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Len Colby

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Everything posted by Len Colby

  1. From what I understand modern historians are of several minds about the Reichstag fire. Almost all believe that Marinus van der Lubbe was some how involved. Did the Nazis set the fire and leave the naked Dutchman at the scene as a scapegoat or was he a patsy who they set up to set the fire and get caught? Or did he as some historians believe set the fire on his own? What ever the case the Nazis used the fire to their own advantage it was their "casus belli" which they used to effectively end German democracy. Did the Bush administration know the attacks were coming and intentionally do nothing? I wouldn't be surprised but have yet to see any credible evidence. Did they engineer 9/11? Were the pilots actually kamikaze Mossad agents or were the planes guided by remote control? Were the towers brought down by controlled demolition? I find such notions absurd and haven’t seen any indications they were true and there are innumerous holes in such theories that their proponents can't explain. Shanet I assume you believe in the latter theories. If you have any evidence to back your beliefs why don't you try spelling them out rather that be coy?
  2. In the late 80`s I briefly worked for the distribution arm of Rounder Records. In addition their own products they distributed LPs, CDs and tapes from other independent labels. Rounder was [is] a PC folky/hippy label. They put out a lot of great old Blues, Zydeco etc. but also a lot of trite crap. They also released titles like 'The Oppressed Workers of South Africa Sing". They were [and I suspect still are] total hypocrites, they ran a non-union shop, paid low wages, made promises to workers they had no intention of keeping etc. Later I found out from 2 different friends that worked in the royalties business that they are very bad at paying royalties [one of my friends called them 'sleaze bags']. The owners met in college in `64 when they were volunteers in the GOLDWATER campaign. They claimed to have changed their colors later in the decade but seeing the way they treated their workers and talent I wondered how sincere their transformation was. What does this have to do with anything? They had several rolls of GOLDWATER `64 stickers stashed in the warehouse. I though it would be interesting to get a few as historical curiosities I asked them to let me have a couple [of stickers not rolls] but they cheapskates said no, I even offered to buy a few but they said no. I was tempted to snag a few but my conscious got in the way. If I knew at the time they were ripping off the "Oppressed Workers of South Africa" I would have helped myself.
  3. Bull headedly ignorant and arrogant is more like it. Fess up Steve. Lynee the truth is this forum is a sham. We are all diehard Nixon supporters. Our only purpose here is to defend Nixon and diflect suspicion from him LOL
  4. Where`s the beef? ditto above post can you back your claims? Just asking that question exposes you as a dabbler, with no serious bona fides in this subject. "Who is Weberman" Who is Frenchy" stop you are splitting my sides. Where do you think you are woman, JFK for beginners. Stop posting this simplistic rubbish, go away and do some serious research, you are becoming a forum joke. I dont see eye to eye with Mr Hemming often, But to suggest that he needs McAdams for his insights is purile, now desist, before he administers another spanking. Steve. Lynne and Mat Wilson [if they aren`t one and the same] should hook up with Bruce Campbell Adams and Tom Flocco. We could call them the Fooltastic Four, joinly they would be able to solve all the mysteries of the Universe! PS - Who is Mr. Hemming? LOL
  5. Got any evidence to back this claim other than the undocumented/plagarized claims of an author no one on this board ever heard of before and even you [claim] don`t know anything about?* Me asking you this is in no way an indication of my political leanings. Some one could show up an say JFKwas killed by neo-Nazis. If I asked for evidence that wouldn`t make me a neo-Nazi. *Even the spelling of his name seems to be a mystery to you!!
  6. I don't either. I don't even remember what I said. I think I'm losing some brain cells. Over and out. Be careful Ron cyber-osmosis could be to blame!!!!
  7. I don't think LBJ made it easy for Nixon by not running. The unpopularity of the war made his candidacy untenable. Although I disagree with Tim on almost everything except civil rights he is right [and Right] when he says that from what was known in 1963 killing JFK would put him out of the picture until '72. I don't think there was any indication back then that Bobby or Teddy could have been viable presidential candidates. IMHO it was only their brother's martyrdom that gave them this status. If one is going to argue that Nixon had motive to kill JFK one has to show that in late 1963: 1] He still harboured Presidential ambitions despite his "kick around" quote and 2] He had reason to believe it would increase his chances of getting elected. Under the current system of electing presidents loosing candidates only got elected later under special curcumstances [see previous post] Nixon in '68 became and still is the only exception. Incumbants alsoonly lost under special circumstances [pre 1976]. One can admire JFK [and his brothers] and despise Nixon without believing that Tricky Dick benefited from the assassination or atleast that he could have forseen benefiting from it.
