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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Semantics... meanings in language built into grammar from written or spoken words, causing the assumption of certain ideas that affect the subconscious attitude(s) that result in human behavior in reaction. 2 September 1963 John Birch Society special bulletin called for "the destruction of the shadow"
  2. Sorry, but that’s not even close to being true. Dulles was the fifth DCI, not the first, and was installed by Eisenhower, not Truman. The list from the CIA, itself: https://www.cia.gov/.../chronology.htm Rear Adm. Sidney W. Souers, USNR Jan. 23, 1946–June 10, 1946 Lt. Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, USA June 10, 1946–May 1, 1947 Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, USN May 1, 1947–Oct. 7, 1950 Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, USA Oct. 7, 1950–Feb. 9, 1953 Allen W. Dulles Feb. 26, 1953–Nov. 29, 1961 That such an easily-detected falsehood is offered as fact renders suspect all other contentions, such as a few of the following examples: As for the purported abhorrence Dulles had for the Nazis, this did not prevent his law firm from representing Nazi-era German corporate interests, or US interests doing business with the Nazis, nor did it preclude him from using the salutation "Heil Hitler" in his correspondence with those German corporate interests. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sullivan_%26_Cromwell Anyone wishing to know more about the extent of the Dulles brothers’ collusion with Nazis and the nexus between it and the US corporate sector need only Google the words Dulles and Prescott Bush. Also recommended are two highly underrated books by Charles Higham, "American Swastika" and "Trading With the Enemy." Immediately after the war, Nazis who should have faced the gallows via Nuremberg were covertly exfiltrated to the United States, given military commissions and government jobs, and allowed to escape justice, courtesy of "Operation Paperclip." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip Despite President’s Truman’s explicit stipulation that Nazis were not to be brought Stateside, OSS and CIA nevertheless did an end run around that command. Apologists for this practice often state the necessity of keeping Nazi scientific advances out of Soviet hands required this disobedience of a Presidential order. Perhaps so. But the practice of shielding Nazis from the gallows also included more than mere scientists. To wit, the likes of Reinhard Gehlen, Alois Brunner and Otto Von Bolshwing, among many others, who were used by OSS/CIA until long after the war’s end. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhard_Gehlen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alois_Brunner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Bolschwing Dulles’ opinion of utilizing Nazis during the post-war period is perhaps found in his pithy patrician characterization of Gehlen: "I don't know if he's a rascal. There are few archbishops in espionage.... Besides, one needn't ask him to one's club." Yes, those pesky Nazis were possibly such "rascals," eh, wot? Hardly the sort with whom an Ivy League gentleman would wish to be seen breaking bread at the gentlemen’s club. More to the point of this Forum, Dulles was fully witting of CIA plots to assassinate foreign leaders, most pertinently Castro. In that Cuban escapade, the murder plots were undertaken not merely without the knowledge of Eisenhower (and then Kennedy), but against the expressed order by Kennedy forbidding it, once he became witting of it. Does that constitute a "great American?" What makes Dulles singular among Warren Commissioners was his knowledge of such CIA executive action attempts, and the implications they may have held for the solution of the Kennedy assassination mystery. Subsequently, the Rockefeller, Church, HSCA and Pike panels - all plumbing to some extent the JFK morass - thought those implications worthy of further probing. An honest broker would have disclosed this, in camera, to his fellow commissioners in 1963. Based on the extant record, Dulles did not.                             RCD you withhold the important fact that the United States was not at war with anyone during the time and circumstances you mention above. Tut Tut, eh wot?
  3. Ian This was only one poem, placed on Oswald's grave nearly every year, beginning 1964, of at least 13, intended to provoke authorities to release total, withheld information in JFK/Oswald cases. President Johnson was riled-up over one of them!
  4. ON OSWALD'S GRAVE, 1970'S Upon my grave in stealth did stalk Diverse political unison Noose for outrage,"they exchanged" To secure the "Act of 64" A cover-cost "I'm made to bear With two "unwilling Kennedy's
  5. Hi Paul B. The important answer is on page 19, chapter two, of manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS. No I never met LHO.
