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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. And that's an excellent point. He shot at right-wing extremist Walker and killed the man ( JFK ) who forced him out of the military for indoctrinating troops with his right-wing views. I agree. It makes no sense.
  2. Comparing the testimonies of Secret Service Agents Greer and Kellerman to the Zapruder filmby Gil Jesus ( 2022 ) https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/kellerman-greer.jpg "Just as soon as I turned my head back from the second shot, right away I accelerated right then. ( testimony of limo driver William Greer, 2 H 119 )No investigation of this crime would be complete without an examination of the testimonies of the two Secret Service Agents who rode in the front seat of the Presidential limo.Because of their responsibility for protecting the President, their actions or inaction can be the difference between the President living or dying.And it is for this reason that we must scrutinize their testimonies and compare them to the video evidence, the Zapruder film.While I'm aware that human beings can make mistakes, I'm also aware that human beings can be less than untruthful, especially when they have something to hide.Like the kid who left the cover off the cookie jar.Driver William Greer testified that when he heard the second shot, he glanced back and in the corner of his eye saw Governor Connally beginning to fall. He knew the governor had been hit and immediately stomped on the accelerator.Special Agent Roy Kellerman, who rode in the front passenger's seat, testified that he heard a sound, looked to his right and heard Kennedy yell out, "My God, I'm hit", turned around to his left to see the President's hands at his throat and knew he had been shot. The then turned back forward at which time a "flurry of shots" came into the front seat, he ordered Greer to "get out of here" and got on the radio.The timeline these agents put together makes it seem like this all happened in sequence.It didn't. There was a delay.The Zapruder film shows that both Greer and Kellerman turned around and looked back at the rear seats to see what was going on after they heard the second shot ( Z-285 ). Kellerman is completely turned around to the front by Z-297. That much is affirmed by the Zapruder film.But it also shows that Greer turned toward to the front ( Z-294 ) but he turned around to look at the back seat a SECOND time while slowing the limo down to almost a complete stop ( Z-304-320 ). This time he was looking right at JFK when the President's head exploded and did not accelerate until after he had seen that Kennedy was mortally wounded. ( Z-350 )Conveniently, both Greer and Kellerman never mentioned this second turn in their Warren Commission testimonies nor did they mention that Greer had slowed the limo down when the shooting started.The Zapruder film also shows that the "flurry of shots" did not enter the limousine until Z-328, as we see the agents react by ducking down.So did Kellerman order Greer to move circa frame 297 and Greer didn't do it, or did Kellerman not give the order until after the head shot ?Both agents turn, Zapruder frame 285 https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/frame-285.png Kellerman actually turned around at Z-270 and Greer at Z-285, both after the SECOND shot.This is the one and only time that the Z film shows Kellerman turning around. He testified that he heard Kennedy say "My God, I am hit", turned around and saw that Kennedy had his hands at his throat.Mr. KELLERMAN. .... there is a report like a firecracker, pop....and as I turned my head to the right to view whatever it was or see whatever it was, I heard a voice from the back seat and I firmly believe it was the President's, "My God, I am hit," and I turned around and he has got his hands up here like this. Mr. SPECTER. Indicating right hand up toward his neck? Mr. KELLERMAN. That is right, sir. In fact, both hands were up in that direction. ( 2 H 73-74 ) Mr. KELLERMAN. .....There was enough for me to verify that the man was hit. So, in the same motion I come right back and grabbed the speaker and said to the driver, "Let's get out of here; we are hit......" ( 2 H 74 )So