  8. Mark I gotta agree with Tim on one point. JFK's assassination was detrimental to Nixon's presidential ambitions Len, that is a very silly, political statement you are making. Political views get in the way of exposing the truth about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. If you believe that John F. Kennedy denied Richard Nixon the opportunity to screw up American foreign policy in 1960, then what you say [JFK's assassination was detrimental to Nixon's presidential ambitions] sounds like it is an absolutely stupid statement. If, on the other hand, you believe [as the smoking gun tape strongly suggests] that exposing the truth about the Kennedy assassination is a detriment to American foreign policy, then you are likely to deceive yourself, for the sake up maintaining your American, foreign policy views. I am more interested in the truth about the assassination of John F. Kennedy than in your political views. Lynne you seem to have rading comprehension problems. Nowhere did I say I support Nixon quite the contrary. The question is wether or not knowing what was known in 1963 if the assassination of JFK would have been expected to increase or decrease Nixon's chances of getting elected in 64 or 68.
  9. Len, in the context of 1964, I have to agree. But in the context of 1968, the memory of JFK was of the legend, of Camelot, and not of Kennedy's razor-thin victory over Nixon. Had JFK lived, Nixon's re-emergence on the political scene as a candidate in 1968 would have conjured up memories and newspaper mentions of how Nixon had lost to Kennedy in '60 [active case, as in "had lost", rather than passive case, as in "had been defeated", is the preferred form in journalism]. While subtle, such references tend to tint public perceptions. And in the '60's, many were passionate about Nixon in a negative way[including my father]. Dad thought Harry Truman had pegged Nixon when he said, "He's a shift-eyed, lying son of a bitch, and everybody knows it." It just took Watergate for the rest of the country to discover what Truman was talking about. In the context of '64, the JFK assassination had no asset value to Nixon; but over the long term, it was perhaps THE turning point in Nixon's political career. Mark you are contradicting yourself. Nixon would have had a easier time against a non-incumbant than LBJ is the war hadn't become so unpopular, something unforseeable in 1963. You could argue he wouldn't have been elected in '68 if JFK had lived but I don't think the evidence supportys that and he couldn't have known it five years earlier.
  10. Tim C - You deleted the seminar is there any way you could repost it? All - As for the book asserting that the a Jewish conspiracy including the Mossad was resposible for the JFK assassination as well the MLK and RFK asassinations, Watergate, Monicagate, the pedofile priests scandal and a few other events. Michael Collins Piper the author has a longtime association with ultrarightwing neo-Nazi types namely Willis Carto the fatther of the Holocaust denial movement and an infamous anti-Semite/rascist. Christoper Bollyn a major 9/11 CTist also has a longtime association with Carto.
  11. Pat - I didn't see anything in that excert about blackmailing the CIA. What documentaion is there supoorting the idea that Goldwater and Bush pushed Nixon because of that quote? I doubt Bush was much of power in the party he couldn't even get the nomination.
  12. Mark I gotta agree with Tim on one point. JFK's assassination was detrimental to Nixon's presidential ambitions
  13. Has everyone forgotten that Irving Berlin wrote a song "Stop Inflation Now"? I don't know how they forced him to do it, but the song was so bad that the whole world has made a point of forgetting it. I defy anyone to find a mention of it on the Internet. I even searched in vain in a Berlin biography at Amazon.com. The song is a moment in American popular culture totally lost to history - except for my memory of it, I guess. When I'm gone, that'll be it. Many CT types would claim that if it's not on the Net it doesn't exist. Are you sure that's the title?
