti-Castro activities} Realizing soon after,{and with a growing disallusion re; Castro's misstreatment, and execution of many former revolutionaries} I became content to serve against everything represented by the Castro Cuban government. Entering Cuba to gain info. for U.S. Intelligence certainly was somewhat fearsome, in addition being threatened with death by G-2/DGI {Dept. Of Government Intell- igence} savages {Havana 1960} also proved that mine was a right decsion with few fading regrets. As I had been for two years extremely favorable to anyone or thing pro-Castro. I suppose that what anyone says of my activities either way has little or no affect. Just the neglect of my little family is my endless regret. I would never again become so involved at any age for this reason. In those days I belived it was the right course when favorable to the Cuban Revolutionary cause, and later in aiding the U.S. cause. By late in 1964 my decsion to get out 'from under' was made, the final meeting with Bureau agents ended in 1965. They considered me a traitor, they were angry and sort of nasty ever after. Yet by 1969 Bureau agents said that I may have to fly to Washington DC to identify the Cuban DGI agent Fransisco Vega who I had previously fed into their hands, and who had led my fearfilled interogation in Havana. Chris you mention paper files that do not look good, it is sometimes part of a cover, or it is Bureau and other Intell agencies attempt to foul-up we who quit before the job is done. What a person has done wayback in the past, being exposed is certainly vindictive by federal agencies, but expected by we who later ever mention having been associated with them. I suppose that most of us involved in any way were led by a mistaken spiritual drive of one or another cause, it was the case with me. Hope this somewhat answers your questions. Sorry re; your computer problem. Always great talking with you Chris. Harry
  9. Here, here. I'd take a one hour intervu with LHO over many hours with Garrison, Russo or whichever piper readers choose to follow. Hi, Chris Thanks for the info. on the secret combinations, that are bent on exposing step- by- step who and what they are. The new bosses after 1963. Harry
  10. Hi Harry, Good to see you here. Hope all's well with you. I'll have my mother say a rosary for Rich. Bill Kelly bkjfk3@yahoo.com Hi,Terry Always great to hear from you. And thanks for that update re; Rich. Harry ******************************************************************************** ********* Hi Harry. And, Hi Bill! Great to see you here, too. I spoke to Shelby last week, when things were still up in the air. But, I just got an update from Dixie today and Rich seems to be making some good progress, as far as wanting to get out of the hospital and heading back home. So, the signs are looking better, especially now that he's ready to start re-prioritizing his situation, as Shelby put it to Dixie. All of your prayers and genuine concern seem to be doing the job. Keep the candles burning. Warmest regards, Ter
  11. Hi Harry, Good to see you here. Hope all's well with you. I'll have my mother say a rosary for Rich. Bill Kelly bkjfk3@yahoo.com Hi, Bill Thanks, and great to have found you again. Talk with you again soon. Harry ******************************************************************************** ********* Hi Harry. And, Hi Bill! Great to see you here, too. I spoke to Shelby last week, when things were still up in the air. But, I just got an update from Dixie today and Rich seems to be making some good progress, as far as wanting to get out of the hospital and heading back home. So, the signs are looking better, especially now that he's ready to start re-prioritizing his situation, as Shelby put it to Dixie. All of your prayers and genuine concern seem to be doing the job. Keep the candles burning. Warmest regards, Ter
  12. Who. .........the planned 'New Americanist' scheme with it's framework so cunningly in place for more than a half century {upon removal of Kennedy} moved quickly to consolidate and hold perpetual power over a bewildered government and a confused nation. Who then can ever be tried or convicted for the awful crimes, when the guilty control, all legal and moral judgements, and dictate their own version of history. Harry
  13. Hi, all. Our good friend Rich DellaRosa at jfkResearch.com/forum is in dire peril healthwise. Please sincerely pray for his recovery. Harry
  14. Hi, Jason Yes, re; page #s, will very much appreciate that info. Thanks. Harry
  15. Hi, Jason How did you come onto the info. on former DGI agent{s} and will you be so kind as to lay it out here. Thanks much. Harry
  16. My weapons were stolen along with other possessions,{police report,Victorville, California} among them was a 30.06 rifle..thirty-ought-six. You are certainly correct. Harry
  17. Are you aware of any particular 'rite [or rites] of passage,' that would be required in order to join their 'club?' In the 1960's timeframe? - lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The 'sisterhood' require CIA agents to be Mormon, in good standing within the Church. Harry
  18. Kennedy's several enemies were mainly the result of a well planned scheme aimed at first for his political destruction, along with that which he 'supposedly' represented, ie; Liberalism/Socialism/Communism. During the following years this successful, pseudo anti-Communist campaign for the minds of Americans in leadership positions, both political and economic 'at several effected levels', had also reached a majority of fearfully concerned average citizens. As a result, Kennedy's popularity {according to a Gallup Poll} was at it's lowest point by September 1963' Using the name of Conservatism, the dire plan was to seize complete and continuous political control over the U.S. government, and to forever neutralize any future political opposition. One quote from this internal subversive, and now all powerful, combined religio/politic juggernaut; "people think of us as wholly or primarily an anti-Communist organization. This causes many misunderstandings. The truth is that our fight with the Communists is purely incidental to our long range objectives". A last minute loss of faith in their own extreme and costly efforts to destroy Kennedy's chances for re-election brought about a final desperate opportunity to seize power via their radical actionaries, in a shock-force assassination of the president.
