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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Michael, No comment on the two-frame Weigman GIF that shows Lovelady's and Prayer Man's synchronized body movements? Isn't it logical to assume that Lovelady leaned forward to (irrationally but naturally) "see" and "hear" better what was going on down on Elm Street, and that Prayer Man lowered his camera in order to see what was going on down there better, too, as well as to see what was going on closer to him? Both of their movements probably being in response to the sound of the first shot, maybe even the shot that was captured by the nearly simultaneously-taken Altgens6 photo which Ike Altgens said, iirc, he took almost as as a reflexive finger action upon his hearing the first shot ring out? -- Tommy PS In an earlier post you said something about Baker's running toward (or was it entering?) the TSBD about "90 seconds" (iirc) after the assassination. You do realize, don't you, that Couch and Darnell started filming the front steps and the general area around the TSBD only about 25 seconds after the last shot? PPS "Ape-like version of Billy Lovelady" ... uh .... exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth while jutting his chin out to do so (like some smokers jut their chin out while exhaling cigarette smoke through their mouth? What's the matter, you don't think that's the real-deal Lovelady? You goin' Cinque / Fetzer on me? (lol)
  2. Dear Michael, I just want to make sure that you do understand that in this frame from the Hughes film: [to be copied and pasted here later, if necessary] Lovelady is standing next to the left wall. But in this detail from Altgens6 (which was taken about ten seconds later): [to be copied and pasted here later, if necessary] Billy Nolan Lovelady aka "Doorman" has moved about six feet to his left, and is now leaning forward near the center hand rail. As can be seen more clearly in this Weigman frame (the one in which there are no cars in the foreground): See, he leans forward (in some kind of strange synchronization with Prayer Man's movements, btw. Gee, I wonder if they could both be reacting to having heard the shot that caused JFK to reach for his throat in Altgens6 ?) [to be copied and pasted here later, if necessary] And finally, sometime between the Weigman frame, above, and the time that Couch-Darnell start filming the front steps of the TSBD about 30 seconds later -- Lovelady has already moved back to his original location (next to the wall) where he is photographically "captured" in Couch-Darnell while talking to a Largish Woman In Black Who's Even Wearing A Black Headscarf who's being "pulled up the steps" by a probable colleague who's dressed All In White Including A White Headscarf, just like one of the four or five headscarf-wearing gals who were watching the motorcade together down on the north side of Elm Street.) [to be copied and pasted here later, if necessary] So as you can see, Michael, Billy Lovelady (like my paragraphs) was "all over the place" on those steps during the motorcade / assassination. -- Tommy PS Please let me know if you know the images I'm talking about here, and you don't need me to copy and paste them here in order for you to figure out what the heck I'm rambling on about.
  3. Dear Paul, So what are you really saying, here? (lol) -- Tommy Question: How good of a job did the bad guys / good guys do in making it look like the bullet, or two, or three, or fifteen (lol) that hit JFK all came from the sixth-floor Sniper's Nest? Or was that was they were trying to do? I get so confused ...
  4. Dear Michael, Why does this have to be so gosh-darned complicated? What you've said in your post (this one right here, Michael) is pretty much what I was trying to tell confused newbie Gerry a little earlier on this thread! (Am I really all that hard to understand?) Now, when I say my multi-colored "venting post" (which one, right?), I'm talking about the one near the bottom of the previous page (page 6, this thread) in which I sign off by writing "I'm outta here." Have you read that whole post yet, and looked at the blown-up images in the previous post or two (i.e., before it) that it references? By the way, Bart Kamp's "Shelley and Lovelady" (in the red circle in the pertinent blow-up I'm talking about) are walking down or across Elm Street Extension, not "Annex". You can knock yourself out if you want too, Michael, but why go to the trouble of "grabbing" frames from Gerda's clip when the pertinent and probably best "grabs" of said clip are already here on this forum? Like in my aforementioned posts which immediately preceding my likewise-aforementioned "Venting-At-Confused-Newbie-Gerry" aka "I'm Outta Here" post, this thread, for example? And in other threads, as well. In fact, they're scattered all over the place! -- Tommy PS The "others" you reference in you post, above, are basically Sandy Larsen, Bob "M.I.A" Prudhomme (who gave me the idea in the first place) and Little OId Me (so far), but it sounds like you and a few other members are thinking about joining us on this, now. Welcome!