  14. Deep Throat felt he'd been slighted [sorry couldn't resist] Tim now that we're on the subject of Republican presidents lying about when they first saw/heard about historically critical tragedies, I invite you to reply to the thread concerning Bush's lies about what he saw on 9/11 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5209 Len
  15. I think you're Wilson because you constantly plug his meritless works and like him you state that things are beyond doubt based on the shakiest of evidence. I'm am not a 'Nixon insider', that distinction belongs to Tim [LOL] you use that innuendo against all of us. I did study American history. Nixon said the press wouldn't have him "to kick around any more" after losing the governor's race indicating his withdrawal from politics. He never show any interest in running for president again until the late 60's. The chances of any Republican winning in '64 after the assassination were very slim and even lower for Nixon. Only twice had a defeated candidate later been elected president Jefferson in 1800 and Cleveland in 1892. These were special cases in 1796 Jefferson's 2nd place made him VP Cleveland was elected in 1884 and won the popular vote in 1888 and Harrison [Cleveland's opponent in 88 and 92 supported a very unpopular tariff increase. Incumbents very rarely lost presidential elections before 1976 and most examples were special cases like Cleveland in 1888, Harrison in 1892 and Hoover in 1932 [he was blamed for causing of at least not ending the Depression] You were the one claiming to know about a secret LBJ/Nixon pact maybe you are the insider LOL Nixon always looked like a hobo!! Your logic gets fuzzier by the minute. I agree it is silly. Could it be because you spam this forum with garbage and insult everyone who disagrees with you? [Dawn did I get that right?] She said she was 'amazed at the similarities' that doesn't mean she thought it was him. It could even be understood to mean the opposite. If you showed my wife pictures of me taken years before she would probably say 'That's him' if you showed her pictures of someone else who looked a lot like me she would probably say something like "I'm amazed at the similarities." It would also be valuable to know if she knew him in 1963. If you, I'm assuming you really are Wilson or his partner, show the photo to a recognized and trained forensic photographic analysis and he or she says they're the same person I might agree you are on to something rather than that you are on something. LEN, GIVE IT UP WE OBVIOUSLY DO NOT AGREE. 1] Cop out reply 2] It's not just me, everyone disagrees with you. I think the only thing we agree on is that you're a pain in the ass. I think Lynee is either 1] Wilson or his partner/press agent 2] A 'xxxxx' who has come here just to piss people off. 3] Who she claims to be but in that case her arrogance out strips her knowledge and wisdom. In any case I don't think it's worth anyone's while to continue responding to her posts. I doubt I will. Anyone can make one or two dumb posts but Lynee doesn't seem capable of or willing to producing anything else
  16. Nixon didn't run in '64 because he knew he would loose. The loss of the California governor's race was especially embarassing for him and he swore to never run for office again. He hadn't won and election onhis own since 1950 and lost two in a row, people considered him sore looser and LBJ was very popular. I don't even know if he could have gotten the nomination. Was Nixon "in on it"? Was LBJ? Did they make a deal? Again could be but you haven't come up with anything new or compelling. I think you really are Wilson your brain operates on the same faulty logic. Try right clicking the link and chose the "cached snapshot of page" option, if you're lucky you'll get a copy of the page "captured" by Google. You might need the Google toolbar for this to work.
  17. Because Nixon as a suspect has been discussed here many times. Do you think you have something new? Why don't you mention the apparent plagiarism in that "great read" you found, since I went to the trouble of pointing it out? I didn't notice any plagiarism, I guess I over estimated your intellectual abilities he/you copped the part about Nixon lying and the Halderman/Erlichman quote from the other article. Quoted the exact same passage from the book, was that just a coincidence? More damning evidence of that has been posted on this Forum than you have come up with but I still haven't seen anything conclusive. You're the one who seems to think they are all knowing
  18. She said she was 'amazed at the similarities' that doesn't mean she thought it was him. It could even be understood to mean the opposite. If you showed my wife pictures of me taken years before she would probably say 'That's him' if you showed her pictures of someone else who looked a lot like me she would probably say something like "I'm amazed at the similarities." It would also be valuable to know if she knew him in 1963. If you, I'm assuming you really are Wilson or his partner, show the photo to a recognized and trained forensic photographic analysis and he or she says they're the same person I might agree you are on to something rather than that you are on something.
  19. Your right Ron did post the link to an article with the photo in a post in which he trashed your source. But as I said neither you nor Wilson did. That your guy mixes plagiarism with unsupported speculation puts him an even worse light. What this photo proves is beyond me, it's possible that the photo editor added the part about Nixon having heard about the assassination during the flight. Also in neither of the quotes from the site Ron gave the link to does Nixon say he FIRST heard about the assassination from these people when he was in the cab. "In a 1964 Reader's Digest article, Nixon recalled hailing a cab after his Dallas-New York flight: 'We were waiting for a light to change when a man ran over from the street corner and said that the President had just been shot in Dallas.' In November of 1973, however, Nixon said in Esquire that his cabbie 'missed a turn somewhere and we were off the highway...a woman came out of her house screaming and crying. I rolled down the cab window to ask what the matter was and when she saw my face she turned even paler. She told me that John Kennedy had just been shot in Dallas." Did Nixon lie about when he first heard about it? Could be, but that has yet to be proven. If he did does it prove anything? No just that he was a lying SOB, they didn't call him Tricky Dick for nothing. Was he a crimminal, of course. Did he have anything to do with the assassination? Could be but is unlikely that your hero will prove anything. You also failed to reply to the rest of my thread, why do you constantly plug that dope Wilson? You probably missed this from my last reply because I added it in an edit. I noticed that you think Ron is a Nixon fan too. LOL Take a look at our other posts to see if you really think that's true. You seem to have alienated just about everyone on this forum. You should ask yourself is the problem with ALL of us or is it with you? Where did you post before you showed up here? Did you get booted from there? That might soon be your fate here.
