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James DiEugenio

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Posts posted by James DiEugenio

  1. 8 hours ago, Robert Reeves said:

    Tucker Carlson spoke at length about the JFK assassination recently on Joe Rogan. He claims a day or so after speaking on tv about his source (having seen the files) Mike Pompeo's lawyer called him and good as threatened Tucker to keep his mouth shut. clip link below

    The intimidation isn't going away.


    Really interesting.  Thanks Robert.

  2. I just listened to the last three parts.

      Charles W  was the man behind the assassination?  I guess DIck Russell never got over that anonymous note he got when working at The Village Voice.

    And Bill Harvey?  From Rome?

    Astonishingly they brought back Plumlee again.  And Ralph Mowatt Larsen without saying he thinks Oswald did it.

    More on this tomorrow. Sheesh.

  3. I agree with that Nathaniel.

    What Kennedy was doing in the fifties, leading up to the great Algeria Speech, was really kind of revolutionary.  And the Establishment wants us to forget about that. But its really important. I will never understand why they recruited Jon Meacham as their historian. 

    Of course I really do not understand why he reached out to Soledad O'Brien either.

    If you recall, when she worked for CNN she did an MLK cover up show.

  4. Here is Part 2, this includes a review of Parts 4-6. Again, its still free and it links directly to the article.

    At the end, I take note that it surprising to me that in their discussion of New Orleans, there is 1.) No mention of David Phillips and 2.) No mention of 544 Camp Street.

    Concerning the latter, not that Oswald was there, but they don't even talk about the fact that he put that address on some of his literature!

    That was really weird, especially in relation to some of the tenuous stuff they did include.

    And although they make a big deal over Northwoods, I did not detect any mention of the records of the May, 1963 Sec/Def conference in Hawaii, where its made clear that Kennedy has instructed McNamara that he is getting out of Vietnam.

    Third, in their review of Oswald and his possible connection to the CIA, although they include that very tenuous stuff about Hartogs--which I would not have-- there was no mention of Betsy Wolf from the HSCA, who first discovered the paradoxes in the Oswald file and talked to a few CIA officials about it.

    All in all so far a decidedly mixed bag.


  5. So far, its a decidedly mixed bag through the first three parts.

    I have finished part 2 of the review--parts 4-6-- and it will be going up tomorrow.

    I was very surprised that there were no recreations, which are easy to do for radio.  And up to part 6, there is no discussion of JFK leaving Vietnam.

    My substack is still free so you can read it for nothing. The link goes directly to the article.


  6. This is my latest interview about the book The JFK Assassination Chokeholds, plus the fate of the last classified records on the case still being withheld. 

    Andrew Eiler wrote about that in the book so that is why it was brought up, in fact the book  is the only one I know that deals with the latest info on the topic.

    I thought the interview turned out well, and Bruce  put it on Rumble, so it will not be suppressed. Its a good one.


  7. I agree Tom, this Down guy has really come out of the closet of late.

    Another WC zealot.

    Why was Tippit at the GLOCO for minutes on end watching the viaduct?

    Why did he pull over Andrews and look in the back of the car?

    Why did he have to make that call at the record store and then run out?

    How does one explain the behavior of Nelson if he was replying to the same order, which he was supposed to be doing?

    And how does one explain Mentzel?

    I wonder, who many wallets does Mr. Down carry?

    Oswald had five, including  one at the scene of tenth and Patton.  Which had to be deep sixed because he had another one on his person.

  8. Morrow contributed to Sean Fetter's two volume new set, which is an LBJ did it book.

    And its pretty awful.

    The first part of my review is up now at K and K.

    The second part will be up probably tomorrow, that is the LBJ part.

    BTW, you can find quotes by bth RFK and JFK that they were not going to dump Johnson in a second term.  And if you cannot find them its because you are not looking for them.

  9. Sean and Bill have one of the best podcasts out there, I really mean that.  They do a lot of good work.

    On their latest That's Enough Outta You, they have one of the co authors of The JFK Assassination Chokeholds, Andrew Iler. 

    His contribution to the book on the legal side was extraordinary on both the doctrine of standards of proof--which neither the HSCA or Warren Commission had-- and the JFK Act violations.  No other books that I have read has this kind of insight into those two areas of inquiry.  Which I think are both very important.




  10. According to Libby Handros, Pepper died on Sunday, four days ago.

    I still see no notice in the MSM.  Its not even on Wikipedia.

    Incredible.  This guy won an HBO mock trial on the King case, which was much more realistic than the Summers/Hoch outlined one for Thames TV rebroadcast on Showtime for the JFK case.  

    He then would have gotten his client off if Judge Joe Brown had not been removed from the petition to reopen the King case in Memphis.

    He then did win a civil suit against Loyd Jowers in Memphis which proved the King case was a conspiracy.

    He then, with Laurie Dusek, filed a petition to reopen the RFK case in LA.  I read it and I can tell you when you compare that with the state reply, Sirhan would have walked. But Kamala Harris was not  going to let anything like that stand, since she had bigger goals than just being the AG in California.

    With all that behind, the MSM takes not one notice of the guy's passing?

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