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Al Carrier

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Posts posted by Al Carrier

  1. The previous post should be noticed: It takes one to know one. This was a well planned hit and did not just pop to the surface overnight; an operation ran by a few 'good old buddy' type personal who just decided one day to kill a President because they were pissed. Covert OPS don't work that way.These assault teams, three in all were "shadow personal" to be used once and then past into the voids of lost and none existence operations. There was or is a world out there that the average 8 to 5 personal can even begun to comprehend. We have to look beyond the norm and forget the land of names and faces. These assassins were a special breed. A hit and disappear team; a team drifting through that plaza much like a vapor. Years later these same type teams used to prowl the jungles of southeast Asia and Central America. To find them is like chasing a shadow. By the time you see their hit, they are gone and your left scratching your head wondering which way they went. Thats 'Black Ops" Its a specialty. Some take pride in it even today.




    by Paul Kangas

    This is an older article but deserves attention.

    In Daniel Hopsicker’s Barry & ‘the boys’ The CIA, The Mob and America's Secret History, c2001, Hopsicker’s research substantiates many “outrageous” claims this article puts forth. I can give page numbers from his book if it is helpful for researchers. It is obvious to me Bush and Nixon had a large part in the assassination and cover-up.

    In response to what Tosh posted, here you have a mini biography of James Files life.

    Exposing this ongoing behavior to the public is why we are trying to publish To Kill A Country. Lawsuits and ongoing FBI problems continue to be the reason our book is not in print and out to the public.


    I may be wrong by interpreting Tosh's post and he may want to jump in here. The people Tosh is speaking of were the specialists who went into the jungles of Viet Nam to disrupt troop operations by assassinating commanders under the noses of the main body force. They also swayed locals from supporting infiltration by eliminating elders in inhumane ways and provoking more fear in the locals of them then the infiltrators. In Central America, they operated in the rain forests of the central highlands and along the Miskito Coast by assassinating regional governors who supported the Sandanista Regime and were backed by the Cuban Death Squads in their black SUVs. The death squads were attacked from ranges of 400-600m and eliminations were accomplished before the shots were heard. These individuals were never confronted as they were never seen.

    They did not work for the Mafia, or were they SOF. They were nameless and faceless individuals who often times never came home for security reasons or fear of the controllers losing control of the monsters they created. Those who did return would often instruct at Covert Operation Schools such as SOA or the Army War College. Others chose to redeem their deeds by spending their life trying to undo their wrongs and establish themselves that were positive in their communities. Tosh said some still take pride in their actions even today. Some don't.

    None would become James Files...


  2. Wim,

    The idea that Files was asked to be the backup shooter, to choose the location and the weapon at around 10:30 that morning is not sloppy; it's unbelievable.




    It does not sound plausible, I agree. But you have to keep in mind that opposite forces were at work that day.  Roselli was originally scheduled to be a shooter, then he came in on an abort team and was afraid to go ahead. 

    Nicoletti needed a replacement for him. Also, don't forget Files was not supposed to shoot, He was to be only backup. You could even argue that the sloppiness of the other shooters in the Plaza, caused Files to shoot.  in a way, the sloppiness of the operation clinched it.

    If you believe the abort team of Tosh, then you can also appreciate the possibility for  last minute decisions.

    Lastly, if it is so unbelievable, why would Files make it up? If Files is a xxxx, don't you think he himself has considered that this is "unbeliavable"? Don't you think he would have woven a more believable tale?  Have you thought about that?  Most people that say Files is a hoax, at least agree that he is a rather clever hoax. Do you think he is not only a hoax, but a dumb hoax too?

    In effect, what you're saying is that if Files would have lied by saying he was supossed to be one of the shooters right from the start, he would have been more believable.

    Anyway, my answer to that is that if you're telling the truth, you can't make it more believable than it was, it's just a pity that it is "unbelievable" for many.  But then again, there was also a time nobody believed the earth was round!


    So in other words Wim, the more outrageous the claim, the more believeable it is? To respond to your last paragraph, the difference in believing the Files Story today and comparing it to those who did not believe the earth was round, is simply that nobody had sailed beyond to prove it was round at the time. I believe that says it all.

    To believe that the assassination was set up to have the former (Roselli) and current (Nicoletti) mafia liaison to the Cuban Operation fire on the president in DP is rediculous. They were high profile in the FBI and CIA and to take a chance on photos or films or witness ID's of them getting into the wrong hands is not an acceptable risk. Not to mention there were far better and much less to non-existant profile individuals who would have been chosen. And then to have Files step to the plate at the last minute to fill in defies all principles of a planned operation. And considering this is the assassination of the sitting president, this would be a planned operation on the part of the assassins. If it came apart, then the opportunity would go by the wayside. Nobody with any experience in this would rush a poor opportunity.

    In regards to your issues on another thread about Files have three attempts on his life prior to going to prison, this should tell everyone that these attempts were not in conjunction with shutting him up, as they would not be attempts. He would simply disappear. And to get to him in prison would be child's play. He would simply be found hanging from his own underwear in his cell and be written off as a suicide. But the message would be clear to those who needed to hear it.

    We must get beyond the amatuerish issues of Anti-Castro Cubans and Mafia hit men to see what forces were at work in DP and why we are spinning our wheels now.

    I cannot and never will be able to begin to prove who specifically fired the shots in DP as it is beyond reach. The shooters existance ceased along time ago. But I can see WHAT was involved here as it was present long before and still long after.

    As far as your question as to the Mexican Covert Op in '67 that went bad, I have no direct knowlege as I was too young then and do not recall hearing any reference to it later, unless Tosh (Who was operational then) can refresh my memory with some details.


  3. Wim,

    The idea that Files was asked to be the backup shooter, to choose the location and the weapon at around 10:30 that morning is not sloppy; it's unbelievable.




    It does not sound plausible, I agree. But you have to keep in mind that opposite forces were at work that day.  Roselli was originally scheduled to be a shooter, then he came in on an abort team and was afraid to go ahead. 

    Nicoletti needed a replacement for him. Also, don't forget Files was not supposed to shoot, He was to be only backup. You could even argue that the sloppiness of the other shooters in the Plaza, caused Files to shoot.  in a way, the sloppiness of the operation clinched it.

    If you believe the abort team of Tosh, then you can also appreciate the possibility for  last minute decisions.

    Lastly, if it is so unbelievable, why would Files make it up? If Files is a xxxx, don't you think he himself has considered that this is "unbeliavable"? Don't you think he would have woven a more believable tale?  Have you thought about that?  Most people that say Files is a hoax, at least agree that he is a rather clever hoax. Do you think he is not only a hoax, but a dumb hoax too?

    In effect, what you're saying is that if Files would have lied by saying he was supossed to be one of the shooters right from the start, he would have been more believable.

    Anyway, my answer to that is that if you're telling the truth, you can't make it more believable than it was, it's just a pity that it is "unbelievable" for many.  But then again, there was also a time nobody believed the earth was round!


