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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. For any who e-mailed me in past several days. I expect to be on again soon, and will answer. Am presently on another's computer. Thanks. H. Dean
  2. Hi, StephenMy thanks for your important post on this subject. Great hearing from you again. Harry
  3. Written in 2000 In the 1990s the United States, with England, and Canada in lock-step, with other lesser nations, {Canada total population, little more than 30 millions} became fearsome partners in the new world order economic brute force war making. Shall the visious hounds, and rabid mice continue to plague the world with their 'created chaos, and devious solutions'? Is it possible that we are mere slavish pawns in this game, unaware, and living in a fools paradise - exposed to 'certain' deadly reactions - and severe economic reversals that could bring a regrettable new dark age of sorrows with 'controlled' physical hardships in a total materialistic, and spirit crushed world.? First published as "CROSSTRAILS" 8/ 31/ 2001 {c} by Harry J. Dean A few days later 9/11/2001 The Twin Towers Tragedy et al.
  4. Hi, Wade I do not have this item mentioned above, but it is clearly laid out by other Forum members. Harry
  5. By the following year, 1962, I was once again involved with the Bureau in gathering political and subversive intelligence information. Hi, John In trying to add the above post and the following to THE INDEX under MEMOIRS it did not succeed......? MORE. I dealt with the Feds re; The Fair Play For Cuba Committee Castro's Network in the United States, "mainly" in Chicago,Illinois, and the Revolutionary 26th Of July Movement in the US. and Cuba. During those times I did not allow myself to have any personal or political {as a Republican} convictions. Later, when I joined more openly with anti-Castro, anti-Communist persons and groups did I become anti-Kennedy, even while doing assignments for the Feds, many of whom also leaned in that "political direction." My reason in exposing these connections, is to show my thinking while sincerely involved with what I then considered my kind of people, that is until they actually arranged the removal of the president. The John Birch Society in their fatal " five year plan" aimed first to destroy Kennedy's political and personal reputation and especially what he supposedly represented while I was in league with them and with their activist radicals, a civilreligio and military combination. Even as their plan{s} were in movement to kill Kennedy {reported to my Fed. contacts} and described under my partial MEMOIRS on The Simkin Forum, I remained one of their kind, being led by ongoing radical and firey extreme literature {propaganda}. Certainly a brain-bending barrage of subversion, realized to late. The successful action of November 22, 1963 placed their kind both directly, and indirectly in charge of the US. presidency/government direction and control, as evidenced more clearly in the present administration. Harry J. Dean
  6. Hi, John D. The name Pleune rings a bell, the others ??. Many people in FPCC when involved under circumstance {such as public demonstrations} with the local Red Squad {police} used assumed names. The same if they were federal or local police informants within FPCC. etc. Harry
  7. By the following year, 1962, I was once again involved with the Bureau in gathering political and subversive intelligence information.
  8. Heat from The Fair Play For Cuba Committee against US/Cuban policies in the United States and Latin America had reached the boiling point. While I was Secretary of that Chicago, Illinois FPCC group the Communist Party organizers/leaders,John Rossen and Richard Criley gave me a possibly dangerous assignment. My instructions were to join the enemy "anti-Castro elements" in order to gain the vital date of the expected invasion upon Cuba. These anti-Castro forces in Chicago gathered in a downtown recruiting hall. FPCC instructions worked perfectly,with one exception. In order to be genuinely convincing after I had, as ordered, denounced my association with FPCC, to further convince the anti-Castro people it was nessasary that I also volunteer with their CIA Central Intelligence agent recruiter as a pilot in the anti-Castro invasion force. Among my increasingly nervous fears were, would I soon be called upon to ship-out with others of these invasion groups? or worse yet might not the vital information I was sent by other Fair Play For Cuba Committee officers to get, fall into my hands. Naturally I aimed to side-slip from the entirely dangerous situation if or when either happened. I quickly moved my wife and two little sons to a new location,adopted a new identity,and continued assigned activities with caution. In this time frame recieving a phone call from Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to "JR" my code name, to set up a safe meeting spot, where we again discussed All details of latest FPCC activities, including the CIA anti-Castro group encounters. At this meeting, when ask, I confessed to mentioning to the CIA anti-Castro recruiter that I was also reporting to the FBI on pro-Castro/ FPCC activities. The two Bureau agents then summarily dismissed me from further association with the FBI. Not understanding this sudden firing I was shocked, worse yet I was now caught in deep danger that could come from no-nonsence Cubans who either favored Castro,or from those poised to storm his country. Dropping everything in cold fear, my wife children and I fled to Southern California. Before leaving I penned a note and dropped it in the mail to President Kennedy explaining my involvement and the entire FPCC/Cuban/FBI picture....... Harry J. Dean
