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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Sandy, What? You're finding glaring contradictions in "Harvey and Lee"? Say it isn't so! LOL -- Tommy
  2. Jim, Any idea on how the CIA chose a couple of ten-year-old boys knowing, somehow, that said boys would grow up looking sufficiently "alike" as to be able to fool witnesses, after the assassination, into thinking the guy they'd seen or dealt with, "Lee", was actually ..... "Harvey"? (But .... at the same time .... sufficiently "different," of course, as to "support" the specious Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites theory?) -- Tommy
  3. Dear John, In view of the fact that Vladimir Putin, the mobbed-up "former" KGB officer who was so enamored of said agency that he first tried to join it when he was sixteen (and which agency has recently been reconstituted, btw), recently interfered in our elections here in "The Colonies" so that the most anti-E.U. / anti-NATO presidential candidate -- a domestically divisive, "useful idiot" -- could become our President, do you honestly believe the Cold War ever ended as far as the Russian are concerned? Just sayin' -- Tommy
  4. Wouldn't it be something if LHO was the person who had warned the authorities (according to Tosh), not unlike the "Lee" who had done same regarding the earlier Chicago plot? -- Tommy
  5. I just now stumbled upon this 12 year-old thread. It's way overdue for a bump (in my arrogant, fascist, National Security State-oriented opinion).
  6. Dear Michael, Tosh has been voluntarily inactive here for a very, very long time. You do get a highly-cherished "Brownie Point," though. "Keep up the good work!" LOL -- Tommy
  7. I don't suppose it has anything to do with the focal length of the lens and the camera's being tilted a little bit differently in one or more planes? -- Tommy
  8. LOL I don't suppose the one-and-only Lee Harvey Oswald's low grades had anything to do with his (uh oh, I feel another gerund coming on) being such a bad speller, and his (uh oh) playing hooky so much, and his (dang -- three in one sentence!) preferring to read books from the library instead of his, stupid, boring school books. Oh yeah, and his (I can't believe it -- two more of those darned gerunds) planning on joining the Marine Corps as soon as possible, "so who needs to study, anyway?".
  9. What is it about Lee's or Harvey's or Lee's or Harvey's grades that worry you? Anecdote: When I was living in the Czech Republic for seven years, I tried learning (that's a gerund here, btw) Czech by reading novels in Czech. Don't ask me how that worked out.
  10. bumped Note: To see Bart's post which I'm responding to here, click on the curvy "go back" arrow in the upper right-hand corner. You gotta hover your little mouse thingy over the curvy arrow for it to become visible. It's just below and a little to the left of the iconic "share this on the Internet" symbol.
  11. Prudhomme wrote: I see what you mean now. Funny, Altgens' telephoto lens makes it look like the woman and man are right next to the TSBD steps, and not out on the concrete island and actually closer to the concrete pillar. That may be Hawkins and her child, although, at first glance, the child appears small for a four year old. That would certainly place her in the right spot to get behind the retaining wall, as it begins behind her just on the other side of the concrete pillar. I wonder if she considered the concrete pillar as part of the retaining wall when she gave her statement. Larsen wrote: They aren't between the two lamp posts. And it's not likely a boy would be wearing a red hat. (Or maybe it is just pink that is to be avoided.) Tommy Graves wrote: Sandy, Sandy, Sandy. The child is wearing a knitted, pullover-style red cap, ... you know, ... like people wear when it's cold? --Tommy Edit: Peggy Joyce Hawkings (formerly Bibler) from her 1956 college yearbook. Note the same chin, cheeks, eyebrows, and hair color. Bear in mind that her head is tilted at different angles in the two photographs. bumped
  12. For them to lie about what? "HARVEY's" facility with the Russian language? LOL When trying for 50 years to figure out who killed JFK, what does it matter how bad LHO's grades were?
  13. Dear Greg, I'm 6' 3" and weigh 225 pounds, actually. (I've shrunk 2 inches and lost 20 lbs over the years.) When you're as big as I am, there's no need to exaggerate. You? -- Tommy Darn! Now the Ruskies know my dimensions...
  14. Ed, Did you show her any photos / frames and ask her if she could identify herself in them? 10 to 15 feet from JFK when he was first hit? Wouldn't that put the limo closer to the TSBD during first shot than is generally assumed? -- Tommy
  15. Huh? Former active Forum member and ex Army Counterintelligence officer Jon G. Tidd said he didn't believe anything Marina said. Why should you? -- Tommy
  16. Ha Ha Ha Good one, Ray. Want a medal? All you did was help me to prove that HARVEY wasn't a Hungarian boy, after all. I mean. I mean. I mean. -- Tommy
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