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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. From the 1990 manuscript/book, YROJ connection to JFK Assassination, pg23 Upon the death of JFK, the planned "New Americanists scheme" with it's framework so 'cunningly in place' {throughout US. Government agencies} for more than a half century, moved quickly to consolidate and hold perpetual power over a bewildered government and confused nation. At the death of JFK the existing powers joined with the "New Americanists scheme" as, The old system lay dying A new one came to birth. H.Dean
  2. From the manuscripy/book YROJ 1990. All John Birch Society members were quickly informed by Special Bulletin about the death of Dallas Police Officer J.D.Tippit, allegedly killed by Lee Oswald. The case has been confused and disputed . Oswald denied the charge. It remains unsolved and unproven. Tippit's death remains clouded in mystery. There is no mystery about Tippit's connections. He worked week-ends in a Dallas restaurant owned by another Birch Society member. Another Birch Society Special Bulletin also stated: We were ready to step into that picture and ask our members for donations for the support of Tippit's family.....but it might be harmful for us to do so. Harry J. Dean
  3. As Chief Curry says, you would think that from a common sense blood splatter analysis, you would think that the head shot originated from the front. I think the Discovery Channell will repeat the program tomorrow - Dec 1. BK Hi, Bill The show did replay here tonight Dec 1. I caught most of it. My Son who has 'little interest' watched the entire show. He later said "why did'nt that dude Gary mention the obvious throat shot shown at the start of the film"? I have to ask, why Chief Curry's statement was not mentioned {from his book} "there is no one that can place Oswald with a rifle in that window"
  4. I have read that book. After the 1975 Tom Snyder Show I refused to agree with Mr. Morris on doing a book. He was ticked-off and did the book mentioned and other books on the subject about which I learned years later. Careful reading of any of them will show the contents resulted from his own ideas and investigation, skillfully putting his words in my mouth. Morris was an investigative reporter, writer, and an angry person. Re; FBI methods concerning me; After a fearfull year {at FBI request "to hang in there} and spy on "Castro's Network In The United States" from the inside, eg. The 26th Of July Movement, and The Fair Play For Cuba Committee 1960/1961. Also having related information I had gathered for CIA from government officials & other sources in Cuba in 1960. Chicago Bureau agents suddenly dismissed me in 1961. During what became our final meeting, I had innocently admitted to those two FBI agents that I had told CIA agents I was also dealing with the FBI. Those agents suggested I had betrayed the FBI. They were extremely upset and dismissed me from further contact with the Bureau. I was to deal with the agency soon again, in California, in similar activities until 1965. It is understood, if one blabbs/exposes Intelligence associations, the dirt will hit the fan! As it did when in 1965 I blabbed/exposed information re; JFK details. I explained this couple years back on MaryFerrell site.
  5. Hi James Your information amazes me and is always greatly appreciated. I look back down the long trail of time and see so many former associates some who stood as my 'deadly' serious opponents, and all that have left life's scene unexpectedly too soon. They also I remember as admirable fighters for their cause. Harry Harry, I don't know if you answered this somewhere else. If so, I missed it. But what do you make of this description? Is it accurate? I also missed where this came from. Is it from Chauncey Holt's manuscript? Thanks, BK Harry Dean CIA contract agent in Alhambra, Californiam who was a private detective. The "shoe factories" of the CIA -- L.A. Stmap and Stationery, Scimitar Studio with Dennis Curtin Studio -- routinely furnished him with identity packages in a variety of names. The CIA facility at the Santa Barabra Airport in Goleta, California supplied him with special weapory including silenced 22's. Bill It was answered in the thread "Ouestion For John Simkin" 13 Nov 08 now scrolling on page two. I now recall your mention of Holt's making such statements {in a book?}. That was couple years back? Am doing great, how goes all with you? Harry Thanks Harry, Got it. Do you have a poem for Obama? BK Bill I am struck just recently with that very thought. Not sure when, but it will happen. Harry
  6. Wim None who trudged those trenches were of known significance then, with exception of being requested to seek out specific persons and information. Was the unknown Holt seeking me out, did he know me. There were numberless nameless people I could have met in those trenches. Holt I do not specifically recall from among them. Bill Kelly mentioned a few years back, that a person {Holt} had written a book? that included naming me as a continuing spy in CIA activities {as outlined in this Forum thread}. I did then attempt to contact his daughter, to discover what was stated. But without success gave up the effort. Harry