    So in other words Wim, the more outrageous the claim, the more believeable it is? To respond to your last paragraph, the difference in believing the Files Story today and comparing it to those who did not believe the earth was round, is simply that nobody had sailed beyond to prove it was round at the time. I believe that says it all.

    To believe that the assassination was set up to have the former (Roselli) and current (Nicoletti) mafia liaison to the Cuban Operation fire on the president in DP is rediculous. They were high profile in the FBI and CIA and to take a chance on photos or films or witness ID's of them getting into the wrong hands is not an acceptable risk. Not to mention there were far better and much less to non-existant profile individuals who would have been chosen. And then to have Files step to the plate at the last minute to fill in defies all principles of a planned operation. And considering this is the assassination of the sitting president, this would be a planned operation on the part of the assassins. If it came apart, then the opportunity would go by the wayside. Nobody with any experience in this would rush a poor opportunity.

    In regards to your issues on another thread about Files have three attempts on his life prior to going to prison, this should tell everyone that these attempts were not in conjunction with shutting him up, as they would not be attempts. He would simply disappear. And to get to him in prison would be child's play. He would simply be found hanging from his own underwear in his cell and be written off as a suicide. But the message would be clear to those who needed to hear it.

    We must get beyond the amatuerish issues of Anti-Castro Cubans and Mafia hit men to see what forces were at work in DP and why we are spinning our wheels now.

    I cannot and never will be able to begin to prove who specifically fired the shots in DP as it is beyond reach. The shooters existance ceased along time ago. But I can see WHAT was involved here as it was present long before and still long after.

    As far as your question as to the Mexican Covert Op in '67 that went bad, I have no direct knowlege as I was too young then and do not recall hearing any reference to it later, unless Tosh (Who was operational then) can refresh my memory with some details.


  4. The James Files case is very different. His story has been dismissed by all serious researchers. I would also argue that your own credibility has been seriously undermined by your insistence on believing this story.



    This is simply not true.

    Files's  story has not been dismissed by anyone that have seriously looked into it and have met the men himself. There are retired FBI agents, among others Zack Shelton.  Friends and associates  of James Files, you have never heard of, like Kenny Larry or    big Mike. The vast majority of the prison guards at Stateville, believe his story. A few of them told me so.  The difference with these guys and the people you mean, is that they know Files.

    It has not been dismissed by Jim Marrs , Peter Dale Scott and Robert Groden. Antoinette Giancana believes his story, her former husband and mafia lawyer Bob McDonnell does, as does another serious researcher that has really looked into it, but I don't know if I can name him here.

    I have asked you before to name the serious researchers who dismiss the Files story.

    Let's see if it's really "all serious researchers".  It is also noteworthy that  most of these researchers refuse to answer my questions. This is the pattern that irritates Tosh so much. It is alright to say he is lying about something, but when it is disproven, there is no apology or retraction from such a researcher. An example is that Larry Hancock says that Tosh was in jail. Tosh was NOT in jail at the time larry claims he was. There is no document to support he was in jail.

    None of these "serious researchers" have met with Files, with the exception of Vernon, who has now very different motives to dismiss it.  Most of these researchers have not  even seen the original video, not to speak about the second one we did last year.

    Look at the reviews of the original video at Amazon .com. The only negative valuation is from David von Pein, one of the most persistent "lone nutters' there is.


    I have yet to recieve a negative review on the second video:


    And I get emails like these all the time:

    Wonderful job people, Im 35 years old and been visiting your website for 6 years now on a regular basis! Ive read everything also researched everything on the JFK assasination and NO were do you find such AWESOME info! This needs to come out now. I will help in anyway possible!!!  All the best,take care God bless!   

    But even if what you suggest is true, I could not care less about being a minority.  I don't think that's a valid argument, and certainly not on this subject.  A year ago the majority of Americans believed that Saddam helped Osama in planning the 9/11 attack. Does that make it true?  There is a lot of parrot behaviour in the JFK research community.  Some people here have trouble speaking out their support for further invetigation of the James Files story, probably because it has received so much discreditation.  A lot of that discreditation comes from people who YOU don't even consider  serious researchers, like McAdams, Mack or Vernon. And a lot of that discreditation is  based on allegations that have since been proven untrue, like the availibility  of the XP-100, the absence of a Daltex parking lot, and such.

    I know for a fact there are a lot of members here that believe that Files DOES deserve a closer look. There is even one who said that the second video changed his mind. But for some strange reason, these people do not speak out.  I sure would appreciate them to do so, instead of sending me private emails only.

    You are always in favour of debating the evidence.  But your only argument against Files seems to be that  "his story has been dismissed by all serious researchers", which is not true anyway.

    I would appreciate HARD and IRREFUTABLE evidence that Files CANNOT be telling the truth, for if there is one person that wants to know that Files is a hoax, it would be me. 

    If you could answer the following questions for me, then maybe I'll start thinking about what you said.

    1) What do you make of Joe Granata? Is he lying too?

    2) What is your explanation for Files knowing there was a toothmark on the shell casing, while nobody else knew that?

    3) If Files is a hoax, who else was/is involved in perpetrating the hoax?

    4) Why has  the man who Files says killed JD Tippit, never come forward to refute the claim?

    5) What is your explanation for the information below (from a guy that hates James Files) ? If Files is a hoax, who else was/is involved in perpetrating the hoax?


    A post of Dave Ostertag

    The interesting part:

    Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his

    criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The

    military refused to honor the subpoena for his records.

    Why subpoena for Files military records if supposedly Files lied about his military past and there are no records? Note that the military did not say: we don't have them. They refused to honor the subpoena! Why?

    Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"?

    Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com)

    Onderwerp:James Files

    View this article only


    Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST

    Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I

    was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek.

    Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the

    facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave

    Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison.

    Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his

    criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The

    military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to

    his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond

    forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I

    remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this

    is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other

    arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true

    professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally

    come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see

    him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap

    sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole

    warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer

    queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his

    Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida.

    Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times

    himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was

    arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in

    Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and

    for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and

    sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for

    three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files

    for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding

    at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery

    convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our

    gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his

    criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The

    Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used

    the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to

    contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of

    Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an

    explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of

    them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted

    to check in and say hello.


    May I ask you a simple question and get a straight answer in return?

    Files and you believe that Giancanna, Roselli and Nicolletti were whacked to keep them from testifying. My question is, why is Files allowed to talk freely and confess when he is extremely vulnerable to being whacked in Statesville? Please educate me!


  5. The majority of researchers are locked into who assassinated Kennedy because of the information found in the CIA Files showing an anti-Castro Operation in full swing at the time of the assassination. These individuals involved in this, both government paid intelligence personnel and anti-Castro Cubans had a hatred for Kennedy, so there is the motivation. Then we have the likes of Hemming and others who provide shallow links that they cannot prove and it has everyone chasing their tails, trying to prove this is who did it.

    I have posted on how this is unlikely due to the type of operation that is seen in DP and due to the compromising of secrecy that it would involve, and the skill level of the assault. I have referred to consistencies that those who acted in DP would direct toward connecting to a Communist operation involving Castro in order to call for an assault on Cuba, but that does not make it an Anti-Castro Operation. Nor does it prove that Anti-Castro Cubans were involved in DP.

