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Jim Phelps

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Posts posted by Jim Phelps

  1. Well, It is not released in the US, so this is all we have to go on.   Reporters that give some insights.

    Maybe, we'll see it someday.

    But, it appears from the existing reporting is that JFK was not solved---just more ultra- extensive commentary.

    I know what happened from Nov 22, 1963 from original Masonic sources at the USAEC in Oak Ridge.   So, I cannot be fooled , nor kowtow to non-expert witnesses.   Even if they are Stone fame associated.

    An expert witness is not MSM oriented.


    I have seen what appears to be a Magic Bullet replay clip from the Debut that fails to note that the Gov was hit while laying down and saw JFK's head damage while laying down.  It is very similar to the Jim Fetzer book and his David W. Mantik interviews.   So, nothing new there---that I can see anyway..

    I think most realize the JFK kill shots came from Dal-Tex and one from GN, as the last shot.

    When the US is the last to see a release and lots of the US media was not interesting in airing it---we must wonder and check out why.

    I guess reviews will be developing for months on this.

  2. Most in the South, both Black and White, know this deal exposing Pike, Masons, and the US Truman Insurrection that JFK exposed has been long overdue.

    The Masonic Creator's statues are being torn down. Albert Pike was a bit of a Monster Maker Imperialist out to save England's Royalists. Slavery began from Liverpool UK's Atlantic Triangle Slave trade route and made Liverpool's bankers rich.

    Ole MLK, who used Masonic Lodge meeting sites, likely got all the Noble Pike emulations gang mad as MLK was backed by JFK. Everyone suspects the Pike allied KKK and Masonic Noble gang had MLK offed. If the news for the Blacks showed evil England was the Slave makers, the reparations would be in trillions and the Nobles of England considered monsters.

    Pike was the Imperial  UK agent, in the US, that used SR Masons to keep Blacks down. The KKK has been criminalized and it needs to continue with all Masons in the US and really the world.

    The Masons, down here in the South, hated JFK with a passion to kill him for endorsing MLK. It follows that Masons killed JFK as deuterium and UK's family / religious origins came into view as involved in hiding deuterium. Oak Ridge is the deuterium stock pile and all the Mason Nobles know it highly affects UK and they all were largely Masons that hated JFK.

    Down South all the radical Masons wanted Catholic JFK dead, especially over the Civil Rights Protests and clashes   Everyone was armed to the top and it is a wonder a huge conflict did not break out.   One of the more serious events happened next door to Oak Ridge in Clinton, Tennessee.  There a school was blown up and destroyed and kids had to be bused to Oak Ridge for school.   That pushed the Oak Ridge and Knoxville Masons into a fever pitch to kill JFK and MLK.

    When that happens next door to a nuke plant---the plant protection types go nuts.  They don't want any radical types pushing "BirdCage" nukes close together.  "Birdcages" are deals that keep fissile bomb materials separated and if anyone took that out and did some bowling, a huge mess would occur.  The plant would be shut down and all the city.    The tensions in Oak Ridge were way over the top

    When JFK's LHO got the deuterium secrets for the CIA kill Castro Project, that was the last straw and these Masons went full attack mode to kill JFK.  The lead was Alvin Weinberg's  ORNL Mason Raymond W. Tucker, Sr. using his Army Air Core Buddy that had Giancana alliances to ship killers to Dallas---namely Nicoletti and two others.

    One Oak Ridge Mason  knew and worked Jack Ruby to kill JFK and keep the 1st temple's big time Jewish deuterium issues secret.

    The deuterium cover ups highly involve Masons in Oak Ridge's Y-12 plant, and doing that made major health crimes against humanity. As such, the damages to Americans, and greater world are immense and a trillion dollars is much too low.

    JFK getting the deuterium secrets meant he would make good on cutting the Masonic Allan Dulles CIA into a million pieces, as well as Masonic run Oak Ridge and their fate would be like UK Charles 1---total decapitation of their criminal associations.

    Masons need to be criminalized, as the KKK, except that much more serious, worse criminal acts, and massive reparation costs taxed to them, and in many cases Death Penalty prosecutions, and extensive criminal attributes to each of their criminal history backed by each members Oath.

    Being a member of this group need to be an instant criminal offense for keeping their members crime's concealed, Backing Pike's take over of the US, Foisting Black hatred of former slaves, deuterium health damages, and was massive Organized crime racketeering.

    Everyone has known this Pike deal was going to blow up in the Mason's faces, sooner or later, and the whole temple deuterium gang would come tumbling down on their very heads in a huge dramatic ending.

    Now it is happening--enjoy the Show    qqq
  3. Pike, who I consider to be an insurrection type against the US, gets torn down.    Pike is burred at the Main Lodge in DC,,  just a short distance from the White House.

    That Grand Lodge really needs to be removed also..   It is disturbing that Trump seems to back Pike and Churchill---as both were serious "snakes in the grass."


