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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. When I learned of these other suspected spies it was more scary than when I was also put through a terror interrogation by Cuba's G2 in Havana. It is still a wilting experience that crosses my thoughts as it does to often. Below are only some U.S. Citizens executed as suspected spies. Howard Anderson 4/19/1961 Robert O. Fuller 10/17/1960 Andy Grany Jan 1962 William A. Morgan 3/12/1961 Bill Patterson 6/3/1961 Robert Tuller 1960 Matthew E. Duke 5/14/ 1960 {murdered, guard brutality} I was interrogated under threats of death 6/11/1960
  2. W.R. Morris wrote with R.B.Cutler a book titled Alias Oswald,about the same time he self published The Secret Papers of Harry Dean both in 1985. Morris and I had fallen-out ten years earlier after a brief and only stint on The Tom Snyder Show in New York,City. I have read again today the Morris Secret Papers yarn, it is 24 pages of rubbish and contains the same mug shot Morris used in Alias Oswald. I also learned of, then read, Alias Oswald near three years ago. Each of those publications included me at length, each are considered by me as vindictive efforts to belittle real facts. I never knew R.B. Cutler and had no communication with Morris since 1975.
  3. Juan A. Orta one time Cuban diplomat,later Fidel Castro's chief of staff, originated the title, of the 26th of July Movement. Orta defected days before CIA-backed invasion of Cuba. He died in poverty in Miami, Florida.
  4. It is a spark and wisp of smoke that I detect from a fire already set somewhere in the eastern United States, that will at last 'refine' an earthshaking history, making America and the world aware of an enslaving power within it!
  5. Apparently not, later reports show that Oswald was recruited in 1962 by the FBI after his return from soviets. No doubt, our members in New Orleans area sized up Oswald, and spread the calculation throughout our nationwide circuit. {examples, Ed Butler & others?} Here was our tenuous position in the unseen war to topple and seize control of the U.S. government in perpetuity, and to save it, 'at any cost', from complete domestic communist takeover. While the old system was dying, a new one was coming to birth. From our top leadership "the result of our failure in this fight most positively will be concentration camps, or worse, and soon, we must all stick together or we will surely hang separately" We were fed more fearful information from leadership, stating that, " In the course of awakening America, there was the rapidly rising identification of the Kennedy administration with the plans of the Communist." This and more, from the masters of twisted definitions,who misled the unwary patriots to resort to assassination, to cinch our heroic? cause.
  6. Apparently not, later reports show that Oswald was recruited in 1962 by the FBI after his return from soviets. No doubt, our members in New Orleans area sized up Oswald, and spread the calculation throughout our nationwide circuit. {examples, Ed Butler & others?}
  7. Thanks, Harry To me, Nagell seemed to show mental illness in his private relationships, but seems to have pulled it together when he was on an intelligence mission. So it is difficult to judge the validity of Nagell's statements. You have identified Hall/Lorenzo & Howard/Alonzo as = Leopoldo & Angelo. Nagell said that Leopoldo & Angelo represented themselves as agents of Cuban G-2. Question: did you ever remember Hall/Lorenzo & Howard/Alonzo to pretend to be G-2 agents ? No, but in those days in various urgent/important circumstances it could have been possible, in order to infiltrate, or to avoid detection.
  8. Dave Yes, he had very close connections with Walker,and endless others, under the patriotic/subverting and nationwide cause. H.J.
  9. From CROSSTRAILS 1990 Ms/Book When the name of a Fair Play For Cuba Committee communist was broadcast throughout the rightist circuit after the airing of an August, 1963 radio program from Station WDSU, New Orleans, Louisiana, Lee Oswald was selected by another of our JBS associates, retired U.S. Army General E.A. Walker of Dallas,Texas. The subject was then chosen by Gabaldon as the 'fall guy' in the secretive plot against Kennedy. None of objected, and found it humorous to frame a communist. I quietly considered as goofy as the weird, but hazy,arrangements to kill the president. I reported the scarce details as they developed, to my federal Intelligence contacts. When Kennedy visited Mexico City in late June 1962, Gabaldon, {his statement}in league with some rightist Mexican Federal Police Officials, was set to shoot Kennedy. Only a last minute escape problems aborted that assassination scheme! {it had been arranged for him to pose as protective agent to run beside Kennedy's car during a motorcade} Yes he had high connection in the US. far above Mexican, or mere American Intelligence bureaucrat/agents. They were powerful, combined, subversive forces that brought down Kennedy and assumed immediate, total control, of US. government, from November 1963, whereby no conspirators would ever be convicted under their 'New Americanist' scheme.
