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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. Which is an excellent point. If Bugliosi had written a conspiracy book, O'Neill would be the new darling boy of the Lone Nut group.
  2. OMG, are they crying again about my posts ? Ex-military officers fired 147 shots at deGaulle with automatic weapons and not one shot hit any of the occupants of the car. In comparison, the Warren Commission concluded that a single shooter killed President Kennedy with only three shots from a bolt-action rifle. If they can't see how this shows how ridiculous the Warren Commission's findings are, I don't know what to say. It's relevant.
  3. I never said anything about the Warren Commission . Who said anything about the Warren Commission ?
  4. Funny how you apply one standard to Bugliosi and another to Lee Harvey Oswald. You cringe at the thought of a book critical of a subject being published after its subject is dead. But Oswald was dead when the FBI's summary report named him as President Kennedy's assassin. You don't have any problem with that, do you ? You cry unfair that Bugliosi didn't have the opportunity to refute accusations against him, like his denial would somehow convince you of his innocence. While at the same time you still don't believe Oswald, who DID refute ( quite emphatically ) the accusations against him. So what's up with this double standard of yours ?
  5. Depicted in this scene from the movie, "The Day Of The Jackal" ( 1973 ). In August 1962, members of the right-wing OAS attempted to assassinate French President Charles deGaulle with machine guns during an ambush of his motorcade. The attack lasted seven seconds and was unsuccessful. Later, authorities found 147 shell casings at the scene of the ambush, only seven shots hit the car and none of the four occupants were hit. 147 shots were fired at deGaulle and not one shot hit any of the occupants of the car. In comparison, the Warren Commission concluded that a single shooter killed President Kennedy with only three shots from a bolt-action rifle.
  6. When he is guilty of : abusing the power of his officefalsification of evidenceperjury in his sworn depositionscomplicity in the obstruction of justiceslander of innocent people What does it say about the man's credibility ?
  7. Agreed. TRUE CRIME PODCAST, Episode 53 --- Vincent Bugliosi Was A Creep https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/true-crime-ep-53-vincent-bugliosi-was-a-creep/id1495280879?i=1000536832053 Some people here still consider him some sort of credible expert. The guy was a nut case.
  8. First of all, the limo wasn't used in either Houston or Fort Worth. They used regular Lincoln convertibles. In fact, the Lincoln convertible they used for the President was on loan from professional golfer Ben Hogan. Second, whether or not he was in those cars has nothing to do with his being moved at Love Field. McHugh admitted he was repositioned in the Dallas motorcade. ( From Vince Palamara ) General Godfrey McHugh ( rode in VIP car )--- was asked to sit in a car farther back in the motorcade, rather than "normally, what I would do between the driver and Secret Service agent in charge of trip" ( 1 ) he admitted this was "unusual". ( 2 ) "Ordinarily McHugh rode in the Presidential limousine in the front seat. " This was the first time he was instructed not to ride in the car so that "all attention would be focused on the President to accentuate full exposure." ( 3 ) Finally, his removal from the middle of the front seat is prima facie evidence that those who moved him were aware that shots were going to be fired from in front of the limo and sought to keep him out of the line of fire. As they did to Admiral Burkley. "Dr. George Burkley...felt that he should be close to the President at all times... Dr. Burkley was unhappy...this time the admiral protested. He could be of no assistance to the President if a doctor was needed quickly." ( 4 ) Dead men don't need doctors. They also moved the Press further back in the motorcade to get them out of the line of fire. ( more from Vince P. ) DMN reporter Tom Dillard---"We lost our position AT THE AIRPORT. I understood we were to have been quite a bit closer. We were assigned as the prime photographic car which, as you probably know, NORMALLY A TRUCK PRECEDES THE PRESIDENT ON THESE THINGS [MOTORCADES] AND CERTAIN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC PRESS RIDE WITH THE TRUCK. In this case, as you know, we didn't have any and this car that I was in was to take photographs which was of spot-news nature." [Emphasis added]. Dillard forcefully said the same thing on C-Span on 11/20/93,telling the TV audience that the flatbed truck was "canceled at the last minute" and they were put in Chevrolet convertibles "which totally put us out of the picture." Henry Burroughs, AP photographer (rode in Camera Car #2)---"I was a member of the White House pool aboard Air Force One when we arrived with JFK in Dallas on that fateful day. We, the pool, were dismayed to find our pool car shoved back to about #11 position in the motorcade. We protested, but it was too late." from Jim Bishop's "The Day Kennedy Was Shot" (1992 edition): p. 133 and 134 "The ninth car was a Chevrolet convertible for White House motion picture photographers. It was impossible to take pictures in a position so remote from the President." " The press was displeased with its place in the parade. Some felt they could have reported a better story watching the motorcade from any of the buildings downtown. Even their wire representatives- AP, UPI, and American Broadcasting sitting forward in a special car, were six hundred feet behind the Kennedys and could see little except the Mayor of Dallas directly ahead." At Love Field, the