    Masons caused a lot of problems, like the Indians that got forced relocation,  Masons likely need a like deal to stop troubles.   From the looks of things with Trump's vaccine's killing folks and this---Trump may need forced relocation also.   He has not delivered on the JFK hit knowledge that solves things.   He should have pardoned LHO as an innocent man.   He should of had the Criminal Warren Report as Fake News and discredited it all.

    And Trump should have pulled the deuterium temple down on the Mason's heads.

  4. The "God Complex" causes a lot of problems.   It is well rooted into the UK's Royalists that claim the power to Rule from Family of Kind David's Throne and Solomo's temple hidden treasure secrets from God.

    The Masons in the UK and even in the US make great deals out of Who Has The Power.   In 1649, in the UK a God Complex King wanted control of all and went against People's Freedom and Independence and did a total head labotomy on King Charles !   UK was trying to get free of overbearing Monarchy and ole King Charles 1 lost his head in a public exhibition.

    Ref:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_I_of_England

    Lots of the run up for 1649's Freedom efforts obviously affected the American Blue Lodge  (3 degree Master Mason) Masons Freedom and Independence from England.

    The UK's King friendly Masons started up in 1717 in London.

    Ref:  https://www.theweek.co.uk/in-depth/91455/freemasons-who-are-they-and-what-do-they-do

    When some of the Freer thinking US Masons came along and the Declaration appears ans from 1775-183 the US kicked England out of the US over many of the same wants that got Charles 1 headless.

    Ref:  https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/american-revolution-history

    But then in the US we got a lot of English bad deals that started the US Civil War from 1861 to 1865.

    Ref:  https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/brief-overview-american-civil-war

    Right after this Civil War that the UK Mason  friendly South lost, the despotic Albert Pike invents to Scottish Rite Masons to keep up Royalist Power in the US hidden in windowless Masonic Lodges, using blood and death Oaths, and all kinds of imagery that relish Solomon's Temple and the Royalist Right to Rule.   That is the "God Complex" that gets embedded ito SR Masons and Albert Pike's formula for long term US take over from within  deals using secrecy and doing US Insurrection using Masons.

    Ref:   http://stevenhager.net/2012/08/03/the-truth-about-albert-pike/

    The Pike S. R. Masons use the symbol of "Compass and Square" as one of their ID deals and that is the tools of the Stone Masons that built the religious temple of old.  Via that they call these builders as "The Great Architects" and that well linked to God.   The move SR Masons into indoctrination plays methods by telling that a Hiram Abiff was the Solomon's Temple was that Great Architect  and he held the Secrets of the God's.   They give everyone little passwords related to Temple of Solomon and get all used to their Codes.

    In the 1717 period that was used to keep out Irish Catholic from being the King's buddies and infiltrating the UK's Royalist inner circles.

    In the US version by Pike it is used to know the Pike Insurrection trained  S R Masons.  They use buildings with no windows, and floor space that get set up with Lodge leaders, and deals that emulate Solomon's Temple old entrance posts.   They claim their Masonic Craft began in that time by Practicing Real Stone Mason password tests and handshakes that gave them free travels for all the regions.

    It goes on and on with  more Oaths and more acting skits and more passwords, all of it linked to old UK deals, Solomon's Temple's Royalist Kings and Queens dependency.  Tey'll dress up in clothing called Regalia, carry Swords, wear English Mil Hats, et al that matches the old Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies as they bring back England's Rule and Power impressed on their followers.

    Some of this attracts Police, Judges, Presidents, CIA agents, Jewish wealthy and the list goes on and on.  In the end it is a huge click that protects each other and gains hidden power structures.   They got very much into themselves as special and being the only entitled and blessed people to lead.  That happening the  US and its Govt disrupts the US's Freedom and Independence.  Masons were well known in WWII to send intelligence to Dulles in Switzerland.  33rd Mason Guy Bannister was Intelligence in New Orleans and screwed LHO and JFKL

    Ref:  https://www.mof.org.au/articles/items-of-interest/62-the-forget-me-not.html

    That is where the JFK Secret Society Speech joins in with exposing Masons Temple Builder Harry Truman and JFK wanting this Royalist Power and Control over the US Via SR Pike Insurrection methods removed.  Catholic JFK knew this was happening well, but the average controlled minds of Americans hardly knew this at all was happening and American was being Swallowed up from within by a bunch of insurrection Crooks.

    In the great scheme of things, the old ways of the controlling God Complex types were being replaced by a New Idea and more human Essene Person  named Jesus.   Jesus and the Essene knew most of the valuable information from the God's Garden of Eden and they had just as much or more knowledge as the Temple Priests and they didn't keep secrets,   They taught people the good foods and the bad the same as the Garden of Eden's good health Gods passed on needed knowledge.

    Jesus and the Essene's "kinder and gentler" ways caught on in the 2 nd temple period to the point that people consider them to have God's knowledge..  Jesus was respected by the Romans and they took up that kinder and gentler grace of God teaching.   Meanwhile the dethroned "God Complex" ruling gang of old was not happen and sought to get rid of Jesus and all his followers.