  10. David, it should be seen in the times, and our ages, that we were at war, and our convictions/brainwash were then, in the 1960s anti-communists anti-Castro patriots. Gabaldon and our activist associates really believed the U.S. was being sold out by Kennedy to Soviet communism. It is true that Gabby and I played his movie {hell to eternity} around the country to raise funds in support of the anti-communist cause, which was aimed to subvert Kennedy's administration as part of the attempt by our radical leadership to seize control of U.S. Government,an ideal which we mistakenly followed. During those times Gabaldon and I were admiral friends, as were most of our dedicated associates.
  11. Dave Gabaldon wrote a book in late 90s or early 2000s You could likely find info. via Google? I would be interested to know what he says in it.
  12. An August 12, 1974 letter from Nagell to Bernard "Bud" Fensterwald, Jr., states in part... In September 1963, "Laredo" / Nagell met with Oswald in Jackson Square in New Orleans, where both were photographed. Photos of two of Oswald's associates whom I shall call "Leopoldo" and "Angel," were displayed to Oswald. Oswald was informed that neither Leopoldo nor Angel were agents of Cuban G-2 (as the Direccion General de Inteligencia was then called), a story they had strapped on Oswald the previous month. He was informed that the two were in fact counterrevolutionaries known to be connected to a violence-prone faction of a CIA-financed group operating in Mexico City [and elsewhere], that in 1962 both of them had participated in a bomb-throwing incident directed against an employee of the Cuban Embassy there, that both were well known to Cuban and Mexican authorities, and of course, to the CIA..... So Harry, is your identification of Hall/Lorenzo = Leopoldo and Howard/Alonzo = Angelo consistant with Nagell's description or do you differ from what Nagell has to say ? I did not know Nagell, though we apparently were sometimes involved with similar, various radical groups and individuals in the same time era advising U.S.Intelligence. It is likely that I am failing to completely understand the question? Brian, as I mentioned in private email to you yesterday I just read Dick's book re; Nagell, Hall & Howard. When Dick & I talked in 1975 {outlined in chapter 14} he could not accept my identification of Lorenzo & Alonzo et al. as being Leopoldo & Angelo - names that also in translation from Spanish to English fell victim to interpretation.
  13. An August 12, 1974 letter from Nagell to Bernard "Bud" Fensterwald, Jr., states in part... In September 1963, "Laredo" / Nagell met with Oswald in Jackson Square in New Orleans, where both were photographed. Photos of two of Oswald's associates whom I shall call "Leopoldo" and "Angel," were displayed to Oswald. Oswald was informed that neither Leopoldo nor Angel were agents of Cuban G-2 (as the Direccion General de Inteligencia was then called), a story they had strapped on Oswald the previous month. He was informed that the two were in fact counterrevolutionaries known to be connected to a violence-prone faction of a CIA-financed group operating in Mexico City [and elsewhere], that in 1962 both of them had participated in a bomb-throwing incident directed against an employee of the Cuban Embassy there, that both were well known to Cuban and Mexican authorities, and of course, to the CIA..... So Harry, is your identification of Hall/Lorenzo = Leopoldo and Howard/Alonzo = Angelo consistant with Nagell's description or do you differ from what Nagell has to say ? I did not know Nagell, though we apparently were sometimes involved with similar, various radical groups and individuals in the same time era advising U.S.Intelligence. It is likely that I am failing to completely understand the question?
  14. From 1990 Ms/Book CROSSTRAILS In late August, 1963, Guy "Gabby" Gabaldon and I kept an appointment with former U.S. Congessman John H. Rousselot, then Western Director of the John Birch Society at his San Marino, California office. Gabaldon picked up ten thousand dollars as pre-arranged from Rousselot. The money was for the Mexico Operation. Some of these funds were given to Oswald ...two other of our anti-Castro, anti-communist associates,Lawrence John "Larry" Howard -aka Alonzo Escruido, and Loran Eugene "skip Hall" - aka Lorenzo Pacillo, were dispatched by Guy Gabaldon...to enlist Oswald in CIA {Central Intelligence Agency}. In late September, 1963, Oswald accompanied the pair to Gabaldon's Mexico City area office. Oswald then received instructions and funds from the impressive, but "phony CIA officer" Gabaldon. The fate of both Oswald and Kennedy were there, forever sealed! The trio later returned to the U,S. Hall and Howard eventually to California, and Oswald to Texas where two weeks later, October 15, 1963, he began working at the book depository building in Dallas. The poor slob was awaiting further instructions from another fake CIA contact that, among other details, requested him to deliver weapons, supposedly to be picked up at his work place along with other weapons to be donated and used by by anti-Castro raiders. The Florida anti-Castro raiders after splitting up, Howard and Hall, at Gabaldon's direction picked up Oswald at New Orleans and continued on to Dallas, where they made several stops to raise desperately needed funds. The three the crossed the border and drove to Mexico City. A previously framed fall guy, Oswald, with recently arranged {by my associates} pro-communist connections to Cuban and Russian embassies would be assumed guilty based on the shock treatment affects of Kennedy's assassination The former given names of Howard and Hall were used by them as "war names" they were, Hall/Lorenzo = Leopoldo...Howard/Alonzo = Angelo.
