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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. bummer -- Tommy Just more incredibly-convincing proof that it's being suppressed by our evil, evil National Security State, I guess.
  2. I just now noticed that in Betzner 3, there's a woman standing pretty near her who's wearing a white blouse and a white headscarf. Could that woman be the same person who's trying to pull "Woman In Black" up the steps in the Darnell part of the Couch-Darnell clip? -- Tommy
  3. Dear Gerry, I'm going to keep this as simple as I can. 1 ) The frame you've posted with the red oblong around Frazier is a detail from the James Darnell part of Gerda Dunckel's dizzying "Synchronized Couch-Darnell" GIF, and was taken about 30 seconds after the assassination. 2 ) Now a question for you: Do you see the woman who is dressed all in white (including a white headscarf) in the lower left part of the frame you've posted? She's standing directly below Prayer Man, and the top of her head is at the same level as Prayer Man's knees. (You do know which person in your frame is Prayer Man, don't you? Hint: Prayer Man is standing by himself in the upper left-hand corner.) 3 ) Good. Now, another question for you: Do you see the woman who is wearing a black blouse and a black headscarf to that woman's immediate left? 4) Good. Final question for you: Can you see the man on the steps who is facing that black-wearing woman? Hint: his face and bald forehead are glowing like crazy in the sunlight. You may have to watch this video ... ... several times to "get your bearings" and to realize that that really is a man directly in front of (and a step or two higher than) the woman wearing the black blouse and the black headscarf. 5 ) My statement to you: Sandy Larsen and I believe that the guy I'm talking about here (i.e., the guy whose face and bald forehead are glowing like crazy in the sunlight -- the guy standing in front of the woman who's wearing the black blouse and black headscarf) is Billy Nolan Lovelady, and that that woman he standing in front of (who's wearing the black blouse and the black headscarf) is one Gloria Jean Calvery (who, I should warn you, has been confused for another woman, Stella Jacob) for many, many years in the photographs and films that were taken of the motorcade, photographically confused, I say, with another TSBD employee as she (i.e., Gloria Jean Calvery) was standing, with some of her (also headscarf-wearing!) co-workers, down on the north side of Elm Street during the motorcade. -- Tommy
  4. Paul, I assume that it was the Soviet Embassy's phone that was tapped in this instance, not the Cuban Consulate's phone? (Yes, I do realize that the phone call was allegedly made from the Cuban Consulate to the Soviet Embassy.) -- Tommy PS Thanks anyway but, believe it or not, I know very well how to get to Simpich's great State Secret.
  5. Just wondering. (lol) Did the KGB ever engage in this sort of evil behavior? You know, back in the day? How about the FSB in 1999? -- Tommy As regards "Politicians and commercially-controlled media: blaming designated culprit before any investigation, hate speech, revenge, threating war or sanctions, fostering police state legislation," doesn't fake news promulgated by Putin-controlled RT and Sputnik and his professional internet trolls in Saint Petersburg (Russia, not Florida -- LOL), some of which is gobbled up by and appropriately "spun" by Breitbard News and InfoWars on the Right (and other parts gobblled up by and "spun" by certain other "news sources" / blogs on the Left, of course) and ends up being gobbled up and "spun" by Fox News, kinda tie in with all of this? Just sayin' -- Tommy
  6. Paul, I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but do you know whether or not it was ever determined where that Saturday, September 28 bogus phone call originated from -- the phone that Sylvia Duran used every day at her desk, or some other phone inside the Cuban Consulate, or perhaps from some other outside phone (like a phone in Juarez, Mexico, for example)? Or was that question / issue not "looked into"? Thanks, -- Tommy
  7. Dear Bart, Who said anything about Lovelady's "sliding sideways"? Seein' as how, as regards what took place on the TSBD's steps immediately after the shots rang out, there was about 30 seconds of photographic non-coverage (of said area) between the two-frame Weigman GIF and the Couch and Darnell films, i.e., plenty of time for Lovelady to either slither "unseen" photographically-speaking, back to his precious soda pop (and sack lunch?) by the wall, OR for him to walk "straight down the steps" so as to start "following the limo" as it, in turn, was approaching the Triple Underpass. Regardless, we do now know that in Couch-Darnell, Lovelady can be seen back over by that wall (where he was earlier caught on film by Hughes, and where a soda pop bottle was later spotted by an eagle-eyed "researcher" -- you?), talking with Gloria Jean Calvery on the steps. -- Tommy
  8. Dear Michael, Details, details, details. Which frame from which film are you talking about? "The lower step" ? (Never mind. I think I know what you're talking about. The lower upper step, right? -- LOL) Your question: Is the guy with one leg down on the step down on the upper lower upper step "PM or BL?" My fair and balanced answers: 1 ) Some people say the reason Prayer Man (standing by himself in the upper left corner) looks so short in comparison with 6' 1" Frazier is because he's standing one step lower than Frazier. 2 ) Some people (not necessarily the same as those, above) claim that in the smaller frame (the one without the cars in the foreground) of the two-frame Weigman GIF, Lovelady is not leaning forward (as I claim), but is in the process of leaving the steps in order to "follow the limo down Elm Street with Bill Shelley". -- Tommy
  9. Bumped. Because I rather like it. And it's my thread isn't it. -- Tommy
  10. Ironic, coming from you, Robin. One of the guys who (unintentionally) mislabeled Jacob, Holt, and Simmons as "Calvery, Hicks, and Reed" eons ago. LOL -- Tommy "Hey, a little mis-identification of witnesses to the JFK assassination never hurt anybody! Even if it's getting 'set it in stone' early on makes it real difficult for some diligent researcher to overcome 'public opinion' and finally 'set it straight' decades later, it ain't no big deal!"
