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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Johnson resigned because he as a liberal could no longer serve two masters, those who after a five year subversion and assassination program successfully took complete power of US. government, his own ideals conflicted with the war making powers that he was in his first term in office obliged to SERVE.
  2. Yes, these are some of the facts as related above. If interested I will send a copy of the manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS on request to interested researchers re: more details in this urgent case.
  3. I recently contacted an Amazon agent re: promoting 'Secret Papers' mainly that it falsely claims me as the author, of such outright lies. Amazon's agent said they can do nothing. So in order to expose W.R. Morris as the Author of this total fabrication i e; Secret Papers, I here refer to the book Alias Oswald by Morris in which he used the same picture of me as in Secret Papers.
  4. MEMOIRS, of Harry J. Dean...BEFORE IT IS TO LATE! Call me a spy, a rat, or a US. citzen doing ones duty. Read MEMOIRS. It is now the 11th hour!
  5. Hi, Bill I cannot figure who this person is. Seems like he was kind of sneaky. He does have some wrong and objectionable short sighted personal opinions. He is of target in 60 percent of his presentation. In any case this was taken up by Hoover, I read such a report somewhere via computer.
  6. Robert That Secret Papers was/is rubbish-Not authored by me, it is authored by W.R. Morris author of Walking Tall. This and other like fictions were vengeful efforts by a 'disgruntled Morris' to involve and endanger me. It is 25 pages of stupidity!
  7. And Happy St. Patrick's Day to you RC,and thanks for the songs.
  8. Hey Scott Dude, hang in as a Forum Member. You have contributed to the ongoing Cuba connection that is greatly important to history and JFK Cause.
  9. Times I remember. Would you believe. U.S. Citizens just naturally had or could by weapons, rifles, pistols and et al. before the JFK assassination and according to the U.S. Constitution, and did so for whatever there their thinking. Then came the gun shy, fearful, with thoughts that guns kill people, such were not unlike the canada type anti-gun reactionaries, and other sorry, fearful souls, with historic European anti-American U.S. Constitution concept who never knew, or cared that guns do not kill people, that it's people who kill people, such as with an axe knife club crossbow garret,or devilish wars, you name it! What has happened to this and other U.S. Constitutional rights!
  10. Harry Avoid viewing monitor through glass objects as this tends to distort the vision. hope this helps A.E.Neuman The EF site is the only one shrunken, all others normal A great loss.
  11. While reading EF it shrunk and is to small to read, does anyone have an answer on how to fix this? Am wondering if this message i am now is even readable. Will appreciate any help or advise. The site cannot hardly be read even with use of magnifying glass. Thanks for any help. Hj. Dean
  12. Why haven't ever asked that of the countless others who have started off-topic threads here? I remember, before JFK assassination when John Birch Society members were informed by Leader Robert Welch via RID= Research Intelligence Department of the Society, on a continuing basis of the 'alleged' personal activities of President Kennedy, as an important unrelenting effort to destroy his reputation. Will we continue Birch Society unproven insinuations here? By a former JBS member.
  13. I just doesn't make sense to me that Walker would be involved in a conspiracy to kill JFK, a conspiracy that included the selection of a patsy, then claim that the only type of bullet that the patsy's rifle could fire was not the bullet recovered from his house. I would agree that Walker may have had foreknowledge of a plot to kill JFK, but his objection to CE 573 being the bullet leaves a question in my mind of how much involvement he had in the details of the plot. IMO, it just seems to me that we can't have it both ways...we can't have Walker setting up Oswald on the one hand, then arguing against the evidence "proving" Oswald's guilt on the other. I have no doubt that this was a Dallas-based plot to kill the President that had logistical support from elements of the Federal Government. Part of that logistical support included the FBI's foreknowledge of a plot and allowing the murder to happen and the SS removing the President's protection. This is the secret IMO that Hoover was trying to hide......they let it happen. Gil Does the so-called Walker bullet still exist? and where is it?