  5. edited and bumped edit: Putin's Saint Petersburg, Russia (lol) ... T-r-o-l-l F-a-c-t-o-r-y https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/02/putin-kremlin-inside-russian-xxxxx-house Click on this and scroll down to see that THE GUARDIAN has "High" factual reporting according to mediabiasfactcheck. com: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-guardian/
  6. Michael, Sorry to be so detail-oriented, but if you'll read my longish, VENTING post to Gerry near the bottom of the previous page, you'll see that real-deal Lovelady actually stood in two different places on the steps during the motorcade / assassination, and that what we're looking at here in this Couch-Darnell blowup (i.e., with Sandy's and my recently-discovered "Lovelady" talking with our recently-discovered dressed-in-black "Gloria Calvery" while her, yep, recently-discovered "Dressed In White, Even Wearing A White Headscarf Colleague" is trying to pull her up the steps) shows him back in the first of those two positions, back where he's not only generally out of the way of the people walking up the steps, but also, I assume, back near his oh-so precious (not unfortunately not visible in Couch-Darnell) soda pop [and yummy yummy sack lunch(?)] on the steps, next to the wall. In other words, when he was leaning forward in Weigman, he was doing so in his 2nd position, i.e.. next to the center hand rail, and now in Couch-Darnell he has returned to his first position, by the wall. -- Tommy
  7. Are you suggesting that if Oswald had been killed in the theater, JFK's wounds wouldn't have been altered by anyone, good or bad, anywhere? I'm not making some kind of rhetorical statement, I'm just asking.
  8. I have practically no interest in this "issue," and therefore very limited knowledge about it, but I do have a question: Did the bad guys start altering JFK's wounds before , or after , they found out Oswald had been captured alive? Or doesn't that even matter? -- Tommy
  9. How would the 11/22/63 death-by-police of JFK's Commie-but-solo-assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, "for resisting arrest and attempting to kill a policeman or two" have necessarily obviated said pretext for war, especially since Oswald was a known Communist and Castro sympathizer who had not only lived in the Soviet Union for 2.5 years and married the niece (or something) of a Belorussian MVD officer, but had recently visited the Mexico City Soviet Embassy (if not the Cuban Consulate, as well), under very mysterious circumstances. indeed? -- Tommy
  10. Gerry, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to spend much more time with you on this. We all know that real-deal Lovelady was standing in two different locations on the steps during the motorcade / assassination. First he was standing next to the left wall (but on the steps) and was captured on the Hughes film doing so as the limo was approaching the TSBD and turning left onto Elm Street. ............. Then he moved a few feet to HIS LEFT and ended up next to the center hand railing on the steps, evidently to get a better view of the limo as it traveled down Elm Street. (No, he wasn't captured on film actually walking to that position, but that's where he was while the shots started to ring out, as evidenced by his so-called "Doorman" position in Altgen's 6, and in the Weigman film, one of whose frames you posted above.) But for the purposes of our conversation here between you and I, none of that really matters. Just consider it a little friendly "background information". What many of us are trying to figure out is what Lovelady did during the first thirty seconds or so after the assassination, and, unfortunately, neither Altgen6 nor Weigman can help us there. In trying to figure out what Lovelady (and yes, Shelley would be nice, too) did immediately after the assassination, we've been relying photographically on two different blown-up parts of that that dizzying Couch-Darnell clip I posted above. Why? Because those blown-up parts show two different possible Loveladys, about twenty feet apart from each other -- one of whom is walking down Elm Street Extension, apparently with another man (Bill Shelly?), and the other one who is standing on the TSBD steps while talking with a woman dressed in black who, in turn, is being pulled up the steps by a woman dressed in white! And the perplexing thing is that both of these guys resemble Billy Nolan Lovelady! Especially the guy who is talking to the Woman In Black on the steps in the Couch-Darnell blow-up. To reiterate, especially for you I posted Couch-Darnell enlargements of the Couch-Darnell scenes in which both of those guys can be looked at and analyzed in their respective blow-ups without your getting all dizzy and everything. Good luck! I'm outta here. -- Tommy [Note: I maxed out the "I'm outta here" so that Mikey might be able to find, and then actually read, this post. LOL]
  11. Sandy, Honestly -- whatever, dude. "To blame it on Oswald and Oswald alone" would be a more honest way of putting it. But you're rubbing off on me, so I'm gonna go and over-analyze my belly button now. -- Tommy PS Read only about half of your post. Maybe I'll get around to the other half when I've finally figured out my belly button.
