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Gregory Carlin

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Everything posted by Gregory Carlin

  1. What is taught in a science class will frequently depend on local culture, legislative circumstances and the judiciary. The blue-collar voter in Ohio will probably argue for something that makes him feel safe.
  2. The old testament has no absolute prohibition on charging interest. Thoughts on the subject vary from time to time, Christians have borrowed from Jews, lent to Arabs, built hospitals & fought wars with borrowed money.
  3. Sweden is one of the few ideological friends in Europe of the US Trafficking In Persons Office. The Swedes are admired for turning a corner. The Swedish Govt. are popular with many US conservatives. Finland for some reason is not so popular, I have never been able to find out precisely why that is. Finland is usually given a Tier 2 categorization by the TIP office. Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, I understand (those countries are Tier 3), Finland should be Tier 1 rather than Tier 2. The Finns are more useful to the cause than the British. The British are awarded a T1 gold-star verdict despite a reliance on compromised labour. The Morecombe Bay scandal for example had a solution applied because the shellfish were in danger rather than concern for the Chinese people who were being used as a disposable resource by gang-masters & criminals.
  4. The Church and State can be separate, the ideology, the philosophy, they can be integrated into the personal or the collective politics of elected office. Opposition to abortion as a political idea is not controversial within a global context. In the United Kingdom the State and Church are linked & Prime Minister Blair has the job of approving the Anglican hierarchy. The state religion may be running a poor second to the Roman Catholic faith with worshippers.
  5. Educator sexual misconduct is addressed by several agencies and may not always go to court nor necessarily be reported to the police. Schoolchildren are generally reluctant to press allegations of sexual misconduct which in many cases they will view as a 'relationship'. The public interest can be the deciding factor as to whether or not a prosecution of a teacher allegedly involved in sexual relations with a pupil goes to trial. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4727537.stm and 'But a source at the General Teaching Council has told Scotland on Sunday that "our own internal disciplinary procedures will decide his fate" and that they "will not take into account the council's report or any evidence collected by police".' Sun 31 Jul 2005 http://news.scotsman.com/aberdeen.cfm?id=1707722005
  6. Objectivity within the context of textbook provision is not really possible. Can the participants of Stalingrad or the Warsaw Rising agree a common history? The dead tell few tales, historians and academics too many. School textbooks are brilliant material for researching the 'accepted' perspectives of the time.
  7. The Roman Patriarch is a Head of State, his authority is comparable to that of an absolute monarch. I do not think Texas is generally well disposed to the law of nations or the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Very few of the Hitler Youth openly rebelled against the Nazi regime. It is perhaps unreasonable to expect in youth what very few German adults were prepared to venture in the same circumstances. The Catholic Church was adopting essentially the same public confidence strategy as the British authorities are happy to rely upon in the present circumstances. If 50,000 Catholic priests in North America were involved in X over the last fifty years, then the innumerable British teachers over the same period must surely have done *something* amenable to arithmetic, is that not so?
  8. Could you explain this. What did the teachers do? Are you implying that teachers are doing similar things in the UK but are not being punished for it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was implying that Texas imprisons more teachers than the United Kingdom. The two places are very different, the UK is far more free and easy.
  9. "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster." Sign for child pornography suites and forensic laboratories. There are victims of child pornography who ventured into hell as guardians only to find that they were aroused by it. There can be few moments of personal experience which are as lonely or as frightening as that discovery.
  10. The movement is not in the past. The cause of abolition was inspired to struggle until there are no slaves. There is no half-remedy acceptable to us. The Salvation Army for example are still part of the abolitionist movement. The emails and letters the Salvation Army send to me are usually signed - "Abolition!" rather than "Yours sincerely" or other form of courtesy.
  11. Conservatives in the United States are the anti-slavery movement to a greater degree than anything that exists in Europe or elsewhere. The Christian right are increasingly engaged in humanitarian causes abroad, they have been yelling about Sudan for years for example. In Texas they would send teachers to jail for 25 years for what they routinely get away with in the United Kingdom. Britain is not a UNICEF advertisement.
  12. Islam is inherently fundamentalist because it just is. Protestantism is also in theory in the constant business of reformation. When the average Jihadi is told about devil worship on RN ships, OFCOM decisions in relation to TV programmes about sex with animals, Theo Van Gogh or Bern Fine Art Museum's recent exhibition which used the head of a baby, then he will believe absolutely everything he is told about the crusaders. Many of his kind will view this life as a lost battlefield populated by sexually deviant infidel. In summary they view the west quite differently to Europeans. Fifty faith family & flag candidates from Oklahoma allied to a few oriental visitors from Afghanistan would have Bern Fine Art Museum attacked by cruise missiles if such things could be decided by a focus group.
  13. In order to promote struggle as a national identity it is useful to make it a religion. I do not grudge them: Lord, I do not grudge My two strong sons that I have seen go out To break their strength and die, they and a few, In bloody protest for a glorious thing, They shall be spoken of among their people, The generations shall remember them, And call them blessed; But I will speak their names to my own heart In the long nights; The little names that were familiar once Round my dead hearth. Lord, thou art hard on mothers: We suffer in their coming and their going; And tho' I grudge them not, I weary, weary Of the long sorrow--And yet I have my joy: My sons were faithful, and they fought. -- Padraic H. Pearse
  14. 'Mack The Knife' by Bobby Darin 'Tous les garçons et les filles' by Francoise Hardy The Velvet Underground & Nico
  15. Has anybody developed a lesson on synthetic fuel production by the Hitlerian regime in Europe during WWII?
  16. The public are victims of a paltering mischief which has set standards in ethical conduct which fall short of what one expects from gentlemen. The problem with this administration is that obfuscation and prevarication have become political philosophy and routine practice.
  17. Talking to the parents can be a reasonably good idea. Boards of Governors should also read Governornet, call the EOC, speak to the DfES at length and try to avoid publicity as far as humanly possible. School backs down in row over ban on skirts http://www.thisisdorset.net/dorset/archive...S_NEWS12ZM.html School dress codes are defined by standards of acceptance which are set by society and to go against general practice is to invite a lawsuit. Generally speaking one must keep a close eye on what could be possible should any 'dress code' precedent become established.
  18. Gregory Carlin, Director of the Irish Anti-Trafficking Coalition & spokesperson for the 'Rights of the Scottish Child' parental action group.
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