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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. Left there by you, if I understand correctly. Hi, Todd Yes It was to provoke authorities to open the archives. Pres. Johnson blew his top and ordered his staff to find the person who placed it! Other such were placed on the grave each year following, each aimed to serve the purpose. Each caused me grief from...
  2. On Oswald's grave 1965 Will the cold dead body of Lee Oswald Lay forever in a traitor's grave Know his soul will have fair judgement Be he guiltless or a knave. Did he assassinate the president? Was he truthfully accused? Guilty yes, or was he innocent? He has left all the world confused. {from the manuscript book CROSSTRAILS}
  3. It being Spain and as I live close to the border, I aimed to send Mexican Pesos, then discovered the farce involved. Still may send the Mex pesos.
  4. Yeah, that's nice. But where has it taken "conspiracy" researchers? Jim DiEugenio wants to pretend that the ARRB released documents that totally shatter to bits the lone-assassin conclusion reached by the Warren Commission. But WHICH documents did this shattering? IOW, WHERE is the "smoking gun" amongst the stuff released by the Assassination Records Review Board? ------------------------------- "Three things are very clear: First, after an unprecedented and historic four-year scavenger hunt by the ARRB for all documents “reasonably related” to the assassination, no smoking gun or even a smoldering ember of conspiracy was found. The reason is that no such smoking gun or ember ever existed. Second, if it did exist, it would never have been left in any file for discovery. And finally, assassination researchers and conspiracy theorists will never be satisfied, not even when the cows come home." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page 149 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes) ------------------------------- http://DVP-Potpourri.blogspot.com/2010/01/anna-nelson-of-arrb-october-1998.html The smoking gun lay cold when the "New Americanist five year plan" succeeded by subversion leading to assassination and successful takeover of total United States Government political apparatus. "Who then would ever be tried and convicted for the awful crime when these guilty control all legal and moral judgments, and dictate their own version of history" {from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS}
  5. I only recall it was said or written in 1963, a researcher will be able to pin point it. A quick Google search only shows you quoting it on this forum in 2004 and 2005. I would be very interested to know the source for this striking quote and the context. Isn't it necessary that research be done back to 1963 to locate the original source?
  6. I only recall it was said or written in 1963, a researcher will be able to pin point it.
  7. 1963 President Kennedy stated, "the very system of government is in dire peril and may not survive my term in office." Kennedy was describing the sever threat posed by extremely powerful cooperative civil and military sedition at work. {page 12,1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS}
  8. The patsy question would require 50 pages at least. As for the spook question, all I can say in a few words is that no one has ever offered credible evidence to support such a theory. Maybe evidence will come to light in the future, but for now believers in the theory are relying on BLIND FAITH. This is ridiculous. What is pure blind faith is saying he was a Marxist when: 1.No one has ever surfaced of that stripe who said he knew Oswald. In fact, the commies who have surfaced suspected Oswald was a CIA agent. 2. No Marxist ever studied ever had the profile that Oswald did. Consider: joins the CAP and hangs out with a rightwing zealot like Ferrie, tried to join the Marines underage, does join the Marines and learns the Russian Language, pulls a phony hardship discharge that is specially handled, defects to Russia announcing he has secrets to surrender, takes a Russian wife who defects back to the USA, hangs out with the rightwing White Russians in Texas, hangs out with the rightwing CIA agents and Cuban exiles in New Orleans (the first wish to overthrow the Commies in Russia, the second wish to overthrow Castro in Cuba), allegedly goes to Mexico to get a visa to Russia through Cuba, yet has no idea how it is actually done, and somehow the people at the Cuban consulate say it was not him and the CIA had no photos of him and the voice on the tapes is not him. While this is happening, Otto Otepka is going through an inhuman ordeal that will ultimately cost him his job simply because he wants to know if Oswald was a genuine or fake defector. Finally, Marxist Oswald tries to call military intelligence officer John Hurt in Raleigh on Saturday night. The Secret Service will not let the call through. The next morning, Oswald is murdered. That is some commie Ray. Show me another. JIM ON TARGET!
