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Pamela Ray

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Posts posted by Pamela Ray

  1. It appears to me that Pamela has hybristophilia syndrome.



    Good try at trying to figure this out but you can chalk it all up to good ol’ Christian compassion and friendship evangelism that brought James Files and I together. In 1997 I first found a book in my church library called High Treason: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy – What Really Happened? This opened my eyes to what was going on in our country. Shocked to learn the truth about the JFK assassination, I went to my pastor for understanding and discussion. Not really knowing where to even start, I asked “What are we going to do? The same people and players are still in control! We need to tell the people the truth about what is happening to America” he said, “Hey don’t get into this conspiracy stuff too much or it will wreck your life.” It wasn’t until the beginning of 1999, after watching the video Confession of An Assassin in late 1998, when I wrote James Files to just say “Thank you for telling the public the truth” did any of this friendship evangelism start with Files. I honestly didn’t think he was still alive and if he was that he would take the time to write back. He did say at the end of the video when asked if he believed in God, "I guess so, I found myself praying to Him on several occasions..." and that is when I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to write him and offer my friendship with the end result in my heart to see him hook up with the Lord Jesus Christ. It was never because I was sexually attracted to a gruesome JFK assassination. That’s crazy talk.

    Back then and all the way up to this very day, the JFK assassination has deeply disturbed me. Respectfully, you just don’t know what you are talking about to label me as such and you evidently never read My Story Behind To Kill A Country. I can send it to you in email if you would like to read it for further psychoanalysis attempts.

    Since you know some pretty fancy words, what is it called when a prisoner falls in love with a good hearted woman that reached out in compassion with God’s unconditional love?


    I woke up this morning and the first word in my mind was BIBLIOPHILE. That's pretty much how I self diagnos my "problem." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliophile

  2. Letter #1440

    Sat. Nov. 1, 2008 (James Files writing letter before phone call to Pamela Ray)

    I DO NOT want my life on the Big Screen as they call it. That holds no interest for me at all. Besides, the movie should be about the people behind the JFK assassination, not the one who pulled the trigger, but the ones that made the decision for the Power Shift of government. If WD wants the Big Screen, then let him use the 2003 interview I did for you and put that one on the Big Screen!

    If you want to know the sad truth of it all, five years has passed and now Dankbaar desperately needs a new interview to keep “his thing” going etc. Me, I’m thru with it! I don’t want anything else to do with JFK, UNLESS people come and tell me I’m free if I give one more interview, then I would have to think about it and at this time, I honestly don’t know what I would say, but if forced to answer now, then I would have to say NO! Let me just die and get it over with. WHY??? Because I’m now too old and sick and hurt too much to enjoy life anyway. Maybe down the road you can write another book, a Love Story…”Love Locked Away!” By Pamela Ray. Think Wim would try to stop that book? 

    Last night I received #1298 The Final Agreement. As for the final agreement and all, it is fine with me. As for the five questions Wim has the nerve to ask for, they’ve already got those answers time and time again. Tell them to watch the 2003 interview with Jim Marrs interviewing me. He has it on tape and audio and visual. So why do they need it again? Run their “test” on the tape made here at the prison. I’ve got NOTHING for them anymore what-so-ever. I’m not signing any agreements with anyone.

    #1440 (after phone call with Pamela Ray asking if James Files would be willing to sign “movie rights” to help us end all deals with Wim Dankbaar.)

    My Sweet Love, I just now got off the phone from talking with you and I do hope you are not disappointed with me for not agreeing to sign the (movie release) paper. I sign an agreement like that and we just give him ammo to use against us and then he could have one of his cronies go on line and say “they” had seen the agreement that I had signed and then I failed to keep my word and if I lied about that, then what else did I lie about???? That would hurt you and me very bad. NO!!! We cannot go in that direction. All my life I have been a man of honor and kept my word, even when it would hurt me to do so. You and me know the truth, we have the truth, so why destroy ourselves because of Wim? He has never been a man of honor but I will keep my honor intact till my last breath.

    My Love, I am NOT on some ego trip to be on the Big Screen and all etc…I wanted to do our book for YOU. Not for me. At first I wanted it to make money to help you live and maybe enough to help pay for a lawyer to get me out of here. At one time I honestly believed that I would be out of here in FIVE YEARS. That did not happen. When you first wrote me in 1999, I had been down, what, about 8 years? Even after that long I still believed that I had a chance at my freedom. Today, I no longer believe that and you also have realized the truth as well; I’m going to die here, inside these giant walls. I’ve made my peace with God and I’m ready for God to judge me. I care not what man thinks of me for my acts, for I have acted with honor through out my life. I want to leave this world with my honor intact. Hey I love you and I’m truly thankful our call went through.

    What I’m going to say next is just for YOU, BRUCE & ME!



    James Files told me to stop communicating with you.

    Before I go, I just wanted to say I wish we could have worked together on the biography The Raven: The never before told in-depth story of the true killer of Officer J. D. Tippit. Jimmy has told me so much about him over the last few months, it could fill two books! We haven’t decided on the title but you get my idea.

    Anyway, I really wanted to work things out with you and put all the B.S. behind us.

    Just one more thing since this will be the last communication - I concede. Yep, you heard that right.

    I realize I will never get To Kill A Country or Interview with History back from all the bad mistakes I made trusting your word. You have more money, DUH, and you can throw it on lawyers, lawsuits, pay offs and pretty much buy whatever results you want.

    I won’t speak of you, good or bad. So, aloha and happy trails.

    P.S. One more quick thing...do you think if James Files sent someone into your "camp" as a spy that they would speak well of me and not seek to convince you that you had a mutual enemy i.e. Me? And yes I’m taking about his best and longest living friend.


    Dear Pamela,

    Mr. X has been on me for months to connect with you, probably because of my personality, education, penchant for writing… but more likely because of one of my books. I like penning biographical scenarios. Took me three years to ghost write the alleged victimization of a woman under MKULTRA, mind control.

    (Later) Anyway Pamela, Mr. X has told me the James Files saga. Awesome…uncanny…wildly interesting…horribly tragic his present circumstances!!! God do I suffer for him. He is a historically very significant personage, and the courage, strength, sheer honesty percolating through him stuns me. And your obvious love and tenderness for this complex, vulnerable and patient man touches me very deeply.

    Your books, controversial though they are, will preserve in some of our minds James Files role. Please tell him to move ONLY towards love now. And that will be his safety as well. Parole smarole…screw it! Tell ‘em what they want to hear, and move on celebrating the moment, not the inviolability of something (even so significant) so long past. JFK took that bullet; do you think he’d want you James Files to still be taking “his” bullet now, in the interest of truth?

    So many lies all around us. I believe in you and in James Files. There will always be debunkers.


    Name Withheld

    Dear XX,

    Aloha and thank you for taking the time to write. Wow. What a refreshing surprise. I’ll protect your identity and forward it to James Files. Thank you for all your encouraging words. Mr. Files is a walking miracle. He is pretty set on the idea that he must die in Stateville. Not his own thinking, but more what he has been TOLD to accept. I’m sure Mr. X has explained the “political prisoner” aspect of his dilemma. Even if he told “them” what they wanted to hear, he’s still somebody nobody wants to claim. “Not only is what I did classified, I’m classified!” That about says it all – government trained and programmed assassin, trained and “remade” at the infamous CIA “The Farm.”

    Although JFK was a terrible event in American history, the other things James Files was involved in are much more a “threat to National Security.” I’m sure you know what I mean. James Files is very protective of me and he has never told me anything that would put me in danger. All his darkest secrets will go to his grave with him. I’m fine with that, but to be honest, many things he has told me are pretty horrific; torture, death squads and various assorted things left unsaid.

    We met in late 1998 (wrote first letter Feb. 1999) and it has been incredible watching the end of the Clinton era turn into the Bush regime for the last 8 years. Being asked to write To Kill A Country only to watch our country be killed right before my eyes on 911, a book needs to be written on that! I’ll write more to you later. Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words.



    P.S. James Files had DELTA and THETA programming done to him.

    Dear Pam,

    Thanks for your reply. In so, so impressed with James Files, I must tell you. Could there be a greater act of patriotism and self-sacrifice than turning your body, mind and personality over to your country’s espionage agency and let them re-cast who you are form the inside out then to declare you are no longer your own by virtue of the training and programming they subjected you to Talk about giving an inch and them taking a mile.

    I fully understand the “whys” of these programming regimes, yes. But I don’t like the manipulative and absolute control aspects. The loss of identity. And the Agency’s total lack of accountability, especially in Black Ops. In this case, what we don’t know MAY and probably WILL hurt us, as Americans. Whoever’s calling the shots is for sure not a paragon of virtue – and yet, as societies go, ours has a history of being a bit puritanical. So why would our clandestine policy makers be a-moral? Maybe that’s just the type of person required to carry out assignments most of us wouldn’t touch.

    I mean, just look who we had running the FBI over the tenure of 4 or 5 presidents!

    I don’t like how “they” took James Files possibility for a normal productive life away. Productive in the sense of a home, wife, kids, spending breakfasts and suppers with them, sitting with your loved ones in church every week, fishing, playing softball, joining the Lion’s Club and performing local community projects. Coaching Little League, taking romantic walks almost every night with your One True Love.

    I can see how James Files would be a serious threat to all the men who thought up the assassination plot – LBJ and the rest. But, they’re all gone now. And, for me, James has more than earned being peacefully put out to pasture where he can share sensual pleasure night and day with his beautiful Pamela. I mean, isn’t there a piece of fragrant free to explore the woods and pasture land out there, some place, someone of James historical importance and supreme loyalty and contributions could be given during his final decade or two?

    Socrates was forced to drink the hemlock: in a sense, the price of High Politics, I guess.

    I delayed contacting you because I know only too well that “they” have circled you to eavesdrop on everything written, by phone and any face to face meetings they know about. But then they know me well from the past, and I really don’t represent, I don’t think, a problem for them anymore. But my lovely lady, you are definitely right in the mix as we speak and you know they have certainly crafted contingencies. I really value your life though I’ve yet to meet you.

    My instincts tell me this revelation about James Files’ primary role MUST come to light, and now’s a good time. I just worry there are still idiots in high places who think they have the right and power to suppress your work perhaps, at all costs! Stupid imbeciles! It’s time!!! I know you’ve already taken adequate precautions with alternative hidden copies to assure one would always survive and go public no matter what they were to try.

    I would love to be your friend Pam.

    I don’t know why I’m giving all this…but yes, it is stimulating to connect with a thoroughly woman, thoroughly writer, bold visionary intoxicated by truth and its historical necessity.

    I’m here for you.


    Name withheld

  3. Some people believe that JFK was killed by white racists who were opposed to civil rights legislation. When LBJ signed the 1965 Civil Rights Act he made a prophecy that he was “signing away the south for 50 years”. This proved accurate. In fact, the Democrats have never recovered the vote of the white racists in the Deep South. This is the electorate that now gives its support to the Republican Party. A new alliance has therefore taken place between the white racists, right-wing conservatives and Christian fundamentalists.

    RFK and MLK called for further civil rights legislation before their deaths in 1968. Both men were probably assassinated as part of a right-wing racist conspiracy.

    LBJ was right in his prediction. However, so was RFK when he said in 1968 that the US would have a “Negro president” in 40 years.

    It is ironic that the Republican Party is now only really strong in the Deep South. LBJ was right in the short-term about how the passing of Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s would hurt the Democratic Party. However, in the long-term, it hurt the Republican Party.

    If Barack Obama now orders the release of CIA and FBI files on the three assassinations, we might well be in a good position to have a fuller understanding of US history since the election of JFK in 1960.


    Here is a current update from the far right regarding the election outcome.

    (I do not hold all the beliefs in the following post but I think it is very eye opening for educators and students of history. I was encouraged to pass it on.)

    Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:12 AM

    Subject: My Predictions for the New Obama "Presidency"

    Now that America has shown us all that affirmative action even works in politics, I've compiled a list of things that you can probably expect to happen. These predictions are 80% gleaned from information all of us have access to, and 15% gut instinct based on many years of research, historical study, and being glued to current affairs. The other 5% is just anger at my countrymen's stupidity--I admit it.


    - Websites and mass emails offering "free grants," courtesy of the government and "Obama's wealth redistribution." Actually, this one's a freebie, because I have an email with a date and timestamp of literally minutes after Obama was declared the winner, offering exactly that.

    - Israel will understand this election was the end of any type of assistance, military or otherwise, from the U.S., and will stop holding back their defense at the request of the American administration. Look for a first strike on Iran soon, as well as increased activity by the Israeli military in general. Israel is on her own now, and God help us all because of it.

    - Look for Iranian retaliation--against American targets. That goes doubly for other terrorist organizations. We just elected a man with the full endorsement of every major terrorist group in the world as leader of the free world. It's the political equivalent of hiring a child molester to babysit your kids while you leave for the weekend. Not only is HE going to have fun with your child, but he'll probably sit and watch while his friends come over and do it too.

    - Look for far-left justices appointed to the Supreme Court, effectively tying up the entire government in a trifecta of liberal humanism, the buzzwords of which remain empty platitudes like "hope and change," and the ultimate goal of which is socialism--and soon, sharia law.

    - Military cases of troops being tried and convicted for killing the enemy in combat will continue to rise--and the conviction/plea-bargain rate will stay at nearly 100%, as the government seeks to use the best men and women this country has to offer as sacrificial lambs on the altar of global appeasement. Those brave and honorable men who currently reside in prison cells across the country, stripped of their rank, their careers, families, and their good name, will not taste free air again for many years. Their sacrifices and their stories will be forgotten by the general public, remembered only by those of us who continue to fight for them.

    - Look for the slow but steady erosion of rights you have enjoyed for your entire lives--all the while being told it's "for your own good." Restrictions on gun ownership, home schooling, encouraged dependence on the ever-growing federal government. More nanny-state provisions will be put into place to protect the "disadvantaged" and the "poor," (read: lazy, uneducated, unwilling to better themselves) even while groups like the unborn, the mentally handicapped, elderly, and terminally ill are slowly pushed toward euthanasia. Of course, this will be done with feel-good phrases like "death with dignity," "not wanting to be a burden," and "merciful release from suffering," all of which ignore the basic fact that we are killing people without their consent for the "good of the people." Before you tell me I'm crazy, let's just remember that Barack Obama was the ONLY senator in the Illinois state senate to vote against providing medical care for babies who were inconsiderate enough to survive an abortion. Also, look for taxes to go up. Yes, they'll go up.

    - You think the economy is bad now? Just wait. You'll have the most expensive "free" health care ever. Bread lines aren't just for Russians anymore.

    We have traded experience for color, freedom for slavery--and the irony is that the average American sheeple thinks their vote somehow righted an ancient wrong, somehow ENDED the spectre of slavery and ushered in some beautiful era of liberty. In reality, we are about to be less free than you ever thought possible.

    I watched the faces of those crowded into the mob (excuse the pun) in Chicago. They stared at Obama like he was a god, an idol, a panacea to their every want and need. We have truly failed as a nation if we are at the point where we feel we must look to one man to take care of us all, to be our father figure and our sugar daddy. We have lost not only the "can-do" attitude of past generations, but the "MUST-do" attitude of our forefathers. We have allowed ourselves to become reduced from Patrick Henry's proud cry of "liberty or death" to the sniveling, whining idea that we are owed something. We have gone from being the honorable defenders of freedom, to being told we are the problem.

    The eyes of Obama and McCain were also telling. McCain acted with class and grace in his concession speech, offering the most honorable response I've seen yet. I don't agree with all of McCain's positions, but it cannot be denied that the man has served his nation--at permanent and severe detriment to himself--for half a century. His eyes were clear and sincere, honest. His speech underlined the very reasons why, of the two men offered, he was hands down the best choice.

    On the other hand, Obama's eyes were cold, calculating. His manner was smug and still carried the arrogance he has always had. His facial expression was one of barely disguised disdain for everything people like me believe in. His body language was smooth, polished--too much so. He talked of patriotism as though it is a value he is familiar with--and yet, his horrifying attitude toward the country he now leads is as well-documented as his friendships with those who seek its demise. He is charismatic to those who don't know what to look for, and he is inspiring to those who cannot or will not think for themselves. However, too many who voted for him are guilty of the most dangerous kind of hypocrisy. You see, we are told daily that we must not see color, just mankind. (We are all family, you know--or so we're told.) And yet Barack Obama was handed the White House on a silver platter by a fawning media, a bevy of foreign donors (who, to this day and in violation of U.S. election laws, remain nameless and unaccounted for), and a populace who voted based on color instead of right and wrong--even in the face of the most damning evidence against a Presidential candidate in many years, perhaps ever.

    It is said that the people receive the government they deserve. Sadly, I fear that's correct. We have become complacent, unwilling to see the writing on the wall, content to frolic in the warm water without bothering to notice that it's been getting hotter by the minute. We are two seconds from a rolling boil--and perhaps it is already too late.

    So, liberals, enjoy your victory. Jump around. Have a party, file for your free grants. Scream "Gimme my handout!" and make fun of those of us who fought to make sure your "messiah" didn't get access to the most powerful position in the world. Just remember when it all comes crashing down: You own the White House, the Congress, and soon the Supreme Court. You have no one to blame but yourselves for the mess you just created.

    As for me, I'm buying my handguns this week so I have an answer for those who will come try to take them.


    "This is the best read on the situation you'll get today. Pass it along! I agree 100% with what Kit Lange wrote. She is a radio talk show host."

    Knowing James Files as well as I do, I know he would agree with this post whole-heartedly. As a matter of fact, I will send his comments on Barack Obama he has been sending all through the election cycle.

    The other person who sent this to me, and agrees with it, is a former military /law enforcement man. Remember, these are just friendly PREDICTIONS from someone who supports Zionist Israel and believes the Christian-conservative (run by the JESUITS) propaganda machine.


  4. I know most people have no sympathy or compassion for James Files but lately things have heated up again in ongoing Dankbaar Truth War; you know the self appointed truth dispenser who is actually a person who preys on the real truth seekers involved in the JFK assassination research community? Yes, him. Ever seeking the Big Deal, Wim Dankbaar is trying to get James Files to sign a movie release and he will not do it.

    Last Saturday James Files and I were talking about the current mess and this is just a part of what he had to say. After foolishly trusting Mr. Dankbaar, nothing but broken promises and heart ache have followed in the years between 2003-2008 . Don’t be fooled truth seekers! Mr. Dankbaar promised to use all his resources to stop me and James Files from publishing To Kill A Country and now Interview with History: The JFK Assassination and you can see the fruit and harvest of that threat. He only wants his sanitized version of history to remain. How much have we gained on our collective journey when people like this are "truth handlers?"

    JF: (Speaking of close associate) He says, “Everybody makes money off of you and nobody sends you a dollar for commissary. You don’t need it! Tell ‘em to go to hell.” He says, “Tell ‘em I told you to. Tell ‘em I asked you to not sign no deals with nobody.

    I said, “Okay. You got it.” So…

    PR: Okay.

    JF: Why should I help Wim? He’s never done nothing for us!