  14. Robert, you and I agree on the central place that H.L. Hunt plays in the Dallas power structure, not only regarding wealth and power, but also regarding right-wing ideology. In my view, the assassination of JFK would not be possible without the extreme right-wing ideology that considered JFK to be a Communist-sympathizer or worse. To appreciate this theory to the fullest, we should become familiar with the right-wing hermenuetic of Dallas in 1963. We should be familiar with their literature, i.e. the "Life Line" radio show of H.L. Hunt, the Dan Smoot Report (which is plagiarized by the 21st century American left wing today), the rants of segregationist Evangelist Billy James Hargis, the John Birch Society teachings of Robert Welch, and the nationally broadcast speeches of General Edwin A. Walker. These people knew each other (Hunt, Smoot, Hargis, Welch, Walker) and they shared stories. I was at the Briscoe Center for American History for several hours today, looking through Edwin Walker's archives and trying to identify the tone of his speeches and writings. They sound so much like Robert Welch that it seems to me today that he borrowed much of his vocabulary and phrases from Welch. Now, Welch borrowed much of his vocabulary from Joseph McCarthy; and Joseph McCarthy got a lot of his ideas from General Charles Willoughby, the intelligence officer of General Douglas MacArthur. Willoughby was a right-wing fanatic (and like MacArthur he was an Army officer in World War One as well). It now seems that when Truman dismissed MacArthur, that's when the modern right-wing propaganda fired up in a major way. MacArthur and Willoughby began to entertain humor about Truman's treason. This was all Joe McCarthy needed to fire up his lackluster Senate career and become a superstar. Thus the right-wing was born, and even after Joe McCarthy was censured by the Senate, that didn't stop an American cottage industry in right-wing paranoia about Reds in Washington. Thus the John Birch Society was born. These people took themselves very seriously. H.L. Hunt was so impressed with this train of thought that he spent millions on a radio show to promote these ideas. He called it, "Life Line." Dan Smoot was one of his first announcers. H.L. Hunt was himself the main writer. Sometimes, however, he would hire Billy James Hargis to write some of his radio spots (because a young Billy James Hargis also wrote for Joe McCarthy). All of this was centered in Dallas, Texas, the national headquarters of the USA right-wing. JFK should have known that this was dangerous territory for a Liberal like himself. For the extreme right-wing, the very word 'Liberal' was equivalent to 'Communist.' The very notion of the United Nations would make some of them virtually foam at the mouth. They saw the United Nations as the USSR giving orders to the USA, and the USA paying for the entire show. The Dallas right-wing wanted the UN out of the US now. (This is still a major plank in the John Birch Society platform.) So, when Adlai Stevenson came to Dallas in October 24th, 1963 to advocate the UN, he should not have been surprised that the John Birch elements in Dallas would have had their own anti-UN rally the night before! That was set up by General Edwin A. Walker. He called it, "US Day". For the Dallas right-wing, the choice was always between the US and the UN, with no middle ground. So Edwin whipped up his crowd into a religious frenzy, cursing the godless and Satanic UN in favor of the Christian USA. He instructed them to interfere with Adlai's speech by all means possible. And they did just that. As part of this fiasco, in which Adlai Stevenson was struck on the head with a protest sign, a poster was circulated in downtown Dallas that day and evening. It read: WANTED FOR TREASON - JFK. Yes, Edwin Walker was behind that famous poster as well. One thing I found in the General Walker archives -- notes for a speech written in early October 1963, marking the anniversary of time RFK had him locked up in an insane asylum in Missouri. OK - that's the background, and now for my request. While at the Briscoe Center today, I asked to see all the transcripts they have for H.L. Hunt's radio show, "Life Line", for the year 1963. I wanted to read what H.L. Hunt had to say about the treatment of Adlai Stevenson in Dallas on 10/24/1963, and of course what Hunt had to say in the weeks leading up to the assassination of JFK on 11/22/1963. As it turns out, after a lengthy search, the Briscoe archives only have "Life Line" transcripts for December, 1963 and forward. Very frustrating. So - my question to you and to all who read this request -- do you have access to the written transcripts of H.L. Hunt's "Life Line" radio programs for the months of September through November of 1963? (I believe the transcriber will probably be Melvin Munn.) I would very much like to see these, and I suspect that the Forum might find them to be interesting as well. Best regards, --Paul Trejo From 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS. All such information (re; President Kennedy) had no significance to those who desired to hasten his death. Kennedy's Dallas trip was a non-secret. It was known and leaked months earlier by .... mole-agents-in-place that lurked for years in every agency, service and bureau of the U.S. government. The burrowing moles who's 'sacred duty' is always to serve only the 'ultimate goal' of the LDS-JBS conquest, informed RID (Research Intelligence Department) of the John Birch Society on a continuing basis concerning the 'movements' and even the 'personal' activities of the President.