    The old God Complex types entered into conflicts with Romans in 70 AD and the Romans killed many Temple followers and burned down the Temple and the Great Architect's Symbols.   They went on out to Masada and killed all there, and what were left were told to leave and never come back.

    Over the centuries lots of this hate worsened, Empires Formed, much blood was shed.

    Then came JFK who took on the most dangerous Empire backers in US existence.   They were numerous down South and they all came to Hate JFK for disrupting their way of Life and backing MLK and Civil Rights.  They were trained by the Highlander Center in Monteagle Tennessee in the Ghandi Methods for how India managed to free themselves from England.   The Highlander Center was then called Communists, they got ran out of Monteagle and into Knoxville, where lots more KKK-Masonic hate built.  Long after all that they landed in New Market Tn area and were finally cleared by  FBI's Edward H Moody of being illegal or Communists.   They just taught the Ghandi non-violent protest methods and became part of history.

    JFK came up against the hardened Masons in the South like George Wallace.   That built more and more masonic hate as Mayors, Police, Judges, and elected officials were all Masonic Gang members.   The article below tells of the most dangerous racists in the US---and in Knoxville and Oak Ridge that fermented into the kill JFK deal, the kill MLK deal, the kill RFFK deal and many more.

    What most are too slow to realize is that all that involved deuterium cover ups for Oak Ridge and Zionists,  that long sordid deal has now become the kill themselves deal.


  5. Oak Ridge is advertised as the Secret City, originally due to all the Bomb secrets.    But today, it still has even bigger secrets.   The Biggest is their "Country Club" Mason had JFK killed over deuterium secrets and helping the CIA Kill Castro with Cancer Project.

    "Country Club" is the nickname from Y-12 workers for Oak Ridge National Lab that was Jewish Managed (Alvin Weinberg) and where Raymond W. Tucker, Sr worked.   After JFK was killed in Dallas on Friday, the 22nd of 1963, all the Y-12 Masons and others were celebrating that Masonic Tucker saved everyone's job.  The story spread like wild fire in their Masonic networks that managed these plants.

    So, while Tucker and Dallas "Big Event" Zionist Ruby got rid of JFK and got their Jewish Savior LBJ, they had a huge problem with all these plant's Masons being accessory for Murder and Treason over their JFK hit involvement.

    Then all the corrupt Truman Masons had to come save Oak Ridge Masons.   Texas Mason LBJ, now in charge, had the Warren Commission idea.  That was more than a diabolical invention that had Masonic LBJ twisting 33rd Mason Earl Warren to head the Warren Commission to fake up a single shooter at all costs to protect all of Masonry and Oak Ridge and the deuterium secrets.

    The Warren Report was a fictitious generated document by Masons to protect Masons that had JFK killed.   These Masons got LBJ out of jail as JFK was going to fire Johnson and have him prosecuted for murder.   JFK was after Mafia Protector 33rd Mason J Edgar Hoover and intended to toss him out of the FBI in disgrace.

    The LBJ save the Masons Warren Report was fed doctored fake data on LHO.   They had about 5 super crook Masons on their panel and one Jewish Mason named Arlen Spector faked up the Magic Bullet Theory.   The Whole thing was a Faked Up Masonic Fraud report.   It was by Masons to save Masons---all fabricated information and a crime in itself.

    Once that got foisted onto the public record the corrupt FBI and other corrupt Feds could claim the JFK hit was a lone nut killer and framed LHO as their final determination and shut down any other investigations for all time.  LHO never got a trial and never convicted by real justice.

    For the corrupt Oak Ridge Masons it was their get out of jail and death penalty for free card and a very big gift from Texas Mason LBJ and his 33rd Masonic brother Hoover that gave LBJ the JFK "Black Mail "Material that forced LBJ onto the Kennedy ticket at the Convention..   JFK was set up from the beginning by Masons Hoover and LBJ, and their Masonic helpers were Raymond W. Tucker, Sr. and his working Zionist Jack Ruby to be Dallas's Sam Giancana Mafia "Point Man" to pull off his "Big Event" of killing JFK and getting it all filmed by Jewish Mason and Dal-Tex's Abe Zapruder to enshrine their Masonic Deed and warning to others for eternity.

    The reasons that Raymond W. Tucker, Sr could openly brag on knowing Jack Ruby as the Warren Report guaranteed his charmed never a prosecution existence.  A huge load of Masonic members protected Tucker and his JFK murder involvements with Ruby.

    One of the biggest Oak Ridge Super-Secrets is the Masonic Warren report was a corrupt Masonic gift to all of them for killing JFK for Masonry and the continued US insurrection and take over of the US from within.

    The longer term legacy from this Masonic criminal subterfuge is the deuterium health damages are totally out of control and killing millions of Americans, and others and are Crimes Against Humanity!