  7. Hi James Your information amazes me and is always greatly appreciated. I look back down the long trail of time and see so many former associates some who stood as my 'deadly' serious opponents, and all that have left life's scene unexpectedly too soon. They also I remember as admirable fighters for their cause. Harry Harry, I don't know if you answered this somewhere else. If so, I missed it. But what do you make of this description? Is it accurate? I also missed where this came from. Is it from Chauncey Holt's manuscript? Thanks, BK Harry Dean CIA contract agent in Alhambra, Californiam who was a private detective. The "shoe factories" of the CIA -- L.A. Stmap and Stationery, Scimitar Studio with Dennis Curtin Studio -- routinely furnished him with identity packages in a variety of names. The CIA facility at the Santa Barabra Airport in Goleta, California supplied him with special weapory including silenced 22's. Bill It was answered in the thread "Ouestion For John Simkin" 13 Nov 08 now scrolling on page two. I now recall your mention of Holt's making such statements {in a book?}. That was couple years back? Am doing great, how goes all with you? Harry
  8. Hi James Your information amazes me and is always greatly appreciated. I look back down the long trail of time and see so many former associates some who stood as my 'deadly' serious opponents, and all that have left life's scene unexpectedly too soon. They also I remember as admirable fighters for their cause. Harry
  9. Hi, James Thank you for the photo. Also the sad news of Nye's passing. Are you able to gage his age at death and the cause? Did you reach his mother, Mrs. Helen Lynch? It would be likely she was long gone. I found Nye an unassuming person to know, doing his duty,and following his convictions. Any further details will be welcome, again with my thanks to you. Harry
  10. Hey Dave That list is a mystery to me, was just wondering who made it up? My answer to it is on the other thread, made earlier this AM: Harry
  11. CIA safe house at Morgan City, Hotel Dixie.... Leroy Davis buried east of Morgan City at Bayou Buff. Petrolum Helicopters did contract work for the CIA during the 1957 and 1960-63 Chuncey and others from Curtain studios and guns were taken there in the early spring of 63. Inter-mountain Aviation was also a player through Morgain City. Menoa was associated with this group in the early days 1959 Well we don't have to go very far to confirm or refute this: HARRY DEAN CIA contract agent in Alambra, California, Was a private detective. The "shoe factories" of the CIA -- L.A. Stamp and Stationary, Scimitar Studio and Dennis Curtin Studio routinely furnished him with identify packages in a variety of names. The CIA facilty at the Santa Barbara Airport in Goleta, California supplied him with the special weaponry including silenced 22's. Well Harry, is it true? BK BillI was dispatched to the Pasadena weapons store in 1963 by local 'JURE' leaders to make gun purchases. The Los Angeles Bureau was totally aware of the attempt, suspecting 'JURE' to be in fact a pro-Castro operation, as did I. There must be a report of this in FBI files. Re; the CIA fronts mentioned in above post. Naturally they were know to me only resulting from the fact I operated in those times throughout Hollywood as a building contractor & etc. Re; the Santa Barbara Airport I was there only once, making a delivery for Gabaldon, to be sent by air to Mexico City, 1963. I was in Santa Barbara City only once to visit a relative. At all times my involvements and associations with US. Intelligence were only and strictly political having "no other" concern. Harry
  12. CIA safe house at Morgan City, Hotel Dixie.... Leroy Davis buried east of Morgan City at Bayou Buff. Petrolum Helicopters did contract work for the CIA during the 1957 and 1960-63 Chuncey and others from Curtain studios and guns were taken there in the early spring of 63. Inter-mountain Aviation was also a player through Morgain City. Menoa was associated with this group in the early days 1959 Well we don't have to go very far to confirm or refute this: HARRY DEAN CIA contract agent in Alambra, California, Was a private detective. The "shoe factories" of the CIA -- L.A. Stamp and Stationary, Scimitar Studio and Dennis Curtin Studio routinely furnished him with identify packages in a variety of names. The CIA facilty at the Santa Barbara Airport in Goleta, California supplied him with the special weaponry including silenced 22's. Well Harry, is it true? BK BillI was dispatched to the Pasadena weapons store in 1963 by local 'JURE' leaders to make gun purchases. The Los Angeles Bureau was totally aware of the attempt, suspecting 'JURE' to be in fact a pro-Castro operation, as did I. There must be a report of this in FBI files. Re; the CIA fronts mentioned in above post. Naturally they were know to me only resulting from the fact I operated in those times throughout Hollywood as a building contractor & etc. Re; the Santa Barbara Airport I was there only once, making a delivery for Gabaldon, to be sent by air to Mexico City, 1963. I was in Santa Barbara City only once to visit a relative. At all times my involvements and associations with US. Intelligence were only and strictly political having "no other" concern. Harry
