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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. The whole Kissinger/Helms story that RFK was behind plots to kill Castro was new to me when it recently made news, but then I just read the same story (Intelligence Wars, NYRB, 2004) in a Thomas Powers New York Review of Books from February 4, 1999. Thomas Powers, who of Oswald, in the chapter called The Mind of the Assassin, after reviewing most of his intelligence related activities, writes, "Oswald's Tale brings us right up to the pinch-lipped misery and sour odor of the man. He borught pain to many and happiness to none. Anger is what this makes me feel. It was an insect that brought Kennedy down. Would to God he had popped first beneath somebody's foot." Powers then joins forces with Mad Max Holland and Dark Slyd Hersh, not in a search for the truth, but to step on Bobby the Bug, whose been dead eight years when, as Powers says, these words were "written down in the heat of a government crisis, the words of a man [Henry Kiss] in a position to know [bK: and known to lie], recorded on the day, perhaps even within the hour, they were uttered." As Powers puts it (p.372-373), "...The secrets a the heart of secrets are rarely confided to official paper or the appropriate files. The deepest secrets of all have nothing to do with the burn time of ballistic missiles, the configuration of fissionable material in nuclear weapons, or other technical matters, but rather with what presidents want. Those are what ancient Chinese writer about war and statecraft Sun-tzu called 'mouth-to-mouth" matters." "One such surfaced recently when the Assassinations Records Review Board released a two-page 'Memorandum of Conversation' from Gerald Ford Presidential Library recording some comments of Henry Kissinger on January 4, 1975, during a discussion of news stories by Seymour Hersh claiming extensive wrongdoing by the CIA." "According to Max Holland, who is writing a book about the Warren Commission, Kissinger, then serving as both Ford's secretary of state and his national security advisor, had sought a blanket denial from the agency but had been infromed by William Colby that some major secrets remain hidden. A former director, Richard Helms, was summoned back to Washington from his post as Amabassador to Iran to fill in the details for Kissinger at a breakfast meeting shrotly before Kissinger met in the White House with President Ford and Brent Scowcroft, who was taking notes." "'Helms said all these stories are just the tip of the iceberg,' Kissinger said, as recorded by Scowcroft during the meeting with Ford. 'If they come out, blood will flow. For example, Robert Kennedy personally managed the operation on the assassination of Castro.'" "The friends and defenders of the Kennedy brothers say it isn't so; but there it is on paper, written down in the heat of government crisis, the words of a man in a position to know, recorded on the day, perhaps even within the very hour, they were uttered." "Holland and Hersh, still on the case, also learned recently the name of the CIA intelligence officer named to serve as liaison with the attorney general during the year in which he continually pressed the CIA for results in getting rid of Castro - a career intelligence officer, now dead, named Charles Ford." "According to Ford's office-mate Sam Halpern, a CIA officfer also assigned to Task Force W in the agency's effort to get rid of Castro, Ford traveled hither and yon about the country on Robert Kennedy's business, but there public knowlege comes to an end. Hersh's book The Dark Side of Camelot, published in 1998, includes some addiional ancillary detail. Whether still-classified CIA files can fill out the story of Ford's work for Bobby remains unknown but it's likely, just as it is likely no one will be given free range of the files until many, many additional years have passed, if then." "Think of the CIA's files as the nation's unconscious. There you may find the evidence, like the gouges on rock where a glacer has passed, of what American leaders really thought, really wanted, and really did - important clues to who we are as a people. Does this eternal battle over access to the files make sense when few still care what happened at the Bay of Pigs? Does it matter whether we are permitted to haul up the last piece of paper to the light of day before letting it rest? There is no right anwer, just personal preferences: some would rather know, and some would rather not." "[Mad Max] Holland and [Dark Slyd] Hersh, still on the case....." are undobutedly sill chasing down Charles Ford and what he was doing for "Bobby" traveling "hither and yon," the office-mate to Sam Halpern, the sill-alive CIA officer also assigned to Task Force W., who also hates Kennedy. Now that Bugliosi is fizzling out, I'm sure we will soon receive a barage of broadsides from the likes of Powers, Holland and Hersh. BK The note writing, record keeping General Brent Scowcroft served directly under presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr. and now with Bush Jr. Scowcroft is only one of several thousands of Mormons imbeded within influencial positions of U.S. Government Administrations. It is urgent, that JFK Researchers expose such powerful socio/religious/politico combinations! Harry
  2. Charles Black Good thinking Charles. H.J.Dean hjay1212@wmconnect.com