  6. Steve, thanks for posting this article by Barbara Aho. Her close linkage of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his famous McCarthyism with the John Birch Society is an important political linkage, even in the early 21st century era of the Tea Parties. In this regard we should remember another important lawyer of Senator Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950's, namely, Robert Morris, who would become an important lawyer for ex-General Edwin Walker in the early 1960's. Robert Morris, we know, was the man who handed Larrie Schmidt the reins of the YAF (Young Americans for Freedom) in early 1963 (pending closure of a few deliverables). Robert Morris remained close to ex-General Edwin Walker through 1965, until the Supreme Court threw out his case against the Associated Press for "libel" since actually the AP told the truth about Walker. Robert Morris also intervened on behalf of Loran Hall and Gerry Patrick Hemming in the summer of 1963. I find this quote particularly interesting, Steven, because when Lee Harvey Oswald appeared on TV in New Orleans, he arrogantly smirked as he called Marxism and Communism "a red herring." That is, for Oswald, Marxism and Communism were only "front groups" for more powerful political players. This, furthermore, was and remains precisely the position of the John Birch Society. It is the richest and most powerful Americans, claimed Robert Welch and his JBS minions, who are the real Communists. (Obviously, this was only the Southern accusation that Yankees were actually the real Communists, as a justification for their long-held position that the South need never -- and should never -- cooperate with Yankees.) My point is that we find Oswald -- even while pretending to be an officer of the FPCC (a truly Communist front) was preaching over the TV airwaves that Communism is really a "red-herring" -- Oswald was repeating the standard John Birch Society propaganda line. Thus, despite himself, Oswald could not conceal his actual extreme rightist politics. (I say Lee Harvey Oswald was guilty of the JFK assassination -- the only disagreement I have with the Warren Commission is that I add that Oswald had plenty of accomplices, whom the Warren Commission and the FBI worked so hard to protect.) I will add that this extreme rightist position (that Communism is Capitalist plot) has been taken up by many extreme leftists in the 21st century -- leftists who no longer have any original ideas of their own. At the same time it has enjoyed a resurgence among extreme rightists in support of Mitt Romney this year. Best regards, --Paul Trejo "People think of us (The John Birch Society) as wholly or primarily as an anti-communist organization. This causes many misunderstandings, The truth is that our fight with the communists is purely incidental to our long-ranged objectives" (JBS) John Birch Society
  7. David All of these people were connected at every level, whatever the titles of organizations. All were following JBS Total philosophy. A combined movement. Gabaldon and I collected the medical supply's, it is assumed that Lechner set-up the list we followed, The weapons & ammo came to El Monte from Los Angeles where Hall & Howard picked up the entire load. Harry
  8. Hi David I did know Dr. Lechner as one of the leading lights equally with other Birch Society elites in southern California. There was a greater connection between he and Guy Gabaldon, financially. Burt Mold is a name not recalled, no doubt I must have met or seen him? Always nice to chat with you, am usually not signed-in on the Forum but am on daily. Harry
  9. http://www.pet880.com/images/ Harry Dean Map NB.pdf. ( disregard indicated old address)
  10. Hi, Tommy Yes I knew both quite well, we were involved in several activities. Yes Lorenzo was Hall, he was a least 6' tall. Yes Alonzo was Howard. The other 9 verses were about them and their connections. Harry
  11. Hi, Tommy I still get the shakes each time it comes to mind. My thoughts return to all those - guilty or not that were unable to deceive Castro's G-2/DGI bloodthirsty PEASANT Militia and it's superiors. Harry
  12. LA CABANA FORTRESS, HAVANA CUBA 1960 5/14/1960 Mathew E. Duke, suspected U.S. spy executed by firing squad 6/15/1960 Harry J. Dean, suspected U.S. spy arrested, escaped 10/17/1960 Robert Tuller, suspected U.S. spy executed by firing squad (More than two dozen U.S. citzens before, and after the above, were executed by Castro firing squads)
  13. Do not be fooled by Mitt Romney's debate rubbish In to-nigh's deb\t 10/3/20012 He is fooling you. You poor soles. Signed... TRR The real Republican.
