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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. Video taken west of the triple underpass by Jack Daniel.
  2. Video taken by Dave Weigman after the assassination. Narrated by Robert Groden.
  3. I'm sorry but I don't buy all that BS that JFK was some kind of Anti-Communist cold warrior who was going to defend South Vietnam from falling into Communist control with the very last drop of American blood. Any book written on that premise I wouldn't waste my money on. JFK didn't give a rat's ass about the spread of Communism. He tried to save the life of the Socialist Prime Minister of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba. He didn't support the overthrow of the Communist Castro. He sold jet fighters to the Communist Tito regime in Yugoslavia, then trained the Communist Yugoslav pilots at an Air Force base in Texas. He sold wheat to the Communist Russians. And negotiated with them to end the Missile Crisis and the Test Ban Treaty. This President was no war hawk. If anything, he was pursuing a stalemate in Vietnam similar to the one in Laos, but he wasn't going to commit ground troops in Asia. Gen. MacArthur had warned him against it and he took the General's advice very seriously. Besides, he knew what the score was in Vietnam as early as 1953. The record indicates that Kennedy was trying to disengage from Vietnam. It also indicates that he resisted time and time again advice from his "experts" to introduce ground forces. Any book that promotes an opposite thesis isn't worth the paper it's printed on, IMO.
  4. Narrated by Morgan Freeman
  5. I don't really care what somebody writes in a book. Would you consider hearing it from the horse's mouth that he was against sending combat troops into Vietnam ? He understood the problem there as early as 1953.
  6. I never said he was the source. I was asked where did I get the audio link from. I said, "This was a link in an e-mail sent to me by Robert Morrow." Here's a copy of that e-mail including the audio link ( #2, The Tape ) : From: "Robert Morrow" <xxxxxx> To: "xxxxxx" <xxxxxxx> Sent: Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 4:10 PM Subject: Richard Nixon to CIA Richard Helms on 10/10/1971 telling he he will LIE to cover up the JFK assassination Richard Nixon to Richard Helms – Oct 10, 1971, 11;15 AM – referencing the JFK assassination and saying he would be more than willing to LIE to cover up the ugly truth Richard Nixon: “The whole ‘who shot John’ [JFK] thing, […] may become a very, very vigorous issue. If it does, I need to know what’s necessary to protect our inquiries, the intelligence gathering and the ‘Dirty Tricks Department.’ And I will protect it. Hey listen, I’ve done more than my share of lying to protect it. I will go …I believe it was totally right to do it … David J. Reilly January 9, 2023 Tweet on this topic: https://twitter.com/realDaveReilly/status/1612321610048106503 1) http://nixontapeaudio.org/rmh/587-007.pdf 2) The tape http://nixontapeaudio.org/rmh/587-007a.mp3 3) Directory of Nixon Tapes http://nixontapes.org/rmh.html 4) https://valiantnews.com/2023/01/roger-stone-nixon-tapes-reveal-he-knew-cia-involved-in-the-murder-of-jfk/ - article by Andrew White of Valiant News on 1-10-2023. 5) Roger Stone on Richard Nixon’s comments regarding the JFK assassination to CIA chief Richard Helms on October 10, 1971: Nixon Threatened to Reveal the CIA's Involvement in the Kennedy Assassination (substack.com) Sincerely, Robert Morrow
  7. The world grieves the loss of President Kennedy.
  8. Former Speaker of the House Thomas "Tip" O'Neill tells of a conversation he had with President Kennedy regarding Vietnam.
  9. Assassination Records Review Board member Doug Horne explains how the government suppressed exhibition of the Zapruder film for 12 years by having its ally, C.D. Jackson of Life Magazine, purchase all of the copies and all of the rights and locking the films away. Ties between Jackson and Time-Life to the CIA can be found here: https://spartacus-educational.com/USAjacksonCD.htm
  10. I guess then we disagree. I believe Eisenhower bore some of the blame for the assassination of JFK. It was under his watch that the CIA had carte blanche to do whatever it wanted to. Like overthrowing duly-elected foreign governments in Iran and Guatemala. He even ordered the murder of Patrice Lumumba, the Prime-Minister of the Congo. He approved the training of Cuban exiles for an operation that required the pre-invasion assassination of Fidel Castro. Eisenhower was no angel. Neither was Nixon. This was a monster Ike created and like Dr. Frankenstein in the story, neither he nor anyone else had control over it once it was given life. The CIA was involved in the murder of JFK. You can take that to the bank. Kennedy's behavior and policies were seen as a threat to National Security. The CIA set it up in the summer of 1963 with like minded individuals in the Secret Service, the US Military and ( later ) the Dallas Police. They enabled DRE riflemen who had been training at a camp at Lake Ponchartrain in New Orleans and it was paid for through corporate "contributions" to the CIA front of Harding University in Arkansas. Oswald, who WAS an FBI informant, came into the "crosshairs" ( no pun intended ) of the conspiracy when he made contact with the DRE Rep in New Orleans, Carlos Bringuier. From that point on, Oswald was publicly presented to the world as a Castro sympathizer. A subsequent street scuffle got him arrested By New Orleans Police and his information shared with the 112th Military Intellgence Unit in San Antonio, Texas. From there he was on the "potential assassin" list. This isn't rocket science folks, this was the CIA's world of black operations designed to ebb the spread of Communism and to remove from office a President who stood in the way of their agenda. These were people whose politics transcended party lines and saw themselves as patriots trying to save the country and the world from Communism. It's high time we shined a light into the dark corners of the past NO MATTER HOW PAINFUL IT IS TO DO SO and expose those elements in government and SOCIETY that allowed this tragedy to happen or else we invite it to happen again in the future. And if it does happen again, those of us who cowered when faced with the truth in this murder will have the blood of that future victim on our hands as well. Yes, if we fail to expose the evil that perpetrated this, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