  9. The lowly recruit or volunteer Intelligence asset labors mostly in sewers of Intelligence gathering. Such asset need not be and usually is not an equal in any way to his/her skilled federal agent contact/controller. The asset's willingness, availability and idealism serve both regular agent, the asset the case and cause. I cannot forget the sewers and danger of dealing with Cuba then US. {FPCC/FBI entanglements often fearful near death experiences. Oswald from 1962 onward to his death followed the exact pattern in detail.
  10. Many of us were dedicated followers of powerful enemies of JFK me included until he was actually murdered. I realized soon after his death, the thoughts of many across the world and wrote... MR. PRESIDENT Mr. President, J.F.K. What were our thoughts of you Before death took you from us today We gave our love, hope and admiration too, Mourning now, we of all the world Know you ask not-but gave all for your country, Of your strength, through accusation hurled As you stood undaunted against that enemy You were the stalwart laborer of a stately nation As America weeps it shall not forget The burden, the pain, of your trying station And your words and deeds remain with us yet. {c} Harry J.Dean
  11. I have just found out the author of this poem. It is Edgar Albert Guest (August 20, 1881, Birmingham, England – August 5, 1959, Detroit, Michigan). He was a prolific American poet who was popular in the first half of the 20th century and became known as the People’s Poet. His poems were published in newspapers and "Miss me - but let me go" was circulated amongst soldiers fighting on the Western Front. It appears that they often sent the poems back to loved ones in America. As they usually left off the name of the poet, it is generally thought that we do not know who wrote it. My own thoughts, thanks for posting it.
  12. Yes, there are many government subagencies out there besides the big boys - FBI, SS, CIA, DIA, Army, USMC, ONI and State and the smaller ones we know of - California Alochol (Nagell), Immigration and Naturlizaton (Border Patrol/Customs), the Post Office (Holmes), Firearms (Mason), Dodd Committee (Congress), Texas Rangers, Dallas Sheriff (Decker), Dallas County (DAWade), State Citizens Councils, Texas Fish & Game (TSBD), as well as their little front orgs like FPCC, JBS, KKK, DRE, A66, OP40, Red Cross (Paley), CUSA (Schmidt), and Tolstoy Foundation (Bouhe/Raoridsky), each keeping its own set of files. Bannister's files have an interesting history, and we know how E. Howard Hunt set up the Mexico City CIA files (as maintained by Scott), and as they testified to before the Warren Commission, when Oswald first returned from USSR, he was met by Traveler's Aid, who I just learned was an organization that included Mrs. Charles Cabel on their board, and were first adopted by George Bouhe and Paul Raorodsky, who were indentifed during their Warren Commission testimony as the treasurer who took care of the money and "kept the files on the newcomers" to their little nework that was financed by the Tolstoy Foundation (CIA) and fell under the umbrella of their parish of the Russian Orthodox Church (Catherwood Fund). It seems like each of these organizatoins had files on Oswald and his wife, some rather lengthly ones, though what was in them and how much they shared has never been determined. We also know pretty much how the files were kept, beginning with a name or subject on an index car, and a file begun if it appears twice, and a 201 file if the subject is considered a player. And if there's an incident requiring reports to be filed or newspaper clips, a chronological file is also begun. We do have some of Bannister's index cards, and the JFK Act sprung some index cards and files (Oswald's post assassination 201 file is 20 some volumes), but JPH's description of how a file is begun on a new person who enters the scene or player who enters the game, is the way all of these orgs operated and maintained intelligence files, both before and after the assassintion. And although most of those files were deliberatly kept from inclusion in the JFK Assassination Records Collection at the NARA, manyof them are still out there, and from them, and living witnesses, we should be able to figure out who "Tex" was. Of course it appears there are two guys in the game named "Tex," one who is over 6' 2" and appeared in anti-Castro Cuban circles in Florida, and the guy who showed up in Southern California and mingled with Hall, Howard, Hemming, Harry and friends, and who dry fired rifles and won bar bets by rappelling down elevator shafts. There's no way this guy didn't make it into the subversives files or wasn't positively identified by somebody. But besides the "Tex" in Southern California - the one we're most interested in, and the tall one who was in Florida, and Charlie Manson's pal, there must be hundreds of guys nicknamed "Tex" out there, or if I was from Texas I'd say there's a million of them. Whenever anybody from Texas enteres a new group he's automatically nicknamed "Tex," but our "Tex" is not only from Texas, but is also ex-military, and was mixed up with Hall and Seymore, two guys who are named in the Warren Report. Just because they didn't bother to identify him doesn't mean that we can't. Harry, how tall was your "Tex," And did you get his fingerprints like GPH says? No? You're slouching Harry. But if the "Tex" from Manson murder checks out you get a few Brownie Points and a feather for your cap. BK Bill As previously mentioned I never knew Hemming,and was not at Gabaldon's El Monte residence when medical supplies were picked up, so did not meet "Tex". Fearing discovery and possible legal problems having the med-supplies in my garage for several weeks I told Gabaldon they had to be moved, he had me deliver them from La Puente to his El Monte residence, they along with some weapons he and I gathered went with the load to Florida. It must be remembered we all met or worked together at specific times, making phone contacts, and were not hanging-out as a suspicious group. Has the decision been made re; if there is or not a connection with The Bugliosi Tex and the Tex I did not meet? Thanks. Harry Hi Harry, Got it straight now. And no, no firm determination, though it appears that the Manson Tex Watson, though born in Dallas and in the Southern California at the time, was too young to be the Tex mentioned in the JFK records, though they are only a year or so off. And the Florida Tex and California Tex are definately two different people since their heights are vastly different. So it looks like we are dealing with three different guys nicknamed Tex. I knew a Tex from Dallas so there's four. But there's still a chance that the Manson Tex is the guy, though not looking good. And BTW, I recently found a transcript of you on a TV show, if you want it. BK Bill Since your original post it seemed a possible connection might exist. Because of some odd circumstances and places, and my remote coincidences in both Bugliosi's Tex and the El Monte Tex it seemed likely.? In any case your ongoing efforts can be a great relief. Re; transcript, I sure am very interested in getting it. Thanks much. Harry
  13. Yes, there are many government subagencies out there besides the big boys - FBI, SS, CIA, DIA, Army, USMC, ONI and State and the smaller ones we know of - California Alochol (Nagell), Immigration and Naturlizaton (Border Patrol/Customs), the Post Office (Holmes), Firearms (Mason), Dodd Committee (Congress), Texas Rangers, Dallas Sheriff (Decker), Dallas County (DAWade), State Citizens Councils, Texas Fish & Game (TSBD), as well as their little front orgs like FPCC, JBS, KKK, DRE, A66, OP40, Red Cross (Paley), CUSA (Schmidt), and Tolstoy Foundation (Bouhe/Raoridsky), each keeping its own set of files. Bannister's files have an interesting history, and we know how E. Howard Hunt set up the Mexico City CIA files (as maintained by Scott), and as they testified to before the Warren Commission, when Oswald first returned from USSR, he was met by Traveler's Aid, who I just learned was an organization that included Mrs. Charles Cabel on their board, and were first adopted by George Bouhe and Paul Raorodsky, who were indentifed during their Warren Commission testimony as the treasurer who took care of the money and "kept the files on the newcomers" to their little nework that was financed by the Tolstoy Foundation (CIA) and fell under the umbrella of their parish of the Russian Orthodox Church (Catherwood Fund). It seems like each of these organizatoins had files on Oswald and his wife, some rather lengthly ones, though what was in them and how much they shared has never been determined. We also know pretty much how the files were kept, beginning with a name or subject on an index car, and a file begun if it appears twice, and a 201 file if the subject is considered a player. And if there's an incident requiring reports to be filed or newspaper clips, a chronological file is also begun. We do have some of Bannister's index cards, and the JFK Act sprung some index cards and files (Oswald's post assassination 201 file is 20 some volumes), but JPH's description of how a file is begun on a new person who enters the scene or player who enters the game, is the way all of these orgs operated and maintained intelligence files, both before and after the assassintion. And although most of those files were deliberatly kept from inclusion in the JFK Assassination Records Collection at the NARA, manyof