order of the vehicles in the motorcade had been changed at the last minute as well. Milton Wright, Texas Highway Patrolman (driver of Mayor Cabell's car) "As I recall, prior to the President arriving at the airport we were already staged on the tarmac. I do not recall what position I was in at that time but it was not #1 ( the number taped to his car's windshield ). At the last minute there was a lot of shuffling and I ended up in the 5th vehicle." ( 5 ) Of course these people protested at the last minute changes, but they couldn't possibly have known that these changes were to spare they lives. It was the Secret Service who made these changes. Just like they did in moving the motorcycle officers to the rear corners of the limo. Not only were they reduced in number from 8 to 4 and moved to the rear corners of the car, they were told not to react if anyone assaulted the President. Dallas Police motorcycle officer B.J. Martin "said that at morning muster the four Presidential motorcycle officers were ordered that under no circumstances were they to leave their positions regardless of what happened." ( 6 ) These last minute changes were made at Love Field to get the press, the police and the military people out of the line of fire. And that indicates Secret Service complicity in the assassination. NOTES: ( 1 ) Burkley rode in the lead car in Miami on 11/18/63: RIF# 154-10002-10422 ( 2 ) For example, McHugh rode here in Tampa on 11/18/63: RIF# 154-10002-10423 See also: https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/IRELAND-JUN-1963.jpg https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/dublin-1963.jpg https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/berlin2.jpg https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/JFK-In-Washington-Motorcade-7-11-61.jpg https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/JFK_tampa-november-63.jpg https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/berlin-jun-63.jpg Press on flatbed in FRONT of the limousine: https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/press-on-flatbed.mp4 ( 3 ) CFTR radio (Canada) interview 1976 ( 4 ) 5/11/78 interview with the HSCA's Mark Flanagan (RIF# 180-10078-10465 see also 7 HSCA 14 ) ( 5 ) 9/3/98 e-mail to Vince Palamara ( 6 ) "Murder From Within" by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p.33:
  9. I'm disappointed when a member gets banned. Especially when that member has on more than one occasion come to my defense when I was being attacked by another member. Politics is always a hot subject. The old saying is that you never discuss religion or politics. Today politics is more hate-filled than in any time in my lifetime. The same hate-filled approach to American politics that exists today was what got John Kennedy killed. Some day, we, as a nation, are going to wake up and see it for what it was. Not so much a coup d'etat, but a move to return the power of the Presidency to the power elite. Kennedy's enemies, Texans who preferred Lyndon Johnson in the White House, lured JFK to Dallas so they could kill him and return the government to the power elite that controlled it prior to 1960. Both Johnson and Hoover's jobs were at stake and they weren't going to bite the hand that fed them, so they covered it up. They used a "world war III" scenario as the cover story for that coverup. This wasn't Castro, this wasn't the Russians or the Mafia. No, they couldn't control the autopsy. This wasn't some Secret Service agent accidently killing the President. This was a planned, triangulated cross-fire with the President being hit by shots from in front and from the rear. This was the Secret Service making last minute changes to the motorcade at Love Field, like taking the general who rode in the front seat of the limo out of the car. Relegating the Press to convertibles further back instead of in a flatbed truck in front of the limo. This was the Secret Service slowing the limo down when shooting started. This was the military mislocating the wounds in the President's body to hide the fact that he was killed by multiple shooters. This was a conspiracy contrived by the CIA, backed by the military and elements of the Secret Service. The money behind it came from one of the CIA's friends in Dallas: a rich "patriotic" Dallas oil man. It was this oil man who got Oswald his job in the TSBD. It was this same oil man ( who, according to his personal assistant ) conspired with the Dallas Police to allow Ruby into the building to kill Oswald. All of these people were connected by their politics. They saw Kennedy's policies and behavior as a threat to the security of the country and decided to remove him from office. Perhaps in a moment of contrition, Johnson even admitted, "It was the CIA and the oil men". And yes, they DID get away with murder, unless we expose them. When it comes to politics, people are passionate and it can turn to hatred and then, in the most extreme cases, to violence. Sixty years after Kennedy's assassination, we still haven't learned this lesson.
  10. https://jfkconspiracyforum.freeforums.net/thread/1592/conspiracy-murder-lee-harvey-oswald
  11. I agree. Just to put it in its proper perspective, the government has been investigating Donald Trump for what, 7 years ? What have they concluded ? But the FBI completed an investigation on the assassination of the President in 13 days ? That's BS. In fact, the FBI continued to interview witnesses well into 1964, long after its Summary Report of 12/5/63 was released. That Summary Report was supposed to have closed the case. How do you close a case before you interview all of the witnesses ? How do you close the case before you test fire the rifle ? How do you close the case before all of the evidence is in ? You're right. This was a coverup.