  9. Harry, This Jose Norman, is he an Englishman who lived in Cuba for some 11 years and operated a coffee plantation that was destroyed by Fidel's Cuban rebels? His full name would have been Manuel Jose Norman? Just curious. James Hi,James Yes, this is Jose. He used to find humor when being refered to as a Coffee Baron, saying he was coffee barren. Harry
  10. Am more than interested in your post{s} re; my one-time associate JOSE NORMAN, {formerly of Cuba} later attached to The John Birch Society et al. You have been zeroing-in on the guilty{JBS} who cared more than 'any' to hasten the removal of Kennedy and what he supposedly represented. As Earl Warren admitted to Jack Ruby, "Yes, they {JBS} are powerful, very powerful indeed." I certainly will appreciate more of your information on JOSE NORMAN and his {other} several connections. Thanks much. Harry
  11. Hi, JL Thanks JL, sorry I was so dense. Great talking with you again. Harry
  12. Hi, JL Not sure your meaning{s}, but suppose I have stated what everyone already knows? What is 8^??. Harry
  13. NOW ROLLING ON {near you} CORPORATISTS are unknowingly, mere greedy pawns in the GLOBALISTS scheme that will conclude in UNITED WORLD ORDER under a singular POLITICO/RELIGIO COMBINATION of spirit-crushed slavery! Harry J. Dean
  14. Hi, Al The Manual On Assassination And Tourture for Central America, originated with and by, the RCAF Royal Canadaian Air Force. Harry Harry, Never heard that one and am interested for you to add to this. I am referring to the manual stamped GPO 81-3-# (# referring to copy number for each individual printed manual). These were closely guarded and were dissiminated at SOA in a class on Counterinsurgency, one that Edwin was a part of the presentation. I am fairly sure these were the original dissiminations as the # were in the early twenties. Al Hi, Al The Canadian Air Force manual is info. I picked up from computer in 2000, and was said to be from their RCAF Intelligence people. This could be verified for certain, and may be other than what you refer to?. In any case it reminds me of 1940s grade-B war movies. Harry
  15. John and Mark, I refer to the "Manual on Assassinations and Torture for Central America" with a government printing date of March of '81. Col. Prouty referred to and presented a sanitized reproduction of same. Be careful of wording in such that has been released as the true manual will never be released. Wording varies referring to who is to carry out these objectives. The true wording is that highly trained military personnel will carry out and indinginous personnel and persons associated with crime syndicates will be put into place to take responsibility for such actions. The key is who would be considered reliable and dependable. So far, most forum members here and on other forums fail to grasp this. The actual manual is my insurance policy and will one day come to light. Al Hi, Al The Manual On Assassination And Tourture for Central America, originated with and by, the RCAF Royal Canadaian Air Force. Harry
  16. There is/was a book by W.R. Morris {1985}, and other Morris writings I have never read, discovered by me in 1999/2000. It is reported Morris used me at great length in this book titled ALIAS OSWALD. It is possible Ms. Joan is quoting from that, or others by Morris. I did meet with Rapp, he wanted confirmation on previous info. given to other Bureau agents before the Nov 22,63 sad event. {there will be much more to Rapp's report than what Hall said} Larry Howard was an anti-Castro ally of I and several others, he was an alright likeable person but into the anti-Kennedy activitity with the group { as outlined in my manuscript book }. Did W.R. Morris put the word " crumb " and other statements into my mouth in reference to Howard et al.? It is so that Howard and others of the group were attempting to involve me {timely discovered} via Mexico City, in the Kennedy affair. Harry Thanks Harry, And can you say, "You no, good, lousy rotten crumb" like James Cagney? BK ------------------------------- Maybe Harry can supply us with the names of Larry Howard's wife and children, and specifically what there ultimate careers centered upon. Also, would he like to respond directly to e-mails from the Howards -- and spell out a little more clearly as to why they have never heard of him ??!! ___________________________ Listen Hemming, I have no fight to do with you, and will not. I stated knowing nothing of Larry having a light colored station wagon, likewise in those days he had no wife to my knowing. Yes, I would chat with Larry, your having said recently he yet lives?
  17. There is/was a book by W.R. Morris {1985}, and other Morris writings I have never read, discovered by me in 1999/2000. It is reported Morris used me at great length in this book titled ALIAS OSWALD. It is possible Ms. Joan is quoting from that, or others by Morris. I did meet with Rapp, he wanted confirmation on previous info. given to other Bureau agents before the Nov 22,63 sad event. {there will be much more to Rapp's report than what Hall said} Larry Howard was an anti-Castro ally of I and several others, he was an alright likeable person but into the anti-Kennedy activitity with the group { as outlined in my manuscript book }. Did W.R. Morris put the word " crumb " and other statements into my mouth in reference to Howard et al.? It is so that Howard and others of the group were attempting to involve me {timely discovered} via Mexico City, in the Kennedy affair. Harry Thanks Harry, And can you say, "You no, good, lousy rotten crumb" like James Cagney? BK I do not understand?