    PR: No, he’s just stomped on us and taken us down…

    JF: And if you remember, you was sitting right there at the table when I told him, “Tell Bob Vernon you don’t need his sh*t and that I will work with you, I will give you everything you need. You don’t need Bob Vernon, you don’t gotta give him all that money. ‘Cause all I want is out of prison. He promised me he would help you, do this, do that, said he would help you…and he went and made his deal with Bob Vernon…he gave Bob Vernon all that money and everything else, that’s on him, I got no sympathy! I hate the subject of JFK; somebody wrote me and wanted to send me a book they got on JFK etc… I already told ‘em, “Don’t send no books on JFK! That’s the last subject I want to hear about. I guess some book come out and “the Corsican Mafia or somebody did it.” That’s fine with me. G*d damn I don’t care if little green men from Mars come and done it. I know the story. I know the truth. It don’t matter to me. I don’t even want to read about it! You may find this hard to believe but I don’t even like reading about me.

    PR: Why’s that?

    JF: I just don’t . I don’t enjoy reading about me. I’d rather read about somebody else. I enjoy reading about Antonio Veciana, about Tosh and all these other guys I know, but I don’t like reading the parts about me.

    PR: Did Antonio Vec..

    JF: They showed what a scum bag I was.

    PR: That’s why you needed Jesus in your life. Did Antonio Veciana know that you were one of the shooters in the JFK assassination?

    JF: I never admitted it to him, he probably felt it, he probably thought it, “He come out of Chicago…” I had a name and things like that, ah, even Tosh remembered me as a young hitter.

    PR: Hmmm

    JF: And a young hitter at that time, they say, “Yeah, that guy’s a hitter.” They don’t say, “The guy’s a contract killer,” they say, “The guy’s a hitter.” And that’s what it meant back then. Just like with the family…”Hey, whack that guy! Will ya? baaabaabaa…” Ya know?

    PR: Yeah.

    JF: You didn’t say, “Go hit this guy” it’s “Whack this guy!” Well, that and a few different words added, you know, nasty words

    PR: Right. But you were known for that?

    JF: Yeah. When Chuck and me got a contract, the guy was as good as in the trunk! (pause) And like when Sam come in from Mexico, that one time when he got back into the country, he found out that (Richard “Dick”) Cain had pushed the button and everything else, you know what I mean…he’d been trying to get him out of the picture. He made a call, he told this party at that point, “Go get Chuck! I don’t want this son-of-a-bitch to see the sunset! Do you hear me?” Woowooowooo. He ranted and he raved and stomped on the sidewalk, paced up and down around the corner, kicked the light pole a couple times, kicked the trash basket that was sittin’ there on the sidewalk and ah…at noon Cain was dead.

    PR: Wow.

    JF: That was like two hours after Sam gave the order. That’s fast.

    PR: That’s real fast.

    JF: But in the movies it takes six months or a year to plan a hit. That’s why I say, in movies they got fifteen guys ….to be continued.

  5. Pamela Ray and James Files

    – Authors of

    Interview with History: The JFK Assassination


    James Files on JFK – 45th Anniversary

    Special Japan Interview Edition

    “Japan Audience Seeks the Truth”

    Background to Japan Interview October 20, 2007

    Best-selling author and longtime investigative journalist, Jim Marrs was contacted prior to the following interview and he told the Japanese film crew from ASAHI TV, a prime-time commercial television company based in Tokyo and Los Angeles, "If you want to try and interview James Files, you need to get in touch with Pamela Ray." Jim Marrs knows all too well what went down in 2003 and knew James Files would not talk to them.

    To make a very long story short, James Files did not want to do this interview with the Japanese film crew in person at Stateville or at all for that matter. Ms. Ray asked him if it would be okay to do a phone interview and the Japanese could film at her home in Hawaii. He reluctantly agreed. Part of the deal was to send Ms. Ray to Illinois later on in the year to do some filming with her outside the prison. Unfortunately, that never happened.

    After a series of terrible events last fall involving an associate of James Files, he did not want Ms. Ray to come to Illinois due to "the purge" that was happening and Files said basically if she came, she would have a target painted on her back and he feared for her life and safety. He emphatically said that the purge had nothing to do with JFK or that assassination. "People back east are concerned about me talking and they’re cleaning up lose ends and this has nothing to do with Kennedy!"

    See Interview with History: The JFK Assassination for other “loose ends” details not covered in this brief overview of the JFK assassination to help the Japanese people understand what happened in America, 45 years later.

    October 20, 2007

    Kihei, Hawaii 4:15am HST

    Operator: This is a collect call from Stateville Correctional Facility Inmate: James Files calling from Stateville Prison

    Operator: For a rate quote press one; this call may be monitored and recorded, three-way and call waiting is not allowed. Press three to accept

    Pamela Ray: (hits 3)

    PR: Good morning

    JF: Good morning Ms. Ray how are you today?

    PR: I’m doing just fine. How are you doing Jimmy?

    JF: Oh pretty good. We had a late count check. That’s why I’m late in calling.

    PR: I was wondering if you had all that fog and all that was going on.

    JF: No, sunshine today but after they got the phone passed out they got everybody out doing what they’re supposed to be doing, I had to get them to call up front to get the phones turned on.

    PR: Right on. Well, thank you and I wanted to introduce you to my friend Trudy that’s here and we’re filming and recording all this so let me hand the phone over.

    JF: Alright.

    PR: To Trudy.

    JF: Okay.

    TN: Good morning Mr. Files.

    JF: Good morning Miss Trudy.

    TN: Hi.

    JF: Good morning. How are you doing today?

    TN: Good, good. First of all, it’s really great to be finally able to talk to you by phone. I just want to say thank you so much for allowing us to…for the Japanese television…

    JF: Ah ha

    TN: And before I hand the telephone back to Ms. Pamela, could you just remember to speak loudly and clearly as we’re going to be recording the entire conversation?

    JF: Alright.

    TN: And also relax ah…you can call her Pamela just like you normally do, and ah…

    JF: Okay.

    TN: Uh yes alright okay, so thank you. So, I’m gonna hand the phone back.

    JF: Alright. Nice talking to ya Trudy.

    TN: Okay, thank you. Let’s have a good interview.

    JF: Okay.

    TN: Thank you.

    PR: Okay…if you’re ready I’m ready and let’s get into it.

    JF: Okay. Before we get started on that, I got something that I want…on that, I got something to say.

    PR: Okay.

    JF: Bruce Brychek was here the other day to visit with me,

    PR: uh huh

    JF: We had a good talk. I ask him to call ya and tell ya

    PR: uh huh

    JF: And ask him to let you know that he is willing, I ask him, and he said that he would be more than willing to take a polygraph test, to the fact to how long he has known me. And to the number of visits he has been here…he has been here hundreds and hundreds of times, all this is documented with the Department of Corrections every visit has to be recorded when they come in.

    PR: Right.

    JF: And all this is down and time we’ve known each other, ah…I’ve never lied to him, he knows that, everything that I put in the book, Interview with History: The JFK Assassination that I told you is the truth. He has been with me for the bad times, for the good times, the only time he wasn’t was when he was involved in a head on collision out here on Interstate 80- almost killed…they read him his last rites three different times – and ah, everybody here at the prison knows Bruce as well as they know me, and our friendship has went from friendship to brother and trust and love and bondage and we stand beside each other and we fight to the death. We both are men who believe in Death Before Dishonor.

    PR: Right.

    JF: And so like I say, if anybody wants to question him or ask him, “Are you willing to take a polygraph test to prove it?”

    PR: Okay.

    JF: Okay.

    PR: Thank you for clarifying that.

    JF: For us standing side by side and fighting with one another…to take off …neither one of us entered the thought of running out and leaving the other one…

    PR: Right.

    JF: To us it’s always been Death Before Dishonor and that is Bruce. And that is me. And like I said, we have known each other since 1969. If anybody wants to have any doubts about Bruce, like I say, he’s willing to take a polygraph test.

    PR: Make sure and tell him thank you next time you see him.

    JF: I will.

    PR: That’s very important.

    JF: Okay, just so ya know…I’m tired of all the people sayin’ “Well Brychek don’t even come and see me…” But Bruce has been my brother through out all these years. Not by blood, but through martial arts, trust, loyalty, and honor. That is how we became brothers.

    PR: Right.

    JF: And to me he is family. Okay now, we can go on with whatever…to what you guys wanted to say.

    PR: Okay. So thank you for clarifying that. And that’s really important information.

    JF: I’m just tired of people tryin’ to say he doesn’t come out here as much as that because that man is here every week. He does not let me down.

    PR: I know. He’s very faithful and I really appreciate him. Okay, if you’re ready, I’m ready.

    JF: I’m ready.

    PR: We can start with the questions. Okay. We’re going to be talking about the JFK assassination.

    JF: Alright.

    PR: It says, “You state that you shot JFK? True?”

    JF: Yes, that is true.

    PR: Go ahead and let me finish this whole question.

    JF: Okay.

    PR: And then you can answer all of it. There are about three questions here. Why did you wait nearly 40 years to tell your story and whether people believe you or not and what merit does this have for you.

    JF: Okay, first of all, yes, I did shoot JFK. Second, why did I do it? Because I was asked to do it.

    Anytime Charles Nicoletti asked me to do something, there was never a doubt in my mind – it didn’t matter what it was, he says, “Jump off a cliff” I would have probably jumped off a cliff. As far as us going to Dallas, and why did I wait 40 years, well, first of all, the FBI’s known about me and my role since nineteen and sixty-four through a double informant. They was working with the CIA and with the FBI office and ah…I never come forward with it because I didn’t care about it. I was never impressed with that job. I thought it was one of those jobs that was more or less a nothing job. We did much greater things in the southern hemisphere. But the reason I didn’t come forward till 40 years later, whatever it was, ever how many years it was, was because Joe West finally got a lead to me through an ex, retired, or at the time the man was still working for the FBI, but he got his name from the FBI, and told him that I was here at Stateville. He told that to Joe West. Joe West called the prison; I refused to talk to him. Finally one day, they called the warden’s office and the warden took me to the phone and asked me, he says, “Talk to this man. He’s been calling us and calling us. Tell him yourself you don’t want to talk to him.” I called him and I told him, “You have 60 seconds to convince me why I should talk to you.” When he started talking on the phone, after the first 30 seconds I said, “I don’t want to discuss it on the phone.” I gave him permission to come and visit me. “I will put you on my visiting list and have you cleared.” I did. Joe West come and spent three days with me. We talked about everything from weather to football you name it. Finally we got around to the Kennedy assassination. I wanted to build up a trust…Joe West was a man that I admired and I respected. He wasn’t like all the other people that has been in my life over all this and I don’t really care about the assassination that much. I wanted to do the book with you to put the truth out there to the people. You was the ONLY one I did the book with. We had other people trying to pirate all of our work and everything else, which some succeeded in, but, the long story and the short story is this.

    Joe West asked me to come forward. Joe West died…never knowing that I was the shooter from the grassy knoll. We never got that far into it. He had some complications with his medical and his heart operation and died. And I have no proof but, I have…people from back east that informed me that Joe West died because someone tampered with his medication. And I believe that to be true. And even Joe West, in his last moments was trying to get people to believe him that someone was trying to kill him. But through Joe West’s death, and his wife being left with a lot of bills, I finally gave the first interview, with Bob Vernon, titled Confession of an Assassin. And I swore I would never give another interview.

    PR: Right.

    JF: But you came into my life, we got to talking, you come to see me, we decided to write a book together…in the end, you wanted me to give an interview, and the ONLY reason this other party got the interview was because of you, because you asked me to. The only reason I’m giving this interview is because you have asked me to. But I will give no more faced interviews to no one until I’m in the free world. I didn’t come forward for honest and a guilty conscience after 40 years. I came forward because I was asked to by a man that I met and started to trust and he died. I finished it up to help his wife, his widow.

    And then when you came into my life, and we got together and started talking about this, and you wanted to bring the truth to the people, I decided to help you with it. But I gave no other interviews to other people.

    PR: Well, thank you for trusting me like that. It is a very important story to get out to the people. Part of that question was whether the people believe you or not and what merit does that have for you?

    JF: As far as people believing me, some will and some won’t. Nobody’s going to believe everybody 100% but the whole thing is this. All we can do is put the facts out there and let the people equate everything for themselves. I’m not trying to convince people I did it; I’m not trying to convince them I didn’t do it. Here’s the facts. They can look at it, they can read it (Interview with History: The JFK Assassination) they can hear it, whatever. It’s up to them to make up their own mind to judge it but the evidence is there. But you don’t sit in a jail cell for as many years as I have and then come up with a story and tell them to go check a shell casing this and that…human teeth marks etc, etc two sets of footprints behind the stockade fence, the size of the footprints are etc. The whole thing is, in all the years the other people didn’t know. And all these people that are so-called JFK specialist, research and everything else, most of ‘em, some of ‘em wasn’t even born when he was killed. I don’t believe any of them was actually there on the scene at the time. The only reason they became an “expert” was because they read so many JFK books. And my question has been to all the research specialists, “How many books do you have to read to become a specialist?” If Jesus Christ stood there with me and said he stood by me on the grassy knoll, there would still be people that doubt, because you have people who doubt that God even exists. You have people who doubt Buddha exists. Is there a higher life form? Who really knows? Do I believe in God? Yes. I must. Anytime I was in trouble I did a lot of prayin’ for Him to get me out of it, but is there a God? Who really knows? Show me proof of God. There is no proof.

    PR: Okay. What merit does it have for you whether people believe you or not?

    JF: That has no merit what-so ever. And the worst part of it is, had I never spoken, I would have been out of prison by now. By me opening up about the JFK assassination and other operations that the Agency ran, and when I say “Agency” I am referring to the United States Central Intelligence Agency, known as the CIA, or The Company, this has helped to keep me in prison, not to get me out.

    And if I could do it all over again, I would have probably told Joe West, “No, I don’t want to talk to you. Write whatever you want to write.” (pause) Am I proud of what I done? No. To me it was a job. There was no upside, no downside. The only downside is me ever saying the first word about it, and winding up spending the rest of my life in prison. I’ll be here till 2016 should I live that long. And I got 17 years in now.

    PR: Okay, sorry about that.

    JF: No. There is no upside, no merit, there’s no reports; there’s no bonus or nothing there for me.

    PR: I understand. Let’s move on to the next question.

    The Warren Commission concludes that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the killing of JFK. How do you feel about that being the truth?

    JF: Well, the fact there is, everybody should know that they lied. All they had to do was read the paraffin test that was given to Lee Harvey Oswald immediately upon his arrest, from the movie theatre.

    PR: Right.

    JF: The paraffin test shows Lee Harvey Oswald had no nitrates on his face, on his neck from firing a rifle or on the back side of his hand through the wrist. The only nitrates they found on Lee Harvey Oswald was on the palm of his hand. You do not get just nitrates only from firing a .38 only on the palm of your hand.

    PR: I know.

    JF: The nitrates that was there was from when I calibrated the weapons, the scopes on the weapons, he picked up the spent shell casings and held them in his right hand. That is why Lee Harvey Oswald had nitrates in the palm of his hand.

    PR: Okay. What physical evidence do you have that indicates you shot JFK? And can you point this crew to locate your proof?

    JF: I could but I won’t. Because I’m not going to have somebody harassing a couple friends of mine that are in their mid 80’s late 80’s that are ready to die at anytime. They don’t need the strain and stress. I wouldn’t want to make a circus out of them and their home, people over there beatin’ on their door and the news media trying to get in to talk to ‘em. They sent me a message a long time ago, when I first started talking about the JFK assassination. I was ask, “Please Jimmy, do the right thing. Keep my name out of this, please, I don’t want this.” And I’ve never given their names.

    PR: Okay, as far as physical evidence, that was actually left in Dealey Plaza, what happened to that?

    JF: I have no idea who has the shell casing but, I bit on the shell casing, I left it there, the shell casing was on the ridge by the orifice, there was an indentation there. They sent it to a foreseeing lab, the forensic checked it out, they said, “Yes, it was human teeth marks.” So like I say, you don’t sit in a jail cell and make something up and I told Barry Adelman and Robert Vernon and they ask me, “What proof do you have…” and I said, “Well, they found a shell casing.” I said, “If it’s my shell casing, go to Dallas, get it, look at it. You’ll find an indentation on the ridge by the orifice.” I said, “Send it to a forensic lab, have it checked.” They did and it came back, “Human teeth marks.”

    PR: Okay, would the ledger that you buried have key evidence and could you show it to the Japanese audience?

    JF: It has all the evidence, including probably close to 40 other contract murders in it, but no, I would not let anybody film it because there is other things that would have been there and ah…as far as that goes, it’s nobody’s business.

    PR: Okay.

    JF: People can hear the story, read the book,

    they can look at the evidence, they can go back, they can do their own research, they can check. From Operation Group 40 all the way through the lines, the same people have been there. We’ve only lost a few players along the way. But you keep looking at every instance that’s occurred, all the players are basically the same.

    PR: That’s very true. So, it’s been 44 years since the assassination of JFK. To this day, the American and people from around the world are fascinated by this event and yet, it’s like a puzzle still waiting to be solved. What message do you have to the people who are listening to this interview?

    JF: Well, the people that are listening to this interview, I just want you to listen to it closely. Pay attention to it. I’ve passed the voice stress test for the voice analysis test on it. I’ve had the highest rating that you can get on it.

    As far as telling the truth, I lived the life, I went into the service at age 17, I got my training in the field, South East Asia in Laos, Operation Mobile White Star, served under Col. Fletcher Prouty. I came home, I grew up inside the crime family in Chicago there, I lived in Melrose Park, ah…the FBI chased me for a good many years knowing that I was doing contract murder but the could never prove it. I mean, I could probably have ‘em go dig up the bodies but why would I want to get myself another 10, 12, 15 life sentences? Why do I want to get back to trial on it? I mean, that would be kind of silly on my part. (pause)

    PR: Right.

    JF: But for the people that want to believe me or don’t want to believe me, that’s up to them. All I’m asking them to do is look at the evidence, weigh the facts, make up their own mind, come to their own conclusion.

    PR: That sounds like a good plan.

    JF: If I had wanted notoriety, I would have talked to Oliver Stone when he mad the one movie here. (Natural Born Killers)

    PR: You did meet Oliver Stone?

    JF: I did meet him three times. I’ve even got his name on a piece of paper signed where he was trying’ to get me to talk, to go on film with him and I wouldn’t do it. As a matter of fact, I think I sent you a copy of that.

    PR: You did

    And did he want you to talk about JFK?

    JF: He wanted me to talk about JFK ‘because he had made his movie on JFK.

    PR: This was after he had made his movie?

    JF: This was after he made his movie, yes. He had signed the paper, Robert Vernon signed the paper, somebody else signed the paper, everybody signed the paper except me. I said, “No, I don’t want to talk to you.”

    PR: Right, I’ve got the paper…

    JF: I didn’t want all the notoriety.

    PR: Okay, let’s move on to the question, during the time of the assassination, do you know of a friend or an acquaintance that can stand by your side and prove your story?

    JF: Well, The Raven just died and passed into history, and he knows it. Lee Harvey Oswald knew it. But who is still alive today to stand by me? There was nobody standing next to me when I pulled the trigger.