them are still out there, and from them, and living witnesses, we should be able to figure out who "Tex" was. Of course it appears there are two guys in the game named "Tex," one who is over 6' 2" and appeared in anti-Castro Cuban circles in Florida, and the guy who showed up in Southern California and mingled with Hall, Howard, Hemming, Harry and friends, and who dry fired rifles and won bar bets by rappelling down elevator shafts. There's no way this guy didn't make it into the subversives files or wasn't positively identified by somebody. But besides the "Tex" in Southern California - the one we're most interested in, and the tall one who was in Florida, and Charlie Manson's pal, there must be hundreds of guys nicknamed "Tex" out there, or if I was from Texas I'd say there's a million of them. Whenever anybody from Texas enteres a new group he's automatically nicknamed "Tex," but our "Tex" is not only from Texas, but is also ex-military, and was mixed up with Hall and Seymore, two guys who are named in the Warren Report. Just because they didn't bother to identify him doesn't mean that we can't. Harry, how tall was your "Tex," And did you get his fingerprints like GPH says? No? You're slouching Harry. But if the "Tex" from Manson murder checks out you get a few Brownie Points and a feather for your cap. BK Bill As previously mentioned I never knew Hemming,and was not at Gabaldon's El Monte residence when medical supplies were picked up, so did not meet "Tex". Fearing discovery and possible legal problems having the med-supplies in my garage for several weeks I told Gabaldon they had to be moved, he had me deliver them from La Puente to his El Monte residence, they along with some weapons he and I gathered went with the load to Florida. It must be remembered we all met or worked together at specific times, making phone contacts, and were not hanging-out as a suspicious group. Has the decision been made re; if there is or not a connection with The Bugliosi Tex and the Tex I did not meet? Thanks. Harry
  14. Absolutly Jack, I remember Larry Howard, God Bless Him, and this guy is the Lawrence Howard who the WR wrongly says vistied Sylvia Odio, and was pals with G.P.H. and Harry Dean. BK Hey Bill Howard was a dedicated 'spiritual' follower of Guy 'Gabby' Gabaldon. Howard was from east Los Angeles. Gabaldon mainly from El Monte,California, G P H was from South San Gabriel, I was in Monterey Park,Alhambra and other locations in the San Gabriel Valley, all of these places are suburbs of Los Angeles, city. G H P was the only one of the group I never met or knew. Hall spent much time in Monterey Park & area. Harry, How did you manage to avoid GPH? And "Tex"? Did you ever know the LA CIA offier Joseph DeVanon, who Dick Russell mentions in TMWKTM? BK Hi Bill As mentioned in the emails to you yesterday The TEX character connected to some my former associates here 1963 Los Angeles i.e; Howard & et al. The TEX character of Helter-skelter by Bugliosi connected to Manson 1969 is not likely the same person associated with my associates? but I hoped that a Researcher would check into a possible connection? Bugliosi's Tex is from Dallas, Texas is yet living, in California prison and could be questioned This Tex character killed the 18 year old caretaker, his reason may have been just because the boy, from El Monte, Ca. could have ID Tex at the El Monte scene as Howard and couple of group left Gabaldon's residence with weapons & Medical supplies? Harry
  15. Thanks so much for your opinion. It is so that I was referring to the possibility re; plotter{s} that eventually led to the eventual death of Kennedy as a separate case, at this late date without proven connection to the final fatal act.
  16. Does a statute-of-limitation in a 1962-3 conspiracy to assassinate president Kennedy have any present effect?
  17. Hi Tom And thanks for your opinion. It is likely true as you mention. As other book authors made similar statements long ago, even though I was not aware of any of such until long after their publications, at which time most if not all of them had died. I have read your "WOLF" references. What is said about Juan A. Orta whom I dealt with in Cuba, and who introduced me to Castro after a lengthy interrogation by Cuban G-2/ DGI 1960 it is important for me to say that the American Mafia are LIARS re; Orta and poison-pills! Orta died in poverty and ill health at Miami. Thanks again. Harry
  18. Could it be possible to successfully sue Bugliosi for inserting my name {page 1492} in his book, Reclaiming History, as a JFK assassin suspect {along with several others}? He also wrongly included my alleged alias as, Harry Fallon, in this connection. Could a class action be another answer? Any opinions are welcome.