    Now we have a huge deuterium imposed health holocaust----that fits Revelation's Prophecy.

  6. Citation

    He was a veteran of WWII, serving in the Army Air Corps.   (along with Jacob Rubenstein  (aka Jack Ruby))

    These people not only killed JFK, they also covered up deuterium issues that involve health issues so wide spread and severe as to be termed Crimes Against Humanity.


    Since this is a rather large issue that has involved the censure of power over the US's Judicial Processes to conceal the JFK hit and the follow on criminal concealment of deuterium, that the US Military Assume Military Control of the US until such times that all the insurrection parties, Masonic Criminals and their backers, be charged, and justice rendered with Death Penalty Summary Judgement, and other serious criminal justice measures.

  7. THE USAEC's Atomic Museum Visitor Log that shows LHO came to Oak Ridge and learned deuterium and cancer methods as a runner for CIA kill Castro Project in New Orleans.

    This USAEC page made it into the FBI's hands  and likely tipped off that LHO was an agent for JFK / RFK and that the deuterium secrets would be exposed to JFK and he would come after the corrupt Masonic CIA, as well as the corrupt Masonic Oak Ridge operations and their deuterium cover up issues.




    This is where Raymond W. Tucker, Sr met Jack Ruby in the Army Air Core.   That meet up later turned into ORNL Masonic Tucker getting Zionist and LBJ connected Ruby to be the Dallas Point Man to kill JFK using Chicago's Sam Giancana's hit men.

    This is the real deal of how it happened.

    The Kerbela Shine, that I used in an example earlier, is where I think  Tucker belonged and worse the Red Fez as symbolic of spilling Christian's blood.  For the Oak Ridge Masons he is their hero for having JFK killed, using Ruby, and saving their jobs.   This is how incredibly corrupt this area has become due to Masonic Criminal Activities.



    "During World War II he was drafted into the United States Army Air Corps (1943) and spent the war at southern bases working as an aircraft mechanic."

    All you just read on Tucker and his Masons, ORNL, and the rest is the real deal on JFK that I have known for decades, and this applies


  8. This was the Wife of Raymond W. Tucker, Sr., who lived at 1121 Withlow Rd., in Knoxville, Tn.  at the time of the JFK murder.   She was an Organist for the Wallace Memorial Baptist Church on Merchants Rd. in the Knoxville Norwood community.

    This husband and wife sent their kids around the neighborhood knocking on doors bragging that their father knew Jack Ruby.

    The Knoxville Norwood Community was a distance from Oak Ridge to get less pollution and better housing.   This Norwood community had a lot of Oak Ridge workers and many of them Masons.

    Eastern Star is a Masonic Women's group.

    All these people were a part of the JFK murder plot in 1963 and had full knowledge.




    TUCKER, BETTY HODGE - age 86 of Knoxville, born March 14, 1928 in Middlesboro, Kentucky passed away peacefully January 6, 2015. A retiree of the Knox County School System as a library aide, she was a longtime church organist, a member of the American Guild of Organists, and a member of the Eastern Star. She will be remembered as a loving mother and wife with a sweet and gentle nature. She was preceded in death by her husband of 59 years Raymond W. Tucker, Sr. and brother, Ernest Hodge. Survivors include daughter Jeannie Singley and husband Dale of Greensboro, North Carolina; son Raymond W. Tucker, Jr. and wife Renee; grandchildren Cindy Albright, Denise Singley Lawrence, Charles Tucker, and Devin Singley; two great grandchildren; sisters Ann Cook, Frances Rose, and Eleanor Carpenter, as well as several nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the American Diabetes Association or The Samaritan's Purse Relief Ministry, PO Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607. The family will receive friends 6:00-8:00 PM Friday at Mynatt Funeral Home Fountain City Chapel. A private interment will be held for the family. A celebration of life service will be held 2:30 PM Saturday at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church, 9132 Kingston Pike. www.mynattfh.com

  9. This is the whole Obit for Raymond W. Tucker, Sr., who was a Big Shriner Mason who worked for Jewish Managed Oak Ridge National Lab that hated JFK and got his Army Air Core buddy Jack Ruby to kill JFK using the His Chicago Mob connections.   In 1963, they lived at 1121 Withlow Rd. in the Community of Norwood in Knoxville, Tennessee..   His father worked for TVA.  His Brother Charlie lived across the street from him also worked at ORNL..

    This Masonic Person was a key player involved in getting JFK killed by Jack Ruby to conceal that Oak Ridge was involved in providing LHO the cancer kill techniques using deuterium as the potentiate argent for enhanced SV-40 made using Dr. Mary Sherman's cancer vaccine research accelerator in New Orleans for the CIA effort to kill Castro.

    The CIA's SV-40 project had LHO as the CIA runner, used David Ferrie for rodent labs, Judy Baker as viral harvest technician, and Dr Mary Sherman.   LHO, Mary Sherman, and David Ferrie were all killed to hide the project, CIA/Oak Ridge involvement, and Dr. Alton Oschner as the CIA idea Originator.