    PR: Right, but was there anyone else that was involved in Dealey Plaza that day that’s still alive that can verify your story that’s willing to speak out?

    JF: Well, they wouldn’t speak out, no. I’m the only one stupid enough to speak out. But like I say, there’s two men still alive and they’ve ask me to be left out of it. They know what happened, they know the whole story.

    PR: Have they ever gone on record about talking…

    JF: No.

    PR: about JFK at all?

    JF: Never.

    PR: Never. Okay. When you were assigned to your position, how many other men were to be involved with you that day? And where were they positioned and please explain you position and the others.

    JF: I was approximately 15-18 feet from the end of the stockade fence, behind it. I had the tree branch for a little camouflage. The other party was Charles Nicoletti. He was in the Dal-Tex Building. Johnny Roselli was to have been the second shooter that day. Johnny Roselli was at the time, was known as “Lt. Col. Ralston with the CIA.” He was also the liaison with the Chicago crime family. He was a lieutenant for Sam Giancana who was working underneath Tony Accardo at that time. But Johnny Roselli, he flew in on a MATS flight that morning, he flew in to abort the assassination. The CIA decided they didn’t want it to go down, but what they failed to understand was they did not hand out the contract. It was handed out by Tony Accardo to Sam Giancana who there in turn gave it to Charles Nicoletti who there in turn came and got me and had Johnny Roselli with him, working with him on it. My job was only to bear arms, to transport them to Texas, to learn the area, to know the route in case there was a high speed chase to get away. I needed to know all the streets, dead-ends, what times trains crossed certain crossings, in case we was in a high speed chase, anybody pursuing us. None of that happened. But I went down there, I spent the time, Lee Harvey Oswald spent the time with me, showing me Dallas. We learned the whole area. Other than that, you know, the rest is history. That day Johnny Roselli refused to be the second shooter. I was asked that morning, and I agreed and volunteered to be the second shooter. When Chuck ask me I said, “Yes, I’d be honored.”

    PR: Where were Johnny Roselli and Charles Nicoletti positioned at?

    JF: They were in the Dal-Tex Building. That’s all I know. I don’t know where they were at, which window the were at because I did not see them. I never saw Charles Nicoletti fire a weapon, but the weapon had been fired that he had.

    PR: How do you know it was fired?

    JF: Because I’m the one who set it up and fixed it to be used and I’m also the one that took the weapons out of the car later when I dropped them off and I cleaned the weapons and brought them back to Chicago.

    PR: So you would have been able to tell if the weapon was or was not…

    JF: Yes, it was. The weapon had been fired. When I ran the rags through it and cleaned it, it had been fired.

    PR: Alright. After the assassination, what were your feeling and thoughts about what you did and how did you cope? What were you doing until you ended up at Stateville? In other words, what occupation?

    JF: Oh God, we got a whole lot there at one time!

    PR: Sorry.

    JF: After the assassination, I dropped them off, I thought nothing about it. I went on back to the motel room, left everything in the car, waited till dusk. I took a nap, basically speaking, I just hung out in the room. When evening come, I went up to the truck stop, got something to eat, come back down. Soon as it was late enough and nobody was around, I went out, got the weapons out of the car, brought ‘em in, cleaned ‘em, secured everything back in the car before daylight. And I’d been instructed not to travel at nighttime with a car, with weapons. Only travel during the daylight hours, that’s what I did.

    PR: Had you already been through training with the CIA at that point to be desensitized to killing?

    JF: No, I had not.

    PR: Okay.

    JF: That come in much later, that come later in my career. I learned how to kill in the fields, in the Plain of Jars, in South East Asia, Laos.

    PR: But that was…

    JF: That was before the assassination, 1959 1960. But I came home, I was racing stock cars for awhile and I became a driver for Charles Nicoletti and I had already…pause…moved into the field…of ah…terminating people, not only for the agency but for Organized Crime family as well working with Chuck.

    PR: Can you elaborate on any activities you were involved in besides contract murder?

    JF: As time grew up, and I grew up in the family, they always wanted people who earn money ‘cause a certain percentage always goes up the ladder to the top. I became involved in chop shops, loan-sharking, little bit of book making, cartage theft, hijacking tractors and trailers.

    PR: What’s cartage theft?

    JF: Cartage theft is like, over here when you go through the property that comes through and you steal things out of it. It was a multi-million dollar business at O’Hare airport. They gave that concession to a party of Lewie Emily, better known as “Lewie The Mooch.” Lewie, he got it and I was very upset over that because that was the operation I wanted and they gave me the chop shops, run over and take concession of it, force the independents out of business or force the independents to work for us. But I didn’t find out till a few years later why it was given to me because Lewie Emily didn’t have the…ah…the ability to enforce the rule of law inside the crime family. It was given to me because I was more of a violent nature, I guess, because the chop shop was a very, very blood-thirsty business. It was not all about killing and taking possession and power, it was keeping people in line.

    PR: Right.

    JF: And that’s all documented with the FBI. We had the great Chop Shop Wars ’77-’78. The joke was, we had more FBI in Chicago at that time than we had car thieves and car choppers.

    (Trudy laughing in background.)

    PR: Trudy’s laughing. Let’s go back to before the assassination. Where were you staying at? What was the name of the hotel?

    JF: The Lamplighter Inn, there in Mesquite, Texas.

    PR: And who came to visit you there?

    JF: Lee Harvey Oswald knocked on my door after I got there.

    PR: Okay, how do you think he ended up knocking on your door?

    JF: Lee Harvey Oswald, I had no idea he was going to show up. I had not seen Lee Harvey Oswald since Clinton, Louisiana ‘cause we’d been running weapons down there for another operation. Lee Harvey Oswald worked for the CIA. We both had the same controller; David Atlee Phillips introduced me to Lee Harvey Oswald. The only two people in the world that knew where I was at when I went to Texas, was Charles Nicoletti and David Atlee Phillips. If those two knew each other, I never knew it because they never spoke each other’s name. The only one who could have sent Lee Harvey Oswald to the motel could have been David Atlee Phillips. Because to my knowledge, Charles Nicoletti did not know Lee Harvey Oswald. Because after he spent the five days with me, I told Chuck that morning, “We have a problem,” and we walked in Dealey Plaza Chuck said, “What’s that Jimmy?” I said, “Lee Harvey Oswald.” He said, “Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?” because he didn’t even recognize the name. I said, “He’s the tie back to me. He’s been with me for the last five days.” I said, “A controller sent him to me.” He said, “Why’d they give you over to him?” I said, “Because he was sent to me by Lee, or by David” and he said, “I’ll tell Sam.” Sam was at the Dallas Cabana that morning. Sam Giancana.


    PR: Okay, I have a question about the weapon you used to kill President Kennedy with, the Remington Fireball XP-100. Can you describe that gun and also tell me a little about what happened to it after the assassination?

    JF: Okay, the Remington Fireball, XP-100 Fireball was a single shot pistol. Single shot, bolt action. It was the most accurate handgun in the world. And for anybody that doesn’t believe me, go out and fire one. You will find there is no recoil whatsoever with that weapon. It’s so small, you can’t even feel it. Now then, as for the Fireball, it had been used prior to Kennedy and it was used after Kennedy. Hold on… (Pause: loud voices in background)

    JF: They was announcing over the loud speaker and there’s no way I could out talk them!

    PR: Okay, does it pertain to you having to get off the phone?

    JF: No, they’re fixin’, they got everybody on stand-by to run chow.

    PR: Okay.

    JF: Where was I at?

    PR: We were talking about the Remington XP-100 Fireball.

    JF: Remington Fireball, yeah. Okay, now then, it’s the most accurate handgun in the world when you get down to it. At 100 yards there’s no other pistol that can…explode…that you could shoot a man’s head at 100 yards. This pistol is very accurate. There’s very little recoil to it. It has the muzzle velocity of 3200 feet per second, between 3180 and 3280 feet per second. The fastest muzzle velocity is six inches from the end of the barrel and etc. You couldn’t want a better weapon for assassinations. It’s easy to conceal and if you need more than one shot, you’re in the wrong business.

    PR: Who gave you this gun?

    JF: David Atlee Phillips.

    PR: And so he was your CIA controller and he gave you that gun?

    JF: He gave me that weapon to use on someone and it was used…and ah…the Caribbean at that time let me put it that way. That has nothing to do with Kennedy so I don’t even go into those operations.

    PR: Right, I understand, statue of limitations and all that.

    JF: I went to a federal prison in late 1980 or early ’81, I don’t remember the exact date, but while I was doing a federal stretch, time in federal prison, I had the weapon stored at my aunt and uncle’s house. It was in a brief case, under their bed, put away safe and sound. They went out and their nephew come into the house, he was laundering the house, probably looking for money, probably for drugs or whatever, he found the briefcase under the bed. He took it out; there were special rounds in there that had been designed by the name of “Wolfman” and that’s what I call it, his code name was Wolfman, and this kid is walking around Round Lake Beach, Illinois and he’s popping, he’s shooting birds off tree branches with this pistol. He got arrested by the cops, the weapon was confiscated and allegedly, the weapon was destroyed, but in my heart, I don’t believe the cops destroyed the weapon. I believe one of them cops still has it in their possession because it was too much of a beautiful weapon and too unique at that time for anyone to take and destroy it. The Fireball was not a well known weapon. The Fireball was basically invented by Remington for the work, for the assassination department.

    PR: It was specifically designed for assassinations?

    JF: Yes, they called it, what they called it is a varmint gun, for shooting like, you know, ground hogs, rodents, things out in the field and stuff like that. That is what it was “claimed” to be, but it was developed strictly for assassination work for the CIA.

    PR: Okay.

    JF: If you go back to some of the real ol’ timers with Remington, because some people at Remington say, “Well, we didn’t bring the gun out till ten years later…” but that’s a lie ‘cause the government, the whole product was on the market, wasn’t on the market, but it was being used and they was manufacturing it for certain operations, probably in late ’59 – early ’60 even.

    PR: Would you consider yourself a sharpshooter, an expert marksman?

    JF: Let me put it this way, when most people shoot for the body, I shoot for the head and I don’t miss. If that’s bragging, then I’m bragging. But I never missed my target.

    PR: Do you think that is why Charles Nicoletti wanted you as backup?

    JF: No, Charles Nicoletti wanted me as backup because Johnny Roselli was the second shooter.

    PR: Do you think he trusted you to do that because he knew you went for headshots and you wouldn’t miss?

    JF: Oh, it’s not that. He knew I had the experience…

    Operator: Your call time will expire in 30 seconds.

    Pamela Ray and James Files said their goodbyes and he agreed to call back, even though all the questions were covered in the first call. The phone company has a rule about how many calls per month can come through and the interview call was the last one allowed for October. James Files and Pamela Ray had several conversations in October 2007 before the Japanese were in Hawaii. James Files agreed to answer FOUR questions but Ms. Ray made sure more questions were asked so the Japanese had plenty to work with. Stay tuned as progress is being made towards the truth getting out to the people of Japan, hopefully America and the rest of the world.


    Please support our ongoing efforts to reach the world with the truth about the JFK assassination. Thank you.


  6. Pamela Ray & James Files Oct. 18, 2008

    PR: Jimmy, I was going to ask you if Charles Nicoletti was involved with the, the CIA drug running?

    JF: No, he wasn’t involved in the CIA drug running, but the FBI was trying to turn him as an informant, and William Roemer?

    PR: Yeah.

    JF: He was the one who had been trying to recruit Chuck.

    PR: Right.

    JF: And ah, with Chuck, now he probably had some contact with the Agency at times, but he really didn’t get that deep into it. (cough) Now I know him and Phillips probably knew each other, or Phillips knew who he was, I would never ask ‘cause I don’t want to know, “The less I know the smarter I am” you have to understand that.

    PR: Sure, but Charles Nicoletti never talked about David Atlee Phillips?

    JF: No.

    PR: And especially about the JFK assassination?

    JF: No. When we did a job, it was history. Forget about it. The only thing Chuck said to me was, “Don’t you think you fired too soon?” And I said, “I was fixin’ to lose my field of fire.”

    PR: Right.

    JF: And ah, but other than that, Sam Giancana had all the contacts; him and Johnny Roselli. Everything was funneled through them. They were, Johnny Roselli was actually liaison for the CIA to Sam Giancana. Now how tight Sam was with a lot of people, how much he talked with them, I have no way of knowing. But I do know Johnny Roselli was the number one liaison between everybody.

    PR: Okay.

    JF: I know that for a fact.

    PR: Was David Phillips in charge of the drug part of the CIA?

    JF: No.

    PR: But it overlapped into some of his covert operations?

    JF: Well, it didn’t overlap with his, he just knew about it, but he had no part of it. David Phillips was in a whole different field.

    PR: What was his main job besides propaganda?

    JF: Recruiting, (sigh) overseeing propaganda, setting up different, you know, financial things, operating, setting up different groups of anti-government groups, ah,

    PR: Was he involved with counter terror uh,

    JF: Counter terrorist? No.

    PR: Not counter terrorism but counter intelligence with that guy (James) Angleton? Was he involved with him?

    JF: No, that I couldn’t give you an honest answer. But if you want to talk about the drug trade, you have Shackley (Ted) he was overseeing a lot of it, or was involved in a lot of it, and also Tom Ridge was involved with a lot of it, because, don’t forget now, the Phoenix Program, Shackley was one of the top people in it. But Tom Ridge was over Shackley and the Phoenix project. Al Seal,

    PR: The late Homeland Security director?

    JF: That’s him!

    PR: Wow.

    JF: And his right-hand man that he chose to put on his security was Al Seal, and Al Seal ran base operations out of An Wah (Sp) just outside of Da Nang for cross-border operations for the Agency. I know ‘cause he sent my ass over the border into Laos a number of times. Laos, Cambodia, North Vietnam, into the DMZ. The DMZ is not just a line; it’s all open territory and it’s a wide open range in there. You studied American history right?

    PR: Right.

    JF: They used to have a strip known as an outlaw strip between Texas and Louisiana?

    PR: I don’t know about that but I believe you.

    JF: Yeah, but anyway, it was like 35 or 40 miles across and a long ways up and into the country.

    PR: Um-hmm

    JF: And this is where all the outlaws hung out and everything else. And that’s where when Santa Anna defeated the Alamo, and what’s his name led the rest of the army up into that part of the country, but he had Santa Anna, chasing him and his men, and he had to move his army in the swamps there, and he had already been there, once Santa Anna men got in there, that is when they wiped his ass out. They cleaned his clock. And that’s history.

    PR: There it is. It’s probably in 10 of these books that are right in front of my face.

    JF: But ah, basically speaking,

    PR: Oh! I know what I was going to ask you. How come those guys get to be head of Homeland Security; head of the CIA?

    JF: Who was Porter Goss?

    PR: That’s what I’m saying.

    JF: You know who he was?

    PR: Yeah. Was the head of the CIA.

    JF: But he’s sitting here at the table with us (pause)

    PR: So, I’m saying, how come they just throw you in the trash when they used everybody else

    JF: Didn’t I send you a copy of the Soviets, Afghanistan and the CIA? Didn’t I send you a copy of what I wrote?

    PR: Yes. http://jfkmurderjamesfiles.weebly.com/jame...ilsons-war.html

    JF: It tells ya, it’s all right there. Your Blue Blood are the “good guys” up there. I was a Mongrel. I was one discarded, you know, I’m, I’m mangy alley dog.

    PR: That White Alabama Trash is what they called you.

    JF: Yep.

    PR: Just because of your family background, they acted, and

    JF: I wasn’t from old money, I didn’t attend the Yale, the Harvard, I didn’t attend the other schools, I was a drop-out. I was a nobody.

    PR: So you went and did the work for ‘em!

    JF: It don’t matter. You go out to recruit, you gonna send a guy with a high IQ that’s got a lot of money to go get killed that don’t know xxxx, never had a fight in his life,

    PR: (pause) I guess not

    JF: Was like I told ya, you wouldn’t send Josh into another country to go assassinate somebody ‘cause he never had no training.

    PR: (long pause, sigh)

    JF: IF you want something smuggled, you hire a smuggler. You don’t go hire a safe cracker. If you want a safe cracked, you don’t hire the smuggler and you don’t hire an airplane pilot. You know what I mean?

    PR: Right.

    JF: You hire somebody than can do the job. You hire somebody that’s qualified in that field. If you want to get a book wrote, you know let’s say you want to write a special article for prime time or something, you get a journalist to write it for you. You don’t go and find some drop-out from grade school that’s been running around selling nickel and dime bags of dope on the street. He can’t even spell. When you look at people, you got a certain list of people, you know, the whole thing is this, people have a serial, no not a serial

    PR: Expertise.

    JF: Social Security number okay?

    PR: Right.

    JF: People are checked out; their number’s on file, they know who they are, they know they work at a steel plant, car manufacture, you work in an office, they’re a doctor, they’re a electrician, they’re a plumber, whatever the hell they might be,

    PR: Right.

    JF: If they need somebody in that field, and they scan through these long list of names and they look for people with a criminal background or if they’ve been in trouble with the law or something, and then they use a little leverage on these people and force them to do a job.

    PR: They blackmail them into it.

    JF: It’s all blackmail!

    PR: And the CIA recruits people through using their Social Security numbers?

    JF: They

    PR: And finding out what they do?

    JF: They got a way of checking. You need somebody that you don’t know and you don’t want tied back to you. And you’re not gonna go tell ‘em “Look, I’m from the CIA and you’re gonna work for me.” You find somebody, a couple of strange men approach ‘em, let’s say Men in Black, okay but they ain’t after aliens, and somebody knocks on your door; you don’t know who the hell these people are, they show you a bogus ID or something, they tell you they’re from the department of Area 16 etc etc and next thing you know, you’re fixin’ to face a couple criminal raps, you’re investigated, you’re fixin’ to lose your business. God only knows; you’ve probably been set up for one thing or another. You take guys like me, most guys go ahead and do the job and they go to jail. Then you take guys like me, and other people, and this other party, a friend of mine, we been through the training at the Farm, we come through, we had our test for all; and when all our training was done, and they drive us downtown D.C. somewhere, they got an address, they wipe off a gun, they hand it to us, we walk in the house, and we execute people we don’t know. We might kill the mother, father and three children and walk out. We make pictures of the dead bodies. We give them the film. We give them the gun back. Where does that stuff go? It’s all filed and put away and locked up for safe keeping. If they ever want us for murder, they got us for murder. They can do anything to us they want to, we’re gonna play their game.

    PR: That’s your diploma from the Farm.

    JF: That’s it!

    PR: Wow. (pause)

    JF: Then they control people that way. The F.B. you know, J. Edgar Hoover, he wasn’t xxxx when it come to blackmailin’ people. He kept records on everybody but, hell, the Agency, you gave them the evidence they needed to control you.

    PR: It’s still going on in Congress and all over Washington D.C. right now.

    JF: We’ve got pictures and films; we’ve had Congressmen, Senators, new young girls, 18 years old, young boys, lone hookers, prostitution, while they’re in there having their thrill and getting it off, ah

    PR: All of it’s being recorded.

    JF: It’s all on film. All

    PR: And then they blackmail everybody.

