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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Bell GIF We see Zapruder walking away from Sitzman as she turns to walk towards the pergola entrance. We see Weigman going down on the grass to film the Hesters. And we see Atkins holding his camera as he prepares to film the Newmans on the ground.
  2. The Muchmore film segment was taken during the assassination. The Bell film segment was taken after the assassination.
  3. Yes i agree. "On ramp to Stemmons freeway"
  4. Officer Chaney can be seen coming up from behind in the McIntire photo. (Identification: Gary Mack)
  5. Excellent animation from "Jerry Organ" showing the shift from Zapruder's camera LOS to Nix's camera LOS.
  6. Thanks Joseph. That's an interesting interview from Yarborough.
  7. Not 100% sure Chris My best guesstimate would be approx 5-7 mph
  8. Yes, and not only were the films taken from two different filming positions. They were taken from two vastly different height positions, Nix was at ground level looking across the limo. While Zapruder was standing on top the pedestal filming from above the limo.
  9. Not sure what you are trying to say here Chris. ? Can you present it in photographic form, such as an animated GIF. Are you talking about the number of frames, and the frame rate. ?
  10. Yes Chris and Mark. I agree with both of you.
  11. Here is the link to the Gallery. https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/thumbnails.php?album=35
  12. A number of people over the years have said that the limo actually stops during this segment of the Nix film. I have watched this GIF dozens of times, and what i see is the limo slow down to a crawl at the moment of the head shot, and then it starts to speed up again.
  13. Hi Pat. Yes preconceptions are not always right. When i first started studying the Dealey Plaza images it always appeared to me the Elm st was basically fairly level and straight with a slight curve at the underpass. Then i started to realize that it actually ran down hill and that it curved into a pronounced right hand bend as it approached the underpass.
  14. Yes it's all about the "Perspective" and the "Line of sight" of the cameraman. Some people will just NEVER get it.
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