Kellerman is testifying that at the only time he turned around ( Z-270 ), he saw Kennedy's hands by his throat, knew they had been hit and ordered Greer to "get out of here".Mr. SPECTER. What did you do next? Mr. KELLERMAN. That is when I completely turned to my right and grabbed for the mike in the same motion, sideways telling the driver, "Let's get out of here; we are hit." ( 2 H 75 )Kellerman's testimony indicates that his actions were immediate and in sequence. But this is not true.There was a delay in his response between Z-297 and Z-328.The Zapruder film shows that Kellerman is fully turned around facing forward at Z-297 and at NO TIME does he use the radio before Z-328. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/zframe-297.png This is truly amazing because by Z-297, both Greer and Kellerman have turned around, both admit in their testimonies that they're aware that Kennedy and Connally have been hit, but Greer doesn't speed up and Kellerman doesn't use the radio.Kellerman was asked by Commission counsel when the limo accelerated and he testified that the limo accelerated at the time "a flurry of shots" came into it.Mr. SPECTER. Now, to the best of your ability to recollect, exactly when did your automobile first accelerate?Mr. KELLERMAN. Our car accelerated immediately on the time-at the time--this flurry of shots came into it. ( 2 H 77 )That part is true, but the agents' reaction to the flurry of shots ( fragments of the bullet that hit the President's skull ) isn't evident until frame Z-328, when they duck down. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/z328-duck.png Greer testified that he accelerated after turning forward from the second shot. ( Z-294 )Mr. GREER. .....Just as soon as I turned my head back from the second shot, right away I accelerated right then. It was a matter of my reflexes to the accelerator. ( 2 H 119 )But this is not true. The Zapruder film shows that the limo does not accelerate until frame Z-350, just over 3 seconds after Greer turned forward. ( Z -294 )These agents are obviously testifying about what happened before frame Z- 297 and after Z-328, while omitting what was going on in the frames between Z-297 and Z-328.And there was a reason for that.Greer's second turn, Zapruder frame 304 The part of the sequence that both Greer and Kellerman omitted from their testimony is that Greer turned around a SECOND time and looked back at the rear seats at Z-304. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/frame-304.png This time, he remains looking back until frame Z-320 and during this time, he slows the limo down. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/slowdown.mp4 The purpose of this second turn can only be to monitor what is going on in the back seat and slowing the target ( JFK ) to make him easier to hit.This time Greer was looking right at JFK when the President's head exploded and did not accelerate until after he had seen that Kennedy was mortally wounded. ( Z-350 ) https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/frame-313.png To say that these agents were derelict in their duty would be to put it mildly.To say they were less than truthful in their testimonies would be to put it mildly.Both of the agents in the front seat turned around, realized that Connally and Kennedy had been hit and their response was for Greer to slow the limo down.Only after Greer saw that Kennedy had been mortally wounded and the bullet fragments from the head shot came flying into the front of the limo did he and Kellerman respond.After seeing Governor Connally hit, Greer turned to the front ( Z-294 ) but didn't accelerate for another 56 frames ( 3 + seconds ) and in that time he actually slowed the car down until Kennedy was dead.This is what in my opinion the Zapruder film shows.And then they "sped" to Parkland Hospital at the breakneck speed of 50 mph. ( 2 H 121 )This was not human error, this was a cold, calculated move taken when the shooting started, to make sure that whoever was doing the shooting would be successful in killing the President.This was just one of the secrets they were hiding when they locked away the Zapruder film---that the Secret Service agents assigned to protect Kennedy were complicit in his assassination.
