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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. U.S. Intelligence orders to me/we, who were infiltration operatives/informants were to never carry weapons even for personal survival, as in doing so, we could not/would not,be acknowledged by the federal agency with whom we were involved under such circumstance should we do so. Under certain such dangerous often deadly situation to be armed for defense naturally seemed urgent. I never disobeyed this warning. Though faced with death threats by the spied upon. Oswald did not!
  2. I do not doubt that Masonic's held sway over Birch Society. At the risk of saying anything favorable re; Birch leader Welch, he excommunicated any and all JBS members having even ant-Jewish thoughts, or statements. An example being the fallout between he and Revilo Oliver. It is also extremely important to understand, that from the top down every Church member of LDS {latter-day-saint} Mormon, very faithfully believe themselves to be the only true Jews, also that the Israeli and all others of that following, along with everyone else in existence are Gentiles. Leaders and many members of LDS were in direct connection with JBS to remove a Gentile, JFK.
  3. Jim I briefly exposed this in MS/book CROSSTRAILS pages 13 & 14 but your in depth expose' fills out the much appreciated details.
  4. thank you David, Kathy, Dixie had been quite ill for some time with Emphysema, she lived in the desert in CAL.and i know the winds that seemed to blow the dust and all around almost always, did not help her breathing problems, nor the pollution, she had gone into a nursing home and died peacefully in her sleep two nights after, she was 71 in march. but you would never have guessed by her interest and love of life,and she cared for people, and that made her special, thank you for your lovely message, now you and we all ,as she would say keep carrying on...but guess what, now SHE KNOWS....WE DON'T YET, BUT SHE DOES. SHE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND ALL ABOUT IT... Hi Bernice As we have already spoken by email on the death of your friend Dixie Dea I can ad what you mention re the so-cal desert conditions. The same is outlined in chapter 3 page 14 in poem STRANGER WARNINGS, re the Mojave desert blowing sands where we also lived for ten years. Dixie shot me some emails on the Rich Forum and was very nice in her questioning on a subject of concern. I always remember that. Harry
  5. Hi, Jim and Dean My aim is to get the JBS flag posted on EF, very soon.
  6. Jim I also suspect your post to be a stab at humor? In any case my only allegiance is described in the poem 'AMERICA' shown in manuscript/book page 2, chapter one, CROSSTRAILS very sharply indicates what was then and which has been the case after 1963 concerning my complex activities. Harry
  7. Hey,Dean Is this just humor or do you really have this mentioned flag? H. Dean
  8. Even I thought it was unusual when taking a picture in 1963 of the new flag hung on a wall inside the San Marino, California office of the John Birch Society western headquarters of director {former US. Congressman} John Rousselot. A likely knowing smile passed between Ruosselot, I and others there in our understanding that this flag would some day soon, fly just one notch below the Stars and Stripes. The Flag is blue, with a large white circle in it's center, having a birch-tree,leaf, displayed within it. Around the circle exterior appears the name THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY.
  9. Most of Robert Welch statements were brilliant 'reversals' in their aims. Takeover by Communists etc; was meant to be an anti-Communist takeover. Try applying his statements in 'reverse' the brilliance will shine like a desert sun.
  10. Hi, Greg Was nice talking with you also. Am glad you find the MS/book useful/informative. It was a fascinating, often fear-filled existence that I would choose to escape being involved in ever again.
  11. No internet link. The 1990 Ms/book was/is privately printed and widely distributed. It is the best that could be done by a (non-writer} with limited funds, in order to expose personal actions and those of others involved in anti-JFK plans & et al. More copies will be reprinted soon, will send a copy after getting your mailing address.
  12. Yes. "The first five year plan' of JBS 1958-1963 This long twilight struggle against the elected government of the United States was for world power. That power lay within an almost impotent United Nations organization. Control and direction of that body would be realized by the subversives upon first neutralizing, then seizing the government by shock force, the JFK assassination." {1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS} This struggle was to determine who and what would direct the 'inevitable' New World Order.
  13. John Birch Society " People think of us as wholly or primarily an ant-Communist organization. This causes many misunderstandings. The truth is that our fight with the Communists is purely incidental to our long-range objectives."
  14. Hi Hugo, There are many JFK researchers on EF here that can answer your question{s} and likely will do so. I am not a researcher and was wondering back then if Tippit was one of our JBS members.