    After the conspiracy was covered up and the US was not forced to invade Cuba, the Castro elimination plans died off. The plans to eliminate Castro prior to this were a joke. But so many see these same individuals executing a sitting US President in a small open plaza on the outskirts of downtown Dallas in front of 40+ Dallas LE, twelve USSS agents and 300+ citizens and walking away undetected.

    If these anti-Castro Cubans and rogue elements of the CIA were motivated to kill Kennedy in order to overthrow Castro, then why did they let it die after taking such a risk?

    What changed after Kennedy's death. Could it be Viet Nam. Conein was in VN prior to and after the assassination. Shackley, Morales, Klines and others went from the Cuban Operation to SE Asia after the assassination. All came back after the war and ended up working in the C.A. Operation.

    I am aware that motive is not require to prove guilt, but since this is what other researchers are basing their work on, then let's hear how they explain the aftermath and the failure of motivation follow-through.


  6. "This is a forty-year old mystery where nobody has come forward (aside from the prison profit Files) to give direct insight. Wonder why that is?"


    You KNOW how difficult it is for me to agree with Wim on anything!! But on this topic of the exiles and some mob participation at least, we may just be on the same page. As I said, you and I have debated this often. I think I can effectively and briefly answer the question you posed above. Regarding the mob(specifically the Mafia), they have a code of silence called "omerta". When they are "made", they take a vow to remain true to the cause and remain silent, under penalty of death. There were very few who talked back then(Joe Valachi is the only one I remember), and anyone who they even thought would talk was whacked. I have no doubt of limited involvement by Roselli and Martino, and Sam Momo. It's outlined very nicely by Larry Hancock in Someone Would Have Talked. Regarding the Cubans, I recall from The Last Investigation Gaeton Fonzi bringing Antonio Veciana to the retired spooks affair to confront David Phillips(the purpose of which was to confirm Phillips as Maurice Bishop). Veciana agreed to do it, then suffered a case of memory loss when they actually confronted Phillips. He has remained silent ever since. The Cubans have a code of silence much the same as omerta. They just aren't going to talk. What you will get is a slew of anti Castro rhetoric. Those involved who DO talk, like Gerry Hemming, always stop short of providing the full story. You know my position. IMO, the exiles were the boots on the ground, and the DP photos allegedly of Duran, Vidal Santiago, Robertson, DeTorres, Lewis, and others is much more than just coincidence.



    Apparently "omerta" only exists as long as their is no pressure of prosecution on those who can break this silence. Look at the insider informant information that has taken down several crime families. Tell John Gotti about "omerta". Do you really think the people who planned the assassination would rely on this mafia code of silence?

    Veciana walked Fonzi to Phillips and then backed off. Was Veciana approached prior to that? Some code of silence. Why did he back off? Could it be as he said that he wanted to restore the ties to the CIA in order to go after Castro again? Why has he remained silent since? Maybe because he was shot in the face and lived. Does this really sound like a silencing technique for someone who could provide insight into the assassination of a president. Would you put your faith in him to remain silent if he had anything to provide insight?

    You really don't believe in Hemming do you? This guy is a blowhard and spends more time telling everyone how great and important he was and provides nothing of substance. Would you rely on a "Soldier of Fortune" such as this to have knowlege of the assassination? Would you expect him to keep his big mouth shut? The man is a legend in his own mind.

    It is true the anti-Castro Cubans were utilized by the CIA in Central America in the mid-eighties, but their tactics were sloppy and barbaric and if it wasn't for discipline, the "shadow personnel" that Tosh referred to who watched their tactics would have eliminated them because of what they did. Most may find this hard to swallow, but the true operatives in C.A. had morals and detested the torture and killing of innocents. Executing and Assassinating ranking regional officials and Cuban DS personnel was justifiable at the time, but not what was done by the likes of Alarcon and others.

    What it comes down to is professional operation and control.

    Wim refers to those released recently and pardoned by the current administration. They were as roque and uncontrollable as you will find. And they are still alive. Enough proof that they were not involved.


  7. David,

    Once again you have taken space on a Forum and not said anything.

    Care to explain how to use fill lighting with a handheld strobe to capture a block long crime scene without overexposure? How do you technically photograph latents, footprints, awe, never mind.

    How many crime scenes have you processed, photographed or filmed? How many times have you successfully testified in court on photographic evidence?

    I see you take pride in being a published author to support your credibility in this. So you submitted a chapter to Fetzer and he had it pubished. So that makes you credible and an expert? A few years back Fetzer asked me for a paper to publish, but he didn't agree with it so he blew me off. BTW, Posner is also a published author. Now that does prove credibility as a researcher!

    I had an article published in DP Echo in March of 2003. Does that make me credible?

    BTW, it's Lieutenant, not Officer.


  8. I'm not trying to make connections Al.  The connections are there. 

    It seems we can hardly agree on anything.  This is again the case with this issue.  I believe your expertise and assumptions blocking an objective judgement.

    Felix Rodriguez was involved in operations of similar magnitude, like tracking down and killing Che Guevara, the CIA drugrunning from South East Asia under Ted Shackley (another Bush friend) and later from Central and South America, , Guillermo Novo was involved in the murder of Orlando Letelier and the coup against Allende in Chile, as was David Atlee Philllips.  Posada Carrilles worked alongside Rodriguez in Iran Contra (who was their boss?) and with Orlando Bosch he blew up a cuban airline killing 73 passengers.  Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis did Watergate You may proclaim these are operations of lesser magnitude, you may proclaim these people are not professionals but rather dummies with the IQ of snails, you may proclaim they are not associated with the Government , you may proclaim they had nothing to do with Dallas 1963, you may even proclaim they do not directly tie in with George Bush ........  as long as I may proclaim that I happen to disagree with you.


    PS: So Johnny Roselli was not involved in the assassination? Otherwise he would have been killed within a day, instead of 1976?  To what extent do you believe Tosh by the way? People like Eladio del Valle and David Ferrie were just coincidental deaths?  Charles Rogers killed his parents just because he felt like it?  Morales is a candidate for you, right?  Why took he so long to be killed, despite talking?  Was he a professional or also a snail?

    Let me try this again. Either I am not getting my point across, or like Tosh referred to, most cannot conceive this type of operation or personnel who would be involved in this and carry it out the way it was done.

    The problem most are having here is that they are trying to tie the assassination of the president into known motivated individuals who were working with intelligence personnel in the overthrow of Castro. That are locked into that motivation for the shooting and have determined in their own minds that THEY would have to be the ones involved in the assassination in DP. Although the names that are mentioned here by Wim, Ron and Richard are well researched and have the motivation and connections that one would point a finger at, they are hardly capable of staging and carrying out an operation as we saw in DP.