  12. Gerry, To answer your question -- No. Although that is the real-deal Lovelady wearing the red shirt in the frame above, it's from the Weigman film, and was taken about 30 - 35 seconds before the Couch-Darnell clips (above, in my earlier post). What we've been trying to figure out is where, if anywhere, Lovelady is in Couch-Darnell. -- Tommy
  13. Gerry, I need more context to figure out which "Lovelady" in Couch-Darnell you believe really was Lovelady -- the one who's talking with dressed-in-black "Gloria Calvery" on the TSBD steps about 30 seconds after the assassination, or the one (in the same clip) who's walking with "Bill Shelley" down the Elm Street Extension towards the railway yard / parking lot about 30 seconds after the assassination. I know this is too small to really the figures I'm talking about, but this is the "Couch-Darnell clip" I'm talking about. Credit: Gerda Dunckel In the red circle: Detail of Kamp's "Lovelady (right) and Shelly (left)," walking down Elm Street Extension Below: Blow up of another scene in the same clip showing Graves' and Larsen's "Lovelady," standing on the left side of steps and talking with dressed-in-black "Gloria Calvery" who, in turn, is being "pulled up" the steps by a colleague dressed in white. -- Tommy
  14. Sandy, Just off the top of my head (ewww, pardon the morbid pun), the bad guys had to obfuscate / hide the damage done by the second shooter because they knew if they didn't, that shooter might eventually be caught and forced to "spill the beans". How's that? -- Tommy
  15. Gerry, I do hope that the BL you're referring to is the one on the TSBD steps in Couch-Darnell, talking to the "Gal In Black" in front of him! -- Tommy
  16. Thanks, Larry. As always, you've given us much "to chew on," here. -- Tommy PS I made a couple of possible "corrections" in the text. Hope you don't mind. Just trying to make that first part a little more intelligible.
  17. Dear Mikey, You mean on this "Fonzi thread"? Or on some other "Fonzi thread"? -- -- Tommy
  18. The ball's not in your court, Mikey. I give you some humorous and maybe even a teensy-weensie little bit sarcastic but good advice, and you come back with "Can't we just ignore each other?" LOL -- Tommy Must because I'm a laid-back, native southern California beach guy, and you're a wound-up-tight New Yawker.
  19. Dear Mikey, You just don't get it, do you. Unobservant? Dyslexic? Or just stubborn? I'm trying to help you make your post intelligible, but you refuse to understand. If you did, and it turns out it was Larry's "typo" to begin with, then you could at least put "(sic)" or "[sic]" after his word "while". LOL unbelievabe You can lead a horse to water... -- Tommy And you got a degree in English literature?
  20. I just now looked at it again and realized it would make more sense if the words "alias beginning in Cuba while" were changed to "alias beginning in Cuba where." -- Tommy
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