  13. Myra; The "Angelo" question was pretty well resolved by Gerry Hemming. And, although GPH's statements should rightfully be questioned, I do not question the son of Angelo Murgado/aka Angel Kennedy. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...=5333&st=30 My father has for lack of a better word, made me his representative, so I speak for him when I write this. When my father went to meet with Silvia, he has assured me that Oswald was already in the apartment. The only reason Oswald was known to my father was the same way most of New Orleans new him...through the newspaper and other media outlets. Oswald if you remember was working very hard at getting himself noticed. My father says he never even shock hands with Oswald nor did he speak with him as his business was with Sylvia. At no time did my father have any type of association with Oswald besides this brief encounter. Amaury Murgado (son of Angel/Angelo Murgado) is a retired NCO from the United States Army Special Forces. His credentials are impeccable, and were it that his father was anything other than a true patriot of the Cuban Freedom fighters, then one can be assured that Amaury Murgado would never have been entrusted to the postion which he has ultimately received. This is one of those areas in which the knowledge of GPH has helped to eliminate suspicion from some (such as Angel Murgado), while also pointing to those aspects of LHO's activities which demonstrate that someone was "feeding" him information which he could use to attempt to point the finger at the Cuban Freedom Fighters. I did not update my previous post because I needed to obtain more information regarding Dick Russell's reference to the "bomb throwing incident at the Cuban Embassy," which is connected to the two Cuban's who were with Oswald at various times and whom Nagell stated were trying to recruit Oswald into the assassination of President Kennedy. Russell writes.....As we have seen, Nagell would never reveal the true identities of "Angel" and "Leopoldo" --- the two Cuban exiles who he said had decieved into believing they were Castro operatives. Instead, on several occasions when I prodded him, Nagell had cleverly steered the conversation toward a man named Tony Questa --- indicating that this man possessed the knowledge that he himself chose not to express. Cuesta, as noted earlier, had been taken prisoner in Cuba during a raid in 1966. Cuesta was blinded [in an explosion] and spent most of his time in the hospital. Escalante recalled. In 1978, he was among a group of imprisoned exiles released through an initiative of the Carter administration. "A few days before he was to leave," according to Escalante, "I had several conversations with Cuesta. He volunteered, "I want to tell you something very important, but I do not want this made public because I am returning to my family in Miami --- and this could be very dangerous.........In a declaration he is said to have written for the Cubans, Cuesta named two other exiles as having been involved in plotting the Kennedy assassination. Their names were Eladio del Valle and Herminio Diaz Garcia." Robert: In this section, Russell points out that Diaz Garcia was a "Mulatto" or "dark skinned" Cuban, and notes the fact that on November 22, 1963 there were two incidents in which a person is cited whose description is similar to Herminio Diaz Garcia, i.e. in both Arnold Rowland's description of a shooter other than Oswald, in the TSBD, and also in Roger Craig and three other persons description of the Rambler that departed from the TSBD, with either Oswald or an Oswald double in the passenger seat. Furthermore, another DRE member came to Miami using a recently expired Cuban passport in October 1961. After the CIA requested a FBI check, which apparently came back positive Juan Francisco Blanco-Fernandez was approved for a special six-month trainig program at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. That, as we have seen is where wher Nagell said "Leopoldo" went for training. Privately, Carlos Lechuga --- who was Cuban Ambassador to Mexico prior to taking the United Nations post early in 1963 --- verified another of Nagell's allegations: There had indeed been a bomb-throwing incident by Cuban exiles directed against an employee of the Cuban Consulate in Mexico City during 1962. From: The Man Who Knew Too Much Carroll & Graf 2003 Edition. Excerpts from pages 459-462. Robert Tried four times to answer yours re Odio, below, but would not take, so sent an e-mail answer. H. Dean
  14. Overly concerned/frightened that she {Sylvia Odio} might hurt the Anti-Castro cause, and with her Cuban 'thought accent' suggested the names, Leon, Angelo and Leopoldo Leon = Lee Oswald Angelo = Alonzo {Escruido}, birth name of Lawrence "Larry" Howard, Mexican American Leopoldo = Lorenzo {Pacillo}, birth name of Loran "Skip" Hall, White/Latin extraction