    Rodriguez was involved in a main force body to track down and murder Che. Their was no secrecy in the hit and no fear of being captured. His sloppy work in D.C. showed how capable he was in a true covert operation. Several others have been named that had operational status in Nicaragua in the '80's, but again worked with the likes of Pastora and Bermudez on poor quality operations that either involved main body forces or failed assassination attempts of the covert caliber. Compare that to executions and assassinations of Sandanista Governors and Cuban Death Squad commanders in totally controllled regions of Nicaragua and you find individuals as Tosh referred to when he used the term "shadow". In FRANg33 ops, they were covertly called "Sandmen".

    The anti-Castro Cuban league of the 60's produced many radical and dangerous individuals who were capable of and succeeded in murder. That does not make an assassin on the streets of America as we see in the case of the JFK Assassination. Here we had three teams work their way into position in an extremely small plaza without detection, fire off three coordinated vollies of shots to sound like three shots total from one or two directions, hitting the target and one other occupant in a moving vehicle surrounded by security, and leave undetected. Their is an art in this type of operation, forgive the term. This art involved highly trained personnel who had no motivation other than following orders and who were controlled prior to and after the incident and will never be identified. They would not utilize a signaller within feet of the target who would pump their fist or pump an open umbrella on a clear day, as it would not be needed. They would not have high ranking officials of the likes of Lou Conein, Edward Lansdale or GHW Bush watching their performance as these individuals would not know the final gameplan, would not want to and would not be within miles of such an operation.

    To look at moderate to poor quality photos of persons in the plaza and connect them to who you all have is really stretching it. You cannot put a likelihood on the odds of people resembling people. Take a photo of a crowded sidewalk in NYC and do the same comparisons and you will find similar or better results.

    To answer Wims last paragraph; Roselli had a career with organized crime. He also had associated himself with the likes of O'Connell and the likes. He was being called before a government fact finding commission. Think there were other reasons he would have been silenced? Same goes for Files buddy Nicoletti. Del Valle and Ferrie would be trusted with prior information on the assassination, huh. Now these were two stable gentlemen LOL. Rogers is a pipedream of many who was no more stable and connecting his murder and murdurous rampage on his parents is rediculous. Morales was no snail and his death warrant was signed by his own weakness for alcohol and his inability to control himself when he was intoxicated.

    I believe it was Ron who referred to the assassination as sloppy shooting so it could not have been a military covert operation. Firing three shot volley of multiple shots from three location in sequence at a moving target of varying speed, elevation, changing angles and periodic obstructions and accomplishing the act and only hitting one additional person in the car? Getting in and getting out undetected? And you call that sloppy.

    Shadow teams in Central America could infiltrate the region because they are selected by not only their skills, but also their appearance and linguistic abilities. They can move amongst the villagers and blend in. Their appearance is consistant, they eat the same food and become part of the region.

    I ask all to take the time to visit and walk the plaza and get an appreciation for what these shooting teams had to deal with in getting into position, accomplishing the feat and getting out and you may reconsider the thought of it being Cuban revoloutionaries and the presence of the officials previously mentioned.

    This is a forty-year old mystery where nobody has come forward (aside from the prison profit Files) to give direct insight. Wonder why that is?


  9. Okay Al and John,  great posts.

    Have it your way, let's shutdown this thread. It's ridiculous.

    It's also ridiculous that  Howard Hunt, Luis Posada, Felix Rodriguez, Orlando Bosch, Frank Sturgis, Guillermo Novo were in Dallas, or are associated with the government. The whole JFK assassination had nothing to do with the government. Their pardons have nothing to do with the government either. It's just coincidence and sheer luck.



    May I suggest that you take a deep breath and calm down. You are trying to make connections to the assassination on persons who were ruthless and had a hatred to Kennedy but have the intelligence of a snail. I know many operational persons who were active for the period of '60-'83 and beyond who were called upon for unsavory tasks but would not be trusted with something of this magnitude beyond a day, let alone 40+ years.

    Motive does not mean they would be used. Operatives of the magnitude of DP 11/22/63 would be professionals who would be eliminated after their use was considered accomplished. They would have no motive, aside from carrying out an order. They would be shielded from outside operational personnel and would simply carry out their assignment and then disappear.

    You believe in Tosh. Maybe you should ask him about who I am talking about.


  10. Dawn,

    I understand your displeasure with the in-fighting and I can sympathize with you on it and am guilty of it myself as much as anyone else. Professor Jim Fetzer and David Healey came on Lancer Forum a year or so ago to promote the new book and Bill challenged them on their findings of film alteration professionally and initially with respect. Fetzer hummed and hawed around and delayed responding and promised a response to the challenges that he never provided. Healey simply lashed out at Bill Miller and never addressed the issues.

    dgh01: "lashed out?" evidently Carrier, you failed to see the URL's posted here on several ocassions that might give you pause. What you can read on those URL'S addressed every particle of debate regarding possible - Healy, and 'alteration', Costella's  scenarios

    -- and for God sakes that's, H E A L Y for the 19th time, Carrier -- btw, I did not post during that pre 2003 Lancer debate conflagration, brought out ALL the disinfo specialists, though -- Dr. John Costella's work and contribution to HOAX remains "untouched"

    Bill Miller and I have butted heads on numerous occasions, but I still respect him as much as I do any researcher out there. We get nasty with each other through personal e-mail now and try to keep it professional on open forums. Although I have disagreed with Bill on some key issues, I still respect his opinion and how he came to terms with his stance.

    To term Bill an amatuer in photographic analysis is an example of the credibility of Healey

    dgh01: Is he a Professional in this arena? Now that is news ! I heard he's a cartoonist... That's H E A L Y for the 20th time, Carrier -- so much for your credibility as a investigator tsk-tsk...

    and his associates. If he can disprove Bill's challenges, then why doesn'the do so and instead of attacking the man?

    dgh01: ah, challenges to opinions from someone with NO credibility in the motion grafics industry?  Based on amateur use of photo alteration/manipulation tools on imagery with NO published/documented provanence of imagery his ideas are based on? See how far that would get anyone in a US court of LAW? He can buy the book.

    Stick with the cop stuff Al, your pretty good there -- your out of your league with this photo subject matter... just my opinion of course!



    David HEALY,

    I am well aware by now how to spell your name as it is presnet when I post replies. I add the "e" to bring out your best side, you just haven't figured that out yet.

    Cop Stuff? As a CSI, I have entered photos and films into evidence in trial against professional defense attorney's to depict the reality of a crime scene. I have shot crime scenes in pure darkness using a manually opened aperature and fill lighting by walking a strobe through it without overexposure in a block long crime scene. I do have a little background on photography and filming and can work magic that does not require alteration.

    Other than bringing up the "man in the back of the pick-up", "the Zapruder Sitzman waltz" and, well, I will leave it at that, I need not address amature standings in film altercation. I will stand by Bill Miller as he is objective from a basic standpoint and beyond. The basics are simple. How do you explain the confirmation on authenticity of the films you prescribe as being altered by way of other films and photos showing consistencies? You know which ones I am talking about as Bill has pounding it through on Lancer without response. These films and photos were released immediately without opportunity to intercept and alter.

