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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. ALL U.S. problems have been intentionally and gradually installed by 'whatever' political party/president is elected to power. This especially 'more so'since the closing of the cold war. (about 1990). The struggle between Democrat/liberal and Republican/conservative is to determine which shall serve and control U.N. direction, and world control. This at the cost of U.S. Constitutional observance, economic,social,religious military sacrifice et al. I am sure this information is known and understood by most here. Also there is nothing that can alter this predicament. There can be some relief at least in understanding the continuing sorrow of this...SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, as named in Article 103 of the U.N. United Nation Charter!
  2. Hi, Bernice I did get an early-on email re; your being stuck in Europe, or wherever. And like others I figured to send money, but then thought 'to heck with it' (humor intended) Seriously, what damage is caused by these hacker bastards to your position? Does it allow them to grab (for example your saved emails)? I have no doubt that such an expert has hacked mine recently. Harry
  3. Lee, I'm not demanding proof that Marina spoke English when she arrived in the USA. Your point is well taken -- if (and only if) she could speak fluent English, but put on an act while she was in the USA, then my theory that she is believable must crash. I can see that. So, in order to defend my theory, I must naturally question the claim that Marina spoke fluent English when she came to the USA. As for the claim that she knew another American defector in her town, I don't find that hard to believe at all. If the KGB wanted to keep track of American defectors, the easiest way would be to collect them in a compact geological location. That's not a coincidence, that's typical planning. Now, Robert Webster made a claim that he met her in Leningrad. That is easy to believe. He made a further claim that she spoke English. But to what extent? That is very subjective. Is Webster an expert in ESL? Can he tell the difference between somebody who knows 10 common phrases and somebody with a 2,000 word vocabulary? I don't see the evidence. Anybody can fake a foreign language for a few minutes. I don't see any hard evidence that she spoke FLUENT English - and a peson who is not trained in linguistics would not be a reliable judge. We need more. As for the other people who said they heard Marina speak English - they were all in the USA. Marguerite Oswald did not impress me as a linguistics student, so her opinion of how well Marina spoke English when she arrived is also subjective. Marina could say, 'please' and 'thank you?' Marina could say, 'my baby' and 'food' and 'hungry'? That might be enough for Marguerite, who didn't seem to dote on her grandchildren. As for the other witnesses you pointed out, they spoke about Marina's English after she had been in the USA for nearly two years! A person can learn a lot about a foreign language in two years if they are immersed in that culture. In only three more months Marina would be giving English testimony for the Warren Commission - a tall order, actually. She did fairly well, but one can see the real flaws in her English even then. If somebody says she was faking the flaws in her English - they would next have to prove that she was an expert in linguistics - because that's what it would take to fake flaws in a foreign language in a courtroom setting. I don't see the evidence, Lee. There is hear-say, and there is also subjective opinion, and there is also a negligence about the time-frames involved - whether she just arrived in the USA or whether she was here for one or two years, and also there is no indiciation about the actual linguistic level at which Marina 'spoke English.' Best regards, --Paul Trejo My Walker connections were not in Mexico, they were in Southern California. These were part of the network operating between here, Mexico, and across the U.S.
  4. Lee, I look forward to your responses. As for the CIA/Mexico connection, I find the memoirs of Harry Dean (a member of this Forum) to be most revealing. Dean says he personally saw General Walker in Mexico during this time-frame, speaking with radical, gun-toting members of the JBS, plotting the Dallas logisitics, and naming Oswald as their patsy. Mexico City was the 'smoke-filled room', according to Harry Dean. All best, --Paul Paul, I cannot locate the information Harry has posted regarding Walker in Mexico City. Am interested in that. If it's not too much trouble, could you please post the link? Thanks. Greg, Here's a solid link: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKdeanH.htm All best, --Paul Paul and Greg I see in this more of the vindictive efforts and quotes of W.R. Morris reaching out from his vengeful grave in the above misstatements, also in his mostly erroneous book, 'Alias Oswald' among his many others writings. If and when all records are released, you will see the debriefing report re; "the Cuban people 'will not' aid in overthrowing that 'Castro' government when it is invaded". Harry