  19. Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, November 26, 1963. Mexico City, November, 25, 1963 EXCELSIOR Newspaper said Oswald crossed the border at Laredo,Tex. on Sept. 26, and drove to Mexico City... The United States custom service at Laredo confirmed this crossing, A spokesman said, "there are records to establish this" The records also showed Oswald reentered the United States Oct.3. {An excerpt from the 1990 Manuscript/book,CROSSTRAILS,page 20}
  20. Hi, Bernice Thanks for the interviews of Oswald's daughters and wife, & all. I ask when will people get "the clue" that Oswald was the victim of the people " my associates " who were "representatives" in the removing of JFK as described in the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS?
  21. A Free Press, free markets, and above all, individual human rights? Mr. Dean, you have lived a long life....if you had it to do all over again, a chance to stop these monsters, what would you have done differently, what would you advise us to do to stand in the way of it, now? And don't worry that you cannot advocate for certain tactics of opposition. You can always use the excuse you were working to influence a "leftist" to cross the line, and I can use the defense of entrapment by a former government intelligence agent.... The monster{s} cannot be successfully opposed. It cannot even be voted-out. The monster is one ridged although semi-secret policy that is and must be followed by either political party representing United States government offices, an unrelenting thrust in an often cruel,extreme and costly design to complete an alleged one new world dream that is directed from above and behind the scenes by an 'all-powerful' American religious/political combination. A Combine that publicly suggests and is now demonstrating it's supposed opposition to the status quo, a psychological and successful 'method-of-reversal' gaining massive numbers of misled patriotic support while their true aim is to preserve continues control this ongoing religious/political status quo they themselves created for the United States and the world. If we cannot impede the monstrous anti-Constitutional beast, persons should now begin to identify the the traitorous Combination, with it's obvious perpetrators.
  22. No longer involved with politics, I have to ask, "are they doing it all over again". Actions that caused the Dallas murder of Kennedy. They, don't need too, they are since 22 Nov 63 completely embedded within and in control of every facet of life or death. However, they, suffer a human insecurity, even though in control of all possible political and/or other opposition. {outlined in the 1990 manuscript/book, Crosstrails}. Political subversion is right now, stirring once more, having the same willing servants that carried out their 1958 - 1963 first 'five year plan'.
  23. A CIA officer called me with the intention of my identifying a Cuban G2/DGI officer in the US, and who had brutally interrogated me in Havana headquarters whom I later had exposed as being in the US. illegally. His name, Francisco Vega. This CIA officer instructed that I was to fly to New York to identify the Cuban spy. My response to him was that I would not fly there but would be glad to travel by train only, as I feared an aircraft could possible be hijacked to Cuba placing me into the hands of Cuba which I had previously spied upon for US. Intelligence and narrowly escaped. The CIA agent said laughingly, no one would hijack a plane from California to Cuba. Within short time of the intention of being flown to New York, a plane was hijacked in California and landed in Cuba! Expendable, I think so!
  24. Absolutly Jack, I remember Larry Howard, God Bless Him, and this guy is the Lawrence Howard who the WR wrongly says vistied Sylvia Odio, and was pals with G.P.H. and Harry Dean. BK Hey Bill Howard was a dedicated 'spiritual' follower of Guy 'Gabby' Gabaldon. Howard was from east Los Angeles. Gabaldon mainly from El Monte,California, G P H was from South San Gabriel, I was in Monterey Park,Alhambra and other locations in the San Gabriel Valley, all of these places are suburbs of Los Angeles, city. G H P was the only one of the group I never met or knew. Hall spent much time in Monterey Park & area. Harry, How did you manage to avoid GPH? And "Tex"? Did you ever know the LA CIA offier Joseph DeVanon, who Dick Russell mentions in TMWKTM? BK Bill It was not usual for G H P to hang-out {at least in California} with the Howard, Hall, Gabaldon and others of The Group here. His was mostly front-line direct anti-Castro Florida/Cuba operations, more so than even Hall, Howard et al. G H P was not a follower of others, he intended to lead. but all were under the auspices of Birch Society anti-Kennedy, anti-Castro, anti-Communist motivations and ideals. Re; CIA Joseph DeVanon, I would have to see his picture, the name is not familiar. I am interested to get any info. on DeVanon, it may be important? Thanks. always intended to lead.
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