  11. Dear Alistair, You ... "don't necessarily disagree that "E" looks 'beefy' in comparison to other, better photos of Shelley"? -- Gee, that's wonderful, Alistair. Kinda. "[H]ow certain am I that "E" was Shelley? Oh quite certain" -- Oh, LOL "Personally, even though I do feel that Shelley has been labelled correct, I have no real problem with it not being correct. No real biggy as far as I'm concerned." -- Oh really? Not even if it misleads other present and future "researchers" regarding Shelly-related investigations they're doing? Not unlike the long-ago unintentional mislabeling of Stella Jacob, Gloria Holt, and Sharon Simmons on the north side of Elm Street as "Gloria Calvery, Karan Hicks, and Carol Reed" has misled legions of Gloria Calvery - Billy Lovelady - William Shelley - "Running Woman" ... JFK Assassination students and researchers over the years. It seems to me the very least you could do is put a "?" next to thick-necked, burly Mister "E", seein' as how it don't mattah to yous too much anyhow. -- Tommy
  12. Not edited one iota, but bumped. Because I rather like it. And it's my thread isn't it. And I'm gonna keep right on bumping it periodically as "James" inexorably continues to avoid and "cover" my posts with his hand fulls of hot, stinkin ... uh ... spaghetti. -- Tommy
  13. Tommy... It goes back to the USMC **AND** to 1947 on San Saba. Since you know that, why do you ask? James, Why do I ask? Well, gosh, I suppose because for most people who are not over-the-top paranoiac and "National Security State" conspiracy-minded (and therefore not particularly vulnerable to Alt-left oriented "fake news" originating from Russian t-r-o-l-l-s in Saint Petersburg (Russia)), it's much easier to accept the possibility that a seven-year "Double" program existed which utilized two flesh-and-blood, already similar-looking seventeen year-old guys, and which fabricated on paper an additional and preceding nine or ten years which comprised the guys' respective "childhoods", than it is for them to accept the premise that two eight-year-old boys were chosen around 1947 and that they (and their two mothers!) looked sufficiently alike eight or ten or twelve years later as to able to fool people who had dealt with one of them into believing that they had dealt with the other one, i.e. the guy who was killed by Jack Ruby on 11/24/63. That's why. -- Tommy
  14. James, I haven't had a couple of hours free, you know, to read even one of your new, hot-stinkin'-spaghetti-posts on this thread, yet, but I do have a question for you. How far back in time do the stands in these new, hot-sinkin'-spaghetti-posts of yours go back, anyway? All the way back to 1947 or so? Or "only" back to when your "Harvey" entered the Marine Corps (October, 1956, wasn't it)? It does make a difference you know. At least according to Forum member and former U.S. Army Intelligence officer Jon G.Tidd, who said that the Oswald "Double" project was probably started at that time, and that "Harvey's and Lee's" childhoods were more-or-less retroactively fabricated on paper. -- Tommy
  15. Enough, James! I'm feelin' like that guy in the film "7" who exploded from being forced to eat to much hot, stinkin' spaghetti! (Burp) -- Tommy
  16. My opinion? Ummmm, yummy. I love spaghetti! Even if it HAS been thrown against the wall in huge globs just to see if it will "stick", and immediately slithered to the floor. (When I have a couple of free hours, I might even get around to reading it, James.) -- Tommy
  17. James, Oh, George de Mohrenschildt! You mean the guy whom many serious students and researchers believe was Oswald's (unbeknownst to Oswald) CIA handler, who eventually handed his "useful idiot" off to ... mysterious Ruth Paine? LOL -- Tommy
  18. Alistair, How certain are you that "E" was Shelley? Shelly was slender, but "E" looks to me to be pretty broad-shouldered, thick-necked, and "beefy". I don't believe Shelley was wearing a tie clip that day, but "E" appears to be wearing one. It's hard to tell, but isn't "E" also wearing a hat? I don't see a tie clip in these other-day photos, which suggests to me that he wasn't in the habit of wearing one. -- Tommy Also, if Shelley was "E", shouldn't we see that white thingy that's in or above Shelley's jacket pocket on "E", too?
  19. edited and bumped Note: I don't think that's "lean and mean" Roger Craig. This guy's too thick. Not only that, but Craig said he was on the other side of Elm Street when he heard a shrill whistle and looked up and saw "Oswald" run down the grass to the Rambler station wagon. Another clue that Craig was on the other side of Elm Street (i.e., the south side) is that he said he tried to cross Elm Street to get to that Rambler before it left, but there was too much traffic and he couldn't get across in time. Just sayin' -- Tommy
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