  15. Yes it was. I wrote it and associated info. in 2000,it was published August 2001 in CROSSTRAILS Ms/Book near a month before 9/11 as things were heating up, followed by other inevitable schemes.
  16. From the year 2000 " Is it possible that we are mere pawns in this game, unaware, and living in a fools paradise - exposed 'certain' deadly reactions - and severe economic reversals that could bring about a regrettable new dark age of sorrows with 'controlled' physical hardships in a total materialistic, and spirit-crushed world? {I regret finding it necessary to quote the disgusting old communist Nikolai Lenin}...But before his death in 1924 he said; Germany will arm itself out of existence - England/Great Britain will expand herself out of existence - United States will loan/spend itself out of existence." The first two predictions came true...The third, sadly, is well underway...
  17. THEN We were deceived before, during and after the 1960s,as laid out in the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS. " No honest Conservative really believed that we were trying to do more than call the Liberal establishment,Communist sympathizers, in order to replace Liberalism with Conservatism. SINCE But we unknowingly were being used to install this present system {Republican or Democrat} that is surreptitiously wielding ever power of the U.S. government to force the extension of a purely materialistic/religious empire that is intent on redesigning the entire world in it's own communal image! An effort that includes, brute force and isolation of resistant individuals and entire nations."
  18. Remember, when President Johnson took office he was surrounded by twenty-five Conservative advisors.
  19. I thought everyone was Irish, or wished to be on St Patrick's day. Thanks for the great Irish songs & music. And J. Dean, sure would like to read any of your poetry. Happy St. Patrick's day. H. Dean hjay1211@gmail.com
  20. Rich. Genuine, top drawer,all around nicest of any on his forum that I knew. Rich, always remembered. H J Dean
  21. Rich. Genuine, top drawer,all around nicest of any on his forum that I knew. Rich, always remembered. H J Dean
  22. CIA as late as 1969, requested that I fly to Washington/New York to personally identify Cuba G2 agent Francisco 'Frank' Vega. FBI had me seeking out Alpha 66 leader's and other questionable Cuban groups & individuals in Los Angeles. I would no longer co operate with either agency by mid 1965, nor they with me, except the 1969 CIA request, I had intentionly exposed some details via TV and radio to get out from that ever more dangerous existence. It worked. My thinking on the Vega Mexico Oswald,is that it should be researched.
  23. There is an article here on President Kennedy's battle with the business Titans: http://www.sott.net/articles/show/124999-John-F-Kennedy-and-the-Titans I think it's a great article. The big plan for a united 'one world' system had been planned long before Kennedy, then Soviets bit the dust under pressure 'and lets make a deal persuasion ' by US. dealings and it's willing nordic type and other 'pallid' allies et al. to rule and alter the entire world to it's vision of a false, benevolent materialistic, and spiritless system. It is this system that US. political radicals have fought to control, that brought about the Dallas death of Kennedy which 'they' have continued to control under whatever political party is represented in presidential office. The one world system is secure and on track by people manipulating, anti-Constitutional Americans and others who look like us!
  24. Here is an report from an 1960s Los Angeles newspaper re; possible meeting of Cuba G2 agent Vega and Oswald an FPCC chapter officer and likely US. Intel.informant, at Mexico City 1963. A Cuban defector reported to CIA and Rockerfeller Commission also to Schweicker who was investigating the Kennedy assassination. The Warren commission never considered using the CIA Vega information. Francisco Vega Cuba G2 had put me through several brutal hours interrogation in Havana 1960, by 1963 Vega was found Illegally in US. at New York City. Vega fell into my hands while gathering information for FBI re; Cuban connections and I sunk him to the Los Angeles Bureau office. This Vega could likely be the same Cuba G2 agent as reported as Mexico/Oswald person. Hopefully a JFK researcher here will check this out, it could prove surprisingly valuable to JFK research.
  25. Hi Bernice Even I wonder why I have not gotten Any email for some time except when I email myself to check it, which works ok. I am now convinced that a switch to another TV company may be the cause as computer & TV were then a package?? hjay1211@gmail.com
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