  15. Bill, you may remember in a previous thread I stated that, IMO, the only place Oswald was an agent was in his own head. In other words Oswald was "playing games" with himself. That's not to say of course that this trait was not exploited by others at a later date. But I do belive that most of LHO's life revolved around him PRETENDING to be a spy/agent. Which would account for the somewhat amateur and untrained even erratic way he went about it. Grant me a small favor Bill, humour me if you will and read this thread thru again but this time from my viewpoint. There's a good deal here that would seem to back that viewpoint up. Denis. Okay, I read the thread through and its clear that Oswald had developed philosophical concepts at an early age, was exposed to the idea of spies (Rosenbergs) and anti-Communist double-agents (I Led Three Lives), and had memorized his brother's USMC manual before he enlisted. But what if he wasn't really pretending then? He actually did work for the Trujaque Inport/Export company on the docks of New Orleans, who was connected with the various Cuban and other intelligence networks. Nor was he "untrained" and "erratic," as you describe him. While in the USMC, Oswald, David Bucknell and Kerry Thornley were called for a special briefing by a special Cuban ops officer looking to recruit operatives, which sets the stage for his interest in all things Cuban, his specialized training in codes, ciphers, resisting interrogation techniques, the Russian language and his defection to USSR. Now where's the pretensions? When he was in Minsk and Moscow, running back and forth without any supervision, meeting haphazardly with visiting American tourists (Hyde) in Moscow and then being photographed with them in Minsk a few days later, a photo that ends up in CIA files, well that tells me that if Oswald was pretending, he was doing real good. Angleton would have loved to have an agent running around Russia like that, and guess what, he probably did have him, or somebody did. The Crafts of Intelligence, as Dulles' book title calls them, are not crafts that you can teach youself, but like all master crafts, like the Big Con confidence games, they must be taught by someone who has also been taught by a master. And it is quite clear from his writings and convesations with others that he did not like the Soviet system, and his sympathy for the Castro Cuban revolution put him in with the FPCC and the Trotskites. If Mrs. Paine told an FBI agent that Oswald claimed to be a Trotski communist, then one must ask why Oswald and Michael Paine never had a conversation about Michael's father, and his historic Trotskite affiliations? As someone pointed out in a previous post on his thread, Trotski was assassinated in Mexico City by Ramond Mercader, who was reared from birth to be a KGB agent and assassin, as were his two brothers. Their story is told in "Mind of the Assassin" by Issac Don Levine, the Time/Lifer who also bought the Zap film and Marina's story. IDL could easily penetrate the KGB assassin's fisade, but when it comes to Oswald, the network behind him dissinigrates and he's left alone nut case who was only a spy in his own mind. And did anybody bother to check to see if Oswald, while in Mexico City, visited the apartment where Mercader attacked Trotski? I don't think so. When they decided to brand him a lone nut, they didn't want to find out any more about these other things. More than one of the officers interrogating Oswald said that he was trained in interrogation techniques, and was really good, and he asks for the lawyer Apt who had previously defended Trotskites, and is mentioned, I believe, in the book version of Oswald's favorite TV program, "I Led Three Lives" (for the FBI), by Herbert Philbrick. Philbrick "infiltrated" civil organizations and Massachusetts city governments posing as a communist, instigating radicals and then informing the FBI on them and testifying against them at trial, after indictment under the Smith Act - attempting to take over the US government. While Apt had defended some of those accused under the Smith Act, Philbrick is reported to have expressed foreknowledge of the assassination. Since I don't believe Oswald was the man with the rifle in the Sixth Floor window anyway, its only a matter of speculation as to the motives and philosophy of the designated patsy. He was a player in the Great Game, albet a pawn. And that's why he wasn't playing by himself. For a pawn to be able to take out a king, a lot of maneuvering must take place, and to go beyond checkmate - Pawn takes King - then the pawn must be able to get close enough to be able to use his limited capabilities. So, no, Oswald wasn't pretending, and neither were those who were playing with him. You don't carry a gun when you're pretending. As the first chief counsel to the HSCA Richard Sprague said, "I'm not going to invetigate whether Oswald was breast fed, my approach to evidence is more direct." I say it doesn't matter whether Oswald was a Communist or Socialist or Trotskite, if you take the most realistic viewpoint that was an operative. BK Hi, BK Oswald, a willing Intelligence recruit who had cast off all former so-called political convictions, even before finding this calling. Harry
  16. Excerpt from the 1990 manuscript/book YROJ. "No honest {real} Conservative really believed that we were trying to do more than call the Liberal establishment Communist sympathizers in order to replace Liberalism with Conservatism. {in the 1960s} But we were unknowingly being used to help install this present system that is surreptitiously wielding every power of the U.S. Government to force the extension of a purely materialistic religious empire that is intent on redesigning the entire world in it's own "communal" image! An effort that includes brute force and isolation of resistant individuals and entire nations.{1990} 2008 Now is the time to Vote and destroy even of the shadow of this falsity and horror.