  3. "There were no witnesses, although a 14 year old boy in a neighboring house claimed that immediately after the shooting he saw two men, in separate cars, drive out of a church parking lot adjacent to Walker's home." ( Report, pg. 183 ) And that's all the Warren Report says about Walter Kirk Coleman, the 14-year old neighbor of General Edwin A. Walker. On the evening of April 10, 1963, he was working with his godfather, 19 year old Ronald Andries, building shelves in his room, when he heard a loud bang sometime between 9 and 10 pm.In the original Dallas Police Tucker/Norvell report dated on the day of the shooting, Coleman's location is described as "sitting in the back room of his home". ( 24 H 39 )A summary report submitted by Dallas Police Captain O.A. Jones dated 12/31/63, indicates that Coleman "heard a shot from his room". ( 24 H 38 )He ran outside and looked over a stockade fence into the Mormon church parking lot that adjoined General Walker's property. He saw two men getting into two cars and leaving the parking lot.One was a light green 1949 or 50 Ford and the other was a 1958 Chevrolet, black with a white stripe down the side.The next day, a follow-up interview of Coleman was done by Dallas detective W.E. Chambers.In that interview, Coleman told Chambers that he was in a "back room" when he heard the sound and thought it was of a blowout but Andries said it was a gun shot. ( 24 H 41 / CE 2001 )This indicates that Coleman's reaction to the noise was not instantaneous and that he and Andries had a short conversation about the noise they heard before Coleman reacted.He then ran out back, climbed the fence and saw a a "middle size" man "with long black hair" getting into either a '49 or '50 Ford light green or light blue. The Ford "took off in a hurry".But in this version the 1958 Chevy became an "unknown make or model" black with a white stripe.Coleman gave no description of the man in the Chevy.Coleman told Chambers that his name had already appeared in the newspapers as a witness and he feared for his safety. He was so fearful that he made Chambers promise not to give the info from the interview to the papers. The Dallas Police supplied a detail officer in an unmarked car to ease the Coleman family's worries about his safety.Coleman's position at the time he heard the shot and the distance of the men from the fence at the time he saw them is crucial in determining whether or not either or both men should be considered suspects in the shooting.His changing of the description of the second car from a 1958 Chevrolet to a vehicle of "unknown make and model" just the following day, together with the concern for his safety and police protection afforded him, indicates that his life was threatened and may be the reason for that change.In fact, he was told to keep his mouth shut.During his testimony before the Commission, General Walker accused the Commission and FBI of blocking his access to Coleman:"...as far as I am concerned, our efforts are practically blocked. I would like to see at least a capability of my counsel being able to talk to these witnesses freely and that you or the FBI give a release on them with respect to being able to discuss it as it involves me." ( 11 H 416 ) General WALKER. ..... I was told by others that tried to get to him that he has been advised and wasn't talking, and that he had been advised not to talk. Mr. LIEBELER. When was that, General Walker, do you remember? General WALKER. Oh, it's been at least 3 or 4 months ago. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you know who told him he wasn't supposed to talk to anybody? General WALKER. No; I don't. It is my understanding some law enforcement agency in some echelon. ( 11 H 417 ) General WALKER. ......people would like to shut up anybody that knows anything about this case. People right here in Dallas. ( 11 H 419 )Coleman's description of the '58 Chevy is verified in a June 8, 1964 FBI interview of 15 year old Scott Hansen, who was attending a Boy Scout meeting at the Mormon church on the night of the Walker shooting.Hansen told the FBI that he saw a black-over-white '58 Chevy in the parking lot that night and that he had seen it there on a previous Wednesday. ( CD 1245, pg. 113 ) Evidence of FBI manipulation Manipulation of what Coleman sawOn June 4-5, 1964, ( over a year after the shooting ) FBI Agents Robert Barrett and Ivan Lee interviewed Coleman. In that interview, the agents reported that Coleman told them that there were several "discrepancies" with the original Tucker/Norvell report. This time, Coleman changed the color of the '58 Chevy from black with a white stripe to black over white. He said that the Ford didn't leave the scene in a hurry and its color was either white or light beige, not light green or light blue. ( CD 1245, pg. 117 ) In addition, Coleman gave detailed descriptions of the men he saw for the first time. The man in the Ford glanced back at him, so Coleman got a good look at him. He described him as a white male, 19-20 years of age, about 5-10 and weighing 130 lbs with dark bushy hair, a long nose and "real skinny". He was wearing khaki pants and a sports shirt with figures