  19. Written in 1966,one of 10 verses,Re Lorenzo and Alonzo. If any would think that I jest And fun at me would press Of Kennedy's plotters I shall say Two more lived here in East L.A. To their war names they did resort They are Leopoldo and Angelo in the warren report. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Harry, Based, among other things, on the literary style and vocabulary, the slightly ironic sense of humor, the obvious high intelligence of the author, and the use of the word "here" (in the context of 'East L.A.'), my intuition tells me that this sonnet (?) was Penned (pardon the pun) by none other than one of my favorite contributors to this Forum, the one..., the only..., ... Gerry Patrick Hemming..... Thomas P.S. Do you know who wrote it? If so, pray tell...... (Thanks!) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi, Thomas Hall, Howard, Hemming, I and 'others' resided in the general areas of East Los Angeles, California in the 1960's era. It is so that I did write this verse, {from a total of ten verses}. Thanks. Harry
  20. Major William 'Bill Morgan, of Toledo, Ohio, held equal military rank with Castro in the revolutionary army. WILLIAM MORGAN I was under the Castro spell Untill the day Bill Morgan fell Our friend Fidel had him shot down And burried under red Cuban ground. It was at La Cabana where he died The victim of true patriot pride, Trijillo the murderer tried to deal With Morgan, Castro's power to steal. Dominicans landed and died in Cuba's snare Not one Trijillo soldier did Castro spare Major Morgan, soldier and hero true Saved the Revolution, not else he would do. On Bill Morgan history did hinge Then an angry U.S. State Dept. went on a binge Morgan's citizenship they did revoke Knowing he'd soon die by this infamous hoax. Globalists, will never show mercy To any who injure their conspiracies Many like Morgan will pay this price But will live on immortal, the greater life! {c} by Harry J. Dean
  21. Hi, Terry and John D. Yes Terry, Dangerous is the proper term for these that have infested the political, bureaucratic and social areas in the U.S.. thereby affecting the world as a resut of their control. Hi, John LDS members with government post extend from the Ward house to the White House. Under Bush Sr., Larry Bush {no relation} a Mormon official at the Agriculture Department explained in a 1981 interview that today's Washington LDS Saints refer to themselves among themselves as a "sisterhood". It is a term with roots at the CIA where the church is particularly well represnted. CIA agents also refer to one another as sisters. George Bush Sr. appointed former General, Brent Scowcroft, Roger Porter, and Steve Studdert all Mormons to top White House posts in foreign affairs, domestic policy, and political schedualing. While Scowcroft, Porter and Studdert were the most visible Mormons running the government as the Bush administration began, they were only three among hundreds,perhaps thousands,of DC. Saints with influential positions in the ferderal government. Furthermore, similar Mormon "knots" thrive at state, county, and local levels throughout the country. The resulting Mormon power elite - a tightly knit, almost exclusively white male assemblage of jurists, jornalists,, FBI agents, CIA excecutives, interior department managers, Pentagon brass, corporation chiefs, and ranking White House officials continue to make up a substantial portion of United States government! [example, Scowcroft remains along with other Mormons Bush Jr. advisor}. Roger Blaine Porter under Bush Sr. was Presidential assistant for Domestic and Economic policy. Studdert served as advance man in the Ford White House and as campaign aid in charge of Bush Sr's image in 1988 election season. Scowcroft during the Reagan administration persuaded the U.S. government to scrap a church opposed plan to base the then new generation of MX long range missiles in Utah. Mormon interests were again served by the secular activities of one of the faithful. Jeffery Willis, long time CIA personel director, under pressure revealed that many other Silver Springs, Maryland, Mormon ward members were CIA men, including columnist Jack Anderson. U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch {also Mormon} R-Utah during a move to extend ERA act threatened to stage a filibuster to head off the Senate vote on extention. ERA {Equal Rights Amendment}. James Fletcher {Mormon} head of the National Areonautics and Space Administration {NASA} visited the Sterling ward house to read a letter from the Twelve Apostles {church leadership} ordering Saints to oppose the amendment. That letter was sent to Mormon lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Saints on the White House staff, at CIA headquarters, in the FBI, and throughout the federal bureaucracy.That letter led to an expertly organized effort that ultimately killed the chance for ratification. Their kind are still there , Scowcroft, Hatch, now