  17. Hi, Bill Thank you for your review of 'Unspeakable'. Having been immersed so deeply in those described activities, shadowy operations and associations in those times in so many ways, I salute your very important 'review' of this vitally important book. Harry
  18. How sad this admirable anti-Castro Cuban Patriot has gone Pedro Diaz Lanz We shall remember well and long! Harry J. Dean
  19. ************************************* Hi Har, I just came across this post to Dawnie, so I copied and pasted it into an e-mail to her home e-mail address. I know she's been super busy with work, same as myself these days. Seems like everyone's trying to get more bang for their buck by cutting staff, and piling on the extra work to those who remain to pick up the slack. We only get to talk to each other on the weekends anymore, and only one day at that, if we're lucky. hjay1212@ wmconnect.com Are you sure there's supposed to be a space after the "@" in that e-mail address above? Love, Ter Hi, Ter Thank you for the forward to Dawn,much appreciated. Now today in touch with Erick re; these efforts. You are right re; the "@" in the wrong place. I agree re; work pile-up in nowdays workplaces, but remember the 'total phonies' {Bush & Gang} will soon be out and gone and things will hopefully lighten up. Thanks again. Harry
  20. Hi, Dawn Please contact me. Have lost your past info. Tried usual method last week, via Forum e-mail. Thanks. H.Dean hjay1212@ wmconnect.com
  21. There you have it - from someone who was there and involved. Plumlee agrees, as do most others so involved. I've met Russo [he infiltrated my research project in a most destructive way - on purpose] I'm met the German when he was promoting Marita Lorenz's film - and I met Marita. Marita ain't sayin what she ultimately believes - the other two know the truth of the matter - but are not promoting truth....in fact choose to promote the opposite. Thanks for that clear and true statement Harry. For me it carries a lot of weight. All of the evidence I've seen supports that view, as well. Those who see it the 'other way' have some 'agenda' to hide the truth, or mental blinders. Hi, Peter It seems the German and Russo aim to bend history for fame, or for fortune, or for both. Harry
  22. John, yes, the Huismann documentary does make a great many mistakes and does indeed go way too far in many of its claims. However, some of the claims are essentially correct. Oswald was indeed recruited by G2 in 1962 but not as an assassin, only as a political agitator, hence the Fair play for Cuba incident etc. This role, however, didn't satisfy Oswald who always imagined himself as more of a spy/agent type. In fact this explains why Oswald always used false names and fake addresses...in his own mind he believed he was indeed a spy. When Oswald discovered the motorcade route was passing the TSBD, a job he got by sheer chance, he contacted G2 and offered to "take out" Kennedy. No one was more supprised by this offer than G2 and Oswald wasn't taken at all seriously, but G2 played along, after of course pointing out they could in no way offer any assistance nor be at all invovled, but promising Oswald a hero's welcome in Cuba if he pulled it off. A promise G2 did not expect to have to fulfill and had absolutely no intention of fulfilling. Cuba would have denied all knowledge of Oswald, except of course for the cover storey of the failed application for a visa to Cuba. The rest, as they say is history, Oswald did of course successfully carry out the assassination, much to the astonishment and delight of G2. Incredibly, the CIA actually knew all along Oswald was a G2 asset but failed to warn the secreat service agents in charge of the motorcade because they didn't belive Oswald to be a potential danger. One of the reasons why they were more than willing to go along with Johnson's cover up. Denis. Hey Denis There is nothing I would like more than blaming Castro and his G2 rabble for involvement in the death of JFK. In one or another way I was deeply involved in/and or with many of those people and groups listed above, in the 1960s, once as pro-Castro later anti-Castro. The German chap and Russo have it wrong. The death of JFK was not a foreign conspiracy. It was a US. Domestic conspiracy.
