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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Thanks, Jon! Where ever you may be. -- Tommy Edit: Yes, it signifies a high level of English proficiency, in my oh-so humble opinion. (lol)
  2. Dear Paul, What about me? Well, I've been working on it off and on since about 1991 (the biggest gap was the seven years I taught English in the Czech Republic), and I'm ashamed to say that haven't solved it yet. You? What about James DiEugenio? Has he narrowed it down at all from "The Whole National Security State" yet? Et al.? -- Tommy
  3. What kind of suspicion, Chris? The whole darn thing is "disinfo" from the evil, evil CIA? -- Tommy
  4. Dear Sandy, My best guess is that Angleton first mentioned to the guys that he thought the reason Oswald "went to Mexico City" was because "he was a gosh-darned no-good low-down stinkin' double agent" was while they all were taking turns pounding the heck out of the gosh-darned Coke-Cola [sic] machine down the hall, tryin' to get free Dr Peppers out of it, or, more likely, that he mentioned it while describing that second photograph. You know, the one that apparently had Leninoff or Leanovov or Real-Bad-Coff (phonetic) in it with at least one of the Castro boys and God-knows-who-else!, the description of which appears, intriguingly, to have been, .... uhh ... redacted? But you're probably right. Angleton, being an avid fisherman, probably threw in the little tidbit that Cubela had been spotted just one week earlier while he was a-sneakin' out of Cuba (or Paris) to go trout fishing in the Sierra Madre mountains of ..... Mexico. -- Tommy
  5. Dear Sandy, With all due respect, I'm afraid you're overlooking the fact that the complete phrase in that sentence is "... the double agent to Mexico ..." -- Tommy PS I'm pretty familiar with the Cubella deal, so there's no need to give me a Trejo-like "lecture" about him. Suffice it to say it seems to me that James Jesus Angleton was jumping from subject-to-subject throughout the whole interview, but that Leonov was one of his main topics. Like he was fixated on him or something, and it's a gosh-darned shame the writer didn't know how to spell Nikolai's last name.
  6. Nope. Btw ... what "big picture"? (Seems to me if you want a " big picture, " you should go as James DiEugenio or Paul Trejo.) -- Tommy
  7. Chris, It doesn't matter which way Leonov was going in those two photos because they were taken on October 2, five days after Duran and Azcue had dealt face-to-face with either "Oswald" or ... (gasp!) ... Oswald.
  8. Dear Bart, You must be very proud of yourself. Despite being unable to discern the difference between a blond-haired man and a dark-haired man with a radically-receded hairline, nor the difference between a human being and a woman's patterned skirt. Congratulations. -- Tommy
  9. What do you not understand? Bear in mind that we just might be brainstorming this and I might be kinda almost modifying my notorious non-theory as we speak. Or maybe not.
  10. So Duran and Azcue must have voluntarilly or involuntarilly colluded with JJA in implicating the Ruskies, right? You know, by D &A's collectively describing "Oswald" in a way that so closely *and intentionally* jibed with Leonov's rather distinctive physical characteristics?
  11. Dear Paul, You're naive to think I have a set theory, paranoid to believe that my refusing to share said (non-existent) set theory, and assinine to suggest that I have somehow let the cat out of the bag regarding my "true, hidden" motivations for posting here. Maybe you should go (EDIT) play your musical instrument for awhile? Question: Do you agree with Chris and I that the "Russian Male LEON" captured by the CIA's Mexico City cameras on 10/02/63 was KGB officer Nikolai Leonov? Yes or No, maestro? -- Tommy
  12. Thx. Do you think Leonov physically impersonated LHO to Duran and Azcue on 9/27/63, or do you think JJA or someone else in the CIA encouraged the Mexican Authorities to torture those descriptions out of D & A ? Hmm?
  13. Now I'm sorry I brought it up. Let's get back to talking about the RFK assassination, shall we? You know, Sirhan Sirhan and Thane Cesar and all that stuff? And those Bulova Watch salesmen at the Ambassador Hotel that night!
  14. Don't take my deadpan (some would say bed pan) humor so seriously, Komarad. It was a "dig" at the "Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites, Too" clutch. -- Tommy
  15. Note: Some people think the four Mexico City CIA photos, above, are of two different people.
  16. Dear Michael, That's a suggestion I refuse to accept. But by all means do ..... ("move on"). -- Tommy
  17. Chris, Sounds like you think JJA (plus Duran-Azcue-Castro?) was cleverly trying to blame short, blond, thin-bodied, *very thin-faced*, 30-ish, KGB officer-cum-Third Secretary Nikolai Leonov (old friend of the Castros & Che) for helping Oswald kill JFK. -- Tommy
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