endless other newer recruits along with some of the other older Mormons mentioned above, as they infest and run the present and future political U.S. administrations. More dire than 'natural disasters' the LDS "plan" rolls on, and over!. Research will reveal the monster, by it's "political image!". It is still not to late?. Harry <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LDS, Later Day Saints "Political Manifesto" Saints {Mormons} must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties. Harry <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ******************************************************************** "LDS, Later Day Saints "Political Manifesto" Saints {Mormons} must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties. Harry" ******************************************************************** Harry, this group lends a more insidious spin to the word, "fundamentalism." There has always been an enormous amount of unnecessary blood shed in the name of God Almighty. Therefore, I am equally shocked and dismayed at the infiltration of this beast into our mainstream society, similar to the course taken by a metastatic disease on the human body. And yet, as seemingly bizarre as a take on that old Kevin McCarthy- Dana Winters movie, "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers." Why were the checks and balances not in place to counter a religious coup of a magnitude such as this one? Who was supposed to be minding the store when the LDS began chewing away at the foundation of our constitution, like the termite infestation they truly are? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi, Terry On this site under MEMOIRS is the explanation of how and when they {LDS} crept into position. Harry
  22. Tim, I can not thank you enough for this great William Morgan story. Harry
  23. Hi, Terry and John D. Yes Terry, Dangerous is the proper term for these that have infested the political, bureaucratic and social areas in the U.S.. thereby affecting the world as a resut of their control. Hi, John LDS members with government post extend from the Ward house to the White House. Under Bush Sr., Larry Bush {no relation} a Mormon official at the Agriculture Department explained in a 1981 interview that today's Washington LDS Saints refer to themselves among themselves as a "sisterhood". It is a term with roots at the CIA where the church is particularly well represnted. CIA agents also refer to one another as sisters. George Bush Sr. appointed former General, Brent Scowcroft, Roger Porter, and Steve Studdert all Mormons to top White House posts in foreign affairs, domestic policy, and political schedualing. While Scowcroft, Porter and Studdert were the most visible Mormons running the government as the Bush administration began, they were only three among hundreds,perhaps thousands,of DC. Saints with influential positions in the ferderal government. Furthermore, similar Mormon "knots" thrive at state, county, and local levels throughout the country. The resulting Mormon power elite - a tightly knit, almost exclusively white male assemblage of jurists, jornalists,, FBI agents, CIA excecutives, interior department managers, Pentagon brass, corporation chiefs, and ranking White House officials continue to make up a substantial portion of United States government! [example, Scowcroft remains along with other Mormons Bush Jr. advisor}. Roger Blaine Porter under Bush Sr. was Presidential assistant for Domestic and Economic policy. Studdert served as advance man in the Ford White House and as campaign aid in charge of Bush Sr's image in 1988 election season. Scowcroft during the Reagan administration persuaded the U.S. government to scrap a church opposed plan to base the then new generation of MX long range missiles in Utah. Mormon interests were again served by the secular activities of one of the faithful. Jeffery Willis, long time CIA personel director, under pressure revealed that many other Silver Springs, Maryland, Mormon ward members were CIA men, including columnist Jack Anderson. U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch {also Mormon} R-Utah during a move to extend ERA act threatened to stage a filibuster to head off the Senate vote on extention. ERA {Equal Rights Amendment}. James Fletcher {Mormon} head of the National Areonautics and Space Administration {NASA} visited the Sterling ward house to read a letter from the Twelve Apostles {church leadership} ordering Saints to oppose the amendment. That letter was sent to Mormon lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Saints on the White House staff, at CIA headquarters, in the FBI, and throughout the federal bureaucracy.That letter led to an expertly organized effort that ultimately killed the chance for ratification. Their kind are still there , Scowcroft, Hatch, now endless other newer recruits along with some of the other older Mormons mentioned above, as they infest and run the present and future political U.S. administrations. More dire than 'natural disasters' the LDS "plan" rolls on, and over!. Research will reveal the monster, by it's "political image!". It is still not to late?. Harry <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LDS, Later Day Saints "Political Manifesto" Saints {Mormons} must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties. Harry