in it. ( CE 2958, pg. 105 ) Coleman described the man in the '58 Chevy as 6-1 and 200 lbs, dark long sleeved shirt and dark pants. That's all the description he could give. But the descriptions of what Coleman saw were not the only things that changed from the original report. FBI manipulation of Coleman's position The FBI report said that Coleman was "standing at an outside door at the time of the shot". ( 26 H 440 )The FBI needed to shorten Coleman's response time in order to show that the two men he saw couldn't have been involved in the shooting. To do so, the agents measured the distance and timed Coleman in a re-enactment. The FBI found that the distance from the rear door of Coleman's house to the stockade fence was 14 feet and it took Coleman a grand total of 2 seconds to get there. ( 26 H 439 ) The FBI measured from the alley entrance to the Walker property to the alley entrance of the church parking lot at 35 feet. It measured the distance of where Coleman said the 1950 Ford was to the alley entrance of the church parking lot at 45 feet. That's a distance of 80 feet, far too long for someone to have traveled in a time of 2 seconds. Likewise, they measured the distance from the 1958 Chevrolet to the alley entrance of the church parking lot at 21 feet, for a total of 56 feet, again, an impossible distance to travel in 2 seconds. ( ibid. ) On its face, the FBI report would seem to prove that the two men Coleman saw had nothing to do with the shooting, because their positions when he saw them, at 80 feet and 56 feet from the Walker property, could not have been travelled in the two seconds the FBI said it took for Coleman to get from his back door to the fence. But if Coleman was sitting in his bedroom, had short conversation about the noise with Andries and ran out the back door of the house, "stepped up on a bicycle which was leaning against the fence" ( 26 H 437 ) and looked over it, it's very likely that a 12 second response time would not have been out of the realm of possibility. Such a response would have allowed a running man to travel 84 feet and been in the exact time frame with what Coleman said he saw. If Coleman could do 14 feet in 2 seconds, a running man at the same speed could have done 80 feet in less than 12 seconds. ( 11.42 secs. ) Such timing could make both of these men suspects in the shooting. But the FBI couldn't have that. On the one hand, the Commission accepted that the two men Coleman saw could not have gotten that far enough away from the fence in 2 seconds to have done the shooting, but it had no problem accepting that Oswald was able to escape the scene completely undetected in the same two seconds. I submit to the reader that Oswald could not have vanished from behind the fence that quickly if he were "beamed up" by the starship Enterprise. Finally, the June 1964 FBI interview of Coleman revealed that he told them that neither man he saw resembled Oswald. ( 26 H 438 ) As a result, he was never called to give testimony to the Warren Commission.
  4. by Gil Jesus ( 2022 ) Warning: head shot depictions may not be suitable for all audiences. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/jet-effect.mp4
  5. At the "Midnight Press Conference" Oswald had not yet stood before the judge and heard the charges against him for killing the President. So as far as he was concerned, he had not been charged with it. The paperwork, however, had already been filled out charging him with the crime. This is why he says, "I have not been charged" and a police officer responds, "you HAVE been charged". The paperwork was completed but he had not yet formally been arraigned.
  6. Ben, it gives the number HSCA RIF # 180-10113-10256 and the page is page 5.
  7. Thank you, Joe and yes you make some good points about the threats they received on Oswald's life and the lack of security in spite of those threats. Common sense tells us that if they were that worried about losing Oswald, there wouldn't have been anyone in that basement. Just as there shouldn't have been anyone in the hallways as they were transferring him between rooms. How could they be sure someone posing as a reporter or a police officer wasn't going to kill him ? There should have been a conference room set up where the press would receive periodical updates from police. No, IMO, they wanted him dead. One of the points I make in that essay, and I feel is an important one, and that is that they arraigned Oswald WITHOUT any evidence against him for killing the President. I believe that came about because Ruby was supposed to kill Oswald on Friday night, at the "Midnight Press Conference", before Oswald was arraigned. But Ruby failed to do that, so they had no choice but to arraign Oswald without evidence. Ruby confirmed that he planned to kill Oswald Friday night but he couldn't get close enough and was afraid that he'd hit a police officer. So Sunday morning, they allowed Ruby into the building, waited for him to get in position and when he was, gave the "all clear" to move Oswald. This time, they made sure Ruby could get to him point blank and shoot him without hitting an officer. At least, that's the way i see it.