    Judy Baker survived by living down low for decades and wrote her book telling of her CIA cancer project and her affair with LHO.

    This is the real deal history on how JFK was killed to promote crooked Mason LBJ.

    These people were involved in one of the worst crimes in US history, and this is how corrupt Masons blend in as perfect church people right under everyone's nose.   This how insidious the Masons are at taking over the US from within.




    TUCKER, RAYMOND W. SR. - age, 82, of Knoxville passed away suddenly on Saturday, June 17, 2006 in Durham, North Carolina. Member of Central Baptist Church, Fountain City and Moulders Sunday school class. Ray was a fine Christian gentleman. He retired from Oak Ridge National Laboratory after 39 years of service. He was Past Master of Bright Hope Lodge #557 F. & A.M. and a member of the Shrine, the Lions Club, and Gideons International. He was a longtime volunteer for the Knoxville Open. Ray was an ordained deacon in the Baptist Church and was active in many church activities. He was a veteran of WWII, serving in the Army Air Corps. Preceded in death by his parents Henry and Bertha Tucker, brother and sister in law, Charles "Bug" and Barbara Tucker. Survived by his loving wife of 59 years, Betty Tucker; daughter and son-in-law Jeannie and Dale Singley of Greensboro, North Carolina; son and daughter in law, Raymond, Jr. and Renee Tucker of Knoxville; grandchildren Cindy Albright and husband Seth, Charles Tucker, Denise Singley and Devin Singley. Masonic and fFuneral services, 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, Central Baptist Church, Fountain City with Dr. David Crocker, Dr. James McCluskey and Dr. James Robertson officiating. Family and friends will meet, 9:45 a.m., Wednesday, Lynnhurst Cemetery for entombment at 10:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association or Central Baptist Church, Fountain City. The family will receive friends Tuesday from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the church. Mynatt Funeral home, Fountain City in charge of arrangements

  10. One of the heads of the JFK hit plans in New Orleans conspiracy was Ex-FBI's Guy Bannister, who was 33rd Masonic Shriner down in New Orleans.  Bannister was heavily tied to various Mafias including Marcellos.  JFK's dad and family were close with FDR and folks like James Forrestal and all that appears part of why they tagged JFK as a Communist.

    Masonic Shiners are why a lot of Christians don't like Masons, and perhaps why a lot of Masons relish Morocco's hate Christians history and people like JFK.   Seems the old Roman Catholic hate by Masons and Zionists endorsed any others that hated Christians and murdered them.   All these Masonic Shriner deals seem to have this same deal.

    We have one of the Shriner Masonic deals here in Tennessee and it is named for "Kerbela" Temple in Iraq, that is the 2nd most important deal in Islam:  It is bigger than the temple mount area's importance for Islam.   They appear to want some mix of Solomon's temple with Islam's Shrines.

    The only Islam country that allows Masons is Morocco.   All the rest of Islam does not allow Masons.

    One of the Carlos Marcello deals was he emulated Guy Bannister's Shriner charity to have the area not jump on his criminal Mafia issues.   The Charity deal is a cover for Masonic insurrection methods used to take over the US from within and work in Christian Morrocan hate by Masons that hated Catholic JFK.

    It is interesting the Masons support the area known for Barbary Coast Pirates, that Jefferson went after,  and killing Christians in wars.


    Lots of Christians don't like Masons and the Red Fez deal is one reason. Even the Latter Day Saints have dumped Masons as they have noticed their symbols. The Fez in Arabic deals is symbol for the blood of Christians in one of many wars. I think they should have picked a different symbol there.

    Lots of the Christian killer deals were Morocco connected and linked to the Barbary Coast Pirates that the US Marines took on and killed off, as a part of US Military History.
    Make ones own mind up.

    The city of Kerbela has been the focus of the Islamic world since the battle of Kerbela in 680 AD. Historical records show that the land of Kerbela belonging to the Adananite Arab tribe of Banu Asad. Imam Hussian, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) purchased the land from Banu Asad before the battle of Kerbela on the 10 th of October 680 AD. The battle of Kerbela marks an important milestone in the Islamic history. Imam Hussian was killed along with his seventy one companions facing an army of over four thousand. The city of Kerbela started to grow around the graves of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, his kin and his faithful companions. The city of Kerbela is located approximately sixty miles southwest of the city of Baghdad. More than 25 million
    people attended the Arba'een Pilgrimage in 2018. Arba'een marks the 40-day mourning period after Ashura. Ashura is the 10 th day in the first Islamic calendar month of Muharram. Ashura marks the day of the battle of Kerbela. The last 1300 years history of the city of Kerbela tells a unique story of its genesis and evolution as one of the holiest sites of Islam. This paper presents a historic view of the city's evolution intertwined with its deep cultural and religious underpinnings.
  11. So, these "God Complex" issues go way back to 1 st temple deals and Royalist's right to rule in UK per Throne of David an their God games.   It even gets into the hate from the 70 AD war that the Roman Catholic, who backed Jesus, were going after the Jerusalem take over and cleaning out Jerusalem's Rome rebellions, burning down their Temple and tearing it totally down, and going after them at Masada.   The Roman killed most of them and scattered the rest and now there is huge efforts to make sure no other Temple cranks up their nutty deuterium worship and deuterium cover up Temples that led to immense harm to the world's health.