  12. This was no criminal investigation. It was a gathering of evidence against one suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald. Witnesses who had evidence to the contrary were ignored. FBI reports of other possible perpetrators were suppressed as Commission Documents. Physical evidence disappeared only to be replaced by evidence that had a dubious chain of possession. Witness statements were altered. Witnesses were intimidated and threatened. The autopsy photographs and xrays are in conflict. Police kept secret what was said during Oswald's interrogation by choosing not to record or have present a stenographer to keep a record. Police lineups were conducted unfairly making Oswald the only choice a witness could make. One lineup showed Oswald with teenagers and a Mexican. Oswald was questioned off and on for 48 hours in spite of his "lawyering up". Police officers lied under oath. Clearly marked evidence was misidentified and later "corrected". And Oswald was denied legal representation, a fact he made known to the Press every chance he got. No my friends, this was not a criminal investigation. And the very first word on the very first page in the very first volume of the 26 Volumes is, in fact, a lie.
  13. People have to take into consideration that Oswald had a habit of leaving work anytime he wanted to. That's what got him canned at Reilly. With that in mind, the argument that it wasn't Oswald at Dobbs House because he was at work becomes worthless. If he was doing the same thing at the TSBD, they would have been powerless to fire him, especially if he had been chosen as the patsy for the assassination. They couldn't very well fire him once they had him in the building. Once he was in that building, he could pretty much do whatever he wanted to, including leaving work to go to the Dobbs House for breakfast.I'm not saying this is what happened, I'm just suggesting it as a possibility.
  14. Witnesses claim to have seen Oswald and Ruby together.
  15. And you would expect that to be one's response if the issue was my posts. But this is not about my posts. I post evidence, testimony, exhibits and documents all of them official records. They hate that, but they can't challenge it or deny it. They nitpick silly little things like font size, or videos or links even though I don't post anything that any other member doesn't post. So it's not about the post. Do you ever see them complain about anyone else's fonts or videos or links ? No, this isn't about posts. If it were, they'd just use the "ignore" button as you suggested. They complain about these silly little things hoping that they will trigger me into losing it and I'll say something that will get me banned from this forum. They would love to see me out of here. And the proof of that is his suggestion that I just don't post here anymore. OOPS...he let the cat out of the bag. This is about me personally. The Lone Nutters hate my guts. They hate everything about me. They hate my politics, they hate my opinions...they even hate my name. Why ? Because truth seekers and truth speakers have been hated from the beginning of time. For example, over 2,000 years ago a man walked the earth who spoke nothing but the truth and they crucified Him. From Julius Caesar to Abraham Lincoln, conspiracies exist. The Lone Nutters need to get over it. And in this case, there was a conspiracy by Texans who preferred Johnson in the White House to kill President Kennedy and Johnson and Hoover protected them by covering it up. Oswald was just what he said he was, a patsy.
  16. You'd like that wouldn't you ? Since you and your pals aren't succeeding in getting me thrown off this forum. You'd just LOVE for me to quit. First you complain about my font size. Then you complain about my posting videos. Now you complain about my posting links. Getting pretty desperate to find things to complain about, aren't you Mark ?
  17. What difference does it make where I post ? 1. ) In this forum, I post videos and picture and they show up as links. In the other forum, the videos and links are embedded. There's no links to click onto. I happen to prefer that. 2. ) Plus, I do THIS forum a favor by posting only the link because I use up less file space, which is what determines how much this forum costs every month. So I'm doing my part in keeping the costs of this forum down. What are YOU doing to help this forum financially ? Finally, I'll post what I want to post where I want to post it. And I'll post links to that wherever I want to post them. If you don't want to click on the links, that's YOUR business. I don't feel that I have to explain why I do what I do to you or anyone else as long as I'm not breaking forum rules. And if you don't like it, that's YOUR problem.
  18. https://jfkconspiracyforum.freeforums.net/thread/1589/conspiracy-lee-harvey-oswald-ii
  19. I believe Z Frame 230 shows Governor Connally "flinching" to his right in response to a bullet fired from in front passing over his left shoulder. There is no facial expression indicating that he has been hit yet. This is an excerpt of a video I did years ago that asked the question, "Was JFK Trying to Cough Up a Bullet ?". This video destroyed the "Thorburn's position" theory and offered evidence that Kennedy reacted to a bullet lodged in his throat.
  20. Even if his wrist was below his right nipple at the time of the shot, the trajectory doesn't line up. In order for the bullet to have entered the dorsal ( back ) side of the wrist and exited the palm side, Connally would have had to have been holding his hat in the most awkward way. Like this: The Z film shows that he was holding his hat with the opening facing him and his thumb facing him. There's just no way he was hit by the same bullet that hit the President and only that bullet. He may have been hit by two separate bullets, as his doctors believed.
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