  3. Hi, Jim Re; dates and times A continious stream of behind the scenes information reached the Society via MM Agents in place, including the 'movements', and 'personal activities' of the president, much that was printed for it's members in Birch Society literature/propaganda. H.J. Dean
  4. MMA sent dates/times to RID of JBS, re; all JFK intended visits! MMA = Mormon Mole Agents {within gov.} RID = Research Intelligence Department JBS = John Birch Society JFK = John F. Kennedy H.J. Dean
  5. Hi,Bernice "RID" Research Intelligence Department, of The John Birch Society, from it's begining, through their "MMM" Members Monthly Message Publication, and other literature, as part of their 'First Five Year Plan' aimed at destroying the reputation of JFK even before he declaired for the Presidency, and moreso during his term in office. These publications were also available to the public. Another important example of JBS/RID destroying work is the Robert Surrey/General Walker/JBS, JFK WANTED FOR TREASON, Dallas poster, followed by assassination and Coup d'e-tat. Harry
  6. Hi, Myra How much is the seller asking for that issue LIFE Mag. Thanks. H.J. Dean It's at $6.99 opening bid (not met) right now Harry. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ADME:L:RTQ:US:1 I got a reply from the seller (below) but still haven't confirmed it has the Rockefeller/Kennedy letter exchange I'm after. Q>"Could you please tell me if pages 30-34 have material (an article or letters) related to David Rockefeller >and President John F. Kennedy? >Thank you." A>"HI,There betwin page 30 to 36 is about 4 pages of Kennedy Family with large black and white pictures. >Tks" I'll probably follow John's advice and hunt for it at the library. NOTICE Myra I just ck'd the ebay link you gave, the Canada person's LIFE Mag. is not the one I have or the one you are looking for..........The Mag. you seek {this one} has an air balloon picture on it's cover, and has the exact very interesting artical you mention. H.J. Dean
  7. Hi, Myra How much is the seller asking for that issue LIFE Mag. Thanks. H.J. Dean It's at $6.99 opening bid (not met) right now Harry. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ADME:L:RTQ:US:1 I got a reply from the seller (below) but still haven't confirmed it has the Rockefeller/Kennedy letter exchange I'm after. Q>"Could you please tell me if pages 30-34 have material (an article or letters) related to David Rockefeller >and President John F. Kennedy? >Thank you." A>"HI,There betwin page 30 to 36 is about 4 pages of Kennedy Family with large black and white pictures. >Tks" I'll probably follow John's advice and hunt for it at the library. A few months back my son-in-law gave me a stack of old mags, included is the one you seek, as described by seller. Shoot me your address and its yours. No cost. hjay1212@wmconnect.com
  8. Hi, Myra How much is the seller asking for that issue LIFE Mag. Thanks. H.J. Dean
  9. Johnw Two of images were of Casanas, third was blank with only Mogan's signature. Harry
  10. Hi, John Re; your agency/Cuban mug book is there a shot of Francisco Vega, Cuban Intelligence agent.? Naturally it is easy to ID Dorticos in the photo, as president of Cuba, {soon bounced out by Castro}. Re; Morgan, I cannot print-out at the present time. But would like to see such photos. Thanks for the kind offer. Harry
  11. James and John I was off in judgement on these two pics. My apology to John W, in telling him, from what I could make out, that they were likely not the same person. James, I can guess, but do you have any further info. on the fate of Casanas? Thanks much. Harry
  12. Hi, John W Will you please e-mail a copy of Casanas. I have veiwed pic. by James. Thanks much. Harry hjay1212@wmconnect.com
  13. Hi, John Disproportionate power. YES. Here is one example of subversive progress. Even before taking the oath of office George Bush Sr. had named BRENT SCOWCROFT, ROGER PORTER, and STEVE STUDDERT, all Mormons, to top White House posts in foreign affairs, domestic policy, and political scheduling. The 'Sisterhood was overjoyed. For {General} Scowcroft the Bush cabinet level appointment capped a long career serving those at the seat of power from Richard Nixion to Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. While Scowcroft, Porter and Studdert were the most visible Mormons running the government as the Bush Sr. administration began, they were three among hundreds, perhaps thousands , of D.C. Saints with influential positions in the federal government. Furthermore, similar Mormon "knots" thrive at the state,county,and local levels throughout the country. The resulting power elite-a tightly knit, almost exclusively white male assemblage of Jurists, Journalists, FBI agents, CIA executives, Interior Department managers, Pentagon brass, Corporation chiefs and ranking White House officials, Mormons make up a substantial portion of middle management of the United States government. Note; Republican/Conservative or by any other name! Scowcroft and endless others are in the present Bush Jr. administration. If and when an opposition political party is elected, embeded Mormons will still be infiltating persuading even directing. Bush Jr. is willingly carrying out Mormon Church leadership policies to bring about a Church/State world union! LDS, Latter Day Saints, Mormon "POLITICAL MANIFESTO" Saints must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties.