  5. It's a real pleasure to meet you on his Forum, Harry. I currently have a copy of, "The Men Behind the Guns," by W.R. Morris (1978). In this tabloid-style booklet there is a transcript of you and W.R. Morris being interviewed in 1975 by Tom Snyder on "The Tomorrow Show", which I used to watch every night. Your memoirs establish that Oswald was a member of US intelligence. This confirms that Oswald's role in the FPCC was entirely intended for the camera and news media in an effort to establish his 'street credentials' with the left wing. Presuming Oswald was not one of the actual shooters on 11/23/1963, why was he dancing around for Guy Banister in New Orleans for the whole summer? I think Banister was manipulating Oswald, and not the other way around. I would like to hear your views on this. It seems to me that Banister and Ferrie promised Oswald a big reward if he could sneak into Cuba and assasinate Castro. (This, I believe, would explain why Oswald told Marina that he would be 'Prime Minister' of America one day. She thought he was joking, but it was easy to believe in 1963 that the man who assassinated Castro would be a hero in the USA, and might have a chance to be President. He didn't say 'President' to Marina, since in those days Russians only had Prime Ministers. This scenario could also explain how Banister and Ferrie manipulated Oswald so well.) Another thing I remember from your interview as transcribed in Morris' book, is that you actually spoke with General Walker on occasion. That is of great interest to me. Is the Morris book the book you have in mind, Harry? Or is there something more? Best regards... Paul No, the men behind the guns was totally a Morris effort, as were several other publications involving me re; the JFK/Castro etc; by him, which I learned about after the year 2000. Morris and I had no connection other than the Tom Snyder show. I wrote the 1990 manuscript/book for reason explained in the introduction of it. The manuscript/book is really all I have to state on the subjects it contains. It was written when all named in it and who were my associates were still living. I believe all have since passed? Harry, I'm very interested in your manuscript. You may have been the closest to the center of the cyclone of anybody on this Forum. How can I obtain a copy of your manuscript? I need more facts, and I'm hoping you have them. Did Jack Martin (544 Camp Street) also serve under General Walker? Did David Ferrie also serve under General Walker? Did George De Mohrenschildt intimately know anybody who knew General Walker? This is pivotal - because the Warren Commission established that George De Mohrenschildt first suspected that Oswald was General Walker's April 10th shooter on April 14th, 1963 - Easter Sunday. If George DM told somebody close to him, and that person told General Walker, we would have a material motive for General Walker to punish Oswald by making him the patsy in his JFK plot. Best regards... Send your mailing address.
  6. It's a real pleasure to meet you on his Forum, Harry. I currently have a copy of, "The Men Behind the Guns," by W.R. Morris (1978). In this tabloid-style booklet there is a transcript of you and W.R. Morris being interviewed in 1975 by Tom Snyder on "The Tomorrow Show", which I used to watch every night. Your memoirs establish that Oswald was a member of US intelligence. This confirms that Oswald's role in the FPCC was entirely intended for the camera and news media in an effort to establish his 'street credentials' with the left wing. Presuming Oswald was not one of the actual shooters on 11/23/1963, why was he dancing around for Guy Banister in New Orleans for the whole summer? I think Banister was manipulating Oswald, and not the other way around. I would like to hear your views on this. It seems to me that Banister and Ferrie promised Oswald a big reward if he could sneak into Cuba and assasinate Castro. (This, I believe, would explain why Oswald told Marina that he would be 'Prime Minister' of America one day. She thought he was joking, but it was easy to believe in 1963 that the man who assassinated Castro would be a hero in the USA, and might have a chance to be President. He didn't say 'President' to Marina, since in those days Russians only had Prime Ministers. This scenario could also explain how Banister and Ferrie manipulated Oswald so well.) Another thing I remember from your interview as transcribed in Morris' book, is that you actually spoke with General Walker on occasion. That is of great interest to me. Is the Morris book the book you have in mind, Harry? Or is there something more? Best regards... Paul No, the men behind the guns was totally a Morris effort, as were several other publications involving me re; the JFK/Castro etc; by him, which I learned about after the year 2000. Morris and I had no connection other than the Tom Snyder show. I wrote the 1990 manuscript/book for reason explained in the introduction of it. The manuscript/book is really all I have to state on the subjects it contains. It was written when all named in it and who were my associates were still living. I believe all have since passed?