    This long existing Roman hate then gets into the English Rule Royalists, all their Jewish Throne of David Relatives and so on.   They even hate Irish Catholics and that UK Vs Irish deal is where lots of the UK's Masonic Origins come from.  All those factions feared Irish Catholic JFK taking the US Presidency and they were ready to kill,  just as they had FDR.    They forced corrupt LBJ onto the JFK ticket to be able to do an instant replay of the FDR to Truman take over of the US, and the Masonic Hoover deal to Black mail LBJ onto the JFK ticket was the Masonic set up against JFK set in place early on via corrupt SR Mason Hoover to put his corrupt Texas SR Zionist Mason buddy in place of Catholic JFK, if things went bad for the Truman insurrection gangsters taking over the US from within.

    This is a highly corrupt intense hate fest that has been running with the "God Complex" types for thousands of years.   It is criminal to the Max to the point of being Revelations is the result.    The harm to billions is the outcome and the criminal prosecutions will result in reparations for the massive harm done to the US and the world being in trillions and trillions that even the Masonic Crooks children's children can never pay off.

    So, now the massive criminal reasons for intense methods of criminal deceit and treachery against anyone seeking the truth on JFK become clear.   Things would have been much more simple if JFK had won his Masonic offensive, but then we would not have this build up leading into Revelations.   Revelations was simple to predict for anyone that knew the temple's deuterium secret on deuterium and that it would fester and build up to the final breaking point of Revelations Prophecy.   Hence, some of the visions from John of Patmos come true and now the why and how is explained from deuterium's health and history of concealment issues.

  12. What you associate has much merit.   The Mil/Ind Network that took over was the MED or the Manhattan Project and its extreme security that killed thousands in the Project's New York area as suspected BUND spies.  Lots that turned into projection of Royalists and their long existing deuterium secrets and a Q or Queen's Clearance to cover up the religious associations of Deuterium.  That became so extreme that a raging Zionist in Canada, named Louis Bloomfield, had power over DISC, FBI Div 5, and up PERMINDEX upstarts.   He was the only one the UK gangsters trusted to cover up the 1st Temple's deuterium secrets and how all that became the UK Royalist's right to rule and take over areas via Colonial methods..

    Lots of the continual problems go way back to those with the God Complex and thinking they are the supreme power and dominate leadership of the planet. Some of it plays into the FED control over US Money via Royalist bankers. and the New York power.   Lots of this mess hit even FDR as he became fronds with Stalin and FDR did not intend to use the bomb om Japan as his Sec of Navy Jim Forrestal has a surrender in hand via the Catholic Churches in Japan.  Basically FDR designed a Four Freedoms plan that was to be implemented at the end of WWII and would terminate al Colonial Holdings by UK and others and wipe out England's abuses of Power, as well as others.

    FDR became UK's enemy and the UK tried to poison him in Egypt and killed some General.  They FDR started staying where Stalin and his security would protect FDR in Tehran and so on.   FDR stopped playing UK games for Royalist Power and control.   So, they FDR suddenly died at Warm Springs and Stalin and all thought the Southern SR Masons poisoned him and wanted to see his body.   That was denied and FDR quickly burred and UK's Lap Dog Mason Truman was pushed into US power and quickly controlled by English Masonic control and insurrection methods over the US.   

    Truman became the English insurrection Masons lap dog that pushed in total UK Masonic control over the US.    JFK and his Catholic buddies knew all about this and JFK went after corrupt UK insurrection Truman and his Secret Society.   Soon the deuterium cover up Masons took over the Manhattan Project and helped the UK insurrection cover up and hide the religious connections for deuterium.    So, they were the ones that soon went after JFK as he and his spy LHO spotted the CIA Masonic Dulles Masonic gangster going to kill Castro using deuterium and enhanced SV-40 cancer virus.    So, they JFK had enough to destroy the out of control UK Masonic controlled CIA and the corrupt deuterium cover up Masonic control and dominated Oak Ridge and their magic deuterium nuke Fusion Explosives.