  14. Hi, John Disproportionate power. YES. Here is one example of subversive progress. Even before taking the oath of office George Bush Sr. had named BRENT SCOWCROFT, ROGER PORTER, and STEVE STUDDERT, all Mormons, to top White House posts in foreign affairs, domestic policy, and political scheduling. The 'Sisterhood was overjoyed. For {General} Scowcroft the Bush cabinet level appointment capped a long career serving those at the seat of power from Richard Nixion to Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. While Scowcroft, Porter and Studdert were the most visible Mormons running the government as the Bush Sr. administration began, they were three among hundreds, perhaps thousands , of D.C. Saints with influential positions in the federal government. Furthermore, similar Mormon "knots" thrive at the state,county,and local levels throughout the country. The resulting power elite-a tightly knit, almost exclusively white male assemblage of Jurists, Journalists, FBI agents, CIA executives, Interior Department managers, Pentagon brass, Corporation chiefs and ranking White House officials, Mormons make up a substantial portion of middle management of the United States government. Note; Republican/Conservative or by any other name! Scowcroft and endless others are in the present Bush Jr. administration. If and when an opposition political party is elected, embeded Mormons will still be infiltating persuading even directing. Bush Jr. is willingly carrying out Mormon Church leadership policies to bring about a Church/State world union! LDS, Latter Day Saints, Mormon "POLITICAL MANIFESTO" Saints must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties.
  15. Hi, John Information re; ERA, CIA, LDS combine. An official of the US. Agriculture Dept. Larry Bush {Mormon} explained in an 1981 interview that todays Washington Saints refer to themselves, among themselves, as a "Sisterhood" It's a term with roots at the CIA where the Church is particularly well represented. CIA agents also refer to one another as "sisters." .......here the best example of Mormon clout changing the face of America is the case of Sonia Johnson and the ERA in April 1977 when Mormon Bishop, Jeffery Willis, a long time CIA personel director, while no stranger to public controversey, Willis was forced by the Johnson case to face the cameras personally rather than relying on CIA piblic relations staff. His comments revealed that many other CIA men were Ward members,and that he had sought public relations from an old friend,newspaper columnist Jack Anderson, himself a member of the Silver Springs, Maryland, Ward. The hidden role of Mormon elders in setting up anti-ERA demonstrations and in working through the Sisterhood to oppose the amendment, when it appeared that a pro-ERA measure extending the time alloted for ratifacation might actually reach the floor for a vote, LDS Senator ORRIN Hatch {R, Utah} vowed to stage a filibuster to head off the Senate vote on extension. Mormon elder James Fletcher, head of the National Areonautics and Space Administration {NASA}, visited the Sterling Ward house to read the letter from the Twelve Apostles ordering saints to oppose the amendment. That letter was sent to Mormon lawmakers on Capitol Hill,Saints on the White House staff, at CIA headquarters,in the FBI, and throughout the federal bureaucracy. It led to an expertly organized LDS effort in half dozen states from Florida to Illinois. The support it marshalled against ERA ultimately killed its chances for ratifacation. {from 1990 Manuscript/book YROJ Connection to JFK by Harry J. Dean, pages 38 & 39,}
  16. In the case of MITT ROMNEY former Massachusett governor, now Republican candidate for the U.S. Presidency, it is very important to know of; The LDS {Mormon} 'POLITICAL MANIFESTO' All Later Day Saints must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties. Ref. for more details see Forum index name Harry Dean.