  23. James Yes it is them. One of Hemmings last post on the Forum stated that these same supplies ended in Castro's hands. Do you know the tragic {to me} details of Hemming's report? Thanks James. Harry ************ Hey Harry: Here is Gerry's post.....from Oct.2005 Best B..... Juan ARQUIAGA was NEVER Fidel's "top-ordnance man". He was later forced to go to Peru in failed attempts to manufacture his worthless sub-machine gun design. He couldn't go to Havana because during 1958 he was the one who wasted "M-26-Julio" money on Mannlicher-Carcano carbines; which were later flown into Manzanillo, Oriente on the C-46 piloted by Guillermo Verdaguer. Later, some of these M/Carcanos were the bait to be used by Sturgis/Fiorini, Crozier & Wiecha [CIA Santiago Base] in a "stalking-horse" scheme to assassinate Fidel in Minas del Frio, Sierra Maestra. Dumb-ass Sturgis [and the CIA officers] were later pissed off when they discovered that the "hit" was to be carried out by B-26 Bombers & F-47D "Thunderbolt" Fighter aircraft; and would have killed all of them along with Fidel & company !! The "medical supplies" were from John Bircher doctors and dentists, and were "samples" commonly fronted to physicians to garner future purchases or R/Xs of those brand named products. "Guy" Gabaldon was Larry Howard's buddy, gained fame from a movie about his WWII Japanese linguistic capabilities [raised by Isei, Nisei folks in East Los Angeles]; and blew off Hall at their singular meeting due to Hall's foul mouth -- even fouler than mine !! ALL of the medical "samples" were later shipped to Cuba, for the families then desperately in need of same. Of course the Fidel folks purloined their percentage for later "sale' to the misbegotten. While Hall had only shaken Logue's hand during 30 seconds of presence [January 1963], he was never knowledgeable of Dr. Robert Morris; that is until his FBI handlers gave him a script and sent him out to all of my contacts [better, who they then thought were my VIP contacts !!] The Dallas FBI/CIA wanted Hall to continue on safely to Miami in order to set up the Masferrer types for later arrest. Gerry ___________________________ http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...amp;#entry42524 Hi, Bernice Thanks for the info. re; medicals via Hemming. Will shoot an e-mail signal re; other statements above. Harry
  24. James Yes it is them. One of Hemmings last post on the Forum stated that these same supplies ended in Castro's hands. Do you know the tragic {to me} details of Hemming's report? Thanks James. Harry
  25. Tim, Hall mentioned twice (that I'm aware of) that he was going to harrass LHO. He told Dick Russell in The Man Who Knew Too Much and during his HSCA testimony. And if my memory is not failing, he was asked by Harold Weisberg when Weisberg interviewed Hall in 1968, about the last time he saw Larry Howard. He replied that he hadn't seen Howard in a long time because Howard was mad at him for not returning the letter from Ray. Hall did say he was not in Dallas on November 22. He was in Dallas 6 or 7 times previously during 1963. He was there during the end of September and came back again in October. He had picked up a trailer full of rifles in California from Clint Wheat. He, Howard and Celio Castro Alba left the rifles with oil geologist Lester Logue in Dallas then proceded on to Miami. He came back in Oct with Seymour to retrieve them. My educated guess is that he left the rifles in Dallas so that they could converted rfom semi-auto to full auto by John Thomas Masen. Oh and they had medical supplies from California. The med supplies were stored in Harry Dean's garage. I'm sure Harry could add some detail here. Gabaldon requested I keep the meds where I lived, in a rural area. We moved the goods to his El Monte, City residence just prior to the others tripping them toward No Name Key. There are pics of some of it.
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