  7. Jim, I'm glad you brought up the name of Harry Dean. He claims to have been in the room when some extremist John Birch Society members, including General Walker, planned every move of an assassination of JFK in Dallas for November, 1963. I find many aspects of Harry Dean's story believable. His big contribution, a I recall, was his report that General Walker and some extremist JBS members held a long meeting in Mexico City - around the time that Oswald was reportedly there. Dean remembered the smoke filled room and the words that were spoken; they carefully plotted the minutes and seconds. Much money had come in to support their plot from many, many sources. Yet the men who planned the street details -- these are the men to identify. Harry Dean's report should be reviewed again, in my opinion. Jack Ruby directly named the JBS and General Walker in a single sentence to Earl Warren (who said he didn't understand the sentence at all). Also, NOLA attorney Dean Andrews testified to the Warren Commission his suspicion that the JBS was involved. General Walker was an outspoken advocate of the JBS for years and years (even after some JBS members found him so noisy that they voted to kick him out). Best regards... Hi, Paul I will be glad to send a copy of my 1990 manuscript/book - enlarged in 2000, you can find some answers about Cuba, JFK, U.S. Intel. in chapter two, based on personal experiences from 1958 to date, with documentation. As you will see I am not a researcher,and sadly not a writer, and the manuscript/ book is the main way I contribute to the cause. H J Dean
  8. As a ersatz Happy Thanksgiving, trying to give something special "it has come to my attention" that the 1963 House Un-American Activities Committee hearings on the FPCC, in which the last one took place five days before the JFK assassination, November 18, 1963 are available online....... http://www.archive.org/stream/violationsofstat04unit/violationsofstat04unit_djvu.txt http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/united-states-congress-house-committee-on-un-am/annual-report-for-the-year--volume-1963-tin/page-12-annual-report-for-the-year--volume-1963-tin.shtml http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/united-states-congress-house-committee-on-un-am.shtml the middle url is the best one from what I can tell, the first one has some jumbled text. Although I have not read ALL of the 22 pages....This document is big, and I have a profound sense of disappointment that this document doesent seem to be either at historymatters.com or maryferrell.org. Not that that is anyone's fault....But after reading it assuming such, you might ask yourself how much more the learning curve would have been accelerated regarding what we know about the assassination had this document been common knowledge instead of having to order it through the Government Printing Office. I want to personally thank Harry Dean, because I wouldn't even know such a document even existed if he hadn't mentioned it on another FPCC thread.... I will say that there are several threads on the Forum, this document relates to IMO.... A Photographic Mystery....see references to "KLM Airlines flights" in above document.... And threads involving the Luce family, and cryptologist John B Hurt...It would also be wise to remember John B Hurt, in light of the fact that North Carolina and Chapel Hill are featured quite prominently. It also might be wise to bump the thread on the FPCC where the article which lists the original founding members of the FPCC are listed. Taber and Gibson are pretty important...lol. Cheers Hi, Robert I am naturally interested in what document do you refer to? Your mention here of Taber & Gibson importance bring to mind that is mid to late 1960 Chicago as Richard Criely, John Rosen {founders of Chicago FPCC} and I were holding a meeting there, Taber and Gibson showed up, Rosen, Criely, Taber & Gibson then went into a private executive session. Yes Taber & Gibson were/are pretty important subjects.
  9. Harry, Maybe she talks about it during this interview with Jim Fetzer. I haven't listened to all of it yet because I've got other things to do right now (and to be perfectly honest, I find Fetzer's voice to be very irritating). --Tommy http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-k%20holt%20harcourt.mp3 Nothing personal, but I could not listen to the whole thing myself, as I too found his voice somewhat irritating. However, she sounds pretty hott... So I may end up finish listing after all... Scott It was worth listening to Ms.Holt {Harcourt} Harry
  10. Harry, Maybe she talks about it during this interview with Jim Fetzer. I haven't listened to all of it yet because I've got other things to do right now (and to be perfectly honest, I find Fetzer's voice to be very irritating). --Tommy http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-k%20holt%20harcourt.mp3 Thanking you Thomas. I could not tell from that program if Karyn actually has written a book but will check further. Harry Harry, I don't know about Karyn, but I know Holt himself wrote a thick manuscript that I perused one night at the home of one of the guys who wrote the book The Man on the Grassy Knoll. Holt had given them a copy and I read parts of it. It was very detailed and a clean, well written manuscript that I'm sure his daughter has. BK Bill thanks for the info. Yes, you had made me aware of his 'interesting' manuscript quite awhile back. It seems likely neither Holt, or his daughter Karyn have published books?? Thanks also for the older details re; Holt's manuscript. Harry
  11. Harry, Maybe she talks about it during this interview with Jim Fetzer. I haven't listened to all of it yet because I've got other things to do right now (and to be perfectly honest, I find Fetzer's voice to be very irritating). --Tommy http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-k%20holt%20harcourt.mp3 Thanking you Thomas. I could not tell from that program if Karyn actually has written a book but will check further. Harry Harry, I don't know about Karyn, but I know Holt himself wrote a thick manuscript that I perused one night at the home of one of the guys who wrote the book The Man on the Grassy Knoll. Holt had given them a copy and I read parts of it. It was very detailed and a clean, well written manuscript that I'm sure his daughter has. BK Bill thanks for the info. Yes, you had made me aware of his 'interesting' manuscript quite awhile back. It seems likely neither Holt, or his daughter Karyn have published books?? Thanks also for the older details re; Holt's manuscript details. Harry
  12. Harry, Maybe she talks about it during this interview with Jim Fetzer. I haven't listened to all of it yet because I've got other things to do right now (and to be perfectly honest, I find Fetzer's voice to be very irritating). --Tommy http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-k%20holt%20harcourt.mp3 Thanking you Thomas. I could not tell from that program if Karyn actually has written a book but will check further. Harry
  13. Can any EF Forum member give me information re; a book written by Karyn Holt Harcourt the daughter of Chancey Holt. Holt was involved someway in the JFK affair. Thanks.