    Sorry, but I and Bill live in the real world and understand how to challenge through cross examination. Many of you just spout off findings as you are used the workings of the WC and HSCA that did not allow cross challenging of evidence.


  11. To be close at the fire, surpress and handle evidence, control the aftermath, make sure everything is going right, and if not, take corrective action. This was not yet the age of Internet and mobile phones. Frankly, I believe that if the planners would NOT have been there, a lot more would have gone wrong. (Wim)


    A covert operation such as this would be carried out by as few persons as possible and they would be the assault team. I firmly believe their were three teams firing on the motorcade in DP and that in itself is a large number considering the size of the plaza.

    The planners would hand down the order to a person who would have access to such teams. This person would be provided with the details of the route and it would be passed onto the teams who would then study the area within days of the assault and determine the ambush location and what would be needed for it. In all likelihood, anyone of importance on the planning level would not even know where it would go down.

    If it would have gone wrong in DP and the assault would not have been carried out, there would have been plans for another try, as we see Dallas was the third plan in the three week period leading to the assassination. If it would have went bad after the shots rang out, it is my opinion that it would have been too late to correct it and there would have been several dead Dallas Police Officers left in the plaza.

    To believe in the look-a-likes as many do, then they would have exposed themselves without cause. And to believe they were the likes of Lou Conein, GHW Bush, Maj Gen Lansdale, etc, is rediculous. The persons in DP involved in this could not be asssociated with the government and would be eliminated within days of the hit. That is reality.


  12. Al, not sure I remember Limon. I was thinking it was at the "Hotel Fortenno (sp) in San Jose?? I do remember meeting when J.H. and F and two others when they were there... Now, after all these years, perhaps I have gotten the two places Limom and San Jose transposed. If I recall, H. had flown in from his ranch, his private plane, either meet F. there or F. had came with him from the private strip on H's ranch. Anyway, shortly after that I went to three different parts of the country on arms and weapons drops. (1) "the hide-a-way" near the Volcano?? (2) Poco Solo's landing strip in the jungles. (3) Santa Elena, aka 'Point West'. ( this was a little before "the bloody mess" that was mentioned some time back)

    Anyway. Its good to have you on this forum. I think all of us here, working together, might get some real meaningful work done on this case. I have made some bad mistakes in the past, by trying to help others when they have ask me to speculate or voice my opinion on various topics. (as to what I think might have happen or why THEY did what THEY did, etc.... I trusted some who had other motives which have now become obvious.

    Do you remember "Scott Wheeler", a close friend of KIKI's? Did you ever meet 'Bill Cooper' or 'Buzz'? All GOOD MEN, who paid the price. Least we not forget them..., Don't mean to ramble, but... did you ever teach at the "School of the Americas... Fort Benning...???? You remind me of an instructor I once knew there????... Have a good one... Tosh :)


    Pretty sure it was Puerto Limon. Besides JH and JF, it was me and JH's foreman (what an idiot he WAS). Wheeler, yes. Cooper I could pick out of a crowd. In my position, never really got to KNOW anyone, if you know what I mean. Came back to SOA for a short time after coming home and was under Wilson's Cadre for a very short time before going out west for a couple of short assignments. Called it shortly after that. Had issues with the purpose of what was going on and kept an insurance policy locked down and was left alone after that.

    I agree that with what is happening now here, we can make some progress. Nice to be working with you and everyone else. Take care...


  13. On several news stations some time back it was told that they did. Not fiction and they actually did crack several cases. It was from that I am stating what I have said on the forums.

    Also, a true life movie several I have seen that also made mention to this. NO it isn't fictional. It is factual stated at the beginnings of the movies it is from factual events. I guess I am into lifetime programs. I also think I saw something to this effect on the History and/or Learning Channels. I said in several of my postings that Some police stations do this. That means NOT ALL. I also saw on the news that one time they used a good teller that she didn't crack the case. Only one miss out of several positves. Yet, the same teller did get some other cases. So, it is a fifty fitfty per cent chance to get maybe something. Maybe more depends on who it is they get to do this. I also said I am trying everything. I did say I was laughing on the thread. It was meant to be taken lightly but I grief over this, you never take anything the way it is written. DO YOU? I am not ashamed of ever trying anything as long as it is legal.


    Psychics are media sensationalism at best. If an agency has a high profile case, they come out of the woodwork nationwide to make a name for themselves. If it is a low profile, they are the local claimers. The 95% of the time they are wrong, the public never hears about them. The 5%, and that is being generous, that they provide blind info that may have some bearing on the direction of a solved case, they get the media attention to take full credit. Their odds are no better than Joe Citizen making guesses. The problem is, LE is required to follow up on any and all leads. A lead can be a direction or something solid and the high percentage are unfounded. It is the publicity of the off-the-wall leads that comes out to something that gets noted and that is where you are getting this. If psychics are the way to go, we could downsize investigations units and hire one psychic for every ten investigators. It isn't happening!


  14.   I had a bit of a falling out with Dr. Fackler over the Ruby Ridge Case some years back and we have never reconciled that issue but since it is a rather long story I

    can't really get into it at this point. Suffice to say I was not invited to join the IWBA.

    The good Doctor is rather strong headed, but has the reputation and background that allows him to be. I have studied his work for many years and still base a good deal of my work off his tests and studies, as do the FBI and even the NIJ for their standards in ballistic vests. His work is easy to understand and work from, but he is not one that can easily be worked with :D

      I am a big guy with strong hands, wrists and arms but I would think twice about one-handing a short barreled .41 Walker Bulldog. Definently the .454 Mag. or the

    .480 Mag. ; the former using factory loads and the latter using handloads. Then there is Dick Casull's monster 45-70 revolver which even at 13 1/2 lbs can be a wrist breaker, although I don't know anyone that has actually fired the weapon. Personally I think he just makes them so his buyers can claim to have the world's most powerfull handgun, but I would bet dollars to doughnuts that the 45-70 probably just sits in the display case. However wildcatters will be wildcatters so I've no idea where this will all end. Hell, we have a man here in Montana, Frank Vanderhule who is playing around with the idea of building an autoloader chambered for the .50 BMG  :D  "Good Luck Frank" Or maybe "GOODBYE".

    A friend of mine owns a Desert Eagle in .50AE and has recently gotten into hot loading it. The weapon handles it well, but it takes it toll on the shooter. First shot accuracy is decent, but the punishment it causes sacrifices the accuracy thereafter (Partly mental, partly physical LOL).

      Point Taken.  ;)    My use of the term "Thread A Needle" refers to 1MOA accuracy at range in most cases.

    I was pretty sure that is what you meant, but just wanted to clarify for others.

      I am personally satisfied that the XP-100 could get the job done as it were but I remain very skeptical of the Files scenerio and it would not be my personal choice for an assassination weapon were I planning to kill a head of state. Too many variables from the external ballistic point of view which can and do effect a hot loaded but lightweight projectile are at work. This is especially true if one is expecting to only get off a single shot. I would want a brushbuster if my aim is to effect a one shot one kill scenerio.