  20. Lynee, What's your hard on for this Mat Wilson guy? You seem to think every thing he writes is the "Holy Grail". To me it all looks like idle unsubstantiated speculation. The supposedly damming photo of Tricky Dick was nowhere to be seen nor were there any footnotes. You may take everything he says as the "Wilson given truth" but if you want to be taken seriously on this forum you should cite researchers who actually have research to back their claims. The way you constantly plug his work makes me wonder if you have an ulterior motive. Are you his publisher, press agent, wife, daughter or girl friend? Or are you just an obsessed fan. Or are you him using an assumed identity? Just because someone doesn't Wilson or you seriously it does not mean that he or she wants to protect Nixon or is a Warrenist. It just means they don't like hokum.
  21. 1874 Ehrich Weiss (Harry Houdini) born to Rabbi Mayer Samuel Weiss and his wife Cecelia on March 24 in Budapest, Hungary. 1878 Weiss family joins Rabbi Weiss in Appleton, Wisconsin, where he leads a small Reform congregation. 1883 At age nine, Ehrich and some neighborhood friends establish a five-cent circus. Wearing red woolen stockings, he bills himself as "Ehrich, The Prince of the Air." 1887 After a series of failures in the Midwest, Rabbi Weiss brings Ehrich with him to New York City, where they live in a boardinghouse on East Seventy-ninth Street. Ehrich works a variety of jobs to help support the family. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/houdini/timeline/index.html The family moved to Milwaukee when Ehrich was about eight http://www.apl.org/history/houdini/biography.html So he moved to Appleton when he was 3 or 4 and then moved to Milwaukee when he was 8 his tenure in Appleton was brief.
  22. Not to mention he pulls in about a million a year in subscriptions to the site, runs ads AND asks for donations! I don't know much about Pinnacle, what's the story with them? The eugenics thing is new on me does he advocate it on his site? Check out the link, I think it's revealing for two reasons 1] he comes off as a paranoid whack job and 2] he is so detached from reality that he thinks it makes him look good, he put it on his site. How anybody can take this guy seriously is beyond me. [sorry for dissing your buddy Gerry, but like you "I gotta call'em like I see'um"
  23. Griffin is a paranoid fool who doesn't know what he is talking about. In case you missed the tread on the subject there is a grand total of ZERO civil engineers or architects who believe that the towers were demo'd, only a handful of scientists say they believe this but none of them have degrees in relevant subjects. Did Bush know the attacks were coming but intentionally do nothing? Unlikely but possible. Did Bush or people in his administration set up 9/11? Possible but even less probable! Where the Twin Towers felled by controlled demolition? Impossible. Even Chomsky and Cockburn reject such CT's. The short list of comparable atrocities will do
  24. I thought the article was interesting but didn't think it applied to Bush in this case. I am sure that hearing about the plane crash and Princess Di shocked the test subjects but it didn't directly affect them or require any sort of action on their part. This was a "life defining moment" for him and I seriously doubted that even Bush would have false memories of an event of such paramount importance after so short a period of time. Remember the blank look he had on his face after Card gave him the news? He was a green president with only 10 months experience dealing with national security/military foreign affairs matters and was faced with this countries most serious crisis since Pearl Harbor* and he created a false memory? I found that a bit hard to swallow. I used past tense above because I read the following yesterday. I think this pretty much eliminates the "false memory" defence. Can't say why he did it but there really is no way to refute it he lied. Note the dateline only 22 days after he said, "First of all when we walked into the classroom I had seen this plane fly into the FIRST building, there was a TV set on" Excerpt from: *FDR on the other hand had over 8 1/2 years on the job and the US had been preparing for possible war with the Axis and an attack by the Japanese was NOT unexpected. Not since Lincol has such an inexperienced president had to deal with such a grave crisis.
  25. Yes. Based on facts and precedents, . Which 'facts' do you think support you theories" What precedents are there to demolishing the WTC?
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