  17. CULTURE We, at least in North America, live in a fearsome and gigantic experimental laboratory under trial-and-error-clowns-let-loose. Even in the subconscious of the average citizen, a constant to often unrecognized deep concern drives 'every facet' of daily existance. H.J.Dean
  18. The British Empire came to end because of the resistance from within and without. Hopefully, the same thing will happen to the American Empire. Re; Empire What greater observation than this could have been made? H.J.Dean
  19. I wondered re; such details also,as he was much younger than I? Hemming knows, maybe John Simkin can tell us?.
  20. Thanks for that Harry. I know LHO also had a fascination for Morgan. And the meeting between Morgan and Leo Cherne, someone with whom LHO corresponded with from USSR more than once, calls for closer scrunity. BK Hi William Could you relate more details re; Oswald USSR letters to Cherne, and meetings between Morgan & Mr. Cherne? Thanks. Harry
  21. I recently found at NARA {National Archives & Records Administration} a U.S. Intelligence report falsely stating that I had been issued a passport by the Cuban revolutionary government to enter Cuba in 1960. It is a lie, also such passport was not required at that time! The same report states that among others I had met with Major William Morgan {executed a few months later by Castro} for alleged counterrevolutionary activities, also an error by U.S. Intelligence for whom I was at the same time laboring! A few other Cuban government officials I did meet with,but not mentioned in the above U.S. Intelligence reports included F. Castro. Now, these discoveries more than four decades later indicate I was likely being steered from the background with the intent to involve me even more deeply, in deadly anti-Castro schemes? MORGAN An American,Major William Morgan, of Toledo, Ohio. Morgan held equal military rank with Castro in the Cuban Revolutionary Army. Saluted by Castro as a hero of the revolution. Trijillo, President of Dominican Republic. Trijillo the murderer tried to deal With Morgan, Castro's power to steal Dominicans landed and died in Cuba's snare Not one Trijillo soldier did Castro spare Major Morgan,soldier and hero true Saved the Revolucion, not else would he do. On Bill Morgan this history did hinge Then an angry U.S. State Dept. went on a binge Morgan's citizenship the did revoke Knowing he soon die by this infamous hoax. Morgan as an officer in the Cuban Revolutionary Army, could not, would not agree with CIA {Central Intelligence Agency} to aid the Dominican dictator Trijillo in attempting to overthrow Castro's government. Morgan informed Castro of the plan. The U.S. state Dept. then withdrew Morgan's U.S. citizenship while leaking false information to Castro that Morgan was in fact working with CIA. Castro beleived the information and had Morgan arrested and executed. Like him and his chosen position or not, Morgan remained true to his calling to the end. H.J.Dean
  22. Fran A. Hemming reported that Lawrence Howard had died, no other details.
  23. Hi, I never knew of such a tape by Hall. Have just the flat 1960s record as mentioned above. I would appreciate knowing if anything turns up. Harry
  24. Hi, The John Birch Society put out a record re; a hall speech, the one I have is likely warped, being in the bottom of a box of goods for a few decades and likely may no longer be useful?. In it he states "that JFK will stoop to no known depths" and "I hold him {JFK} responsible for" and etc' and etc. Hall was well known to me {an associate} before during and after the death of Kennedy in Dallas,Texas. Hall would only be involved with Intelligence upon being captured/arrested by them or other authorities. H.J. Dean Hey Mr. Dean - seeing that speech would be interesting. Did you realize that Hall was working as an informant for the FBI, or was it the case that it was occidental - eg, as you have stated above - first he would get himself in a fix, and then cut a deal to get out. - lee Hall would not plan to be apprehended. He was as seriously ticked of at Castro as the rest of us. Hall began to beleive that Kennedy was keeping Castro in power. Sadly, many of us were true beleivers in such Birch Society literature/propaganda, seeing it as patriotism. It is my thought that Hall mistakenly beleived that Intelligence agents thought as he did about the subject. Harry
  25. Loran 'Skip' 'Lorenzo Pascillio' Eugene Hall is deceased - 1995. I believe that his son Jr is still alive - I think the address is still good for where Loran used to live - Missouri. Multiple 1959 docs at NARA seem to confirm has having been an FBI informant. Never heard of that tape however - sounds interesting. 501 hits for Hall - NARA has an 8 minute interview with Hall done by AJ Weberman.- no other reference. Perhaps Garrison failed to issue that subpoena. - lee Hi, The John Birch Society put out a record re; a hall speech, the one I have is likely warped, being in the bottom of a box of goods for a few decades and likely may no longer be useful?. In it he states "that JFK will stoop to no known depths" and "I hold him {JFK} responsible for" and etc' and etc. Hall was well known to me {an associate} before during and after the death of Kennedy in Dallas,Texas. Hall would only be involved with Intelligence upon being captured/arrested by them or other authorities. H.J. Dean
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