    I agree totally. I have issues with the Files type being experienced enough with the weapon to smoothly pan a mover with such a weapon in order to achieve the shot. I also have issues with why anyone would choose this weapon in such a high profile shot.

    The violence of the headsnap and the description of the head wound by the Parkland Dr's. plus my personal experiences all lead me to believe that a far more massive bullet actually killed JFK. I picked the .300 Win Mag. because it is fairly easy to rechamber a model 70 Win or 700 Rem to that caliber and it is definently a make sure weapon in terms of killing power, although the venerable '06 or even a .308 can be hot loaded to specs that approach the power of the .300 Win Mag.

    I can appreciate that John, but I also believe that even a factory load 168 .308 Win at 2300ftlbs or the 30-06Rem at 2600ftlbs would achieve as much in the scenerio that appears to have developed. With an impact on the right temporal region with a wound trac restricted back to the right occipital, it is apparent, at least to me that the path was shallow under the skull, releasing it's energy against the interior cavity wall and creating the furrough we are dealing with here. While the .300WimMag at 3300ftlbs would hit much harder, I believe the three mentioned above would all give the radical headsnap as seen in the Z-Film. I am not so sure that something as standard as the 5.56x45mm in as light as 55gr would not accomplish as much at the low end 1200ftlbs, considering the dynamics of the FMJ bullet. Whenever I have mentioned this in the past, I have had the LNers jump up and challenge with why then couldn't the 6.5mm MC at roughly the same energy of impact do the same? It is hard to get across to them that even a lighter bullet can achieve greater sustained velocity, consistent dispersion of energy and truer trajectory after impact due to the configuration.

    Nice to see you refer to Remington Mod 70 and 700's with your posts. As a Remington Armorer and FA Instructor, I am sold on these rifles and have been involved in the purchasing of 700's for my department's tactical snipers for several years now.


    Do you recall meeting at the Americana Hotel in Puerto Limon in '81? I was with Joe F. and John H.. Been alot years and alot has happened since, but I am pretty sure that is where we crossed paths.


  15. Dawn,

    I understand your displeasure with the in-fighting and I can sympathize with you on it and am guilty of it myself as much as anyone else. Professor Jim Fetzer and David Healey came on Lancer Forum a year or so ago to promote the new book and Bill challenged them on their findings of film alteration professionally and initially with respect. Fetzer hummed and hawed around and delayed responding and promised a response to the challenges that he never provided. Healey simply lashed out at Bill Miller and never addressed the issues.

    Bill Miller and I have butted heads on numerous occasions, but I still respect him as much as I do any researcher out there. We get nasty with each other through personal e-mail now and try to keep it professional on open forums. Although I have disagreed with Bill on some key issues, I still respect his opinion and how he came to terms with his stance.

    To term Bill an amatuer in photographic analysis is an example of the credibility of Healey and his associates. If he can disprove Bill's challenges, then why doesn'the do so and instead of attacking the man?


  16. John,

    Have enjoyed your postings on Internal Ballistics and your detailed breakdown of the shortcommings of the 6.5mm Carcano. All very accurate and well described for both those who understand internal ballistics and those who don't.

    In noting your associations and references, I was somewhat surprised that you did not mention Dr. Martin Fackler. As one who has been involved with weaponry most of my life and has to rely on critical data on ballistics for part of my profession, it is hard to ignore Dr. Fackler's studies over the past fifty years in the field of ballistics and wound ballistics.

    I have a question for you in regards to a post Wim has made numerous times here, at Lancer and on his website, using a quote from you on the XP-100:

    "I found the .222 version to be quite manageable with one hand, having no more recoil than my .44 magnum, and in a 2 handed combat stance it can thread a needle at 250 yards. Up to those ranges, the fireball would be a perfect choice for an assassination weapon if portability and concealability were at issue."

    When you state "no more recoil than your .44 magnum" that is a negative term in itself, considering the recoil/muzzle flip of the .44 magnum stands above all other handgun factory loads with the exception of the .50AE. I had previously compared it to a .41 magnum, which is considerable in itself. If you consider this load quite manageable with one hand, what would consider not to be manageable with one hand?

    When you refer it's accuracy as being able to "thread a needle at 250 yards", I take it that you are using this as a term and not actuality. I and others who have a background in weapons have no problem with the "term", but those who do not take it at face value.

    When you refer to the XP-100 as being the "perfect choice for an assassin weapon if portability and concealability were at issue" are you simply referring to this in a generic sense or are you familiar with the Files story and accept that as well. If it is the latter, do you not see an issue with the panning of a moving target at this angle and with varying speeds? Are you also familiar with Files claim to have watched the impact through the optics? And lastly, if you were posted on the north knoll with this assignment, is it really your weapon of choice with everything considered?

    In one of your previous postings, I saw that you believed that the headwound was caused by a bullet in the range of the .300 Win Mag. Could you comment on that further?



  17. Shanet,

    I try to keep an open mind to all possibilities. My opinions on the Tramps has evolved over the years and one thing I will say is that I agree the Tall Tramp was Charles Harrelson.

    I do not believe Harrelson was a part of the assassination team itself but as an actor. Kind of an irony given what his son attempts to do with varying degrees of success.

    I do not believe the Old Tramp was Holt. FWIW.



    You know my feelings on the look-a-likes from Lancer so I will not repeat them here. My concern I will share is the use of Harrelson in any way. He would later, if not at the time become severely addicted to drugs that would create a severe paranoid mindset and lead to his arrest of the Texas Judge. If he would have been utilized in DP, then why would they allow him to continue to survive under his drug addicted state and allow for a leak in any way? This is totally contradictory for Covert Operation Security, as those who would be allowed to survive beyond the operation would still be controlled.


  18. RJS,

    Why don't you just cut your bullxxxx and post your hard evidence against Files. I am sure you can remember what it was, despite the fact you cannot retrieve it from Lancer now.  If you want to debate the evidence , then do  it, or shut up instead of re-iterating your cowardoes hollow phrases like "total fraud" or "utter hogwash".

    It is cristal clear that you want to push that impression without any backup whatsoever. That's also why you conveniently ignore my valid questions, with the weak excuse that you're "sick of it".

    My website has been changing based on new input.  The Lois Gibson drawings page made by Bob Vernon, on the recollections of Malcolm Summers, could suggest that it was either Files or Nicoletti, although it never said that.  I have also removed the page where Vernon tried to push that Files was in the Moorman photograph because  of the hat shape on the picket fence, while he knew that Files was NOT wearing the hat at the time of the shooting. And I just changed the Tosh Plumlee page.

    After talking to Summers over the phone and other input I received,  I am convinced that Summers  did not see Files or Nicoletti, but another man (maybe Marshall Caifano).  That is why I removed the page. Another reason was your repeated assaults that it was misleading. So you would think you would be satisfied now, but it's no surprise you're  still complaining.

    I have also removed the page where Vernon tried to push that Files was in the Moorman photograph because  of the hat shape on the picket fence, while he knew that Files was NOT wearing the hat at the time of the shooting.