    JF: Huh?

    PR: And then they blackmail everybody to make them do whatever they want.

    JF: Yeah, they let ‘em do whatever they’re gonna do. Not only is your career over with, your family life is over with.

    PR: (pause) and that’s what our tax dollars are working hard to provide and

    JF: Listen, if you’re gonna run an organization, you got to have the power.

    I would love for Jim Hougan to comment...


    It was brought to my attention that there might be a misunderstanding about the phone interview I posted yesterday:

    JF: Who was Porter Goss?

    PR: That’s what I’m saying.

    JF: You know who he was?

    PR: Yeah. Was the head of the CIA.

    JF: But he’s sitting here at the table with us (pause)

    James Files has told me in the past, on a couple different occasions, that he was NOT in the picture on the cover of Barry & ‘the boys’.

    When speaking about “sitting here at the table with us” James Files is alluding to the reference about the civilian assassination program Phoenix, Ted Shackley, Tom Ridge, Al Seal and Porter Goss in VIETNAM (Da Nang) not Mexico City where the Barry & ‘the boys’ book cover photo was taken.

    Sorry for any confusion but I thought it was pretty clear Files never mentioned Hopsicker’s book cover and he was talking about sitting at a table in An Wah (not sure on spelling)outside of Da Nang just before he got sent across the Vietnamese border. Evidently the former Operation 40 member/CIA Director Goss was in Vietnam (news to me) and he was involved in Phoenix as well. That was his point

    For more information:




  7. Shots

    As James Files had been waiting that morning in Dealey Plaza in the railroad yard near the boxcars, with his jacket reversed, and smoking Pall Mall cigarettes, he could hear commotion from the crowd around 12:30. He discusses this with author Jim Marrs in an interview:

    MARRS: Okay. Then what happened? The motorcade came?

    FILES: …I walk away from the fence, I come back over, secured everything, I got ready, I could hear the rumble, the people murmuring, so you know the motorcade’s approaching…I got ready, opened it up. I’m holding the Remington fireball, and I’m below the fence at this point. The motorcade came down on, I believe that’s Main Street there, come down on Houston, turn back around onto Elm, came back down that little side drive there. When it came down and made it’s first right, that’s when I brought the weapon up. I’m over the fence and as they come down, and they make there turn onto Elm there, that’s when I started focusing through the scope and following the car. As the shots rang out, I started counting them—but I’m not counting: one, two, three, four. I’m counting: miss…miss…miss, because I know we’re going for the headshot. So I don’t care how many rounds are being fired so long as we get a headshot.

    Sam Holland was one of many railroad workers who went to the triple underpass to see the President. He and his associates had the best view of the entire plaza. He describes in his Warren Commission testimony that he heard some shots in the vicinity of the School Book Depository and the Dal-Tex building:

    STERN - What was your impression about the source of these noises, if you had one?

    HOLLAND - Well, the impression was that the shots, the first two or three shots came from the upper part of the street, now, from where I was.

    STERN - East on Elm?

    HOLLAND - Yes, up in here somewhere. [indicating.]

    Six Secret Service Agents, as well as police motorcyclists, and dozens of witnesses recall the limousine slowing down to almost a complete stop around the time of the first shots. Files talks about the limousine:

    The motorcade to the best of my recollection, to me and my mind—and everything is slowed down at this point—when the first shot went off, it’s like it stopped. It’s like it slowed down to almost a crawl or barely moving, or maybe it even stopped, I’m not really sure on that point. I knew I was waiting—(gestures) it kept moving so it had to been moving but very, very slow.

    Files describes the experience from his position:

    I’m hearing the shots being fired, I’m counting them as a miss, as a miss, miss. That’s the only thing I’m concerned about. I got this sign there, that’s fixing to come into my field of fire. As far as I can see at this point, the President has not been hit in the head at this time. I seen the body lurch, I know he’s been hit, how serious I don’t know. But my last instructions was, we’re going for a headshot, if you have to take a shot, take it, but don’t fire unless it’s a necessity…We want everything from the back side. I’m not asking why. [i tell him] “Okay, whatever you say.” At this point, it starts to approach, it comes behind that freeway sign. I’d already been instructed not to hit anybody but Kennedy, because they didn’t want Jackie getting hurt or anybody else. I’m fixing to lose my field of fire, and at this point, either I shoot or I put it in the suitcase and leave. One or the other. I took the shot. I fired one shot, one shot only.

    It is unknown exactly how many shots were fired. Many, such as Lee Bowers in the watch tower, and Sam Holland on the triple underpass, reported the last two shots, or reports as they are described, being very close together:

    Mr. STERN - Now, that statement makes clear that you heard four shots, though you heard four shots at that time?

    Mr. HOLLAND - Yes.

    Mr. STERN - All right.

    Mr. HOLLAND - But, two of them was rather close together, though.

    Mr. STERN - So close do you think that might have been one shot?

    Mr. HOLLAND - No, it was four.

    Mr. Holland is asked, which of the four shots were fired close together?

    Mr. HOLLAND - The third and fourth. The third and the fourth.

    Mr. STERN - So, that it might have been the third or the fourth?

    Mr. HOLLAND - It could have been the third or fourth, but there were definitely four reports.

    Mr. STERN - You have no doubt about that?

    Mr. HOLLAND - I have no doubt about it. I have no doubt about seeing that puff of smoke come out from under those trees either.

    Lee Bowers and Holland describe their impression of the events:

    At the time of the shooting, in the vicinity of where the two men I have described were, there was a flash of light or, as far as I am concerned, something I could not identify, but there was something which occurred which caught my eye in this immediate area on the embankment. Now, what this was, I could not state at that time and at this time I could not identify it, other than there was some unusual occurrence - a flash of light or smoke or something which caused me to feel like something out of the ordinary had occurred there. (Rush to Judgment, Mark Lane, 1966)

    HOLLAND: There was a shot, a report, I don't know whether it was a shot. I can't say that. And a puff of smoke came out about 6 or 8 feet above the ground right out from under those trees. And at just about this location from where I was standing you could see that puff of smoke, like someone had thrown a firecracker, or something out, and that is just about the way it sounded. It wasn't as loud as the previous reports or shots. (WC)

    Mr. Holland had been consistent from the beginning, that he had “no doubt” in his mind whatsoever that one of the shots came from the trees behind the wooden fence. He is not alone. The following are some of the witnesses who made statement that they heard at least one shot come from the grassy knoll area:

    Abraham Zapruder: He was standing on the knoll itself filming the assassination.

    James Tague: He was hit by one of the bullets fired while standing near the triple underpass. When counsel suggested he might have heard echoes, he replied, "there was no echo." (Testimony of James Thomas Tague to the Warren Commission, July 23, 1964)

    Jean Hill, and Charles Brehm: They were both standing on the south side of Elm Street

    William Newman: Newman and his wife were standing at the base of the grassy knoll, and were the closest to the motorcade witnessing the headshot.

    Mary Woodward, Maggie Brown, and Aurelia Lorenzo: They were all standing to the left front of the knoll.

    Jean Newman: Standing between the Stemmons Freeway sign on Elm Street and the TSBD.

    John Chism: Chism and his wife were standing beneath a freeway sign on Elm Street.

    Bill Lovelady, and O. V. Campbell: Both were employees at the TSBD (!)

    James L. Simmons, and Richard C. Dodd, who were with Sam Holland on the triple underpass.

    Lee Bowers in the watch tower.

    The Rear Headshot

    According to the 1992 book Double Cross: The Explosive, Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America, Charles Nicoletti was one of the shooters during the assassination. Files says that when he had made that shot from the front-right, changing U.S. history forever, he has said that the one thing that was passing through his mind at that moment, was how frustrated he was that he missed his target by no more than one or two inches. Files elaborates on the headshot in his 1994 interview for Confessions of an Assassin:

    So, as I fired my round, Mr. Nicoletti and I fired approximately at the same time as the head started forward, and then it went backward. I would have to say that his shell struck approximately 1000th of a second ahead of mine…(Confessions of an Assassin 1994)

    Files clarifies in 2003, partially in defense of what he considers poor accuracy on his part, that his skill as a marksman, and his knowledge of weapons and ballistics leaves no doubt that Charles Nicoletti hit the President in the head from behind:

    MARRS: You think he got hit (in the head from behind), just as you were squeezing?

    FILES: What I believe is this: I got my readings as a marksman. I’m a good shooter--always was, and I’m not bragging on myself, don’t get me wrong, but that’s what got me my start with David Phillips, ‘cause of something I did in the Service, and I made a mark there and it’s on record, and it’s recorded, for headshots, what I did and the things that I did. But anyway, to make a long story short: As I was preparing to squeeze off my round, Kennedy’s head moved forward just as I squeezed…Let me clear the facts now: I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy, but I know he was the man in the Dal-Tex building, the man supposed to be doing the shooting. Therefore the head started forward, as far as I’m concerned Mr. Nicoletti hit him at that point. As I squeezed off my round, the head started forward, I hit it, and blew the head backwards.

    The possibility of a shot to the head from behind, has been an acknowledged, but rarely pursued theory. A shot from the rear does not argue for a conspiracy as strongly at the infamous frontal headshot. During the HSCA investigation, Dr. Cyril Wecht gives his opinion:

    I have raised some questions concerning the head wound and the possibility, albeit remote, of a second shot fired in synchronized fashion … (Testimony of Dr. Cyril Wecht to the HSCA, Sept. 8, 1978)

    Dr. Wecht has personally performed over 14,000 autopsies during his career as Forensic Pathologist, and has supervised or reviewed more than twice that number. Wecht then addresses the possible headshot from the rear in relation to the President’s head movements:

    The question of the President's movement after he was struck in the head makes us direct our attention toward such a possibility and…make it important to just raise that possibility, remote as it may be, that a second shot might have struck the President in the head in synchronized or simultaneous fashion.

    Dr. Wecht’s reference to Kennedy’s movement in the Zapruder Film shows visual confirmation of a simultaneous shot from the rear and the front can be seen clearly in frames 312, 313, and 314. The President is clearly in distress as Mrs. Kennedy is at his side, when his head is thrown forward for an instant, then violently backwards.

    Dr. Wecht is by no means alone. Dr. Joseph Riley, an expert in neuroanatomy who had viewed the original autopsy evidence and skull X-rays says the evidence proves "conclusively that John Kennedy was struck in the head by two bullets, one from the rear and one from the front." Radiologist Dr. Randy Robertson came to the same conclusion. (“THE GHOSTS OF NOVEMBER” By Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan “Vanity Fair” magazine, December 2001)

    The description of the special hollow-point bullets filled with mercury that Files received from Wolfman seems to be consistant with analysis of bullet fragments in the President’s skull x-rays. Files says these rounds were used by both himself, and Nicoletti in the Dal-Tex building. Dr. Wecht explains the possibility of an exploding bullet:

    It is, therefore, possible that that extensive deformity of the scalp, underlying galea, underlying bone calvarium, could also be the locus of the second shot of some kind of frangible ammunition which would not have penetrated deeply or at all through the calvarium. I want to emphasize that this is remote but I have pointed this out because it is a possibility.

    The Forensic Pathology Panel itself noted the presence of "missile dust" near the wound in the front of the head. One of the expert radiologists who examined the x-rays noticed "a linear alignment of tiny metallic fragments" located in the "posterior aspect of the right frontal bone." The chief autopsy pathologist, Dr. James J. Humes, remarked about the numerous metallic fragments like grains of sand scattered near the front head wound. The medical evidence, then, definitely proves the existence of a cloud of fragments in the right front portion of Kennedy's head, convincing evidence…that an exploding bullet actually did strike the president there. (CRIME OF THE CENTURY, by Michael Kurtz, pp. 177-178.)

    Researcher David Lifton describes in his bestselling book Best Evidence that the laws of Newtonian physics make clear that the President was hit from the front, but he also describes his near obsession in 1966 over the cause of the forward head snap. He lists the possibility of two headshots from different directions, but claims this is improbable.

    It was highly unlikely that two gunmen, even if both were wearing headsets and responding to the same order, would fire two shots which struck within the same eighteenth of a second. Such things as human reaction time and slight differences in distance from the target would introduce an element of randomness. (David Lifton, Best Evidence, Dell Publishing Co., Inc, p. 82)

    But it seems that according to Files, randomness is exactly what was behind the simultaneous headshot. He claims that no radio communication was used between him and anyone else, and that they were not responding to real-time orders on whether to fire. The rear headshot was simply a result of chance, or as some might put it, fate.

    The Front Headshot

    In addition to hearing at least one shot from the knoll, many witnesses were unfortunate enough to witness the fatal head wound with their own eyes. There were dozens of reports of the back of the President’s head being blasted out.

    Files describes the head wound from his position, looking through the scope. He remembers seeing Mrs. Kennedy reaching over the back of the car:

    FILES: I gotta figure well she’s gotta be picking up a piece of his skull or something, ‘cause lotta people say you can’t see nothing through a scope like this, but what you’re gonna see is like—and I saw it, the head exploded. I saw the backside come out I seen brains or whatever you wanna call it. Tissue, hair, whole thing going everywhere. Just a spray! And if anybody disbelieves this, go out and shoot somebody and look through a scope while you’re doing it, and watch.

    MARRS: Did you see anyone splattered with blood?

    FILES: Err, I don’t know who was splattered, I think one of the agents, one of the secret service agents riding on the back of the car. I’m only assuming ‘cause I would say they probably got splattered ‘cause there was stuff everywhere.

    Confirmation from witnesses, and doctors at Parkland Hospital was powerful, direct evidence of a shot from the front. For years lone-gunman theorists ignored these witnesses as being “mistaken.” However, with the release of HSCA and ARRB documents formerly withheld from the public regarding the testimonies of witnesses at the President’s autopsy, lone gunman theorists have, by any standard, lost their case.

    Here is a list of some new witnesses, mostly from Bethesda Naval Hospital, who saw a large hole in the back-right of the President’s head:

    Commanding Officer of the Military District of Washington, D.C Maj. Gen. Philip C. Wehle

    (8/19/77 interview with the HSCA's Andy Purdy [HSCA record # 10010042,

    agency file # 002086, p. 2])

    Aide to General Wehle Richard A. Lipsey (1/18/78 (audio-taped) interview with the HSCA's Andy Purdy and

    Mark Flanagan (RIF#180-10105-10405[see footnote on p. 619 of "Best Evi-

    dence": "Lipsey insisted that Purdy tape record his interview, and Lipsey also

    made his own tape of the interview for his records." See also pp. 186-187 of

    "Bloody Treason" by Noel Twyman]))

    Bethesda Medical photographer Floyd Albert Riebe, "JFK: An Unsolved Murder", KRON, 11/18/88 (repeated in "JFK: The Case for

    Conspiracy" video 1993 [see still photo on p. 88 of Groden's "TKOAP"])

    Assistant Chief of radiology Dr. John H. "Jack" Ebersole (3/9/78 interview with Gil Delaney of the "Lancaster (PA) Intelligencer-

    Journal"[see also "Best Evidence", p. 543, as part of Chapter 23 entitled "Allega-

    tions of Dr. John Ebersole"])

    Bethesda X-ray technicians

    Dr. Edward F. Reed,Jr., (Interview with the HSCA (RIF#180-10105-10399 [see also "Cover-Up" by Stewart Galanor, p. 33]))

    Jerrol F. Custer (9/7/77 interview with the HSCA's Mark Flanagan (RIF#180-10103-10116,

    Agancy File Number 002339))

    Bethesda Laboratory Technologists:

    Paul O’Connor (HSCA Testimony of Paul O’Connor 6/28/78, “Bloody Treason” by Noel Twyman, 1997)

    James Curtis Jenkins (HSCA Testimony of James Curtis Jenkins 8/24/77)

    Lab Assistant Jan Gail "Nick" Rudnicki


    Tom Robinson (HSCA testimony of Tom Robinson)

    John Van Hoesen (ARRB deposition of John Van Hoesen, September 26, 1996)

    White House photographer Joe O'Donnell (ARRB depositions of Joe O'Donnell, January 29 and February 28, 1992)

    FBI Agents

    Frank O’Neill (Deposition of Francis X. O'Neill to the ARRB, September 12, 1997, pp. 69-70)

    James Sibert (Deposition of James W. Sibert to ARRB, September 11, 1997, pp. 65-72)

    It is inconceivable that these men in charge of examining the President’s wounds, morticians working with the President’s body for long periods of time, federal agents, photographers, and high-ranking military leaders were all “mistaken” when they testified, under oath, to what they saw. After almost 45 years of accumulating information, any attempt to discredit the notion that the President was shot from the front is, to put it mildly, inappropriate.

    Forged Autopsy Photos

    The authenticity of a particular autopsy photo of President Kennedy released to the public by the HSCA has been called into question for decades. Marrs and Files discuss the details of the head wound:

    MARRS: Where was the exit? On the right side or the left side?

    FILES: Uh, (indicating) partially most of it on his right side I guess. Back there, where the section come right out, part of the back of the skull. I didn’t go look at it, I didn’t examine it. And lot of people might find this hard to believe, but I’ve never read anything on the Kennedy Assassination ‘cause I was never interested in it.

    Files is then asked whether he has seen the autopsy pictures of President Kennedy. He recalls Pamela Ray sending him a copy of High Treason, where he looked at a few pictures but was never interested, and never read it. He is given a copy of a photo of the back of Kennedy’s head, and is asked for his comment. “You’re gonna make me put my glasses on aren’t ya?” he says with a grin. After scanning the photo for a moment with a perplexed look, he says, “part of the flap on the side is missing, but I don’t see very much in this picture here of the back of the head missing. What I’m looking at here is a lotta hair.” Files is then asked what is his conclusion. “What’s my conclusion?” he says bluntly. “That ain’t the right picture!” A few chuckles are heard throughout the room as Marrs gives a simple thank you while regaining his composure.

    Files has never really considered himself The man who killed John F. Kennedy. He says, “I hit him in the front…he was shot in the back [of the head] also…If I hadn’t of fired the shot…Kennedy would have been killed anyway.” (Confession of an Assassin 1994) Indeed, not only would Kennedy be dead, but the argument for multiple shooters in Dealey Plaza would have been virtually baseless in the minds of the American public. Arguments for Jack Ruby’s mob connections, Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA history, and the dramatic changes in JFK’s policies after Lyndon Johnson assumed the thrown would have all faded from the minds of those who even for a moment wanted to question whether one man, with a poor-quality rifle, could simply aim out a window, and strike down one of history’s greatest leaders.


  8. I read that Wim Dankbaar was recently arrested and jailed over his investigation of a Dutch crime.

    While I do not believe the Files story and I have taken pot shots at Dankbaar on occasion, I believe his arrest was an abuse of police power. Whatever his position on the JFK case, whatever his business motives, he seems determined to bring facts to the surface regardless of the consequences. So in that light I just wanted to voice my protest at his incarceration and wish him well.

    The first I heard about this last year is when Chauncey Holt's daughter Karen emailed me and told me "Hey did you know Wim Dankbaar is in jail?" I said it didn't surprise me. She said he was caught stealing information off journalists Peter DeVries computer. Among other things, she also told me how Dankbaar harrassed her and her husband in California.

