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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Hi James, Interestingly and tellingly, Mr. O'Hare, unlike E. H. Hunt, admitted to at least being in Dallas (and in connection to JFK's visit!) at the time of the assassination......... Cheers, Thomas
  2. I wonder if Tony Izquierdo could drive a Rambler station wagon............... FWIW, Thomas Thomas, I guess this all comes down to timing. If Izquierdo was positioned in the Dal-Tex building during the shooting, how fast does he make his escape? Does he hook up with Robertson and company back at the corner of Main and Houston, then proceed to just mingle with the crowd hiding in plain sight, or does he make a mad dash out of the Plaza altogether. Given that DCM and TUM were not in a hurry to depart the scene, maybe he too hung around. His description does loosely fit the driver of the Rambler who picked up Oswald or the Oswald impersonator on Elm. Interesting speculation indeed. James Hi James, [God, you're fast (and good)!!] Yes, I think it would have been a better tactic to hang around and mingle with the crowd for a few minutes and hook up with Rip and John at some point than to make a mad dash away from the scene-- wouldn't attract so much attention (if any) that way. Cheers, Thomas double post TG
  3. I wonder if Tony Izquierdo could drive a Rambler station wagon............... FWIW, Thomas P.S. I'm referring to the excellent photo close-up of Tony Izquierdo, Rip Robertson and John Adrian O'Hare which James posted on page 3 of this thread. I'm thinking that maybe Robertson and O'Hare parted company with Izquierdo in the parking lot behind the grassy knoll/TSBD where "the" (?) 1959 Rambler station wagon was situated and then proceeded to the south east corner of the TSBD where they "coached" Mr. Brennan into implicating LHO as the assassin. (See also the thread "Could it be?" which was recently started by James and which has a very-recently posted photo which definitely shows Mr. Brennan pointing out/looking up at the "sniper's nest" several minutes after the shooting had stopped and which photo might very well also show Robertson and O'Hare in very close proximity to Brennan.) Thanks!
  4. Hmmm....... I wonder what kind of car this is?? Thomas
  5. Hello again, I just noticed something else in this photograph-- the man in the foreground in the lower left corner (wearing suit, hat, glasses) looks like he's watching the man who's approaching the Rambler in the upper right hand corner. Could these two guys be Rip Robertson and his "companion?" (Maybe it was a case of "I'll stay here and keep watch while you go over and check out the Rambler to make sure everything's o.k./while you relay info/etc." FWIW, Thomas
  6. Hello again, Sorry to be double posting like this, but I thought it would be a good idea to "quote" the photograph I'm referring to and to tell everyone that you have to scroll all the way over to the right to see the car and the man (with his back to the camera) I'm talking about in the upper right hand corner of the photograph. Sure looks like a light-colored Rambler station wagon to me. I wonder if it's the same one that Craig, Carr, Robinson, Forrest, Cooper saw a few minutes after the shooting had stopped.... Thanks, Thomas
  7. Hello All, Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the car (which a man in a suit seems to be approaching-- could it be "Rip" Robertson or his companion???) in the upper right hand corner of the photo sure looks like a Rambler station wagon to me. Hmmm...... FWIW Thomas
  8. Thanks John, Ron, and Robin! BTW, the one (or two) face(s) visible in the dark-colored car heading west on Elm in the photo Robin posted above sure look interesting, don't they? Looks to me the guy knows his photo is being taken and he's trying to hide his face from the camera........ Thanks, Thomas
  9. Does anyone have a picture showing the face of the guy who's wearing a fedora and a light-colored rain coat, but whose face is almost totally obscured behind the head of the motorcycle cop in the photo I've posted below? I wonder if he's the same man who's visible in a recently-posted photo (by Lee Forman, I think) on another picture-oriented thread on this Forum. In that photo a man (who looks a lot like E. H. Hunt) is shown wearing the same style fedora and a light-colored rain coat as he crosses Elm St., both hands in pockets, with what looks like something rather largish in his left coat pocket. He's shown crossing the street with lots of other people, heading in the direction of the grassy knoll just a few minutes after the shooting. There's been some speculation on this Forum over the last couple of weeks as to whether or not the man crossing Elm St. might actually be Hunt or Phillips. If it is Hunt or Phillips, I wonder where he's coming from? Perhaps from the corner of Houston and Main?? That would be interesting, would'nt it, seeing as how several people in the background of a few photographs taken near that corner bear a striking resemblance to people who were probably "involved," people like Rip Robertson and John O'Hare and Lucien Conien, to mention a few? On page 6 of another thread ["New and Large Pics" (or something like that)] , Robin Unger was kind enough to post a color photograph which purportedly shows the same man in my post below, but with his whole face visible this time. (He's visible in the far right part of the photograph, so you have to scroll over to see him. There's a superimposed arrow pointing him out.) I'd sure like to know what other researchers on this Forum think about all of this........... Thanks! Thomas