    It is still there, but not a public link accessible from the menu:


    Just like the other one:


    And I just changed the Tosh Plumlee page, based on HIS input. You and Vernon are two of a kind. What he's trying to do to Tosh, you're trying with Files. Same tactics.  Things like "ever changing story"and such.

    Let me try again:

    Richard, I have no illusions about ever turning you over. Quite frankly, you're beginning to sound like Bob Vernon. Shouting repeatedly that it's bogus, doesn't make it so. Let's debate the evidence and start with 3 questions for you:

    1) What do you make of Joe Granata? Is he lying too?

    2) What is your explanation for Files knowing there was a toothmark on the shell casing, while nobody else knew that?

    3) What is your explanation for the information below (from a guy that hates James Files) ?


    A post of Dave Ostertag

    The interesting part:

    Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his

    criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The

    military refused to honor the subpoena for his records.

    Why subpoena for Files military records if supposedly Files lied about his military past and there are no records? Note that the military did not say: we don't have them. They refused to honor the subpoena! Why?

    Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"?

    Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com)

    Onderwerp:James Files

    View this article only


    Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST

    Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I

    was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek.

    Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the

    facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave

    Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison.

    Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his

    criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The

    military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to

    his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond

    forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I

    remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this

    is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other

    arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true

    professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally

    come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see

    him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap

    sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole

    warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer

    queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his

    Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida.

    Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times

    himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was

    arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in

    Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and

    for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and

    sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for

    three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files

    for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding

    at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery

    convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our

    gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his

    criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The

    Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used

    the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to

    contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of

    Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an

    explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of

    them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted

    to check in and say hello.


    So what you are saying is that you are posting issues as FACTS and then retracting them when YOU are satisfied that they are no longer FACTS. Great piece of investigative work! I womder why your credibility as a researcher is in question.

    You challenge me with persons off the internet when you have no factual basis for their background and do not have the background to comprehend what they are stating, but chose their word against mine because they support your claim.

    You call for others to provide facts to show Files is lying when you cannot provide anything supportive to show he is remotely telling the truth about anything. Is that how they build a case in your country?

    Lancer allows the likes of a Nazi hunter like Harwood and profiteers like Vernon to attack without substance researchers, and now you coming here to do the same.

    You and Harwood accuse me of only respecting those who look up to me. Do we see a pattern here for simply poor research on the part of the attacker?


  19. No Al, I did not ran to this forum. I'm still at Lancer at times.  I realized that you will never be convinced the other way, because you're so prejudiced on Files, just like no one will ever be able to make Gerald Posner admit it was a conspiracy. So I see no merit in discussing this any further with you.  The points have been made clear at both sides, so there was nothing left than to agree to disagree.

    You describe Files as a punk, a thug, a nobody, a scumbag, I can't remember all of the names, but it is clear that you're locked in into your opinion.

    You centered your denounciation of Files around a technical monologue about ballistics, recoil, marksmanship, velocity etcetera, from which we have to conclude that the XP-100 could not have done the job as Files described it. That is your prerogative. Others say that the XP-100 was perfect for the job. But you may believe what you want.


    For example, critics said that the weapon Files claimed to have used was more a pistol than a rifle and would have had an enormous recoil. They said it "kicks like a mule". Therefore, Files could never have seen what he claimed he had witnessed through the scope of his weapon. I sent an email to one of the gun shops I found on the Internet. I acted as a potential customer and asked whether the Remington Fireball was a pleasant weapon to fire. That man stated the weapon was one of the most sophisticated guns ever made, etc. When I inquired about the recoil he said it was nice and steady. Ultimately, I told him why I asked. He was quite amused and said that the alleged murder weapon of Lee Harvey Oswald had a lot more recoil than the Fireball. He added that whoever said that the XP-100 had substantial recoil had a lot to learn about firearms.

    Files was also criticized with the allegation that the XP-100 was not available in 1963 and that the rounds used for this weapon were not a .222 caliber but rather .221. I found both accusations to be untrue. The weapon was introduced in 1963 and prototypes were available as early as 1962. The weapon was originally chambered for .222 rounds. To learn more about the Remington XP-100 Fireball click here.


    Here are some exchanges from an Internet discussion board:

    Is the James Files story true? The weapon in question, a combination pistol-rifle would have been absolutely perfect for the short dimensions of Dealey Plaza. Especially concealment after the Assassination. Many witnesses thought a pistol had been fired/An Explosion had occurred. The location from which Files allegedly fired has been verified by Donald Thomas, the HSCA, and a peer reviewed British Science publication. Clearly there is a figure there in that precise spot in the Moorman Photo just to our right of a large tree the person is crouched with a possible barrel resting between the picket fence line....Jeff

    It's possible that James Files story is "close" to the truth. The ammo available for the old 221 fireball was rifle ammo........The barrel of the Fireball pistol was too short to allow the slow burning rifle powder to burn completely. Consequently the unburned powder ignited when it hit the air at the muzzle....creating a hell of a boom and a fireball.... Recall that nearly all of the witnesses said they thought the loud "boom" was a railroad torpedo, a motorcycle backfire, or a cannon they had heard at football games.

    Some folks say there is a fireball visible in some photos and several witnesses said they saw smoke on the G.K,

    The wound on JFK's head is typical of the damage a Fireball pistol would inflict on a human head....

    All of this tends to support James Files story that a Fireball pistol was one of the weapons used.


    And here is an opinion of a gunstore-owner:

    If as the official records claim, Lee Harvey Oswald is the shooter of JFK, the rifle that was "recovered" in the depository was a Manlicher bolt action rifle. It shoots a 6.5 mm cartridge, more powerful than the .223 win/5.56 NATO or the .221 Rem Fireball. Recoil from that rifle with the military loading is slightly less than the .308 win/7.62 Nato. Never have I seen in print (anywhere) that JFK was shot with a handgun. Whomever is telling you that a .221 fireball kicks "like a mule" and "harder than any rifle", apparently is regurgitating information that he/she has heard somewhere.

    The fireball was introduced in a bolt action hand gun in 1962 (not a pistol), and propelled a 50 gr bullet in the 2600-2700 fps range. I'd even be picky enough to tell you that someone who calls an Remington XP100 a "pistol" has a lot more to learn about firearms than they are going to by reading internet conspiricy theories. Felt recoil from a typical 4lb6oz handgun will be in the 5 to 7 lb range. Compare this to a typical 30-06 rifle (180 gr bullet) at 19 lbs, and you'll wonder how big this person's mule really is.


    And the view of another gun-expert:

    I found the .222 version to be quite manageable with one hand, having no more recoil than my .44 magnum, and in a 2 handed combat stance it can thread a needle at 150 yards. Up to those ranges, the Fireball would by a perfect choice for an assassination weapon if portability and concealability were at issue.

    With Regard,

    John Ritchson (SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69) (GunSmith/Ballistician,Black Eagle Gun Works) (Survivor, SE Asian Games, 11BRAVO7,Tet 1970) To read a more extensive and excellent article by John Ritchson click here.