    Pamela Ray

  9. ...

    As for Michael Townley, I think I told you about him in my last letter to you and he never changed his hair. We operated on different levels so to speak and he was well known as a Lt. Col. in the DINA and as wife Maria said to the press after the bombing in D.C., “My husband was a killing machine for the CIA and now he is a talking machine for the news media…” That was when Michael rolled over on everyone and took the plea bargain for the bombing and only got five years and that bombing took two lives on “Sheridan Circle AKA Embassy Row.” [Letelier] Yes, she was very disappointed in her husband. But she too was a true assassin and very good at it. At one point she all most had me convinced to terminate Michael when we were all living together in Chile, just outside of Santiago, about 4,000 feet up in the mountains in a 9 room house. There was her, Michael, their 3 kids and me. I think it was 3 kids, one of them could have been her niece, I really don’t remember. I just felt the kids should not be there in the house. I was always worried about the army coming there and giving us a problem. Also, we had some nasty characters coming there to see us, as we, or I was working with the Death Squads at that time with Bosch and a few others.

    ... more at


  10. Now available FREE at


    Pamela Ray & James Files

    Question of Pamela or anyone else affiliated with this story. When was the first time Files said Roselli was flown in to in some way 'stop the assassination'?

    The first time James Files said Johnny Roselli was flown in on a MATS (Military Air Transport Service) flight to abort the assassination was in 1994 during the first filmed interivew. The film was released in 1996 and pulled from Blockbuster in 1999.

    Thank you for your interest.

    Pamela Ray & James Files

    And what year did Wim or Vernon and Tosh Plumlee start working together and having an exchange between them [Files and Plumlee]? And I'm not making any judgments here. The statement is the only other I know of that in any way coincides with Plumlee's statements - just trying to tease out if it came from Plumlee to Files or is an independant bit of information [whether correct or not is another matter]. I know Plumlee for a while felt comfortable or interested with Files, yet now does not - complicating it even more - as he now thinks the Files story [which supports one portion of his own] is not valid, I believe. Again, just trying to clarify and not making judgements. Yet. I know there were complex interpersonal 'difficulties' somewhere. How did this fit in here? Thanks.

    I will look up the date in my notes at home and give a more detailed answer tomorrow.

    There is much more to the complex interpersonal 'difficulties' between Files and Plumlee than meets the eye. For one, Tosh Plumlee is not in prison and has much more to lose if he tells all he knows about James Files, covert operations in general, Operation Group 40 etc..

  11. Now available FREE at


    Pamela Ray & James Files

    Question of Pamela or anyone else affiliated with this story. When was the first time Files said Roselli was flown in to in some way 'stop the assassination'?

    The first time James Files said Johnny Roselli was flown in on a MATS (Military Air Transport Service) flight to abort the assassination was in 1994 during the first filmed interivew. The film was released in 1996 and pulled from Blockbuster in 1999.

    Thank you for your interest.

    Pamela Ray & James Files

  12. James Files Interview for Pamela Ray

    Location: Stateville Prison Joliet, Illinois

    November 19, 2003

    Cast of Characters

    James Files – Confessed assassin of headshot to JFK, dual CIA/Mob assassin, former member of U.S. covert assassin group Operation Group 40, born-again Christian 1999

    Pamela Ray – Author and friend of James Files since 1999 –Files asked her to write book with him in 2000. Ms Ray was supposed to be at 2003 interview with James Files

    Jim Marrs – Author and person Pamela Ray agreed to have interview James Files in 2003

    Gary Beebe – Cameraman

    Mrs. Debbie French – Stateville Prison administration person

    Wim Dankbaar – person looking to buy and sell video footage of James Files

    Unedited film starts with James Files entering room, very agitated and asking

    JF: Where’s Pamela?

    WD: Uh…she’s okay with it.

    JF: Huh?

    WD: She’s okay with it.

    JF: She’s supposed to be a part of this!

    WD: (papers shuffling) uh…here’s the agreement (2003 Ray/Dankbaar Joint Venture/Revenue Sharing Agreement that Dankbaar has been in breach of since 2003)

    JM: We came up here earlier and she was with us and the prison authorities said that they can’t allow – or their rules are they don’t allow family, friends, close associates and media in. We tried to talk with them and they said, “No, that’s the way it is” and so she wrote you this note…

    (Pamela Ray wrote a note to James Files basically explaining what happened in front of Stateville prison that morning and she was assured by Dankbaar that their business agreement would be honored. She encouraged James Files in the handwritten note, despite being promised to be at the interview, to go ahead and do the interview to help publish their book in 2004. The title of this book was To Kill A Country. Accustom to getting what he wants with his money, Dankbaar proceeds to interfere with their book’s publisher in 2004 and the publisher cancelled the book due to Dankbaar’s constant interference as a supposedly “Silent Partner.” Dankbaar subsequently took material from the publisher and put out a book without Pamela Ray or James Files permission or approval in 2005.

    Back at Stateville, a few months after the 2003 interview, James Files checked into this “No family, friends or close associates with media rule” and evidently it was NOT a prison rule and someone at the prison was lying about whether or not Pamela Ray was allowed to be there for the interview. Curiously, Mrs. French was present at both the confrontation in front of the prison when Pamela Ray was supposed to go in as well as in the interview room later.

    Pamela Ray, speaking with Jim Marrs several months later about the situation, when she told Marrs what James Files said about it NOT being a prison rule said, “Oh really? That is not what I understood.” Jim Marrs was NOT in on the deception and treachery. Jim Marrs is one of the “good guys.”)

    JM: So she wrote you this note, I’m going to have to ask for it back ‘cause they said you could get in trouble if you tried to take it out of here.

    JF: (Puts on reading glasses)

    (Stateville employee – Mrs. French enters room)

    MF: If he’s going to do the interview I have to get his consent…

    JM: Wait a minute. Let’s see what he says…

    JF: (Reading note)

    WD: Jimmy, we also have the agreement here that she signed…

    JF: Okay (still reading) I cannot sign an agreement like that (Pointing to 2003 Ray/Dankbaar Joint Venture/Revenue Sharing Agreement) You see, I can sign no contracts…

    WD: No, I know…

    JF: You gotta understand, prisoners are not allowed to engage or enter into any contracts. That’s why she (Pamela Ray) has to take care of that.

    WD: Right

    JF: (Back to reading Pamela’s note)

    GB: (Cameraman) Does that include a model release? A model release to use this footage?

    MF: Pardon?

    GB: Does that include a release allowing us to use this footage?

    WD: Right. That’s what this is.

    MF: He’s agreeing to…

    JF: I gave one of those to Bob Vernon also…

    MF: He agreed to this.

    JF: (To Mrs. French) Can I see your pen for a minute? (Leaning over table)

    MF: Sure… (Sweet and chipper)

    JF: (Sits down to write note on Pamela’s note)

    JM: I guess you can tell by what she wrote there…

    JF: That’s why I type all my letters because I have terrible handwriting…

    GB: Wim move (Dankbaar stepping into frame)

    WD: (To James Files) She was all tears by the way, but I guess you can tell.

    JM: Yeah, you can tell that from whatever she wrote…

    JF: (Writing on note to give back to Jim Marrs. Files, assured that Pamela Ray would be taken care of, agreed to proceed with the interview.

    James Files and Jim Marrs made some small talk about Gordon Gray, UFO’s, J. Allen Hynek, Edward Teller, UFO’s and Special Ops, James Files taking some pictures and the military confiscating them from him.)

    JF: I just had to ask you about Gordon Gray and Majestic Twelve ‘cause I was always amazed at that.

    JM: You read Rule by Secrecy didn’t you?

    JF: Yeah, I got it now. I got it in my box.

    JM: Where did you get it?

    JF: I got it from Barry Falls. Barry Falls is a great admirer and friend of yours.

    JM: That’s right.

    JF: From Massachusetts…he’s the one who sent me your address and ask me to write to you and I wrote you the letter and told you I can’t contact anybody directly, it has to go through Pamela. Did you get that letter?

    JM: Yeah, is it the one with the ships drawn on ‘em?

    JF: Yeah.

    JM: I want to tell ya you’re a good artist. Let's begin

    Jim Marrs and James Files “The Grassy Knoll Shooter”

    Q - What is your recollection of how Joe West contacted you and what did you think of Joe West?

    A - Joe West originally contacted me here at Stateville prison when I was on a visit. The counselor came in the visiting room where I was at and stated that she wanted me to come out and make a phone call. I told her, “No way, I'm here 365 days a year. I'm not leaving my visit to make a phone call. I said, "Who's calling?" Someone from Texas named Joe West. I do not know the party. Tell 'm I call them on my time, not their time. I'm on a visit. Don't bother me while I am on a visit. The next day they come and got me out of my cell, they took me downstairs; they got a phone call hooked up. I call Joe West to talk to him. I told him: You have 3 minutes to convince me why I should talk to you. As Joe started talking to me, I told him: Woo, stop! You go through a lot of touchy spots; these phone calls are all recorded. Every phone call going in and coming out is recorded. If you want to talk to me that bad, then I suggest you come and visit me. Joe West had me put him on the visiting list. He came up to visit me. He spent two days of talking with me. The first day I wouldn't even talk to him about the Kennedy situation. We got into sports; weather, generally about prison, local things till I got comfortable with him. The next day, after I had thought it over all night, Joe West seemed like a pretty nice guy, I really liked Joe. He had magnetism about him. The next day we sit down and got serious and then we started talking. I sit in the visiting room with Joe. They gave us a pencil and paper. I sketched the entire Dealey Plaza out for him, without any maps, without pictures, nothing present, and I explained to Joe at that time because Joe wanted to know where I was at. And I said: I'm going to put an X on the paper, to signify me, but this X is not in the correct spot. I said: When the time comes, then I'll put the X where it is supposed to be.

    Q- What had you told him that Joe knew you were in Dealey Plaza?

    A - Oh, I asked him. He said that someone had informed him that I was there. He said he had a reliable source. And I didn't know for quite a while who that source was. It was quite some time later before I learned the fact that the FBI was aware of my presence as early as 1964. Because I never knew that anyone ever knew about me. But Zack Shelton, from what I understand, and I'm only quoting this from hearsay, that Zack was the one that stated and gave to Joe West the information on me: that I was in Dealey Plaza.

    Q - That's my understanding. Did you ever actually confess to taking the shot to Joe West?

    A- No, I never did.

    Q- Make a statement.

    A- Well, the whole thing is, like with Joe West ... Joe West died. He passed away, never knowing that I was one of two shooters there in Dealey Plaza that day. Joe West never knew I was on the grassy knoll.

    Q- Do you have any thoughts on his death? Do you think that was natural?

    A- Joe West went in for heart surgery. And from what I was told and from what I understood, that he had come through it very well and he was on the road to recovery. But then I was informed there was complications with his medicine, he was allergic to it or had an allergy or something. But it killed him, the medication killed him. A couple of years ago, maybe a year and a half ago, I heard through the grapevine, and I won't go into the party that brought this information to me, they said that someone had tampered with Joe's medication and he had received the wrong medication. Because they wanted to silence him.

    Q - That's (also) according to his wife.

    A- And why would they want to silence him?

    Q- We had ... I shouldn't say we, Joe West had the case in court; he wanted to exhume John F. Kennedy's body. And that's what he was fighting for. And at this point when I talked to Joe West, I explained to him that John F. Kennedy had been hit in the head with a mercury round, a special load. At this point I explained to him he can use this in the court to have the body exhumed because there would still be traces of mercury because the traces of mercury do not disappear. That will always be there. So this is what Joe West wanted to go back with, more evidence, and use this to get Kennedy's body exhumed. To look for traces of mercury.

    Q- And the court had accepted his case?

    A- The court had accepted his case. But with his death, the case died.

    Q- Do you feel like your memory is as good as it was 10 years ago?

    A- No, I do not, it’s not that good. My memory as of 10 years ago was a lot more alert than what it is now. It's not that I'm just getting old and senile, but it's the conditions of prison, the conditions we live under. Our water here, when people come in and I'm sure you was advised not to drink the water from here and to buy a bottle of water. I've been drinking this water for the past 12 years with radium in it, so has every prisoner here. We wasn't aware of the water situation until Oliver Stone comes along to make a movie here. And when he made his movie here, we see all these people from the movie company running around carrying bottles of water. Even the officers that worked here, they got suspicious and that's when we started finding out: this water is unhealthy.

    Q- Just at the side, you know: Sodium fluoride is what they put in some city's water supplies. That's what the Nazi's put in the water supplies of those concentration camps to keep everybody pacified.

    A- Yeah, well, they keep us pretty well pacified and they really kept us pacified since we went on about a ten month lockdown and they took the prison back and run it under their order now. And I mean this place is really maximum control now. There is no movement here at all to speak of.

    Q- Did you actually meet Oliver Stone?

    A- I met Oliver Stone three times. As a matter of fact I have a paper that Joe West no excuse me, not Joe West but Bob Vernon, had Oliver Stone sign. Now Bob Vernon had come in after the Joe West deal. Bob Vernon took over for Joe West. Bob Vernon met with Oliver Stone and he had him sign an agreement where they wanted to get me on film, but I refused to do that. I met with Oliver Stone three times.

    Q- And you never told him your story?

    A- No, I did not tell Oliver Stone my story. I refused to discuss it with him and like I say, I've got a copy and it’s got Oliver Stone's signature on it. Bob Vernon’s’ the only signature that states what it's all about, the only thing missing is my signature because I would never sign that paper for the agreement.

    Q- Why was that?

    A- I didn't like the man!

    Q- Case closed!

    A- Case closed! And if you'd like I would be more than happy to send you a copy of the document. And it has got Oliver Stone's original signature on it. And it has Bob Vernon's signature on it.

    Q- Well, I've got a whole bunch of questions, you understand what we’re doing, and we’re doing this new interview to help you and Pam,


    Q- Let’s just go back in chronology, just tell me your own account again. Go back to when you first learned there was a plot to kill Kennedy and then just bring us forward and how it all came about.

    A- Okay, the first time that I knew about anything being planned on Kennedy. Oh, I heard a lot of rumors, nobody liked Kennedy, they wanted to kill Kennedy, they wanted to assassinate him. They wanted to do everything to the man.

    Q- Were you kind of upset with him yourself?

    A- Oh I was upset with him over the Bay of Pigs, but I never paid any attention to any of this at first, because you know, everybody talks, somebody gets mad at somebody and right away: I'm gonna take this guy out, I'm gonna get that person out, woo, woo, woo, woo! You know, a lot of barking, junkyard dogs barking you know. But I was sitting in the Harlo Grill that evening, playing the pinball machine. Not the flipper kind, the kind with numbers where you gamble on, you put about 10 dollars in to play a game. And Charles Nicoletti walked in. The man that I did a lot of work with, a man that I respected. And he walked in the back room where I was at, he says: Jimmy let's go! I said: I'll be with you in a minute! He reached over the machine to me and he said: Let's go now! My reply was: Yes sir, Mr. Nicoletti! I knew he was in no mood to wait and hang around. He said: I wanna talk to you. I went out and we got into his car and went for a ride, and we made it a basic habit not to sit around in restaurants, talk, discussing things like that with a lot of people hearing. And we went for a ride and he told me: We are going to do a friend of yours! And I said: Jesus, what the hell did he do now? Because I thought he was referring to one of my friends in town, he had been robbing the pinball machines and the cigarette machines; he had a 1000-dollar-a-day-heroin habit. He was an all out junky, you know. They had beaten him up several times and everything else and threatened him, but so far they had never gone as far as to kill him. Chuck laughs at me and he says, “No, not him, I'm talking about President Kennedy, JFK.” And I looked at him and says, “What? He says, “JFK, your buddy!”

    I think he's just busting my… you know, giving me a hard time. He knew JFK and he knew how much I disliked the man. So I looked at him and I laughed. I said: Okay, fine! Fine with me! You get no arguments there! And at this point I still kind of thought, you know, he was just joking with me. But then he got real serious about it. And we started talking and he says, “I want you to look around, search the areas around the town” he says, “You know everything pretty good. See where we are going to do it at, what kind of weapons we are going to need and other things like that. And he says, “They’re bringing Johnny Roselli in on it. Fine with me, I like workin’ with Johnny; I have no problems with him. And originally we had planned to do it in the Chicago area, but certain people didn't like that idea, so we put it off and this like six months before the assassination ever really took place.

    Q- But you were not supposed to be a shooter?

    A- Oh no, never, I was not a shooter, I was ... Let's put it this way: I was to go for this, go for that, pick this up, pick that up, run around, driving around. When Chuck went somewhere, I was always with him.

    Q- Did you ever get wind that the Secret Service might have found out about the plot in Chicago?

    A- No, I did get no wind on that at all. I just knew that certain people high up in organized crime, they weren't too happy about the idea of having something like that happen of that magnitude in their backyard. Because they figured Bobby would really be down there and they already had their own little private wars going. So we decided where to take the move, I had no idea it was going to Texas at that point. This had come to me down the road.

    Q- About when was that?

    A- Well, I wanna say... probably two and half, three months, maybe four, before I ever made the trip to Texas that they were talking about it. Because they didn't know where he was gonna go. They were looking for an area to go. But then they had heard that he possibly may take this trip to Texas, but there was nothing definite. And I didn't go to Texas until that had been confirmed. And... they had several different locations, there was New Orleans and I don't know, there was other places he was going to. But when it came down to it, I had been told there was places that they had planned to do it, other people had been authorized and stuff like that, you know, just different rumors you hear. How much credibility there is to it, I cannot say. But when the time had come and we knew it was going to be serious and Chuck was sending me to Texas, that's when I went down on Belmont Avenue, the old (inaudible) place where they made the pinball machines. I had a shed down there, a place, a backroom, that was all owned by the Outfit too, the pinball machines. I kept a cache of weapons down there; we used to do a lot of work on them there. When I say we, I refer to a party named Wolfman, who is now deceased, but at that time he was excellent, modifying weapons, manufacturing loads, whatever coming down to handguns, rifles. This guy was professionalized. He could manufacture things in his basement, like you wouldn't believe, from silencers all down the line, he did it all for them. So I went down there, got the stuff we needed. And we had the one car that he just bought, I had already secured everything in there, we had secret compartments in it. And every car that we had, even before the '63 Chevy, even in the '61 Ford that we had prior to that in '62, we had compartments in the dash where you could reach up under it and open things up, put grenades in there, handguns, whatever we might need. Behind the backseat we had gun racks in the cars. We had pull-off door panels that could snap off, we could put them back on, we had handguns and stuff in there. Whatever you might need, but we always had a work-car ready.

    Q- So what did Wolfman do for you?

    A- Wolfman, when I contacted him after all this went down, and this is several years later, this is when I first met Joe West and Joe West had come here and visited me, we talked and he asked me: Do you think this party called Wolfman would talk to me? And Joe asked me what his real name was and I told him: I won't divulge that but I will call him and talk to him. So I called him on the phone and I told him I was talking to Joe West from Texas, and he wanted to know who Joe was and I explained all this to him and I said: Joe would very much like to interview you. I did not give Joe West your name but I told him that you was the one that manufactured the special rounds. He made six rounds for me to take to Texas, all mercury loaded. I said: He wants to talk to you very much. Will you talk with him? And he said: Get back to me! I'll let you know. He said: I wanna check a few things. The following week Wolfman was dead.