  18. Hi, Bill Did not know was character in Joan's book. Can you lay out full details here or via e-mail? Each time Howard returned here to So.Cal I drove him around, he very likely did have such a car you mention. It is also likely that his wife used it much of the time he was away in Florida {No Name Key anti-Castro activities}. I did not see that green rambler wagon. What does Joan say re; that vehicle?. Thanks Bill. Harry Harry, did you really call Howard a crumb? I thought you were pals. Jean does good by you. She quotes you saying (p58) that Oswald was "doing the same job as I was," and (p. 281) that you met with FBI agent Rapp, of Pomona, Calf. office, a week after the assassination. "...Dean told Rapp that he had heard Loran Hall state that a Communist would be found for the murder of JFK." On the same page she says, "Magison remembered something else. Howard just bought a light blue or green Nash Rambler, evan as Garrison witness Ed Girvus was to mention a light colored station wagon parked on the rail road track ot the rear of the Scool Book Drive in Dealey Plaza." "Harry Dean, that CIA FPFCC infiltrator, also knew that Howard was in Dallas on November 22, 1963, 'I think Howard took a shot [at Kennedy],' Dean said, and he was in Dallas and all the other crumbs....I don't believe Oswald did." Gee Harry, you promised to be a friendly witness, not a funny one. Bill Kelly bkjfk3@yahoo.com There is/was a book by W.R. Morris {1985}, and other Morris writings I have never read, discovered by me in 1999/2000. It is reported Morris used me at great length in this book titled ALIAS OSWALD. It is possible Ms. Joan is quoting from that, or others by Morris. I did meet with Rapp, he wanted confirmation on previous info. given to other Bureau agents before the Nov 22,63 sad event. {there will be much more to Rapp's report than what Hall said} Larry Howard was an anti-Castro ally of I and several others, he was an alright likeable person but into the anti-Kennedy activitity with the group { as outlined in my manuscript book }. Did W.R. Morris put the word " crumb " and other statements into my mouth in reference to Howard et al.? It is so that Howard and others of the group were attempting to involve me {timely discovered} via Mexico City, in the Kennedy affair. Harry
  19. Hi, Bill I will be a friendly witness before the JFK Grand Jury. Re; the man in Mexico City picture, it is a scary story {for me} and an intended doublecross by my then associates. Yes the chin dimple was helpful. But that Babe, Ava Gardner, really made it famous though. Harry Harry, Do you know you are a character in Joan's book? She mentions you three times, once in regards to Howard. She also mentions Howard owning a light green Nash Rambler station wagon. Do you know that Howard owned such a car? Thanks, Bill Kelly Hi, Bill Did not know was character in Joan's book. Can you lay out full details here or via e-mail? Each time Howard returned here to So.Cal I drove him around, he very likely did have such a car you mention. It is also likely that his wife used it much of the time he was away in Florida {No Name Key anti-Castro activities}. I did not see that green rambler wagon. What does Joan say re; that vehicle?. Thanks Bill. Harry
  20. Harry, I didn't know you were suspected of being the Man in Mexico City pix. What an honor. They let you off because of a dimple? I bet all the ladies like that. Harry, will you be a friendly or hostile witness before the JFK Grand Jury? BK bkjfk@yahoo.com Hi, Bill I will be a friendly witness before the JFK Grand Jury. Re; the man in Mexico City picture, it is a scary story {for me} and an intended doublecross by my then associates. Yes the chin dimple was helpful. But that Babe, Ava Gardner, really made it famous though. Harry
  21. Part quote, re solving JFK assassination. "....is only a reflection of the institutional unwillingness, resistance and refusal to challenge the powers that took over the government on November 22, 1963" I am in Total agreement with your Entire statement above! Harry J. Dean
  22. Hi, Ron Under 'Memoirs' on this Forum, of persons I mentioned in it All of them were yet then living, including Guy 'Gabby' Gabaldon. In any case I thank you for the above information.........Very Interesting. Harry
  23. Hi, James Thanks for checking re; card. I think then it was not on the Rich Forum? I just assumed it might be somewhere on the web? In any case re; your e-mail of today, I do not know how to place it on the Forum or via e-mail. When my son shows, I'll see if he knows how. Thanks again. Harry
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