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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Absolutly Jack, I remember Larry Howard, God Bless Him, and this guy is the Lawrence Howard who the WR wrongly says vistied Sylvia Odio, and was pals with G.P.H. and Harry Dean. BK Hey Bill Howard was a dedicated 'spiritual' follower of Guy 'Gabby' Gabaldon. Howard was from east Los Angeles. Gabaldon mainly from El Monte,California, G P H was from South San Gabriel, I was in Monterey Park,Alhambra and other locations in the San Gabriel Valley, all of these places are suburbs of Los Angeles, city. G H P was the only one of the group I never met or knew. Hall spent much time in Monterey Park & area.
  2. All, including Howard and Hall are dead, but I made sure they read what I wrote in the 1990 manuscript/book while they yet lived. As always, they who read it, never commented. I was no longer fearful of whatever reaction might come from their direction.
  3. Hey Bill Re; withheld records: Should we wonder if the agencies would release such seeing as they did not do so, along with those they did make available, and could such request expect results? Even if I knew how to approach this it is almost certain I won't make the effort. However I leave it to you if you choose this quest. Just let me know what info. is needed from here? Harry BillWhat I refer to here/above is the case of Jefferson Morely in his yet unsuccessful attempts to get hidden Joannides and etc. documents from government agencies, even though Morely has lit a fire under their feet.
  4. From the 1990 manuscript/book re; assassination. "two other of our anti-Castro anti-communist associates were dispatched by Guy Gabaldon to enlist Oswald in the CIA {Central Intelligence Agency. In late September 1963 Oswald accompanied Lawrence John "Larry" Howard- AKA Alonzo Escruido, and Loren Eugene "skip" Hall-AKA Lorenzo Paccillo to enlist Oswald in the CIA {Central Intelligence Agency} In late September 1963, Oswald accompanied the pair to Gabaldon's Mexico City area office. Oswald then received instructions and funds from the impressive, but phony "CIA officer Gabaldon" The fate of both Oswald and Kennedy were there, forever sealed! Howard and Hall eventually returned to California, and Oswald to Texas where two weeks later, October 1963, he began working at the book depository building in Dallas, Texas. The poor slob was awaiting further instructions from another fake CIA contact that, among other details, requested him to deliver weapons, supposedly to be picked up at his workplace along with other weapons to be donated and used by anti-Castro raiders."
  5. Hey John Tried to answer your face book question,it was rejected. Will comply 2Aug. re; item. Saw FBI report 'somewhere' re; my report to Los Angeles Office of report exposing Castro G2 agent illegally in New York, along with other info. admitted by Bureau. It may be at NARA or? Shoot me a signal. hjay1211@gmail.com. H. Dean
  6. Movemento de 26 julio, 1959 M 26 7 = Castro Cuban Revolutionary Movement Now an ancient history, sincere, victorious, brief By it's leader betarayed to death's contentment Heartfelt and remembered sorrow,poverty and grief. Former member M 26 7
  7. Hey Bill Re; withheld records: Should we wonder if the agencies would release such seeing as they did not do so, along with those they did make available, and could such request expect results? Even if I knew how to approach this it is almost certain I won't make the effort. However I leave it to you if you choose this quest. Just let me know what info. is needed from here? Harry
  8. Thanks for the grand discussions. The participants almost made the fearfulgrade, on the religion front. A political/religious power that after and because of the 1963 JFK death rules & directs {from behind and above the throne} US. domestic and world policies. For their world religious/political dominance.
  9. I have no desire to prove anything re; experiences as outlined in the1990 manuscript/book. I continue to await the withheld documents covering my associations with US. Intelligence, and Cuban connections & etc, all of which soon-on became my eternal burden and since reached the point where I care not at all about those life destroying events. The main purpose of the ms/book was to leave a record for relatives, descendants, as a record, and for others who may be interested. So I leave it here, until the missing records are revealed. hjay1211@gmail.com
  10. Lazar, having read most of your posts, I ask where you fit in the following first paragraph. Here are some excerpts from the FOREWORD of my 1990 manuscript/book; Resistance to this publication will be leveled mostly by my former fellow members and associates in political, religious, Intelligence, and subversive camps, also from their present-day allies and defenders... As this presentation uncovers the victims, the damning intrigues, and secret activities, rage and furious assaults will be felt that are designed to destroy more than author credibility. From their "most effective weapons" irresistible volleys will be aimed to blind the eye and mind of the reader to keep hidden the 'true identity" of the beast that they still serve. When patriotism becomes their question, reference is made to my having answered "the call" by serving low-level national security-intelligence. Working against both foreign and domestic Communists, and the equally subversive "New Americanist" scheme, as related in this writing. hjay1211@gmail.com
  11. THERE CERTAINLY ARE MANY DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO HARRY, AND YES BILL HE IS VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE, HOPEFULLY HE WILL JOIN IN,AND PUT MATTERS RIGHT...B http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/Photos_-_HSCA_Mugbook_-_p1 HE'S IN THE HSCA MUG BOOK ALSO... Hey Lazar the Bureau always denies Any claim of association with them, a two purpose security measure, Especially after one quits then blabs about it. Such is policy. I once believed it was for my protection as well as for the Bureau. Haw Haw. In any case having been a 'Fink for the Feds' in Chicago and Los Angeles,the following: Outlined in this thread a reprint of Memoirs. My labor for the FBI, southern California, dealt specifically with Intelligence in exposing pro-Castro activities as mentioned. Also clearly stated, it was not until September 1963 that I informed my Los Angeles FBI contact{s} of plans underway by some of my fellow Birch Society associates of arrangements to kill the president. I had become a sincere believer in and follower of The John Birch Society philosophy and ideals in 1962. It is certain that I quite early-on became aware of the subverting 'ultimate goal' by the Society and it's allies aimed at a final takeover of the entire US. political apparatus which I was then in total agreement, upon the actual death of Kennedy I labored to openly expose all details. Publicly exposing my association with the Los Angeles Bureau caused trouble for me, for the Bureau embarrassment and denial. No amount of the note writing, record keeping people, is reliable when some of it is beyond our present view.