  14. In the the year 2000 a new chapter was added to the 1990 manuscript/book YROJ then re-titled CROSSTRAILS. An observation (page 14) ask the question..."Is it possible that we are mere slavish pawns in this game, unaware, and living in a fools paradise - exposed to 'certain' deadly reactions - and severe economical reversals that could bring a regrettable new dark age of sorrows with controlled physical hardships in a total materialistic, and 'spirit crushed' world?" ( I regretfully found it necessary to quote the disgusting old communist Nikolai Lenin)...but before his 1924 death he said, "Germany will arm itself out of existence - England/Great Britain will expand herself out of existence - the United States will spend/loan itself out of existence"... The first two predictions came true... CROSSTRAILS was printed and distributed 31 August 2001, 12 days later, September 11 2001 the United States was attacked, terror was followed by severe economic downturn and overburdening debt! The horror our present and future problems will not/cannot be cured by the elevation to the U.S. Presidency of Mitt Romney, in his plans to reverse more than fifty years of legislation that would bring a new dark age of sorrows and drudgery!
  15. The manuscript/book titled YORK & THE RAPE OF JUSTICE CONNECTION TO THE JFK ASSASSINATION was written in 1990. It was first distributed 10 March 1991. The manuscript/book titled CROSSTRAILS was written in 2000 and first distributed 31 August 2001. Both, in 2000, became chapters along with other writings, all are collected under the title of CROSSTRAILS
  16. Josh Some, but not all TRAP info. is now scrolling on JFK section of E.FORUM page 20 titled MEMOIRS of Harry Dean.
  17. Will the TRAP, set so long ago, and exposed in the 1990 manuscript/book titled CROSSTRAILS (chapter two} be tripped by the intended victims themselves in the 2012 presidential election?
  18. This was a reference to Mr. Simkin's previous post exposing British Intelligence and other e.g. American and British/Canada subversives to trick all into WW11. Sadly I do not have the number of Simkin's post on the subject. It was of historic importance. A second apology is my spell-check failed horribly! And yes, the U.S. was allied with Germany for two years after the war began in 1939, until December 7 1941.
  19. Not unlike the expose of John Simkin and the English subversion of America to involvement in WW11 by british so-called intelligence operatives. I must ad the simplicity recalled of those times. We were little boy scouts in canada, and after the King and Qween visit it 1939 we were obligated to stop boy scouts movements and join join military units while still in our mid-teens. We were to become replacements for the later losses at Dieppe,France were the canada army was wiped out. I knew many of those wreched people as former school mates. They died on the beaches as a trial run invasion of France early on. We were slated to be replacements for such futhure actions in that stupid english war. We were the Second Kent Regiment, Kent County Ontario Canada. Fortunately I desertad and entered the United States in 1943, being a United States citizen through my American father. I salute John Simken for exposing the subversive english/british for their subversive actions to involve All of North America in that European war of stupidity.
  20. Not unlike another Navy veteran named John Kennedy who also lies in a grave, an allied Canada Navy veteran, has laid in an isolated forgotten grave at Old PIONEER CEMETERY at San Bernardino,California since 2000. There lie the remains of my older brother (born in Canada) a US. citizen. During WWII he returned to Canada, enlisted and served in HMCS Canada allied Navy. A Canada veterans organization, titled the "LAST OUTPOST" I-866-522-2122 and/or I-800-465-731 ext 222 accepted the sacred cause to place an appropriate marker on the graves of All of their veterans in any part of the world (being one of their Canada veterans the only requirement). This had been arranged via letters and phone communications between the Canada LAST POST and I near four years past. It suddenly fell into total oblivion, with no further explaining or communication after their confirmation of final arrangements. Their Canada Navy veteran, my brother, lies yet in his isolated unmarked grave, denied the Canada LAST POST recognition he bravely earned. WHY.? hjay1211@gmail.com Southern California
  21. The so-called liberal left entered it's death throes in 1963 even before Kennedy's assassination as explained in the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS, chapter two, page 37. The Liberal, Johnson resigned after one term as President as he could no longer serve the 'new masters'.
  22. Thank you John, for exposing this urgent problem. I am passing it forward.
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