  8. I did this as a 4 or 5 part series earlier this year but this is the entire work updated and with videos and pictures. It's taken a long time to get it on the website, but it's a long narrative. For those who have been waiting for it, thank you for your patience. https://gil-jesus.com/?page_id=4945
  9. Thanks. That's a great essay and very informative.
  10. Yep. She recognized the shirt as the one she was shown, not the one "Oswald" was wearing. “Mrs. Bledsoe identified the shirt as the one Oswald was wearing and she stated that she was certain it was Oswald who boarded the bus.” ( Report, pg. 159 ) Seeing as she had a past connection to Oswald it seems unlikely that she could have been mistaken in her identification. However, her prior experience with Oswald consisted of his living with her for less than a week, during which time he was hardly ever around. Besides her inclination to become dishonest at times, Mrs. Bledsoe had suffered a stroke ( 6 H 404 ) that apparently affected her memory much to the extent that she had to read from notes she had taken. ( ibid., pgs. 407-408 ) During her testimony, Mrs. Bledsoe was asked which bus she got on. Mr. Ball. Which bus did you catch ? Mrs. Bledsoe. Well, I don’t remember if it was the Marsalis or the Romana. ( 6 H 408 ) Mrs. Bledsoe didn’t even know which bus she took. She described Oswald getting on the bus: “He looks like a maniac”. I didn’t look at him. I didn’t even want to know I seen him and I just looked off. He looked so bad in his face and his face was so distorted.” ( ibid., pg. 409 ) If his face was so distorted, how did she recognize him ? More importantly, her testimony indicates that not only was her memory affected by her stroke, but her cognitive ability was as well. Had Oswald been behaving so erratically it is unlikely that she would have been the only one to notice it. One might ask how she could describe his face when she admitted she didn’t look at him. She also admitted that from her side-facing seat on the passenger’s side, she never faced him and repeated that she never looked at him. ( ibid. ) From her position, anyone entering the bus would have been visible from the rear and the left side as he passed in front of her from right to left and walked towards the rear of the bus. During her testimony, she made bizarre claims that Oswald’s wife was Spanish ( ibid., pg. 408 ) and when he got on the bus, all the buttons on his shirt were torn off ( ibid., pg. 410 ). I counted a conservative 22 times during her testimony where she was asked a question and could not remember. But she remembered that shirt. Torn buttons and all. She admitted that she never looked at him when he got off the bus. ( ibid. ) So how could she tell that the buttons were all torn off the shirt ? When he got on the bus she was on his left side and the buttons were sewn into the right side of the shirt. ( 21 H 470 ) How could she see that the buttons on the other side of the shirt were missing ? This was one of the Commission’s “star” witnesses, another example of a witness whose memory and cognitive ability was not good but gave the Commission the “positive identification” it needed — Oswald on the bus.
  11. And you make an excellent point. Take five .38 unfired rounds and put them in your left front pants pocket, then proceed to "pat" yourself down and see if you can feel those rounds. This is not something they could have missed even if they searched him at the Texas Theater or they searched his pockets in the car.
  12. Someone's lying, either Fritz or Sims perjured himself because he said HE found the transfer and Boyd found the rounds as they searched Oswald in the showup room. ( 7 H 173 ) https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh7/html/WC_Vol7_0091a.htm Boyd also committed perjury because his story matches Sims, in as much as they searched Oswald on the way to the lineup and he found the rounds https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh7/html/WC_Vol7_0067b.htm ( 7 H 126 ) Who searched Oswald and when he was searched is vital in determining whether the evidence is legit or planted. I believe that all three are lying. Why would I say that ? Because Bentley and Hall were never called to give testimony and CT Walker was never asked if he searched Oswald. Looks to me like the WC went out of their way to keep the details of these searches of Bentley and Walker out of the public record.
  13. I suppose you can interpret it however you want to, but I don't see any mention of trousers. It said his pockets were searched. Normal police porcedure would have been to have the suspect empty all of his pockets, shirt and pants and then search him to make sure he wasn't holding anything he didn't want you to see. It's obvious to me that BOTH searches of his pockets that didn't turn up the five unfired .38 rounds or the bus transfer means they weren't there. It's not rocket science. He never had them. The cops lied.