  14. written after November 22, 1963, an observation. {the thoughts of many} Mr. President, JFK. What were our thoughts of you Before death took you from us today, We gave our hope, love and admiration too Mourning now, we of all the world Know you ask not-but gave all for your country, Of your strength, through accusation hurled As you stood undaunted against that enemy You were the stalwart laborer of a stately nation As America weeps it shall not forget The burden, the pain, of your trying station And your words and deeds remain with us yet. {c}by Harry J. Dean
  15. John It is likely the name is/was "Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba" located at Suite 622, Albee Building, 1426 G Street, N.W., Washington 5, D.C. Info. from an old document in my even older dusty briefcase. Harry
  16. above attempt to post failed, could not figure how to dump it. Hj Dean
  17. Sir, you and I know your prejudice/pre-judgement represents 'typical defensive' skill. The 1990 FOREWORD of the JFK expose' covered all expected reaction as follows; "Resistance to this publication will be leveled mostly by my former fellow members and associates in political, religious, intelligence and subversive camps, also from their present-day allies and defenders who likewise "deny equal justice" We should speak of this again after you have read CROSSTRAILS.
  18. Boy, you can learn more here about JFK assassination, by reading the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS written by a resigned Mormon.
  19. I am willing to permit someone to place the 1990 manuscript/book, {only in it's entirety} on the WWW in order to expose JFK assassination and what lurks in the shadows, now making a final total grasp for "benevolent" religio/politic power over the United States...and the world.
  20. I can imagine it's 1959 and a similar warning, mutatis mutandis, is issued against that Catholic who was running for President. No Catholic, JFK in particular was ever required to seek permission of ecclesiastic leaders before seeking any non-church position.
  21. Two of the likable nice republican persons now trying to become U.S. President are JON HUNTSMAN and MITT ROMNEY It is my greatest hope they are not considered by voters and all others on that fateful day. From the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS MORMON MANIFESTO All Mormons must consult their ecclesiastical superiors to obtain permission before accepting any appointment that might interfere with their religious duties! ------------------------------------------------------- Long since embedded in the political,social and economic fabric of the United States & world. The question......Future liberty Arise! Alert to sacrifice Boycott the 'beastly mark' Mormon mastery To track all persons thoughts and deeds Boycott this 'all powerful' apostate Masonry with assassin grip 'on all U.S. politics' Boycott their 'common cause' new century Buy not...Sell not...use not Boycott it's 'dialectic indignities; Destroy the 'brute comrades' zeal Boycott their 'new order' equality For "U.N. world' work ethic, slavery Boycott the chaos-creator's 'pale tyranny' Who's lackeys in 'lethal power' now rule Boycott 'the plan' of few to subvert majorities With 'legislated limits' on all rights of liberty!
  22. POPULATIONS of; Aus-trail-ia near 22 million Canada, near 31 mill United States 300 million-plus
  23. Bill & Scott I would need to view a picture of your father for possible recognition. Re; Miami,Fl. I only touched-down there briefly on flights to and from Cuba. My connections were with Larry Howard and L. Hall between Los Angeles,Ca and the Miami area. 'Among other anti-Castro efforts' my task was receive phone calls from them about plans for and results of raids on Cuba by their group{s},then to feed this information for press release at this end. H.Dean Hello Dean, Here is a photo of my father and Wilfredo Navarro, they were apart of the Cubanos Unidos, the second photo is my father and Pedro Lanz Diaz in 1973. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Kaiser%20%26%20Navarro.bmp With Wilfredo http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Perdo%20Lanz%20Diaz%20%26%20Ed%20Kaiser.bmp With Pedro Scott Am unable to identify your father, pictured above. The organization 'Cubanos Unidos' was unknown to me. H.J. Dean
  24. Bill & Scott I would need to view a picture of your father for possible recognition. Re; Miami,Fl. I only touched-down there briefly on flights to and from Cuba. My connections were with Larry Howard and L. Hall between Los Angeles,Ca and the Miami area. 'Among other anti-Castro efforts' my task was receive phone calls from them about plans for and results of raids on Cuba by their group{s},then to feed this information for press release at this end. H.Dean
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