    Q- How did he die?

    A- I believe he had a heart attack. I have been in contact with nobody that was affiliated with Wolfman since that day.

    Q- Tell me about these mercury loads. Can you describe them?

    A- Well, it was a 22 round and he took the tips off, he drilled them out and he inserted with an eye drop, he put mercury into the end of the round and he restyled them with wax. This is to make them explode on impact.

    Q- Okay, so now you got your weapons ready, now describe the car.

    A- The car was a '63 Chevy two door Burgundy. Chevy Impala.

    Q- With the special compartment?

    A- Oh yeah, we had a special compartment in the dash, we had the backseat, you could take that off, pull the bottom part up, raise the back up, snap it up little clams and take that out. We had the springs removed behind the seat there by it and we had little racks welded in there so we could mount weapons in there.

    Q- Okay, so now you've got your weapons, you got your loads and you got your car. How did it come together after that?

    A- Well, just before I left, the final instructions Chuck told me: I want you to leave first thing in the morning. He said: I don't want you driving at night. I want you on the highway with a lot traffic during daytime where nobody pays any attention to you.

    Q- Go back and give me a date or approximately.

    A- I don't remember the date but I went down like week before the assassination. I wanna say I was in the Dallas area five days before the assassination took place.

    Q- And what was the purpose of that?

    A- The purpose of that was for me to go to Dallas, look over the area, learn dead-end streets, railroad crossings, times of train crossings. They already knew the regular motorcade route that he would be taking, and they had already looked that over and they wanted to see if there were any better places. A lot of people had already decided on, I'm not the one that chose Dealey Plaza, but I was told to look it over very closely and see if I thought there was any place better. And I did the whole area from the route they had. All the way through I had Lee Harvey Oswald with me.

    Q- All right, go back, about a week ahead of time, I think it was on Monday as I recall?

    A- I'm not sure...

    Q- Okay, but you left Chicago. Let's start .You left Chicago and you went to...

    A- No, I didn't leave on a Monday. I left on left either on a Thursday or a Friday morning, I don't remember which, I know I was in Mesquite, Texas Saturday morning. Because that was when Lee Harvey Oswald showed up at the motel where I was at. I arrived there on a Friday. I'm pretty sure it was Friday when I arrived there.

    Q- Did you call anybody when you got to Dallas?

    A- I made two telephone calls when I got there. I called Charles Nicoletti; I told him I was on the scene and where I was at in case he had to reach me. I turned around and made another phone call, I called David Atlee Phillips. I had a number to call, the call was put through to David Phillips and he was notified where I was at. Because I had not told him in advance that I was going to Dallas, Texas.

    Q- And why did you call David Atlee Phillips?

    A- Because he always had to know where I was at because he was my controller?

    Q- For?

    A- CIA purposes, special operations or something that might be needed done.

    Q- Were you supposed to stay in contact with him?

    A- We always stayed in contact. We had numbers to call.

    Q- What happened after that?

    A- He said „thank you” and let it go with that. We didn't have any great discussion on the phone; I told him where I was at, the location. And through David Atlee Phillips is the only way that Lee Harvey Oswald could have known where I was at. Because I called no one else. I made two phone calls.

    Q- Where were you staying?

    A- I was staying at the Lamplighter Inn, right there in Mesquite, Texas.

    Q- And then the next thing you knew, Lee Harvey Oswald shows up.

    A- The following morning Lee Harvey Oswald was there. When he knocked on the door, I opened the door and I was shocked to see him, because I didn't think that anybody knew where I was at except for these other two people.

    Q- Why is Phillips the only one who could have sent Lee Harvey Oswald?

    A- Because Charles Nicoletti had never met Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Q- He didn't know him?

    A- He did not know him.

    Q- You say you were shocked to see him, but did you know Lee Harvey Oswald?

    A- I had known Lee Harvey Oswald prior to that, yes.

    Q- How did you know him?

    A- I knew him from earlier operations that we were on with David Phillips when I was running semi automatic 45 caliber submachine guns down to Clinton, Louisiana. They were, I think they were manufactured by Knoxville Arms. They were not the old Thompson, they looked like a Thompson submachine gun, but they were not Thompson. They were only semi automatic and they were very cheaply made.

    Q- And how did you meet Lee Harvey Oswald? Who introduced you?

    A- I met Lee Harvey Oswald through David Atlee Phillips. When I got down there, he introduced me to Lee.

    Q- Was it your understanding that Phillips was also Oswald's CIA contact?

    A- I learned that when I was down there. That is the first time he introduced me to Lee Harvey Oswald and he also instructed me that Lee could be trusted and that he was Lee's controller.

    Q- I need that as a statement

    A- He made it a statement. Because I wanted to know who I was dealing with and who I was giving weapons to.

    Q- No, I need you to make a statement that "I was introduced by Phillips, who was my CIA handler and I was told that he was Oswald's handler."

    A- We didn't call them handlers back then, we called them controllers.

    Q- Okay.

    A- Okay, David Atlee Phillips, he introduced me to Lee Harvey Oswald. And upon doing this, he also explained to me that he was Lee Harvey Oswald's controller, the same as he was mine. That he was always in contact with Lee, with Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Q- So that's how you know. That's where the word came from for Oswald to come meet you in Dallas?

    A- So that's how common sense told me the only one that could have sent Lee Harvey Oswald, was David Atlee Phillips. And when I opened the door and Oswald was there, I was kind of shocked to see him, because I didn't know that he knew I was there. And so I asked: Lee, what the hell are you doing here? Because I was shocked, you know. He said: I was advised to drop by and spend some time with you and see if I could help you out. "Help me out?" He said: Yes, somebody wants me to show you the area. And I said: Okay, come on in. So he came in and we sat down and we talked and I said: I'll be with you in a few minutes. And I was young and cocky at that time and had just come out of the shower and everything and I was combing my hair and actually I had a camera there, so I told Lee: Hey, make a couple of pictures of me while I'm here in Texas! And so Oswald made a couple of pictures of me and then he said: Let me have the film, I can have it developed! No, no, I said, I'll get the whole roll of film. So that's how I got a couple of pictures made, that people have recently asked me about.

    Q- Which camera was it? Yours or...?

    A- My camera. But he was gonna take the film, turn it in and get it developed. But I said: No, no!

    Q- You wouldn't let that film go?

    A- I do my own work!

    Q- How did he arrive at the motel?

    A- He arrived driving a blue Falcon. Ford Falcon.

    Q- Do you remember what year model?

    A- No, I don't. It wasn't brand new, it was a couple of years old.

    Q- Mmm, so he could drive?

    A- Yes, he could drive. When he met me in Clinton, Louisiana, he drove up in aah... I wanna say a Chevrolet truck, it could have been a Ford, it was a pick-up truck, let me put it that way; it was an old pick-up truck. And we put the weapons into the back end of it and pulled the tarp down over the weapons.

    A- What color? Do you remember what color pick-up?

    A- I believe it was green. It was a real ... .I don't know, dirty, yucky, green, whatever you gonna call it. Darker green, you know, it hadn't been washed in a long time and there was a lot of rust on it. That's about the best way to describe it.

    Q- So did you and Lee Oswald drive around in Dallas?

    A- We drove around Dallas, Lee Harvey Oswald and I, we drove around Dallas for five days right up to before the assassination. I did not see Lee Harvey Oswald on the morning of the assassination. But prior to that Lee Harvey Oswald had been with me every day. We drove around, he showed me different streets, different areas. He was the one that took me out to the place southeast of Mesquite there, next to a big junkyard. We went out in a field, he said: Nobody is going to bother you out here. Because I wanted to calibrate the scopes, you know, not only for the Fireball but for the other weapons as well. And while I was out there firing weapons and ejecting shell casings, Lee was picking them up and holding them in his hand. Because I didn't want to leave no casings or nothing behind and I'm busy firing, so I looked at Lee and said, "Lee, grab them casings.” And that's what he did. He picked them and held on to them. I calibrated my scopes, set things up, put the stuff back in to the car and we got back in. We were driving around and I wanted to know the railroad crossings, I wanted to wait and see at what times trains come through, I wanted to know if they were passengers or freight trains. Whether they stopped, intersection is gonna be blocked. Dead-end streets, construction work, where every intersection was at, where all the lights were at, how long the lights were staying red. I wanted to know all these little details.

    Q- Did anybody show up or give you any static while you were out there sighting the weapons?

    A- No, nobody. When I was test firing the weapons, nobody at all leaving or coming out, looked at me, and there wasn't any house or anybody close by, we were off the main highway there. Like I say, nobody came around, nobody even cared.

    Q- How much time were you two together during the day?

    A- We were test firing weapons for I would say approximately 20, 30 minutes. But during the day we probably spent no more than 5 hours, 6 hours together.

    Q- So all that time he could not have been working in the Texas school book depository?

    A- No, he worked in the book depository store, is what he told me. I was never in that place, but he had time off to come out and spend time with me and then I would drop him off in the area and he would go somewhere and I guess that's where he went. I never asked where he went, what he had done and who he saw.

    Q- So that must have been a cover job.

    A- Yeah.

    Q- Okay, it gets to be let's say Thursday before the assassination, how did it all come down?

    A- That Thursday I went on back to the motel, I dropped him off that afternoon, I went on back to the motel to get some rest. And the following morning, I had gotten a message that I was supposed to call Leo at the Dallas Cabana, and I called over there and answer the phone to Leo, because Mr. Nicoletti didn't want his name used. I knew he had come in late, I didn't know when he had come in; I didn't even know how he got there. But when I came in, I was told to come over there and park and Johnny Roselli was to come down. He wanted me to drive Johnny Roselli to Fort Worth. I pull out up front and waited, he came down a few minutes after I pulled up. I never went into the hotel and never asked for anybody. He came down and went outside because he knew I was in route. And I drove from there to Fort Worth, Texas with Johnny Roselli in the car.

    Q- So Mr. Nicoletti went with you?

    A- No, Mr. Nicoletti did not go.

    Q- Just Roselli?

    A- Just Johnny Roselli went with me to Fort Worth.

    Q- Did you know Roselli prior to that?

    A- I had met Johnny Roselli before. I met him in Florida, Miami.

    More to follow...

  13. Jim Marrs was contacted last year and told the Japanese, "If you want to try and interview James Files, you need to get in touch with Pamela Ray." Jim Marrs knows what went down in 2003 and the treachery and double crossing involving Wim Dankbaar and knew James Files would not talk to them.

    James Files did not want to do this interview in person at Stateville. I asked him if it would be okay to do a phone interview and the Japanese could film at my home in Hawaii. He reluctantly agreed. Part of the deal was to send me to Illinois later on in the year to do some filming with me outside the prison.

    After a series of terrible events last fall involving an associate of James Files, he did not want me to come to Illinois due to "the purge" that was happening and he said basically if I came, I would have a target painted on my back and he feared for my life and safety. He emphatically said that the purge had nothing to do with JFK or that assassination. "People back east are concerned about me talking and they’re cleaning up lose ends and this has nothing to do with Kennedy!"

    The phone interview was done in October 2007.

    Entire interview being transcribed.


  14. JFK to 9/11 and beyond…the debate continues.

    Who is pulling the strings - Zionist Israel or The Jesuits? The million dollar question often ignored in research circles…

    What source of power controls the intelligence agencies and military?

    Compiled by author and researcher Pamela Ray

    Interview with History: The JFK Assassination http://www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/ItemD...okid~40995.aspx

    “So while people have focused on how many assassins were involved,

    and how many shots they fired at JFK and where the shots came from

    and where the bullets hit, the real question of who was ultimately

    responsible for the assassination-not who fired the bullets, but

    who sponsored the assassins who fired those bullets-has been ignored.” -Michael Piper

    Was the Mossad involved in the JFK Assassination 1963?

    In the below email it should of course read 'Eric Phelps' instead of 'Michael Phelps' who claims that Jesuit Priests did a triple clip job on JFK.

    Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 02:11:00 +0200 (CEST)

    From: Robert M. Stockmann stock@stokkie.net

    To: Lenny Bloom cloak.dagger@gmail.com

    Cc: skolnick@ameritech.net, tips@infowars.com, prisonplanetweb@hotmail.com,

    chamish@netvision.net.il, eric@vaticanassassins.org, tarpley@tarpley.net,

    takingaim@pacbell.net, stewwebb@sierranv.net, webmaster@rense.com,

    prophecy@texemarrs.com, iamthewitness@hotmail.com,


    Subject: Re: 911 cover-up, update 3

    On Sat, 27 May 2006, Robert M. Stockmann wrote:

    On Fri, 26 May 2006, Lenny Bloom wrote:

    I would like to add another question. To what degree was the

    Mossad involved in the JFK Assassination 1963? Bystanders or Partakers?


    Hi Lenny,

    Well there seems to be a whole book written on the role of the Mossad

    during the Kennedy Assassination in 1963:

    "Michael Collins Piper's The Final Judgment"


    "The US mainstream media mentions many theories as to who killed

    John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963: Cuban exiles, the family of

    South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem, Fidel Castro, FBI

    Director J. Edgar Hoover, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, LBJ,

    the Mafia (getting close) and the CIA (right). But the US

    mainstream media never mentions one prime suspect: Israel. Could

    it be that those who control the US mainstream media do not want

    this explanation even mentioned?

    Michael Collins Piper's book, The Final Judgment, provides evidence

    in support of the theory that JFK was assassinated in a combined

    Mossad/CIA operation because he was an obstacle both to Israel's

    development of the atomic bomb and (since JFK was planning to

    withdraw from Vietnam) to the continuation of the CIA's

    heroin-smuggling operations in South-East Asia.

    This book was first published in 1994. It was reissued as a

    paperback in 2000 but Amazon now lists it as "out of stock", and

    available only as a used book (priced at US$155 - over six times

    the original list price of US$25).

    Below are given all eleven reviews of this book which appear on

    Amazon's website (as at 2003-11-22) and at the end is a message on

    this subject from Wade Frazier


    "Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy"

    by Michael Collins Piper

    Paperback: 760 pages

    Publisher: The Center for Historical Review; 5th ed edition (July 2000)

    Language: English

    ISBN: 0935036539


    This certainly looks like a true treasure to keep in mind when one is

    Book Hunting.

    Also listen to Pipers last Thursdays radio show:



    Inside this show Piper certainly wipes the floor with Michael (Eric Jon) Phelps book

    "Vatican Assassins" which documents that the Jesuits were behind

    the Kennedy Assassination.

    (2008 Pamela Ray: Not everyone agrees with this conclusion. http://www.vaticanassassins.org/jaz.htm )



    Hi Lenny,

    The investigation by Jim Garrison into the JFK Assassination is

    the groundwork from which one should draw conclusions IMHO.

    We saw Clay Shaw/Clay Bertrand : CIA

    We saw Jack Ruby: Mafia

    We saw David Ferrie: Mafia

    We saw Lee Harvey Oswald: CIA and Official Approved Patsy

    A good movie, which shows Jim Garrisons investigation in detail, is

    JFK the Movie, by Oliver Stone. Inside that movie a whistle blower from

    the Pentagon who calls himself Mister X, (Ray: L. Fletcher Prouty) played by Donald Sutherland, tells it was basically the Military Industrial Complex, who wanted JFK removed, as JFK wanted to close down the Vietnam Frenzy.

    If we compare 911 with the JFK Assassination, we see that it’s DoD

    inside the Pentagon who really pulls the strings. Why? Hmm who's got

    the most biggest and expensive guns? Just look over the years since

    1948, which department has had the biggest budgets approved by the

    appropriations committee's. Without any doubt, it’s the US Military which has received the most cash all these years since WWII. Look at how the Bushes have fed the Military with excessive cash.

    Who pulls the strings inside the US Military? Why don't you ask

    this Desperate General's Wife, where she tells about Lee Harvey

    Oswald and her husband, having had the same treatment, by abuse of

    homosexual acts. Supervisors of key personnel by the Chiefs of Staff in

    a homosexual fashion. How so called 'rising stars' are getting

    'tail-hooked' and windup into a sexual extortion game for life. See how

    she shows her diary and her current year book of CFR members. The Lady,

    Kay Griggs is scared to death after almost beaten to death by her

    husband. Her husband was a total mental wreckage, but is still in the

    ranks of US Colonel. He was getting 'programmed' by his superiors on 2

    hour boat trips. Listen how she tells about Henry Kissinger, where his

    real name is actually Heinz Kissinger:

    Kay Griggs, The Desperate General's Wife, talks about SHAPE and

    Blackmail In US Government:


    The above 6 hour interview is really a must see.

    Now where does the US Military all of a sudden get all this weird

    homosexual and sexual abuse practices from? Why should a Chief of Staff, (or is it more Piece of Shaft?), Commandant or Generals have sex orgies with hookers, whilst their lawful Wife's are being told to

    better get used to this? Why are the Special Ops into these sexual

    practices, and next turn into the devil during their special ops

    killings, torturing wife's and children? Why does she speak of "The

    German Disease", "A really old German culture", which has infected all

    of the key staffers inside the Military? Why does she speak of

    "getting Brownie Points" after special ops have killed innocent and

    honest people?

    Where does all this crap come from? Ain't it these Sabbathian,

    Cabbalist and Frankist Elites which have done just the same during the

    centuries? In 1947 Howard Watson Ambruster, writes in "Treason's Peace

    - German Dyes and American Dupes " the following:

    “THE HUGE INTERNATIONAL chemical combine and cartel leader that is known as I.G. Farben had its beginning some seventy-five years ago, with the founding in Germany of six small coal-tar companies. By 1939 these six companies had grown into the ominous-sounding INTERESSEN GEMEINSCHAFT FARBENINDUSTRIE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, of FRANKFORT am MAIN, which translated literally, means "community of interests of the dye manufacturing companies." I.G. Farben is usually discussed as a huge German cartel which controls chemical industries throughout the world and from which profits flow back to the headquarters in Frankfurt. Farben, however, is no mere industrial enterprise conducted by Germans for the extraction of profits at home and abroad. Rather, it is and must be recognized as a cabalistic organization which, through foreign subsidiaries and by secret tie-ups, operates a far-flung and highly efficient espionage machine-the ultimate purpose being world conquest-and a world super-state directed by Farben."

    Kay Griggs tells that factions inside the US Military with

    Zionist/Cabbalist beliefs basically want to kill-off all the good people. US Military staffers are getting awarded with "Brownie Points" for that.

    Now who are the Military Industrial Complex? Aren't they The Millmans, The Kissingers, The Bushes, The Clintons, ex-Presidents and Prime

    Ministers of approved blood lines (The Carlyle Group)? Why do some of

    them (CFR members?) have double nationalities, both Israel and USA?

    Now to your question, of how the Mossad was involved into the JFK

    Assassination. I don't think so. Who done it then back in 1963? I bet it was the same covert special ops of the Military where Kay Griggs

    was talking about, after having just had their dose of (homo)sexual

    abuse. Please remember that Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie and their

    "programmer" Clay Shaw basically was also into these absurd gay

    practices. Basically it’s a form of "traumatic" Mind Control:

    In 1956 Dr. Wilhelm Reich (born in 1920) was murdered.