  14. I found some documents that indicate that the bus transfer and unfired .38 rounds allegedly found on Oswald during a search by Detectives Richard Sims and Elmer Boyd may not have been found on him at all. The first is an FBI teletype dated 2-3-64 that says that Oswald was "completely searched" by Detective Paul Bentley and "nothing was left in his pockets". It also contains verification of that by Capt. Fritz, who told the FBI that Oswald was "completely searched following his arrest." The second document is from the HSCA interview with patrolman C.T. Walker. He told the HSCA that he searched Oswald when Oswald was brought in to Capt. Fritz's office. He told the HSCA interviewer that "I searched him good and found nothing". Both of these searches of Oswald took place BEFORE he was transferred by Sims and Boyd to the first lineup. A third document, a report by Patrolman M.G. Hall, says that Hall assisted Sims and Boyd in that transfer, but makes no mention of any search of Oswald, nor does it mention them finding any bus transfer or unfired rounds. So we have documents indicating that Oswald was searched TWICE before the transfer by Sims and Boyd. The first search resulted in his pockets being completely emptied. The second search verified that fact. This leads me to believe that the bus transfer and the unfired rounds allegedly found on Oswald were never found on him.
  15. FWIW, I found somewhere that the C-130 with the limo didn't land till 8:00pm, so the body HAD to have come back via AF-1.
  16. All of these are valid questions. I know they flew the limo back aboard a C-130 transport and that Secret Service accompanied the limo. I don't know what time that plane took off from Love Field or when it arrived in Washington. I'd have to look for the time when the limo arrived at the WH garage, I'm sure there's a log of it someplace. We know that AF-1 touched down at Andrews at 6pm. Let me see what I can find.
  17. Doug Horne explains the arrival of the President's body at Bethesda. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/six-thirty-five.mp4
  18. a video compilation of the witnesses and what they had to say: https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/the-witnesses.mp4
  19. A lot of people don't understand the WHY of it, how Kennedy's policies were opposed by the military, the State Department and the Department of Justice. It got so bad that he had to use his brother, the only one he could trust, to oversee the CIA and to act as a "back channel" in dealing with the Russians in addition to his own responsibilities at Justice. The back channel especially caused angst among seasoned diplomats in the sense that the Kennedys were circumventing the established order of having government agencies give input. The Kennedys were seen as naive and inexperienced and no one knew what secret deals were being made. On top of all of these foreign policy problems, he was facing domestic problems with the growing Civil Rights movement and resistance to it from extremists in the South. The center of that anti-Kennedy extremism was Dallas, Texas. Many felt the President was weak and didn't know what he was doing. Others felt that his policies were a threat to the security of the country. I'm in the process of compiling a video from different sources I hope will open some people's eyes. Thanks for your input, Dave. It was good to hear from you after all these years.
  20. A look at the integrity of the man who was in charge of the investigation into the Kennedy Assassination.https://archive.org/details/TheSecretFileonJEdgarHooverA pillar of American truth and honesty. ( sarcasm )
  21. For those who haven't seen it. Narrated by Morgan Freeman. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/JFK_-A-President-Betrayed.mp4
  22. I'm not sure that they ever gave an explanation on the sudden appearance of the limo, I know that frames 207-212 are missing and they may have made an excuse for that, I'm not sure. I could be wrong, but I doubt that when you took your finger off the button, the film stopped on a dime. Ive done some video recording and it seems like when you stop, there is a fade out. When you start, there is a fade in. Starting and stopping takes frames. If they had the ability to cut those frames out, then they had the ability to cut other frames as well. Zapruder and Sitzman both said that he started filming while the motorcade was on Houston St. I can't find any evidence where either said that he stopped filming after he started. It's impossible for the car to appear in the film in 1/18 of a second. Therefore, he either stopped filming and the fade in and out frames were removed or the film was cut and spliced to edit out the turn on Elm St. and the limousine stop. Another anomaly in the film is how it depicts JFK's head wound. In the film it looks like the whole front of his head is gone, but that's not supported by the autopsy photos and the Dallas doctors' descriptions. I believe that this frame has been altered to make it look like the damage was in the front caused by a bullet from the rear, when in fact, it looked more like this :
  23. IF the film isn't altered, maybe someone can explain how a motorcade just appears out of thin air in 1/18th of a second. No evidence Zapruder stopped filming. No fade in, no fade out. If you can't see that this film has been edited, then I don't know what to say.
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