  12. Jack Ruby {LHO assassin} testified to Chief Justice Warren... "there is an organization here Chief Justice Warren, if it takes my life to say it, there is a John Birch Society {JBS} a very powerful organization right now in activity, and {General} Edwin Walker is one of the top men in this organization..." The black bordered ad " Welcome Mr. Kennedy, to Dallas" was a creation of the John Birch Society through JBS Schmidt and Grinnan, who maintained they were acting "solely as individuals" Grinnan, was a Dallas independent oil operator and John Birch Society coordinator in the Dallas area. The WANTED FOR TREASON ad handbill, Robert A. Surrey was eventually identified by FBI as the author. Surrey a 38 year old printing salesman employed by Johnson Printing Co. in Dallas,Tex has been closely associated with General Walker for several years in his political and business activities. Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit at the time of the JFK assassination was working weekends in a Dallas restaurant owned by a member of The John Birch Society. Check out Jack Ruby's testimony to Warren and Rep. {later US. President} Gerald Ford.
  13. Hi, Terry I sent to you an email answer yesterday. Thanks. Hj
  14. Conspiracy conceded. Gary Mack, the manager of the 6th Floor Exhibit, owes the world an apology for repeatedly claiming there is no hard evidence of conspiracy in the murder of JFK. ........To me the salient point, for the most part is, that as most of us know, after the release of the HSCA Final Report, it was recommended that the Department of Justice "investigate further." So the press release in a sense sucks all the life out of any real possibility of closure. The Department of Justice is sort of like the cat that swallowed the canary. Since everyone is dead..........and the ambiguity over "what kind of conspiracy," exists....... Seems like game, set and match...... There is something very slick about this...... THE conspiracy .No, not all are dead,yet! Harry Dean
  15. Perhaps Lee didn't know the Russian for 'arrested'. In any case, what about 'If I am alive'? Do you think he expected to get shot for political reasons? Paul. This was Texas in the 60's. Birchers and the Klan. A pro-communist protester was undoubtedly at risk. That said, however, I must admit I tend to think Oswald actually did shoot at Walker. Not sure why. But it seems possible the shooting was a set-up to get Walker some publicity whilst simultaneously giving Oswald some cred as a revolutionary-a wanna-be killer of fascists. This cred would have come in handy, should he have been asked to convince Kostikov and/or the Cubans of his bona fides. I recall that Walker said his attempted assassins were traced to Southern California!
  16. From the 1990 manuscript/book {before and after 22 Nov. 1963} "No honest Conservative really believed we were trying to do more than calling the Liberal establishment Communist sympathizers in order to replace Liberalism with Conservatism. But we unknowingly were being used to install this present {ultra} system that is surreptitiously wielding { since the murder of JFK} ever power of the US. government to force the extension of a purely materialistic-religious empire that is intent on redesigning the entire world it it's own "communal" image! An effort that includes brute force and isolation of resistant and entire nations. These and their supporters , who wield this stolen power, expect to continue for hundreds of years in control of the present system now so wrongly titled Republican & Conservative, and in the future BY ANY OTHER NAME. { i e, Republican or Democrat}. An extremely costly seizure of the Republican Party was the urgent and powerful first step for for entrance...into the legitimate political scene...their revival of Conservatism was merely as a title, a semantic weapon , to display opposition to the Liberalism that dominated both Democrat and Republican parties... The more important purpose of exploiting this title was it's value to draw-in the sincere, influential and ideological conservative to serve our cause in many ways. We were also instructed to infiltrate the Democrat Party apparatus at every level . The Democratic Party was taken over at every level and it's Liberalism was Forever Neutralized! So we welcome into the Society {John Birch Society} A, who disagrees with B's ideas on how to fight the Communists; and B who dislikes A; and C who looks scornfully at both; and D who is to rabid;and E who is to restrained; and F who can stand no one except those that land on middle ground; and G who wants to get his gun and Come out shooting {if only we said the word} "Finally and probably most importantly of all courses of action, we would put our weight into the political scales in this country just as fast and far as we could". JBS "...unless have enough of awakening in this country, and enough of a rebellion against the appeasement policies of our government outside, and it's communizing policies inside America the Communists are going to succeed. JBS "...In the course of awakening America there was/is a rapidly rising identification of the policies of the Kennedy administration with the plans of the Communists. JBS "For unless we can eventually, and in time, reverse by political action, the gradual surrender of the United States to Communism, the ultimate alternative of reversal by military uprising is fearful to contemplate.JBS "...we are opposing a conspiracy, our determination to