    His work and discovery of Orgone Energy related to mind control is not

    available to the public, in fact it was burned by the FDA in August

    1956. It’s about mind programming and control through sexuality. Somehow energy of the sexual body is brought up to the mind. All of his work is confiscated and in EXCLUSIVE and ACTIVE USE by the US Government.

    For more information see:

    "The History of Mind Control"


    (2008 Pamela Ray: Also see http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopol...formation07.htm warning! graphic information)

    Didn't we today see a US Military Staffer, General Michael Hayden

    getting confirmed as 20th CIA director?

    Well that’s my emphasis added.

    Best Regards,

    Robert M. Stockmann

    On 5/25/06, Robert M. Stockmann wrote:


    Inside the google video

    "Aktenzeichen 9/11"


    Tom Flocco makes his final statements. Flocco claims that a

    governmental cover-up of 911 has been proven without a shatter of a

    doubt. The only question which remains is whether Bush and Cheney are

    also the factual conspirators of 911. www.cloakanddagger.de,

    www.iamthewitness.com and I currently come to the following


    "911 was a Mossad Operation"


    To what extent Bush en Cheney were aware of this Mossad operation,

    which already started during the 1st Clinton presidency, is a very

    good question.


    Robert M. Stockmann


    Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE

    Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist

    crashrecovery.org stock@stokkie.net


    Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE

    Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist

    crashrecovery.org stock@stokkie.net

    A good introduction to "Final Judgment" was written by Michael Collins Piper himself inside feralnews.com. This website however seems to have gone underground? I could retrieve a copy though from "the JEWISH tribal review" website at [2] :

    Mossad and the JFK Assassination,

    Michael Collins Piper, Feral News

    "So while people have focused on how many assassins were involved,

    and how many shots they fired at JFK and where the shots came from

    and where the bullets hit, the real question of who was ultimately

    responsible for the assassination-not who fired the bullets, but

    who sponsored the assassins who fired those bullets-has been

    ignored. Thus, to find out who is responsible for JFK's murder, we

    have to find out WHY he was murdered-what motivated those who

    orchestrated his assassination. Consider the wide-ranging array of

    suspects that have been put forth: Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone;

    The Soviet KGB; Fidel Castro; Anti-Castro Cubans; The "Mafia";

    Rogue CIA operatives and anti-Castro Cubans in collaboration with

    elements of "the Mafia"; J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI; Lyndon

    Baines Johnson; Former Nazi intelligence officers; The Texas Oil

    Barons; and The Military-Industrial Complex.

    Ten years ago, in 1992, a new suspect was added to the list. Former

    Rep. Paul Findley (R-Ill.) made the little-noticed but intriguing

    comment in the March 1992 issue of The Washington Report on Middle

    East Affairs that "it is interesting but not surprising to note

    that in all the words written about the assassination of John F.

    Kennedy, Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been

    mentioned, despite the obvious fact Mossad complicity is as

    plausible as any of the other theories."

    (2008 Pamela Ray: It is also interesting to note that when discussing the JFK assassination, the Vatican ties and Jesuit General better known as the “Black Pope” are not generally mentioned either with the exception of Eric Jon Phelps in his exhaustive work Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends. Michael Piper is deeply associated with American Free Press, a weekly newspaper out of Washington D.C. formerly published as the Spotlight, a creation of Liberty Lobby, run by Willis A Carto. Side note of relevance, the former AFP editor, Christopher Pethrick, was educated at Canisius a Jesuit College and is an active financial donor. http://www.canisius.edu/alumni/2008_donors.asp See class of 1993

    As a subscriber since 1998, I noticed not a peep of truth about the Catholic Church or its Jesuits ever appears in the pages of AFP. What does any of this mean? I suggest surveillance of “truth organizations” is a clever ruse for “controlling of the extremes” and eventually the subscriber lists will be used to target genuine patriots who are concerned about the direction the country is headed. While I can appreciate the other information in AFP regarding Zionist Israel, the Mossad, False Flag operations etc…I have a sickening feeling about the true patriots being led down the path of TRUTH that doesn’t include the true perpetrators of their Holy War and self-inflicted Armageddon.)

    What Findley did not know was at that very time I was in the process of preparing a volume contending that the Mossad role alongside the CIA in the JFK assassination, was, in fact, the big secret-the "missing link"-that explained the entirety of the JFK conspiracy. The Mossad role is what I have also called "the secret picture on the other side of the jigsaw puzzle" of the JFK assassination conspiracy.

    My book summarizing this theory is entitled Final Judgment. What I

    find quite remarkable is that while many Israelis today believe

    that Israeli intelligence played a part in the assassination of

    Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, many of Israel's friends in

    America have reacted quite hysterically to my contention that the

    Mossad played a role in the assassination of America's president.

    In addition, although there are many who believe that the CIA had a

    hand in the JFK assassination, quite a few of those same people are

    fearful of mentioning the likelihood of a Mossad role.

    (2008 Ray: Not as fearful as mentioning the Jesuits.)

    Yet, as journalist Andrew Cockburn has pointed out:

    "There has been since

    almost the earliest days of the Israeli state and the earliest days

    of the CIA a secret bond, basically by which Israeli intelligence

    did jobs for the CIA and for the rest of American intelligence. You

    can't understand what's been going on with American covert

    operations and the Israeli covert operations until you understand

    this secret arrangement." Cockburn's words are a rough overview of

    the thesis that I have presented in Final Judgment.

    Although Final Judgment has never been in any major bookstore since

    it was first published nearly a decade ago, some 30,000 copies are

    in circulation-more copies than more widely-publicized books on the

    topic. It is truly an "underground best-seller." It is now in its

    760-page fifth edition, documented with 1,114 footnotes. And on

    November 9, Dar El Ilm Lilmalayin, the oldest and largest

    privately-owned publishing house in the Middle East released the

    first-ever Arabic-language edition.

    In many respects, Final Judgment is more than a book about the JFK

    assassination. It also reveals the hidden global power politics of

    the last half of the 20th century. Final Judgment documents that in

    1963 JFK was embroiled in a bitter secret conflict with Israeli

    leader David Ben-Gurion over Israel's drive to build the atomic

    bomb; that Ben-Gurion resigned in disgust, saying that because of

    JFK's policies, Israel's "existence [was] in danger." Then upon

    JFK's assassination, U.S. policy toward Israel began an immediate

    180-degree turnaround. Israeli historian Avner Cohen's new book,

    Israel and the Bomb, confirms the conflict between JFK and Israel

    so powerfully that, Israel's Ha'aretz, declared Cohen's revelations

    would "necessitate the rewriting of Israel's entire history." In

    any case, Cohen pointed out, "the transition from Kennedy to

    [Lyndon] Johnson . . . benefited the Israeli nuclear program."

    Ethan Bronner, in the New York Times, called Israel's drive to

    build a nuclear bomb "a fiercely hidden subject." This explains why

    JFK researchers never considered an Israeli connection until Final

    Judgment supplied the missing pieces, assembling "the secret

    picture on the other side of the jigsaw puzzle." While all of this

    presents a strong motive for Israel to strike against JFK, Final

    Judgment also documents what Israeli journalist Barry Chamish says

    is "a pretty cogent case" for Mossad collaboration with the CIA in

    the assassination conspiracy.

    The fact is that when New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison

    prosecuted trade executive Clay Shaw with conspiracy in the

    assassination, Garrison had stumbled upon the Mossad link. Although

    (after his acquittal) Shaw was revealed to have been a CIA asset,

    in 1963 Shaw served on the board of a Rome-based company,

    Permindex, which was actually a front for a Mossad-sponsored arms

    procurement operation. A primary shareholder in Permindex, the

    Banque De Credit Internationale of Geneva, was not only the fiefdom

    of Tibor Rosenbaum, a high-level Mossad official, but also the

    chief money laundry for Meyer Lansky, "chairman" of the crime

    syndicate and long-time Israeli loyalist. Chief executive of

    Permindex was Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, a top figure in the

    Israeli lobby and an operative of the Bronfman family, intimate

    Lansky associates and leading patrons of Israel. Permindex was

    clearly the Israeli link to the JFK assassination, so much so that

    Jim Garrison himself later circulated the manuscript for a

    never-published novel in which he fingered the Mossad as prime

    mover behind the conspiracy although Garrison never otherwise

    mentioned a Mossad connection publicly.

    (Sorry folks, so far I haven't been able to find a wikipedia page about

    Permindex. Just feed "Permindex" into your favorite web search engine.

    Maybe start with reading the lobster article from 1983 [3].

    As of Feb 23, 2008 there finally has been created a wikipage on Permindex.

    More details about Permindex can be found inside "The Origins of PERMINDEX" [4]

    quoting from "A Farewell to Justice" [5]. )

    You may ask why Hollywood's so-called "radical film-maker" Oliver

    Stone, whose film JFK was a virtual tribute to Garrison never

    mentioned any of this. I would contend that Stone failed to mention

    these details in JFK because the film was financed by Arnon

    Milchan, an Israeli arms dealer linked to smuggling of materiel to

    Israel's nuclear program-the very point of contention between JFK

    and Israel. Milchan's role in the production of JFK is no secret,

    by the way. He is listed in the credits as "executive producer,"

    which, in Hollywood parlance, means that he was the "money man," so

    to speak, behind the film."

    [1] "Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy"

    by Michael Collins Piper

    Paperback: 768 pages

    Publisher: American Free Press. (2nd printing/sixth edition (2005)

    Language: English

    ISBN: 0974548405

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/097454840...4523770-2822321 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/093503653...4391506-4678338

    [2] "Mossad and the JFK Assassination"

    by Michael Collins Piper, Feral News



    [3] "Permindex: The International Trade in Disinformation"

    reprinted by Steve Dorril

    Lobster: the journal of parapolitics, intelligence and State Research, #3, 1983.

    http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/lobster.htm (**) Inside the Lobster article the following is mentioned :

    But the biscuit is taken by the US Labour Party who seem to have

    survived the last decade peddling absolute garbage about Permindex

    -- the conspiracy not only including the Kennedy assassination, but

    also the domination of the West by the British! -- supplemented by

    a disgusting dose of anti-Semitism.{14}

    {14} "Betrayal: A Reconstruction of Certain Clandestine Events From

    the Bay of Pigs to the Assassination of JFK" (Chicago, 1976). The Torbitt Memorandum: Nomenclature of An Assassination Cabal (privately printed in US circa 1970). Apparently the work of now dead lawyer David Copeland. One can only hope he wrote legal briefs better than he wrote this. USLP: Dope, Inc. Jeffrey Steinberg and

    David Coleman (NY 1981).

    Well what can I say? Steve Dorril "reprints" an old Lobster article from the 1980's on the Internet on Jan 6, 2007, to reaffirm anecdotes of evil anti-Semitism cases. Again, the person in question, lawyer David Copeland, is dead. And that’s how this "empire" works: first protect the truth with a kazillion bodyguard of lies, and at the same time silently remove the possible whistleblowers. The Saddam Hussein death sentence can be categorized likewise, remove the evidence before it hits you.

    [4] "The Origins of PERMINDEX"

    Posted by ce 399 on 21 April 2008 at 17:47 in Assassinations, Fascism

    ce399 | research archive


    [5] "A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, and the Case that Should Have Changed History"

    by Joan Mellen, Pgs. 136-140.

    Hardcover: 608 pages

    Publisher: Potomac Books Inc. (November 15, 2005)

    Language: English

    ISBN-10: 1574889737

    ISBN-13: 978-1574889734





    Archive for the 'Vatican Assassins' Category

    Szymanski Overview: Recent Radio Shows

    Saturday, May 27th, 2006

    Three recent episodes of The Investigative Journal, from RBNlive, deserve mention. IJ is Greg Szymanski’s online radio companion to the Arctic Beacon internet blog.

    Greg hosts two hours of live talk radio, five days a week, including holidays. That comes to ten hours per week, literally a part-time job just to listen. The good part is that these shows are all archived and downloadable for free (at the moment). Here is the link, once again, to the 2006 IJ archives: http://mp3.rbnlive.com/Greg06.html

    Let’s start with the first interesting episode, which was cybercasted on Tue., May 16, 2006. It is a 2-hour debate between Eric Jon Phelps and Michael Collins Piper. As we already know, Phelps is the author of Vatican Assassins, which theorizes and attempts to prove that the spiritual leaders of the New World Order are the Jesuits. Piper is another RBNlive radio host who counters that the Zionists are the ones really in control. The debate is split into two 1-hour parts, and they can be heard here:



    What makes this debate interesting is that I do not believe such a discussion has ever taken place within the conspiracy theory community. Regardless, Greg Szymanski has provided for us here something which even our own American government is incapable of providing for a national presidential election. That is, a real debate.

    Greg has been seeking the “truth” as to who is behind the New World Order. This can be a delicate and dangerous endeavor, since a lot of fingers get pointed during the journey, a lot of scapegoats are vilified. Also, as discussed briefly in a previous posting, fighting the NWO is more important than trying to figure out who is “behind it.” Such was mentioned during this months podcast of Frequency23.

    Does the “truth” appear at the end of Greg’s historical and historic debate? Not exactly. But listening to it makes you think, which, absent the “truth,” is the next best thing for a person to have.

    In my opinion, Phelps comes out ahead by the end of this debate. Phelps provides enough evidence to support his theory, in comparison to Piper (who spends most of his time trying to debunk his opponent, rather than supporting his own argument). Piper does deploy one effective zinger, indicating that Phelp’s habit of citing biblical verse is subjective at best, since everyone has a slightly different interpretation of the New Testament. However Phelps succeeds in pointing out two devastating flaws in Piper’s counter thesis: first, the Jesuits have been around a lot longer than the (modern day political) Zionists; further, Israel has deeded the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the Vatican (along with most of the Old City).


    Senator Byrd revealed his "justifications" for criminal activity to me as well. He used me as a sounding board even though he knew I was incapable of input or response. He rehearsed in keeping with his motto "The only way we can fail, is to fail to think of an excuse."

    Byrd "justified" mind-control atrocities as a means of thrusting mankind into accelerated evolution, according to the Neo-Nazi principles to which he adhered. He "justified" manipulating mankind’s religion to bring about the prophesied biblical "world peace" through the "only means available"—total mind control in the New World Order.

    "After all," he proclaimed, "even the Pope and Mormon Prophet know this is the only way to peace and they cooperate fully with The Project."

    Byrd also "justified" my victimization by saying, "You lost your mind anyway, and at least you have destiny and purpose now that it’s mine." Our country’s involvement in drug distribution, pornography, and white slavery was justified" as a means of "gaining control of all illegal activities world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control".

    He adhered to the belief that,

    "95% of the (world’s) people WANT to be led by the 5%", and claimed this can be proven because "the 95% DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what really goes on in government".


    Please prove Senator Byrd wrong!!!


  15. Attention all Rush Limbaugh Listeners…Congratulations to Scott McClellan!

    Being a long time listener and former “ditto-head” of the Rush Limbaugh talk radio show, I come to this discussion about Scott McClellan’s book What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception with a heavy heart for my fellow Christian Republicans. Wake up folks, you are being hoodwinked and deceived by the master of conservative propaganda himself, Rush Limbaugh. We need more people like Scott McClellan speaking out and writing books about what is happening in our country. Holy War, Neo-Con Jihad with Islam for Israel is not the answer for this country and let’s hope What Happened will shed some much needed light on this foreign policy agenda run by the “crazies” i.e. Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, etc…Project for The New American Century…etc…

    According to Mr. Limbaugh, the number one problem in America is “liberalism” and the spread there of. Attention Rush Limbaugh – the number one problem is lying and deception in the highest order PROPAGANDA from both political parties and the charade we call presidential elections every four years. It does not matter one iota what party is in power, it is all a game and you are the ringleader of the show. Of course you want Hillary to keep in the race to foster distraction in your Operation Chaos to make the Limbaugh Lemmings go out and vote for her as a “Democrat.” Shame on you for preying on the true patriots of this country and using them to scurry around aimlessly, or even worse, stir up hate for anyone who dares speak ill of the war machine, all the while you and your fat cat friends in CFR, Bilderberg, Washington Press Club etc. laugh all the way to the bank. As McClellan’s book undoubtedly points out, lies and propaganda got us into the new Vietnam we call Iraq and I dare say the “war on terrorism” is a “war of terrorism” against the American people. I’m not a “liberal.” I have a current Hawaii Republican 2008 card even though I don’t vote anymore. I guess I never got kicked off their mailing list years ago. In the 1990’s I used to go to Hawaii State Republican Conventions and vote as a delegate, all the while listening to Rush Limbaugh. Sick but true.

    America people need to quit fighting each other and start learning about what President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address to the nation, “the dangers, whether sought or unsought, of the Military Industrial Complex.” People need to learn about the Federal Reserve System, a private company not “federal” and certainly with no “reserve”, not subject to audit or scrutiny. We are slaves for their fiat money that is about to collapse and Rush Limbaugh will blame it on the “liberals” and millions of people will believe him! God help us. Black vs. white, Democrat vs. Republican, women vs. men, poor vs. rich, does anyone see a trend? It is called divide and conquer while “they” steal our country in a variety of ways.

    In other glaring behavior that should be obvious to real conservatives and true Christian patriots that call themselves “ditto-heads”, Rush Limbaugh was caught fawning over Pope Benedict XVI‘s visit last month in our Protestant nation. We better wake up to the influence Rome has over our “American way of life.” Google “Black Pope” and have some Kleenex handy. In addition to the “Pope-Fest 2008,” Rush has Dick Cheney and George Bush on his radio show to boost the lies that all good Christians must follow the party line and remain faithful to the GOP. We had a saying back when I was growing up… “Question Authority” and we could use a little questioning directed towards our “leaders.”

    Congratulations to Mr. McClellan for getting a book out on the Bush Crime Family and raising people’s awareness about what is really going on in Washington. The culture of deception is nothing new. I look forward to getting Scott McClellan’s What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception and adding it to my collection of non-fiction books.


    I recently wrote and published a book with James Files, Interview with History: The JFK Assassination, a tell-all never before revealed insight into the power behind the JFK assassination, the cover-up and the events that led to 9/11. James Files, a former assassin employed by the U.S. government, with a license to kill, was a first hand participant in the JFK assassination. He was the “grassy knoll shooter” and was part of a secret group known as “Operation Group 40.” Most members were recruited by George H.W. Bush. Do you ever wonder how the JFK assassination and cover-up were so successful?



    If anyone is serious about fixing this country, people need to know what the true problems are that we face as a nation. I hope with books like What Happened and Interview with History, the public can be made more aware of reality and not be so deceived with decades of propaganda from the likes of Rush Limbaugh or his imaginary nemesis “the drive-by media” run by the “liberals.”

    BTW, Rush Limbaugh is also the one who told us Republican Christian Conservatives in the early 1990’s that Oliver Stone’s movie JFK was for “conspiracy kooks” and had no valid use to educate people about the events surrounding the assassination. One of the main characters from JFK, David Ferrie, is mentioned in some detail in our book Interview with History: The JFK Assassination. I pose a key question throughout our book when interviewing James Files…what source of power controls the agencies and the military?