  15. Information Dallas Texas Police Chief Curry told me in a mid 1960s phone conversation among other things that Officer Tippit " was given a tooley assignment Nov.22.63 because he was an anti-Kennedy member of the JBS John Birch Society"
  16. The answer is. Yes. 1953, 26 July...Attack by Castro anti-government forces, Cuba 1958 formation of ultra-conservative movement in U.S. of anti-Kennedy/anti-Castro forces
  17. Having been more than a political activist, 50s 60s & on I can say that Kennedy, Johnson and all involved in activities of those times it was widely known about the blowing direction of embedded political and subversive winds. This powerful domestic subversive movement merely reacted to all Kennedy government initiatives via creative propaganda and actions,followed in their '5 year program' 1958-1963 to seize control of total U.S. Government apparatus represented by their many 'agents within' every agency, bureau, service and elective offices, concluding with death of Kennedy, and the sudden service to this New Americanist cause of a fearful Johnson.
  18. Was this {history} poem, subtly or strategically squished? Appologies for diverting to Tripoli Harry, but the lessons of history required it. Now back on track, I think that what doomed the Cuban revolution was the numbers of Cubans who went into exile and didn't return. Many of the Libyan revolutionaries are former students and professionals who left Libya because of Gadafi, but have returned to join the fight. Most of the Cubans who left Cuba because of Castro found more and better opportunities in the USA and didn't go back. Keep writing Harry, Poets are revolutionaries too. BK Bill, no apology necessary, I like the history you describe and find it very important, and it touches on current happenings. I know John Dolva's thoughts on Cuba history, but figure his contribution above was a squisher. Dolva and I may not be really far apart on Cuba, but see it from different experiences? Then consider the grand opportunity you both gave, enabling me to re-post this revolutionary writing i.e. poem. Harry, I didn't see your post just prior to my last one. I would have taken it as a wish for back on track which is what I wanted as well. I think the point I was trying make to William was valid in the context. I know you suffered. Many did. I like poetry and I like that you often post in that form. John I cannot thank you enough for what is to me most heartfelt. Please, forgive my lack in understanding your intent.
  19. Was this {history} poem, subtly or strategically squished? Appologies for diverting to Tripoli Harry, but the lessons of history required it. Now back on track, I think that what doomed the Cuban revolution was the numbers of Cubans who went into exile and didn't return. Many of the Libyan revolutionaries are former students and professionals who left Libya because of Gadafi, but have returned to join the fight. Most of the Cubans who left Cuba because of Castro found more and better opportunities in the USA and didn't go back. Keep writing Harry, Poets are revolutionaries too. BK Bill, no apology necessary, I like the history you describe and find it very important, and it touches on current happenings. I know John Dolva's thoughts on Cuba history, but figure his contribution above was a squisher. Dolva and I may not be really far apart on Cuba, but see it from different experiences? Then consider the grand opportunity you both gave, enabling me to re-post this revolutionary writing i.e. poem.
  20. Was this {history} poem, subtly or strategically squished?
  21. Bill Agreed The Past is certainly Prologue. John Agreed there is certainly more to the story. My poem was but a sad lament for the loss of the great ideal.
  22. M-26-7 = Cuban 26th Of July Revolutionary Movement That bravely fought, now represents Lost liberty, unjust since The Heroic 26th Betrayed by politics To executions Or hellish prison There at Principe's wall And elsewhere fell M-26-7 'The' Cuban Revolution! {c} by H.J.Dean...M-26-7
  23. Re; SALANDRIA TO FONZI ...a previously framed fall-guy {FPCC Oswald} with recently arranged {by my associates} pro-communist connections to Russian and Cuban emabassies, would be assumed guilty, especially after and because own sudden death. These events were based on the shock-treatment affects of Kennedy's assassination. {Oswald's alleged guilt destroyed the powerful and subversive FPCC Fair Play for Cuba Committee} and with it Castro's influence in the American hemisphere.} The planned "New Americanist Scheme" with it's framework so cunningly in place for more than half a century, moved quickly to consolidate and hold perpetual power over a bewildered government and confused nation. These and their present supporters, who wield this stolen power, expect to continue for hundreds of years in control of the system, now so wrongly titled Republican and Conservative { and in the future by any other political party name.} Their guilty leadership, by stealth, with blood stained hands, reached out and picked the overripe fruit of all U.S. Constitutional government power and control. Wherein All other whites, colors and nations are now and forever 'second place subordinates" in all present and future schemes. These are to serve the arrogant LDS plan for a world-wide totally materialistic, Church- State for the eternal comfort of this caucasic beast and it's political image. {...we unknowingly were being used to help install this system that since is surreptitiously wielding every power of the U.S. Government to force the extension of a purely materialistic-religious empire that is intent on redesigning the entire world in it's own "communal image. An effort that includes brute force and isolation of resistant individuals and entire nations.} from 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS
  24. LDS Mormon MANIFESTO Any Mormon intending to seek public office must have official Church permission to insure it will not interfere with that person's religious duties! {two examples are, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman}
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