  15. Ah, yes, we that experienced your G-2 and cowardly executions. It is then, even we 'turned sadly away.' (former member M-26-7, H J Dean)
  16. Thanks, Bill. BTW, have you ever posted your thesis on the Bay of Pigs? I did my thesis on the Bay of Pigs for a senior year Latin American History class under Dr. Bruce Taylor at the University of Dayton (Ohio), and no longer have a copy of it. I have learned a lot about the Bay of Pigs since then however, and have changed my perspective of it from a covert op that got to big and out of hand, to one that was designed to fail. The facts that the target beach was changed at the last minute from one near the mountains to the Bay of PIgs as well as the fact that it was well publicized before hand and John Martino, in a Cuban prison, knew the D-day date, certainly implies that the whole deal was doomed, and those who planned it planned it to fail. Those who have an interest in understanding the assassination of President Kennedy must first know the basic background of some other historical events - especially the Guatemala Coup of 1954, the U2 incident, the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis, all of which are dominoes in the fall of JFK. BK JFKcountercoup Many have now concluded or assumed the BOP was "design to fail". But let me tell you from talking to those who were directly involved will say otherwise, listen to yourselves? Who in their right mind creates a plan that is specifically design to fail? Here are the facts: 1. The D-Day dates had been changed a number of times due to preparations. 2. When the finial date was set, many were aware of the landing date weeks in advance set for April 17, 1961. 3. Several of the Brigade members including the CIA were convinced that the Cubans on the Island would revolt against Castro's army. When Castro fought in the initial Revolution against Batista, Castro only had less then 100 men, but when they overthrew Batista, Castro also inherited Batista's men, so when members of the 2506 Brigade contacted the NY Times News Paper they advised them of the invasion in advise. (How stupid is that? In war, I mean to notify the enemy you're coming) 4. There were mixed feelings towards Castro and his political views, remember Castro said that he would hold FREE elections, he talked a good talk about a FREE Cuba and the old dictator Batista was gone. 5. Cuba did NOT become Communist until AFTER the Bay of Pigs. 6. Finally the truth about the Bay of Pigs, it wasn't created, planed and invested 50 million dollars into a project that was suppose to fail, I'm not sure who came up with that idea or theory, but that's totally incorrect, it was specifically designed to create an uprising within Cuba to overthrow Castro, and replace him with Manuel Airtime, but what happen was it back fired, the CIA underestimated Castro's followers. Sadly it is so that at least the CIA/FBI people I dealt with knew what Cuban people would or would not do in the event of a U.S. invasion of the Island. Upon return from Cuba a few months prior to the April action against Castro, I was debriefed by U.S. Intelligence. Here is the information from the 1990 manuscript/book, CROSSTRAILS... " At a later debriefing with Central Intelligence and my usual Internal Security contact agent, when ask if I believed that the Cuban people would rise against Castro during an invasion by the U.S.; I stated " It is my sad duty to inform you that they will not attempt to aid in overthrowing that government." Giving the reasons, and apologizing for having to make such an unpopular report that suggested my relatively dangerous and uncomfortable mission was unsuccessful."
  17. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THANKS HARRY, I will get CROSSTRAILS. There was a JBS plot ? YES ? Sg Steve Entirely described in the 1990 ms/bk. (send mailing address to hjay1211@gmail.com)
  18. Steve Most of the above report(s) is/are incorrect,and are from the writer of 'ALIAS" Oswald book namely by writer W.R. Morris (deceased) along with several other tortures of his vindictive, desperate and angry pen. i.e. "The Secret Papers Of Harry Dean" & etc. None of which I learned about until 1999/2000 Such errors mentioned above are not even close to the real & documented facts appearing in the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS.
  19. The 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS exposed how, why and who accomplished JFK assassination! By the author, still living, who was involved in the deadly details. hjay1211@gmail.com
  20. Dudes, the above is from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS. I do not give a hoot for or against Mormon followers/members. The above is an expose' of LDS church leader's urgent needs and aims for Total political domination of the United States and thereby the entire world. Their faithful as explained above have been long since embedded within every service, bureau, agency, and Every social organization throughout the political and social fabric of the American continent, Europe and elsewhere. The Mormon church claims more than 14 million members world-wide, and as in this are Vastly more powerful than their numbers. In the event Mitt Romney becomes president of the United States, few, free persons, will survive this planned Mormon combined church-state Theocracy! CROSSTRAILS 1990 manuscript/book exposes the why how and who assassinated JFK.
  21. Mormons with government posts are part of a growing LDS establishment that extends from the ward(church)house to the White House. Larry Bush, an official at the Agriculture Department and a member of this "Mormon Mafia" explained in an 1981 interview that Washington LDS Saints refer to themselves, as a "Sisterhood." It's a term with roots at the CIA were the church is particularly well represented.CIA agents also refer to one another as "sisters." Even before taking the oath of office, George Bush Sr. appointed Mormons General Brent Scowcroft,Roger Porter and Steve Studdert to top White House posts, in foreign affairs, domestic policy and political scheduling. The "Sisterhood was overjoyed. Scowcroft had served closely Richard Nixon,Gerald Ford Ronald Reagan and Bush Jr. While Scowcroft,Porter and Studdert were the most visible Mormons running the government as the Bush Sr. administration began, they were only three among hundreds, perhaps thousands, of D.C. LDS Saints with influential positions in the federal government. Furthermore, similar Mormon "knots" thrive at state, county, and local levels throughout the United States. The resulting power elite - a tightly knit, almost exclusively white male assemblage of jurists, journalists, FBI agents, CIA executives, Interior Department managers, Pentagon brass, corporation chiefs, et al. Mormons make up a substantial portion of U.S. government management. All Mormons must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties. (Mormon Manifesto}
  22. Awaken. IF Mitt Romney wins the Republican cause and if he should defeat Obama Democrats. The conspiracy that assassinated JFK and since has had subversive command (invisible government) of the U.S. will then have finally crowned their/your Mormon king. Signed by, H J Dean, a lifelong Republican
  23. From the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS No honest conservative really believed that we were trying to do more than call the liberal establishment communists sympathizers in order to replace liberalism with conservatism. But we unknowingly were being used to help install this present system that is surreptitiously wielding ever power of U.S. government to force the extension of a purely materialistic religious empire that is intent on redesigning the entire world in it's own "communal" image! An effort that includes brute force and isolation of resistant individuals and entire nations. This long twilight struggle against the elected government of the United States was for world power. That power lay within an almost impotent United Nations Organization. Control and direction of that body would be realized by the subversives upon first neutralizing, then seizing the government by shock force, the JFK assassination.
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