    The Bush Crime Family has terrorized our nation long enough. Unless people like Scott McClellan call “them” to task, it will be business as usual no matter is “elected.”

    The key to America’s future is awakening the millions of duped Republican Protestant Christians, the “moral majority” that are the true patriots Rush Limbaugh preaches to Monday through Friday. I’m willing to do my part and take the flak for doing so.

    Pamela Ray




  16. James Files Comments on North Korea, Syria and Israel

    These are the views and opinions of James Files ONLY. He has a “soft spot” for Zionist Israel and their Mossad since they rescued his rear end on a few occasions. Pamela Ray does not indorse any terrorism; State Sponsored U.S., Israeli, Palestinian or Hamas or whatever. I wanted his comments and I knew he would have them. James Files wants out of prison to go fight on the front lines “anywhere, anytime.” He would rather die fighting than in the stink hole prison he has been in for the last 17 years on trumped up charges as a political prisoner. Maybe Bush Jr. will see this…maybe Jimmy can swing by Holland and straighten out a few things before heading off to Iraq or Iran.

    PR to JF letter#1235 April 28, 2008 the following articles from

    The Maui News Friday April 25, 2008 page A-6

    White House: No ‘peaceful’ intents in Syria nuke plans

    North Korea blamed for secret work on nuclear reactor there

    Photo caption: Images released Thursday by the Central Intelligence Agency show a covert nuclear reactor (top) being built in Syria’s eastern desert and a concrete reactor vessel (above) under construction in the reactor.

    Syrian President: Talks may start with Israel after Bush term ends


    Date: 5/18/08

    Subject: North Korea & Syria & Israel:

    Recently in the news there has been much about North Korea and their Nuclear Program and how they have reached out to help Syria to develop Nuclear power in order to help them make nuclear weapons...Why is this news, or a surprise to anyone, especially for those in Washington D.C. Where in the hell have they been since 1992???

    Does anyone remember the name and title, “President Bill Clinton?” Have you forgot how much the Clinton Administration paid North Korea to stop their Nuclear program? They paid them for Eight Long years which come to over 80 billion dollars (Files: If you could check that figure, I could be high, but I don’t think so.) and they kept telling the Clinton administration that they had stopped their program for nuclear power and everyone was happy, for The Idiots on The Hill believed every word that was being spoon fed to them. And Ol’ Bill said now we can live happily forever after for I have solved the problem with North Korea. Yes, Good Ol’ Boy Bill Clinton saved the world.

    Eight years later George Bush gets his turn in The White House. He finds out that North Korea has been lying to us and says You all should be ashamed of your selves, I ain’t gonna give y’all no more money, so Stop Your nuclear program and stop it now.

    North Korea responded to his warning by announcing on international TV they would do no such thing. In a round about way, they told Bush to go lay down by his doggie bowl and lick his nuts and to leave them alone.


    The answer they gave Bush was... “if you mess with us, we will put a nuclear warhead into South Korea. Bush immediately shut up, backed up in the corner and laid down by his doggie bowl. Bush was shocked when the North Koreans stood up to him. No war with North Korea, because they’d kick our ass royal and yes, they would have taken out South Korea in a heartbeat.

    Israel looked down on us when we failed to react to what was happening in North Korea. At that time they told us what would happen down the road and they was right. Today, we are facing a major problem, one much worse than the Middle East. Our major problems are Soviet Russia and North Korea. You have Soviet Russia helping Iran build Nuclear Power plants for making Nuclear weapons and you have North Korea helping Syria build Nuclear Power plants to build Nuclear Weapons.

    Well, about 8 months ago, long about Oct. or Nov. 2007 (Files: Sept. 6, 2007), Israel sent in a few planes and bombed the Nuclear facility in Syria and destroyed it. Yes, this up-set a lot of people. And, everyone knows that Israel is the Pit Bull for the U.S.A. We slip lose the chain from one of our Dogs of War, and let them do what we should be doing. But we can’t do it because, too many politicians have to take a vote to see which way the fallout will hit them. GOD FORBID should they lose a vote or two. Their seat in Congress or The Senate is much more important than the people, or the rest of the world. Israel still has the heart to fight and they will fight till their


    “END of TIME!” Israel is always ready to go to war. They are wiling to fight for their existence, for their right to live. But, they will never live in peace. The time will come when Israel will be attacked by several countries at one time and at that time the U.S.A will turn its back on Israel. We no longer have leaders in this country that are willing to stand up. We no longer have an Army that can fight, but that part will come later. Back to the main subject of Israel and Syria....

    Israel is caught between the rock and a hard spot. They had no choice but to go in and take out the facility in Syria. They are going to be forced to do it in Iran, for the U.S. will, never have the heart to do that. Don’t get me wrong, I Love this Country and I am more than willing to go and fight for this country and die for it need be. Just let me out of prison, send me to the front lines, anywhere, anytime, for I am always willing to fight for this country. It’s the politicians that I do not like. They have sold us out on the open market to China and u many others as well.

    As, for Syria and their peace talks with Israel, and them wanting to wait till Bush is gone, I don’t blame them for that. They know we’re going to have a Democrat government and at that time, we’ll give them the whole darn candy store. More than likely, we’ll tell Syria to go back to building their nuclear power plants and also give them money to help them get it done faster.


    As for as the intelligence message that Israel is willing to give them back the Golan Heights, don’t believe that for one minute. That is propaganda being put out to make Israel look bad when there are no agreements reached in the end. Then their story will be that Israel lied to them.

    The truth is, that “Hamas” needs time to rebuild and they want a six month truce so they can recruit, re—arm and re-organize their terrorist organization. “IF” Israel gives them that six months then they are bigger fools than I believe them to be. I say to Israel, while they are weak, “ATTACK-ATTACK-ATTACK NOW!!! Destroy your enemy and give no quarters while you are doing it. When you have a “Rabid Dog” you shoot it and kill it. Hamas is nothing more than a “Rabid DOG!” So shoot it, kill it and get it out of its misery.

    No, Israel should not its borders to let any “Humanitarian aid” in what so ever. What ever happen to “Friends of my enemies, are also my enemies?” And do NOT try to tell me that food and medicine is different, for it is not, that is still aid to the enemy.

    I say that we should step back and let Israel fight its war and let them deal with their own problems. They can handle them much better than we can. Israel has an army that is willing to fight and also willing to die to defend their country. Yes, it is time for The United States of America to turn Israel lose and let them do what they have to do. Sic’um Israel, sic’um go get’um...atta-boy…



    Interview with History: The JFK Assassination

    Pamela Ray with James Files "The Grassy Knoll Shooter"


  17. Martin: Regarding the assassination of President John Kennedy, which could take this entire interview, you say that the assassination was ordered by the Jesuit General, executed by Pope Paul VI, and carried out by the "American Pope", Francis Cardinal Spellman—who, in turn, used the Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, and Mafia Dons, including the FBI and CIA, to carry out the order from Rome. Would you explain why you believe your particular theory on the assassination to be an accurate representation of the facts?

    Phelps: Sure. Alright, number one: The powers that be are properly outlined [in his book], and proven through two centuries of showing how it’s all been put together. Now, as to why, I will be conservative and stick with Fletcher Prouty’s reasons, that he outlined in his JFK and also his other book called The Secret Team.

    The reason why Kennedy was assassinated was he wanted to end the Vietnam War, and he wanted to end the rule of the CIA. That begets two questions: Did Rome want the Vietnam War? And, did Rome control the CIA? The answer is yes on both counts.

    We know, on its face, that the Vietnam War was called "Spelly’s War"—Cardinal Spellman’s war. He went over to the warfront many times and he called the American soldiers the "soldiers of Christ". The man who was the Commander of the American forces was a Roman Catholic, CFR member, possibly a Knight of Columbus, I don’t know, but he was General William Westmoreland.

    So, Westmoreland was Cardinal Spellman’s agent to make sure that war was prosecuted properly. And another overseer of Westmoreland was Cardinal Spellman’s boy, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a 33rd-degree Freemason. He was also part of the assassination, with J. Edgar Hoover, another 33rd-degree Freemason.

    And Johnson went to Cardinal Spellman’s death at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and the picture can be seen in Cooney’s work The American Pope. So, Johnson was completely at the beck and call of Cardinal Spellman through Cartha DeLoach, the 3rd-in-control of the FBI. According to Curt Gentry, in his Hoover: The Man And The Secrets, DeLoachhad a phone at his bedside direct to Johnson, and Johnson could call him anytime. DeLoach was a Knight of Malta, subject to Spellman.

    Spellman wanted the Vietnam War, why? Spellman was controlled by the Jesuits of Fordham. Why did the Jesuit General want the Vietnam War? The people of Vietnam, the Buddhists, were unconvertible. They would not convert to Catholicism. They didn’t need Rome.

    There had been a Jesuit presence in Vietnam for centuries, so it had been decided that about a million or so Buddhists would have to be "purged". They would later continue this purge of Cambodia, with Pol Pot, and the purge is yet for Thailand. It was a purging of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam of all these Buddhists, just like they purged the Buddhists of China with Mao Zedong, because Mao Zedong was completely controlled by the Jesuits. So, they wanted the Vietnam War.

    The other thing is that Rome is in control of the drug trade. The Vatican controls all of the drug trade—all of the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything going around in Columbia.

    Columbia has a concordat with the Pope.

    A concordat is a treaty with the Pope. Hitler had a concordat.Mussolini had a concordat.Francohad aconcordat. They want to set up a concordat here, which was the reason for Reagan formally recognizing the sovereign state of Vatican City in 1984. The greatest traitor we ever had was Ronald Reagan.

    So, they had a concordat. Columbia has a concordat. Do you think that drugs running out of Columbia, with a country that has a concordat with Rome, is not controlled by Rome? If Rome didn’t want the drug trade out of Columbia, they’d end the concordat. The whole drug trade is run by high Mafia families out of the country of Columbia, subject to the Jesuit General.

    And the Jesuit General ran the Opium trade, a couple of centuries ago, out of China. They ran the silk trade, the pearl trade. The movie Shogun is but a slight scratching of the surface of the Jesuit "black ships" that trafficked in all of this silk and pearls and gold and opals and everything they could pull out of the East, including opium.

    The Vietnam War was to consolidate and control this huge massive drug-trade that would inundate every American city with drugs, being brought in by the CIA with their Air America, and then distributed by the Trafficantefamily throughout the United States—Santos Trafficante out of Miami.

    So we have the Mafia and the CIA working together in the drug trade. We have the Mafia and the CIA working together in the assassination of Kennedy.

    The first reason why the Jesuit General [at that time, Jean-Baptist Janssens] wanted Kennedy out of the way was because he was going to end the Vietnam War.

    The second reason is, he wanted to end the reign of the CIA, because the CIA had betrayed him in the person of McGeorge Bundy, by not giving the cover to the Cuban patriots to retake Cuba from that Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained, grease-ball bastard—he was a bastard, his father was a Nazi—Fidel Castro.

    Kennedy was betrayed by the CIA at the Bay of Pigs invasion, which sacrificed all the patriots on the shores of the Bay of Pigs there, so Castro had no real opposition. This was the same tactic, used by the CIA and the KGB at the top, working together with Angleton controlling it, in the Hungarian Revolution, when the CIA fomented that revolution, and then betrayed all of those patriots into the hands of the Soviet army and KGB, which infuriated certain top CIA officials.

    It’s the same tactic: you raise up a revolution and you sacrifice the men who truly want to resist. When that happened, when McGeorge Bundy stopped the air cover of the Bay of Pigs invasion, that ended that resistance to Castro and it enthroned him into power. And, of course, it was meant to be by the Jesuits because they HAD trained him. So now Kennedy looks bad. He’s got egg all over his face. What does he want to do? He signs a Memorandum, according to Fletcher Prouty, and takes all of the power away from the CIA, and gives it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. One of the founders of the CIA was "Wild" Bill Donovan,an Irish Roman Catholic, who are the most fanatical, and his brother was a Dominican priest, Vincent. So, the CIA was founded by this high Roman Catholic, the first head, to solidify the Catholic or the Vatican control of it.

    I’m not against the Catholic people; I’m against Rome’s hierarchy. The American Catholic people know NOTHING of what’s going on. And if they did, there would be a march on St. Patrick’s tomorrow morning. So, as I’m against the hierarchy, I’m showing that Kennedy was against the Vietnam War, and he was going to do away with the CIA.

    Well, the Jesuits had brought in all of their top Nazi SS soldiers into the CIA because the Jesuits were using the SS to kill the Jews in Europe. When the Einsatzgruppen went into Russia, the Jesuits followed with the SS and purged Western Russia of all its Jews. That’s why Stalin deliberately killed 40,000 of his best officers. That’s why he kicked out his best generals, purged them, because he wanted to make sure that the Red Army would lose with the advance of the German army, because following that would come the SS and purge Russia of the Jews that Stalin so hated. And by the way, justice is often poetic because Stalin’s daughter married a Jew.

    Now, the CIA was composed of the SS. The CIA now was an arm—and the intelligence arm—of the Vatican. The Knights of Malta were throughout. Casey was a Knight of Malta. Angleton was a Knight of Malta. The Knights were through and through. Angleton manned the "Vatican desk", and that is a desk within the CIA that has a direct link to the Vatican.

    So, Kennedy wanted to end this "intelligence community". That was the end of him.

    Thus for anyone attempting to end the CIA, and attempting to end the Vietnam War, and also because he attacked the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank by printing United States Notes, they got rid of him. They killed our only Roman Catholic president.

    www.jfkmurderjamesfiles.weebly.com Read entire article at "JFK Jesuits BLOG"

  18. Kennedy assassination… "Achilles’ Heel" of the Jesuits

    Martin: Why do you refer to the Kennedy assassination as the "Achilles’ Heel" of the Jesuits?

    Phelps: Because, if it’s ever known that the Jesuits killed our first Roman Catholic President, if the Roman Catholics of Northeastern America ever find that out, and ever believe it, the Jesuits are finished here.

    This country is the keystone to implementing the temporal power of the Pope around the world. If this country would expel the Jesuits, and we get back our national sovereignty, and we started to be self-governing once again, we would have our liberty, and the Jesuits would be out, and we would begin to experience REAL financial prosperity, and real living.

    So, if that is known that the Jesuits are the ones behind it, that Rome carried this out, the Catholics of the Northeast would have a revolution. We would have another revolution because American Roman Catholics are not like Catholics in any other country: they think. They have their own opinion. They believe in freedom of conscience. They believe they have the right to express themselves.

    Catholics in Poland don’t believe that. Catholics in Italy wouldn’t dare believe that. But the Catholics here do. They have a lot of Protestant principles. They don’t really comprehend this whole idea of universal, world-wide temporal power of the Pope. They think it’s just a religion.

    But, if those Catholics in New York, if those two million Roman Catholics knew that Spellman was behind it, and O’Connor has covered it up, we’d have a revolution! Because it’s the Roman Catholics, unfortunately, who only do anything about things. The Protestants don’t do anything. They’re all a bunch of wimps, a bunch of cowards. They don’t do anything.

    www.jfkmurderjamesfiles.weebly.com JFK Jesuit Blog


    This information is from Pamela Ray ONLY. This is where my research has led me as a former right-wing Republican Rush Limbaugh lemming. James Files is relatively clueless about the real power behind the Vatican and the Jesuits. In a letter I was asking him to comment on the recent visit to the Untied States of America by Pope Benedict XVI…

    James Files to Pamela Ray #1365 09 May 2008

    “Sweetheart, I got to be honest with you. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a “Pope Fest,” but I guess it’s sort of like the Feast we use to have in town when I was a kid and everyone marched in a parade and carried the statue of The Virgin Mary. And then there was the stands and all the rides and fun for everyone.”

    My question is what source of power controls the intelligence agencies and military?

    Jesuits Control the Pentagon http://www.reformation.org/jesuits-control-pentagon.html

    New Jesuit General "Black Pope" http://www.reformation.org/general-adolfo-nicolas.html

    I also wondered how the Catholic Church was involved in the creation of Islam...



    The reason I like this forum is because people here seem to want to learn new things and promote education.

    Like I said before, this is ignored research and thought some people would appreciate the information.

    see our new forum www.jfkjamesfiles.invisionplus.net

  19. Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't the only one EXPENDABLE...

    "As for me being “EXPENDABLE,” I’ve always been that from the day I signed on to “White Star,” and more so, after D.P.(David Atlee Phillips) walked me out of the hospital room, from that day on, they owned me and my life was theirs to spend anyway they chose. I’m sorry, but I am still loyal to them, for I knew the rules and I’m the one who signed the “Non Disclosure,” and agreed to all the other rules as well. You must under stand, I Love My Country, but my loyalty was First to The Company and then to The United States of America. At one time, The Company was “The Makers & “The Breakers,” but today, it is run by suits and politicians. Need I say anymore? So, why am I still loyal to them? Simple, I was programmed and the programming does not go away. I am who I am and I will always be who I was. Like The Leopard, I do not change my spots. True, I believe in “God” and all of that, and I do believe that I have been born again, but, the programming is still in me."

    The Interview with History continues...James Files to Pamela Ray April 23, 2008 #1358


    Added May 1, 2008

    "Now, I need for you to look up how William Colby died and as you know, he was the Director of the CIA and I read something that is a big question in my mind. There's a lot that I've been thinking about and I'm having trouble with some of the facts.


    Let me get back to your sweet loving letter #1178 and I was on the last page and never finished answering it. And yes, I think it best if you let your Uncle XXXX be. When he was with you before in Oregon and talking a little about Vietnam, I thought maybe he might open up and a little to you. (He was telling me about flying the F-14 and the SR-71 and when I asked him about Laos, he said, "Yeah, nobody's supposed to know but we bombed the xxxx out of them.") But don't bother him, for there are some things that I don't like to talk about. All of us who was there have our own ghost, or demons to deal with. Me, I was one of the lucky ones I guess, they did a good job on programming me and gave me the best training possible and I lived through it all and I also enjoyed the hunt and the jungle, especially at night. I had no fear and now I know why; in the Delta Program they removed that fear from us. I wasn't brave, just programmed. I used to think I was brave and had courage of a lion. But just recently I have found that I wasn't brave, just a machine doing their job for them. And the funny part, I don't even have any fear of this place.

    My Love, all this stuff I'm asking you to look up is for you and XXX and there's no need for you to be wasting postage sending it to me. All I'm interested in seeing now is the "DELTA PROGRAM and COLBY'S DEATH."

    dreams and ideas of what is right and wrong. All we can do is put the truth out there and for those who want to accept it, fine. Others will turn a blind eye to it and also a deaf ear. Yes, sad but true!!!


    My Love, I'm sorry when I get like I did yesterday when we was on the phone. (James Files was telling me about an incident in Iran - watching his team members tortured to death - when he was highly agitated and wanted too end the subject.) But for some reason, when I get pushed into certain areas, I get to shakin' and hyperventilating and start going crazy. Maybe they put a "Fire-Wall" in me like they do computers to keep people out of them.

    JF to PR #1299 07 Dec 2007


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