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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Chris, Didn't get past the first sentence. Enough of the Socratic Method. You tell me. -- Tommy
  2. Tracy, I guess I should have thrown in "overly-sensitive" and "defensive", as well. LOL -- Tommy
  3. Yep. Way too many "witty" newbies here, trying like all get out to make a mark for themselves and elevate their rank in what they perceive to be the pecking order. IMHO. -- Tommy
  4. Komarad Da! -- Tommy PS -- Getting back to the Angleton interview, if JJA used the phrase "double agent" to describe LHO, then doesn't it suggest he thought Oswald was an intelligence agent of some government who had been "turned" by an intelligence agency of a different government?
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three bits in the memo that refer to Nikolai Leonov: 1 ) "Angleton told us that the man sent to Cuba as the Russian Ambassador -- Alexiev (phonetic) -- was a KGB escort officer for Raoul Castro. This led Angleton into a discussion of two photographs, the first being a photo found by the Mexican police, of Leninoff (phonetic), a Mexican KGB agent with Castro, and the second, a [ .......... one .......... long .......... continuous ......... uhhh ....... blank, ....... like it was redacted or something ........] " 2 ) Angleton again mentioned the double agent to Mexico -- in complex with Leanovov (phonetic). 3 ) Angleton then mentioned the threat by Castro against the President.Angleton reiterated what he believes to be a Cuban connection with Oswald. He noted again the name of Leninov (phonetic) and two photos of Castro with Leninov, including a photo of Castro being arrested [in Mexico City in 1956]. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1462#relPageId=80&tab=page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FWIW, The words "double agent" occur only one time in the whole 157-page MFF "document". I have enlarged it in the quoted sentence, above. My thoughts: 1 ) "Leninoff (phonetic)" and "Leanovov (phonetic)" = Nikolai Leonov, a Mexico City-based KGB officer whose diplomatic cover was that of Third Secretary at the Soviet Embassy. 2 ) "double agent" = Angleton's unflattering description of Oswald, based on what "the major defector" Anatloiy Golitsyn had caused JJA to believe about LHO. 3 ) "to Mexico" = Oswald, or someone impersonating him, "went to" Mexico City 4 ) "complex" = the Mexico City Soviet Embassy. My belief is based on the fact that Leonov told the National Enquirer in 1996 *EDIT: 1993* that he had met with Oswald inside the Soviet Embassy on Sunday, September 29, 1963. -- Tommy
  6. Note the hunched shoulders. -- Tommy PS -- I do not want this thread to become a "debate" as to whether or not the Marine in the photo with his hands on his hips and the bump on his wrist "Just like the guy holding the rifle in the Backyard Photos !!!" .......... is ..................Roscoe White. Thanks!
  7. Thanks, Michael. Whether or not that guy with the bump on his wrist (just like the guy who's holding the rifle / carbine in The Back Yard Photos) really is Roscoe White, he's not the guy James Richards was referring to in the photo. Thanks anyway! -- Tommy
  8. Here's the photo James Richards was referring to in the previous (bumped) post. Could the guy in the foreground be "Mexico City Mystery Man?" (See two of the CIA photos of MCMM near the bottom of the first page, this thread.)
  9. Bumped. The photo James was talking about will be posted here by me, soon. Hopefully.
  10. I've "had it," Chris. Got a headache now. Adios. -- Tommy PS It doesn't really matter. What we've got here is a failure to communicate, and probably a different "world view". I believe Golitsyn, you believe Nosenko. Look at recent events. Do you not believe that Cozy Bear, Fancy Bear, and Guccifer 2.0 "hacked" our elections so that mobbed-up KGB Boy Putin's "useful idiot" Trump might be elected? What about Putin's "secret" hybrid-war invasion of eastern Ukraine which started three years ago? Putin's recent "hacking" attempts of the French elections, the Danish military, etc? ADIOS
  11. Huh? -- Tommy I thought we were talking about JFK assassination. Which MFF "document page" can I find what you're talking about on? "Document page" 18. "document page" 37, ................. where?
  12. Sorry Dude, although I was wrong when I said there was no "page 4" in the document to which i was referring, when I put my glasses on and looked at that page again, I still could not find the words "deflection" or "obfuscation" on it. I guess I really should visit my optometrist, huh.
  13. Tommy, LOL I can get you some new glasses. ...second third sentence ...under the - 4 - http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1462#relPageId=83&tab=page .................................................................................................... Sorry Dude, Although I was wrong when I said there was no "page 4" in the document to which I was referring, even after I put my glasses on I could still not find the words "deflection" or "obfuscation" on it. I guess it's time for me to visit my optometrist again, huh. -- Tommy PS You believe Nosenko, I believe Golitsyn.
  14. Chris, Regardless of the fact that there is no "page 4" in the well-paginated three-page document I've been talking about (btw, it begins here: http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1462#relPageId=80&tab=page ), and despite the fact that neither "deflection" nor "obfuscation" is mentioned in said three-page document, I will go ahead and try to answer your question in a general kind-of-way by saying that it's pretty well known by now that when "major defector" KGB major Anatoliy Golitsyn defected to the U.S. on December 15, 1961, he immediately predicted that the KGB would send a fake KGB "defector" to the U.S. to, I suppose, "deflect and obfuscate" what Golitsyn was telling the CIA (in particular James Jesus Angleton, whom Golitsyn had insisted upon "spilling the beans" to). Perhaps it's just a coincidence that, whereas Golitsyn claimed that according to KGB and GRU policy every U.S. military man (or woman) who defected to the Soviet Union would automatically be interviewed by KGB's Department 13 in order to determine whether or not said defector had any knowledge of U.S. military weapons or policies which might be of interest to the Soviet Union, another KGB officer, Yuri Nosenko, who started "defecting" in place in 1962 and full-on "defected" in January, 1964, remarkably claimed, just one month after the JFK assassination, to have been privy to Oswald's KGB files while Oswald was in the Soviet Union, and told the CIA that the KGB had had absolutely no interest whatsoever in "unstable" Oswald, and that there was, therefore, nothing at all in Oswald's KGB files to indicate that Department 13 had ever interviewed him. Or something like that. -- Tommy
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