  10. Hmmm........ Back to square one, I guess. SO, the person [with back towards the camera and which the arrow is pointing towards in the still which Robin posted (courtesy of Lee) from the Nix film] isn't my Houston and Main MAN afterall, but a woman, as shown by Robin's(?) last two photo posts on this thread........ Does anyone on this Forum know where the Houston and Main man (wearing fedora and light-colored rain coat; face obscured by motorcycle policeman's head as JFK's car passes by) went to after the shooting stopped? Or better yet, does anyone here know who this guy is? Just curious. Thanks!! Thomas
  11. Thanks again Robin (and Lee), All I can say right now is, "Ver-ry in-terr-res-tink....!" Thomas
  12. Thanks Robin! Great post of a great pic! Is this man anyone we might know? Thomas
  13. Ron, Just noticed a similar-looking fedora and rain coat at Houston and Main; the man's face is obscured by the motorcycle cop passing between himself and the camera........ Now I'm wondering if there are any other photos which caught the "Houston and Main Lookalikes" (Robertson, Conien, etc) from slightly different angle and/or timeframe that might be useful in ID-ing this guy behind the policeman at H + M? Thomas
  14. Hi, Jack (and everyone else on the Forum), I agree with you on this, Jack. I think Novel was the Umbrella Man. Regarding Novel but on a different subject, has anyone positively identified the young man (face partially obscured; in coat and tie(?) white collar visible) in the photo of LHO handing out FPCC flyers in N.O. in which Chauncey Holt has drawn arrows indicating "Bud Belcher" and "Leroy Young" and in which photo Holt claims himself to be visible on the far right hand side? IMO the young man's face/head structure and body build and hair strongly resemble that of a young Gordon Novel, especially as seen in a couple of mug shots taken a few years earlier as well as on the link below. Thanks! Thomas http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKnovel.htm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hello again, I finally found a good pic of the guy I'm talking about. Same event, different angle. In this picture, he's holding his right hand up in front of his face. Does anyone on this forum know whether or not he's been positively ID'd? Does anyone agree with me that he resembles Novel? Thomas
  15. Written in 1966,one of 10 verses,Re Lorenzo and Alonzo. If any would think that I jest And fun at me would press Of Kennedy's plotters I shall say Two more lived here in East L.A. To their war names they did resort They are Leopoldo and Angelo in the warren report. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Harry, Based, among other things, on the literary style and vocabulary, the slightly ironic sense of humor, the obvious high intelligence of the author, and the use of the word "here" (in the context of 'East L.A.'), my intuition tells me that this sonnet (?) was Penned (pardon the pun) by none other than one of my favorite contributors to this Forum, the one..., the only..., ... Gerry Patrick Hemming..... Thomas P.S. Do you know who wrote it? If so, pray tell...... (Thanks!)
  16. I agree with you on this, Jack. I think Novel was the Umbrella Man. Has anyone identified the young man in the photo of LHO handing out flyers in N.O.(the photo in which Chauncey Holt drew arrows indicating "Bud Belcher" and "Leroy Young")? IMO the young man resembles Gordon Novel. Thomas http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKnovel.htm
  17. Hi Ron, My hunch is that this man in the light-colored raincoat crossing Elm is David Atlee Phillips. Whoever it is, he certainly does look like a spook, doesn't he? He seems to be trying to look relaxed by nonchalantly "whistling a tune" as he strolls across the street with both hands in his pockets. FWIW, I think the oldest of the three "tramps" was probably E. Howard Hunt or perhaps Chauncey Holt. Thomas <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If one takes an arm off another in the crowds and uses it to guesstimate the hand in pocket it may be, as he doesnt look altogether glad, he may have a gun in his pocket? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ron and John, Now I'm starting to think that this guy in the light-colored rain coat and dark fedora isn't David Atlee Phillips (or even E. Howard Hunt), after all, but Gus Abrams, instead! You know, he heard some shots and saw a lot of people running towards the grassy knoll, so thought he'd go "investigate," too... (Maybe that big bulge in the left pocket of his rain coat isn't a gun or a radio, after all. Maybe it's just a bottle of cheap port wine! The real mystery here is: is the bottle half empty or is it half full??) (Just kidding, actually........) P.S. Hope I'm posting this correctly... Thomas
  18. Hi Ron, My hunch is that this man in the light-colored raincoat crossing Elm is David Atlee Phillips. Whoever it is, he certainly does look like a spook, doesn't he? He seems to be trying to look relaxed by nonchalantly "whistling a tune" as he strolls across the street with both hands in his pockets. FWIW, I think the oldest of the three "tramps" was probably E. Howard Hunt or perhaps Chauncey Holt. Thomas
  19. Hello all. Please see my recent post on the "Howard Hunt and the JFK Assassination" topic. All feedback welcome.... Thanks.
  20. Thank you, Allan (and James?)! IMO, James' work is excellent, and I'm glad to see that it is being consolidated somewhat on this forum. Thanks again.
  21. Can anyone please tell me where David Atlee Phillips was on 11/22/63? Thanks.
  22. I think that if Wallace had been in the "sniper's nest" as a shooter or helper, more than just one of his fingerprints would have been found.
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