    So, the real hit for JFK originated at ORNL with Raymond W. Tucker, SR, an Oak Ridge Masons with all the bloody Mil/Ind Network power to kill and cover up killing anyone they wanted.   They had done that in New York with Army's Ralph I. Lockhart's deals worked from Plainfield, NJ with various Mafia gangs to kill German BUND all around New York.   To this Mil/Ind Network Gang JFK was just like FDR backing Stalin and JFK needed killed just like they did Joe Kennedy pal FDR.    Soon they were off killing FDR buddy James Forrestall for going after UK insurrection Gangster Truman.    Next, the 1st Catholic President got called a Communist from JCS'  Canadian insurrection Curtis LeMay and his Jewish insurrection master Lyman Lemnitzer.   Both those JCS guys hated JFK, and LeMay a Canadian Mason and art of the US Masonic insurrection and likewise Jewish Lemnitzer was a UK backing Masonic insurrection Truman take over the US from within Truman Royalist Gangster.

    Yes, it was very easy for the Oak Ridge connected Masons to set up JFK being killed and crooked Texas Mason being plugged in to back and cover up US take over methods by Truman.  ORNL's Masonic Tucker, SR was big pals with Zionists Jack Ruby and his Chicago Mafia was easy to cooperate to kill JFK in LBJ's Zionist controlled Dallas, Tx.    Even have the whole thing filmed by Jewish Masonic Zionist Abe Zapruder, who was Ruby's big buddy from Dal-Tex that was the real shooter's nest.  Evne make a huge rigged Masonic insurrection WC document to frame LHO to conceal their crimes against humanity from deuterium cover ups and killing  JFK to maintain that.

    It was a huge Mil/Ind Network uprising, mainly from USAEC connections, power, and history to kill JFK using extensive Truman Insurrection Masonic take over of the US..

  13. The Masonic Intent, the Knowledge they held via deceit and treachery, their death threat rituals, and what they were programmed to kill to hide from the world.

    Lets talk a bit more on Masonic Intent, rituals;, threats of death to maintain secrets linked to Solomon's Temple---and example for Hiram Abiff---a 1st  Mason.

    We all know the old Temple held big secrets of deuterium that was part of Manna from Heaven produced from oil field and volcanic like heat in the area of Midian, via Earth Processes, in the times of the Exodus and Moses.  It was also part of the grass fed animal sacrifices used by 1st temple as these are low deuterium meats and oils that promote energy, health, and longevity via low deuterium diets.

    These Masonic Rituals start at the very first level of Masonic Memberships and they were apparently written by Albert Pike himself.  the guy that sought to take over the US from within after the Civil War for the UK, Royalism, and decedents from David's Throne.   You knock on their door and join you swear an OATH to themselves.

    All these Masonic Ritual deals are published on the Net these days from many Christians that found issues in Masonry.

    They basically show there is a huge secret from Solomon's Temple's time that all have to protect even under threat of death.

    These days the deuterium issues on health are known and published,   Oak Ridge and the USAEC have been hiding these deuterium secrets for decades. The Masonic Rituals show the intend to conceal the deuterium factors from all except themselves to gain control and power over others.

    The Masons show intend, reason to kill to hide the secret and so on.

    JFK paid their cult like price.   And everyone else pays a serious health price if JFK is left unsolved.

    And it is all admitted in their very training and loyalty Oaths.   They can be easily convicted for Crimes Against Humanity due to their ritual training.

  14. Well, that is interesting

    Citation from article

    “Trump, don’t xxxx with the CIA or they will destroy you.”


    If Trump is going to coward mode, explain that God is on this ride and that will incinerate Trump and Zionist stooge Schumer,  the CIA, and a whole lot more.

    Schumer and his first temple's mossad gang is very easy to connect with deuterium and very long running deuterium and health concealment issues.  Crimes Against Humanity, these are !

    Deuterium issues will come out,  Masonic Criminals in CIA, FBI, DOJ will come out.

    And the world will recognize the Revelations issues arising rapidly.

    The World will speak for God and the punishments will become major.

    The world will also take note that Trump signed the Vaccine mRNA death warrants for Vaccines that infect Spikes and killing too many people.   They will also so find out the deuterium overloads in the food chain set the US up for these death by virus issues, both due to China sources and the mRNA sources.

    There will be no turning back, time won't wash these issues away----they will become part of Revelations come to life.   God has a low tolerance for Criminals.

    CIA and a lot more will cease to exist !


  15. I think the writing has been on the wall for the Masonic criminal networks installed at high level places in US Govt. by Truman and others, and this has been a consistent gang blocking solving the JFK assassination.

    JFK's Secret Society Speech well defined them and all these delays, cover ups, hiding evident is due to their corrupt ugly systems.   Any law enforcement using the excuse that the WC report solved the JFK must have mandatory criminal prosecutions and involve RICO for their associates and clean house of these coordinated criminals.

    The Masons have soiled their own nests for a long long time as far as criminal involvement in US insurrections and treason's of various sorts connected to UK and their King David extended family issues of trying to control and dominate the US.  Pike's design was insurrections of US for UK.