    It is difficult to discuss this with you as you clearly have no background on weapons and ballistics and the way you approach your so-called experts is tainted because of this. I have no respect for Files and have never believed in him because I am convinced this was a professional operation, far from an operation where you put a handgun to ones head and then stuff them in a trunk. I term professional as one would see in a true military extermination op as was seen as Tosh stated "It got bloody in '81" in Nicaragua. I believe he knows what I am talking about.

    Now to address the XP-100 and your so-called experts. You approached a salesman on-line about being interested in purchasing the XP-100 and he gave you a line. You then was frank with him and told him your intent and he was locked into telling you what you wanted to hear, and I doubt he knew what he was talking about to begin with.

    Another tells you that the recoil felt is in the 5-7lb range in comparison to the 7.65mm in the 19lb range and tries to compare the two. The XP-100 is a hand held (extended to get an LOS through the scope) in comparison to a shoulder mounted 7.65mm rifle. I know you are not capable of seeing how this closes down the managable recoil, but I trust there are those out there who have fired both handguns and rifles to note the difference in controlling one from the other. And then you have your other expert who compares a minimal recoil to a .44 magnum. I actually compared it prior to this to a .41 magnum handgun. The .44 magnum handgun is second highest in recoil to the .50 action express. A shoulder mounted weapon forced recoil into the should and body of the shooter who mounts the weapon. A hand held firearm's recoil is released by muzzle flip and one of that is extreme as described above is on the high end. Files could not follow his shot through the scope after firing at that range, nor would he follow it over it as he could not see the target due to flinching (blinking) and the weapon would be in the way due to muzzle flip. Files is a xxxx and your experts are filling you with a line if they tell you otherwise.

    The XP-100 was a novelty weapon regardless that it was designed for varmits (Prairie doge, coyotes, etc.) which would be fired on stationary and not panned. It is front heavy and the scope mounting forces the shooter to maintain a locked arm distant hold to try and pan on a moving target and still try and keep an LOS through the optics without creating an overshadow that would block out the target. It is a bolt action single shot that those who read "One Shot, One Kill" would believe that is all that would be needed, and is simply clueless to this scenerio in DP, as they are only handicapping themselves.

    You have also given others the false sense that the .221 is nothing more than a .22 and that is how they relate the recoil. You fail to point out that the .221 has muzzle velocity of roughly 2700fps in comparison to the hottest .22lr of 1600fps. Do you think that would make a difference on recoil. Also, many confuse this type of recoil with the recoil of a .223 in an AR-15/M-16. The AR15/M16 has a 18-22" recoil spring and buffer that absorbes the recoil. Fire the some load in a Remington 700 or similar rifle that does not have the buffer and spring and you will see the 60% increase in recoil energy.

    I will leave it at that, because it is far more than you can comprehend to begin with. If you show that you can follow what I am saying, I will explain my tests with the XP-100 on a mover at the range of 30-40 yards.


  20. Wim,

    I won't bother with my military background as enough already know about it. I also loved how you referred to me as a Motorcycle cop from California. Great research, considering I not only told you my background and department but also gave you the link to the my department website that had a page on me. Never owned a motorcycle and have only visited California. Other than that, you are correct that I am a law enforcement officer. I guess it is consistent with your research that it only has to be partially correct.

    Let me know if you want to take up where we left off on the XP-100 issue.


    I have had my share of disagreement with Al and acclimation to our differing social views, but his posts on the ballistics are unmatched. He's the real deal. His South Knoll trajectory analysis is especially relevant to this forum's debate on Tosh Plumlee. Rather than assuming that backgrounds have been covered elsewhere and that the XP-100 be taken up where it was left off, I would ask Al for a fresh opening thread, containing his credentials, overview and substantiation. I know that sounds like a lot to ask, but he should be able to paste together a number of his previous postings elsewhere and give us a singular, trim and comprehensive statement of his position. I know that Al is a busy man, and also that it is too late for him to lead a seminar in a few weeks, but his participation in Tosh's seminar would be a crucial contribution. Here's a photo from my hard drive of Al:



    I have been accused of posting my resume on the Lancer Forum when showing my background so I somewhat reluctant to do this, but it does pertain to the topic and my research.

    My original Army MOS was 95B10 which is Military Police. I was trained and certified as a Class 5 Weapons Specialist and also trained in Small Arms Assault, Latin American Cultures and Linguistics, Counterinsurgency and Scout Sniper. I will leave it at that.

    In LE, I have been trained in and worked as a CSI. I have been a patrol street supervisor and now watch commander. I ran the Training Unit and Field Training Unit. I am a certified Firearms Instructor through the state Academy for Revolver, Semi-Auto handgun, shotgun and open site rifle. I am also a nationally certified firearms instructor for Glock Handguns. I am an Advanced Armorer for Glock, Armorer for Remington shotguns and rifles and was a certified armorer for Colt Rifles but let it expire. I have attended and taken part in Ballistic Seminars studying ballistic capabilities of both pistol and rifle caliber bullets through various penetration resistant materials, for three of the top ammunition manufacturers. I annually spend considerable time testing a variety of ammunition on the market for handgun, shotgun and rifles to determine what is the best to purchase for the needs of my department. I am a court certified expert witness in weapons and ballistics.


  21. This is very cheap in my view. First you shout Files is bogus and "utter hogwash", then you refuse to answer any questions or backup your claims, hiding behind a vague allegation that you already did that. In order to check it you advise people to plough through Lancer Archives where your "case" against Files is buried.

    Well, this is another forum, some of us here do not even like to be on Lancer. So why do you refuse to discuss the evidence, which is exactly what this forum is for, on a topic you started YOURSELF?? Besides, what I recall is that your disbelief of Files was mainly centered around the thesis that the gun that Files claims to have used was not capable of doing the the job. A thesis that has been flatly refuted by gun experts.


    Do you wish to go over this again on the XP-100? When I challenged you on Lancer, you ran to this forum and selectively posted my posts here and used your so-called experts to refute me. Sounds like a confident man to me. After all, what do I know, I am only a law enforcement firearms instructor and weapons armorer. Doesn't matter that I am an armorer for Remington and have test fired the XP-100 on numerous occasions. And I won't both with my military background as enough already know about it. I also loved how you referred to me as a Motorcycle cop from California. Great research, considering I not only told you my background and department but also gave you the link to the my department website that had a page on me. Never owned a motorcycle and have only visited California. Other than that, you are correct that I am a law enforcement officer. I guess it is consistent with your research that it only has to be partially correct.

    Let me know if you want to take up where we left off on the XP-100 issue.


  22. I am a US Army Veteran and a 21 year veteran with the Waterloo Iowa Police Department. I am a certified Crime Scene Investigator and had seven years of field experience in this. I was with the Training Unit for seven years and am certified to instruct in 14 LE related topics, which I instruct locally and at the state academy. I am a certified firearms instructor and weapons armorer for three weapons manufacturers. I specialize in ballistics and weaponry. I am currently a Lieutenant and am the watch commander on the overnight shift.

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