  11. Video taken by Charles Bronson of the JFK motorcade in Dealey Plaza.
  12. Video taken by Malcolm Couch in the aftermath of the assassination.
  13. This was a link in an e-mail sent to me by Robert Morrow. I found it interesting so I decided to share it. It's just another piece of evidence (IMO) that powerful people on the Right knew exactly what this assassination was all about and did whatever they could to cover it up.
  14. https://valiantnews.com/2023/01/roger-stone-nixon-tapes-reveal-he-knew-cia-involved-in-the-murder-of-jfk/ Tape: http://www.nixontapeaudio.org/rmh/587-007a.mp3
  15. Texas School Book Depository employee Elsie Dorman took this video from the fourth floor of the building of the Kennedy motorcade on Houston St. as it approached the turn onto Elm. Narrated by Robert Groden.
  16. Video taken of the motorcade in Dealey Plaza by Robert Hughes. Narrated by Robert Groden.
  17. Good point Joe. And the scope was so defective that it was off different amounts from shot to shot. If it was off consistently, say 5 inches high and 5 inches to the right, you could adjust for that by aiming 5 inches low and 5 inches to the left. And you'd make that adjustment because you knew where the bullet was going to go. But this scope was off different amounts from shot to shot. One shot it was 2 inches high and 4 inches to the right, the next shot it was 4 inches high and 3 inches to the right and the next shot it would be 5 inches high and 5 inches to the right. And this level of inaccuracy was evident during the FBI's firing of the rifle at just 25 yards !!!!! I don't care how great a shooter, with this level of inaccuracy, there's no way ANYBODY could have known where the bullet was going to go and thus adjusted their aim to hit what they aimed at, let alone Kennedy's head, at 80 yards or more. The rifle tests proved that. The FBI fired 27 shots from the CE139 rifle and never hit what they aimed at. The Army's master riflemen fired 18 shots from the rifle and never hit the head area of the sillouette target and of the 12 shots they fired at 80 yards or more, 5 of them missed the target completely. And they were shooting at stationary targets. https://gil-jesus.com/the-rifle-tests/
  18. The Mark Bell film of the JFK assassination. Narrated by Robert Groden.
  19. Robert Groden narrates this collection of videos of President's Kennedy's arrival in Dallas and the motorcade on November 22, 1963 from a group of independent videographers called the Dallas Cinema Associates.
  20. An examination of Marie Muchmore's film of President Kennedy's assassination taken from the south side of Elm St.. Narrated by Robert Groden.
  21. An examination of the film taken from the south side of Elm St. by Orville Nix shows the President's head being thrown back and to his left, corroborating the head movement in the Zapruder film. Narrated by Robert Groden. Click on the link: "Watch on YouTube".
  22. It was and still is, all driven by fear. Fear of Communist takeover of the US. Russian fear over another attack from the West. It's all based on fear. If our poltiticans and diplomats could understand that, the Unkrainian War could have been avoided. But war means profit for corporations and jobs for Americans. When I was a young boy, I asked my mom why was there such a thing as war. She told me, "War is good for America".
  23. Mark Lane interviews Penn Jones Jr. about the mysterious deaths of witnessses Jones had uncovered.
  24. I've always thought of the Warren Commission supporters as a strange group of people willing to convict a defendant of a crime after only hearing the prosecution's case. A case that's weak and full of contradictions. I guess there are people out there who don't need to be convinced, "beyond a shadow of a doubt". For them, if the government said it, you can bet its true. Harrassment of witnesses, no problem. Unfair police lineups, no problem. Denying a defendant a phone call till after 5pm on Friday, no problem. Falsifying FBI reports on what the witnesses said, no problem. Threatening of witnesses, no problem. Lying in their Report about what the witnesses said, no problem. Rifle tests that showed the rifle was not accurate enough to be the murder weapon, no problem. Wounds ballistics tests that proved CE 399 had not struck any bone, no problem. Evidence without a chain of possession, no problem. Questioning a defendant after he's "lawyered up", no problem. From their standpoint, "nothing to see here, folks". But from a legal standpoint, this case was a joke. This wasn't a criminal investigation, this was a gathering of evidence against Oswald.
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