  24. Hi, Terry and John D. Yes Terry, Dangerous is the proper term for these that have infested the political, bureaucratic and social areas in the U.S.. thereby affecting the world as a resut of their control. Hi, John LDS members with government post extend from the Ward house to the White House. Under Bush Sr., Larry Bush {no relation} a Mormon official at the Agriculture Department explained in a 1981 interview that today's Washington LDS Saints refer to themselves among themselves as a "sisterhood". It is a term with roots at the CIA where the church is particularly well represnted. CIA agents also refer to one another as sisters. George Bush Sr. appointed former General, Brent Scowcroft, Roger Porter, and Steve Studdert all Mormons to top White House posts in foreign affairs, domestic policy, and political schedualing. While Scowcroft, Porter and Studdert were the most visible Mormons running the government as the Bush administration began, they were only three among hundreds,perhaps thousands,of DC. Saints with influential positions in the ferderal government. Furthermore, similar Mormon "knots" thrive at state, county, and local levels throughout the country. The resulting Mormon power elite - a tightly knit, almost exclusively white male assemblage of jurists, jornalists,, FBI agents, CIA excecutives, interior department managers, Pentagon brass, corporation chiefs, and ranking White House officials continue to make up a substantial portion of United States government! [example, Scowcroft remains along with other Mormons Bush Jr. advisor}. Roger Blaine Porter under Bush Sr. was Presidential assistant for Domestic and Economic policy. Studdert served as advance man in the Ford White House and as campaign aid in charge of Bush Sr's image in 1988 election season. Scowcroft during the Reagan administration persuaded the U.S. government to scrap a church opposed plan to base the then new generation of MX long range missiles in Utah. Mormon interests were again served by the secular activities of one of the faithful. Jeffery Willis, long time CIA personel director, under pressure revealed that many other Silver Springs, Maryland, Mormon ward members were CIA men, including columnist Jack Anderson. U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch {also Mormon} R-Utah during a move to extend ERA act threatened to stage a filibuster to head off the Senate vote on extention. ERA {Equal Rights Amendment}. James Fletcher {Mormon} head of the National Areonautics and Space Administration {NASA} visited the Sterling ward house to read a letter from the Twelve Apostles {church leadership} ordering Saints to oppose the amendment. That letter was sent to Mormon lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Saints on the White House staff, at CIA headquarters, in the FBI, and throughout the federal bureaucracy.That letter led to an expertly organized effort that ultimately killed the chance for ratification. Their kind are still there , Scowcroft, Hatch, now endless other newer recruits along with some of the other older Mormons mentioned above, as they infest and run the present and future political U.S. administrations. More dire than 'natural disasters' the LDS "plan" rolls on, and over!. Research will reveal the monster, by it's "political image!". It is still not to late?. Harry
  25. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why the heck would a church maintain such a data base? Further, why would the FBI approach them for use of a data base already available on the web? Because the base on the web is not all there is? To access a database that is not on the web ie. the redacted bits? Can't help seeing similarities here with the SISS and Senator Eastlands database. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi, John D. INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT The question..........future liberty Arise! Alert to sacrifice Boycott the 'beastly mark' Mormon mastery To track all persons, thoughts and deeds Boycott this 'all powerful' apostate Masonry With assassins grip 'on all U.S. politics' Boycott their 'common cause' new century, Buy not.......sell not.........use not Boycott it's 'dialectic indignities' Destroy the 'brute comrades zeal Boycott their 'new order' equality For 'U.N. world' work ethic, slavery Boycott the chaos-creator's 'pale tyranny' Who's lackeys in 'lethal power' rule Boycott 'the plan' of few to subvert majorities With 'legislated limits' on all rights of liberty! {c} by Harry J. Dean
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