over throw an entrenched tyranny is the very stuff of which revolutions are made.JBS" ...the result of failure in this fight most positively be concentration camps,or worse, and soon, we must all stick together or we will surely hang separately. JBS President Kennedy stated," the very system of government is in dire peril and may not survive my term in office" Kennedy was describing the severe threat posed by extremely powerful cooperative civil and military sedition at work. JBS John Birch Society Objectives. People think of us as primarily an anti-Communist organization. This causes many misunderstandings. THE TRUTH IS THAT OUR FIGHT WITH THE COMMUNISTS IS PURELY INCIDENTAL TO OUR LONG RANGE OBJECTIVES! December 1963 A few days after Kennedy's death in Dallas,Texas, JBS leader, Robert Welch boasted to us, their followers that their plan had succeeded . " And we take tremendous encouragement from the one huge victory we have won over the Communists, We have become very much part of the cast, in the final act of this gory performance. And I mean that statement very literally! H. DEAN
  17. Michael Thanks for the shot, It is no doubt genuine. Harry
  18. Thanks Dean. From my past experiences with FPCC this flyer seems genuine. Harry
  19. Stephen, do you happen to know which book of Groden's it was where that color image was published? In The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald, (Penguin Books 1995, p 66) Groden writes "In June he was on the streets of New Orleans passing out the leaflets. Hand-stamped on the first batch was the address 544 Camp Street. All later handouts bore either his Magazine Street address or post office box number 30016." Stephen, if Groden's above claim is correct, how did Martello get one in August? On page 68 Groden repeats the claim and reproduces the stamped Camp Street address, but there is no picture of the leaflet. In the above mentioned book, Groden does reproduce Commission Exhibit 3120 (The Crime Against Cuba) and it does show the Camp Street address. It doesn't seem to appear here: http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/...Vol26_0405b.htm Of course when he testified before the Warren Commission, Martello told Wesley Liebeler: "I turned the original paper over to the United States Secret Service along with the pamphlets, all of the pamphlets." My favorite Martello quote was this: "Well, as far as being capable of an act, I guess everbody is capable of an act, but as far as dreaming or thinking that Oswald would do what it is alleged that he has done, I would bet my head on a chopping block that he wouldn't do it." http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/w...Vol10_0035a.htm Finally, Gus Russo does print an alleged photo (attributed to the National Archives) of the handbill with the name L. H. Oswald above the 544 Camp Street address, but his account of the entire episode does not seem complete or even credible. First he explains that Oswald "didn't claim Banister's address as his own." Then on the next page, Russo posits that Oswald used the Camp Street address in order to embarrass Banister. Russo writes that shortly before his death in 1964, Banister offered that explanation to his brother Ross. Russo also concludes: "After much contention, it has become clear that Banister had nothing to do with Oswald or any Kennedy assassination attempts." I'm going from memory. I recall it from one of Groden's two picture books. I thought it was in Search, but maybe it was in his Killing of JFK book. I'm not so sure I'd trust Groden's summary of dates. As for the Martello thing, send me a personal message on this board. Stephen and Michael The green colored "Hands Off Cuba" FPCC pahmplet was printed in "The Killing of a President" on page 141 However, to me it looks like its not real If you would like I could post a scan of that page so you guys could see for yourselfs Dean Hi Dean H. Dean here, please do post scan of "Hands Off Cuba" Harry
  20. Good job sir, and thank you from here. Harry J. Dean
  21. Just remembering Billy Seymour of alleged infamous JfK fame. He was out from North Phoenix, Arizona, and closely associated with noted anti-JFK Cuban persons known to me. The thing now is that all of my people are now out of that sorry state, as of today, where those white bastards have chain gangs that are made to live in tents on the desert both winter and searing summer, mental retard thinking of the 1920 onward, unbefrickin believable. They are so-called republicans in that so-called right-to-work-state, thats why I quit being a republican. Arizona politics are horsexxxx as is the continuing state of affairs in that backward horse-xxxx state. I am willing to fight to the death anyone who differs with this assesment . HJDean hjay1211@gmail.com
  22. Hi. Bill S. Just got your post today. Consider your probe of FPCC "important", as I was once Secretary of Chicago original chapter 1960/61. There is much info. of my older post re; subject on DelRosa Forum also Simkin Forum. Don't know how to dig out this info. but you may be able to locate it and find it of interest in your efforts? Harry
  23. Again posted three times including the above plea that did work, still not getting on Forum with FPCC connected information. H Dean hjay1211@gmail.com
  24. Admin. After composing and sending several posts they fail to show up on Forum. Can you advise and correct this problem? Thanks much. Harry J.Dean
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