    The Fact that USAEC's deuterium issues enters what the corrupt Masons were trying to conceal linked to the JFK murder motive--now has them all well connected to the concealment of deuterium's various deadly and fatal health effects.   There are likely many corrupt USAEC Masons and their helpers that require death penalty prosecution due to there severity and long running damages due to deuterium since 1963.

    Now, every person in the US can charge them, Masons, FBI, CIA, DOJ with Crimes Against Humanity, even their own family's can charge their masonic criminal family and work RICO Act Death Penalty prosecution.

    The whole world needs to turn on these extreme crooks that have crapped their own families, not to mention all US Citizens and People of the World that were kept from knowing the deuterium etiology that causes and dominates many disease and illnesses progressions and early deaths.

    There needs to be no place these criminals can escape prosecution and no place that they can be welcome in any Govt., or power/authority over others.

    It is time to go after the main problem as it is well defined via extensive cover up actions and evidence, and basically called out by JFK  himself from almost day 1 of his Presidency.

    It is time everyone listened and acts collectively.


  16. I think Milteer's information not being passed by the glorious criminal FBI's 33rd degree Mason Hoover and then inglorious Masonic Warren as a 33 rd Mason Criminal Conspirator helping criminals LBJ and Hoover stands out for why these Fed Agencies are part of the problem in concealment of evidence and not allowing the simple strait forward solving the JFK murder a few weeks after it occurred.

    Instead the inglorious criminal FBI's Masons invented and supported the Mafia's typical frame up of an innocent man.

    It is time to call for the criminal prosecution of CIA, FBI and DOJ and the complete revelations of the Criminal Masonic gangsters that keep this criminal operation hidden to this very day.
    And that since the cover ups involved deuterium methods to kill with Cancer using Cancer, and that concealment of deuterium has harmed millions health---that the charges include Crimes Against Humanity and extreme RICO Act prosecutions of the criminal conspiring agencies themselves---to include CIA, FBI, DOJ, Executive offices of the Presidents.

    I think all the world knows how much a criminal sham the JFK cover ups have become---it is time to end denials and any citizen's support for our Criminal Organization holding the People of the US Hostage.

    The US needs to go to Military Justice, for a while, to clean house and process Death Penalty Prosecutions.   without delay.   Without serial book writers and movie makers spinning obvious crimes into infinite diversions of truth..

    The Cover up on Deuterium involves the vulnerability of the US to Covid-19, as well as many other illnesses.  The AMA, Via the Rockefeller, methods is up to their necks in profiteering via that deuterium etiology cover up.    All AMA Med Schools that helped in this cover up need Criminal Prosecution ---and lots profited from the JFK related deuterium info concealment.  This needs to include MED, USAEC, DOE and other linked organizations, and especially those in Oak Ridge that passed deuterium into into the New Orleans CIA's Kill Castro Project.

    It appears Bill Barr is up to his neck in these cover ups that have harmed all in America and the world, and if that be so---then arrest and death penalty prosecution needs to proceed.

    LHO needs to become exonerated by Presidential Decree.  The Warren Report needs to be found as a Criminal Composition and declared invalid and all associated as Criminal Elements.

    The US has an extremely corrupt and criminal Govt.

  17. When Did Milteer pass on---1974

    Somehow this guy held a charmed existence to not be exposed in WC  and  HSCA hearings for JFK involements



    The United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was established in 1976 to investigate the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1963 and 1968, respectively.

  18. Lots of folks seem stumped about South Georgia's Joe Milteer.   He was plugged into many areas of JFK murder plots.

    Milteer's friends in New Orleans were the grand central station of the JFK hit forming from Marcello and Masonic Shriner Bannister.

    Milteer was connected to every extreme whack job from Ga/Fla to New Orleans, Dallas and clear to California.  He was an extreme violence busy-body.

    And the FBI suppressed this from  Warren Commission and HSCA.   One look at MIlteer and his New Orleans connections would busted the JFK hit wide open.



    Joe Milteer was associated with New Orleans Citizen Council of New Orleans

    In Oct 1963, the FBI learned that Milteer attended the Constitution Party meeting where plots to kill JFK by Hard-Core Underground were discussed.


    Joseph Milteer attended the April of 63 Congress of Freedom meeting in New Orleans where assassinations of Prominent Individual in Govt and Industry leaders was discussed.

    This information was kept from the Warren Commission and the HSCA


    There is a Gold Mine of the Joe Milteer and his associates like Guy Bannister kept from the Warren Commission and HSCA.


    pages  153- 154--155--156   159-160   and lots more

    General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New ...

    By Jeffrey H. Caufield, M.D.

    https://books.google.com/books?id=M7JYCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA150&lpg=PA150&dq=Guy+Bannister+Shriners+New+Orleans&source=bl&ots=UE3rRHSKcM&sig=ACfU3U3RvoK5-ttVPj_Lnb2wbfOQ5NYVFg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8-cPxnM3xAhVZaM0KHZoPBXEQ6AEwEnoECBMQAw#v=onepage&q=Guy Bannister Shriners New Orleans&f=false

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