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James DiEugenio

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Posts posted by James DiEugenio

  1. KD : "Mossadegh" was not a factor under JFK.

    Yes he was. Unlike Lumumba, Mossadegh was not killed after the coup.

    ​The Kennedys ordered up a position paper from the State Department on the costs an liabilities of returning Mossadegh to power.

    ​The reason I equate Lumumba with Mossadegh is this: Mossadegh's was the first democratically elected government to arise from the post WW I mandate system. Lumumba represented the first democratically elected government to arise out of post colonail Africa.

    ​The USA, over threw the first, and assassinated the second. They did not want either man to set a good example for others to follow.

  2. KD: True, but the alternative, which we have today, is much worse and that came under JImmy Carter. I guess there might have been a 'different alternative', a kinder, gentler Shah. (I do believe that if the shah had survived that the country would have substantial freedom today and not be fundamental Islamists.)

    Ken, I think you are missing the historical causation effect.

    ​I don't know how you can type a paragraph like the above and not be able to click in the word "Mossadegh".

    ​That was the alternative, not a kinder gentler Shah. The Iranaian people voted him in. Foster Dulles and his brother Allen and Nixon and Ike voted him out. That is not democracy.

    ​What was his crime? He wanted more of the money from oil licenses to go to the people of Iran, and not Standard Oil company. Because of that, he was overthrown. (BTW, same thing happened to Lumumba in Congo, about 8 years later. Except they murdered him.)

    ​If that is the kind of America you like, I guess we have a disagreement.

    As you would with JFK, since he backed both Lumumba and Mossadegh.

  3. KD: Why should they? Shouldn't that be a subject for the UN? I don't know what JFK's position was, but I hope he wasn't for setting up a new Palestine next to Israel. They couldn't build a fence high enough and Israel would not exist today.

    Ken, where have you been? It was very clear by 1967, and definite by 1973 that the USA was not going to allow a successful invasion of Israel. Heck, they were not even going to make Israel give back the occupied territories. Today the American presidents don't even call them occupied territories,

    In fact, the USA has tilted so far toward Israel that they have made it clear they will veto any attempt to recognize Palestine in the UN. Even though that resolution would pass.

    As per a two state solution, you may not realize this, but that is what Truman wanted before the war broke out. I mean what other fair solution is there? Palestine was a country in 1945. It is not a country today. Israel is.

    The idea that Israel is in some kind of danger zone is ridiculous. Just took at their military operations in the last 8 years in the occupied territories. Count up the Israeli casualties, then the Palestinian casualties. Add up the casualties for either side in the Lebnanon war of 1982. Don't even include the massacres after.

    ​Israel is Goliath today.

  4. KD: Most of your statements fairly well fit my assessment based on your earlier comments yesterday. I would expect Nasser to not like losing the support of the US. As you well know, Nasser's intent was to take over Israel. He tried numerous times.

    ​Nasser lost US support for two reasons. He wanted to recognize Red China, and he would not sign on to Dulles' Bagdad Pact. He told Dulles, "If I do that, my people will see me as a dupe of the US. And I will lose their faith."

    Nasser wanted to eliminate and take over Israel? I don't think so. Nasser backed the 1967 invasion for one reason: Johnson had titled way too far from JFK's policies and was now clearly backing Israel all the way. This is what I mean about JFK being far sighted. He never would have done that and therefore his policy would have prevented the 1967 invasion.

  5. BTW, in the above, it really does look like the FBI blanked out the paper and then wrote down the serial numbers at random.

    That was likely done to cover up the fact that the serial number of the rifle in evidence was not shipped when the FBI says it was.

    Also something new: Why are there two stories about who had the microfilm last?

    One says the FBI has it, the other says Waldman does.

  6. That was not in 1976. I think it was 1988.

    Did he say why Schweiker thought the CIA killed Kennedy?

    Yes Chuck. According to Bob, he told him this as he handed him the file Fonzi had put together for him.

    Now, let me add, when I asked Schweiker about this in the nineties, he said he did not say that. He said that was probably Dave Marston, the Schweiker Hart chief counsel.

    But I believe Tanenbaum on this. He is a really straight arrow.

    ​That night, Bob and Detective Cliff Fenton went to Bob's apartment and read the whole file until dawn. As Fenton left, he turned and told Bob, "We are in way over our heads."

    ​In retrospect, I guess he was right.

  7. Fantasy?

    Doesn't Von Pein know that Oswald himself denied anything about curtain rods? (RP. p. 176)

    Ask Davey how many people saw Oswald carry a long, bulky package inside the TSBD?

    Ask him why Ruth Paine never saw any rods.. (ibid p. 176)

    Ask him why neither Ruth nor Marina saw any packing material left at the Paine household? (ibid)

    Ask Davey about Troy West and his testimony on this point. (ibid p. 177)

    Ask Davey how many people saw Oswald carry home a roll of long brown paper from the TSBD.

    Ask Davey about Cadigan's testimony about the lack of any oil or grease on the sack. Yet the rifle had been soaked in Cosmoline. (ibid)

    Ask Davey to show you the picture of the sack lying in situ at the TSBD.

    But most of all, ask him about Hoover's two differing memos on the paper used to construct the gun sack.

    Who's leading with their chin Davey?

    You always do.

  8. When JFK died, Nasser went into a month long depression.

    He ordered Kennedy's funeral to be shown four times on national television.

    Kennedy's policies were very far sighted and very fair in the Middle East.

    The idea of compensating Palestinian victims of the 1947-48 war is something that no American president has even talked about in the last 35 years.

    Ken: socialist does not mean communist. Dulles and Ike screwed over Nasser on Aswan Dam. Kennedy wanted to mend that rift. Because he saw Nasser as a way of channeling Arab nationalism into a forward looking and progressive policy. More pro west and less backward looking Islamicism.

    The US support for the Shah was an utter disaster backed by Ike, Dulles and Nixon. Mossadegh was very similar to Nasser in his beliefs. The Shah was a brutal despot who had to be forced into making reforms by Kennedy. Then they lost all steam after Kennedy was killed. Resultng in the revolution Kennedy feared.

    Brzezinski was so enslaved by Rockefeller and McCloy, that he had Carter in Tehran several months before the revolution with demonstrations going on.

    Yes, the revolution had started, but the militants did not invade the embassy until Carter let the Shah into the country. That was a turning point. Very, very stupid.

  9. http://www.ctka.net/2015/JosephsRiflePart1.pdf

    Note I did not head this Oswald and the Rifle. Because after this, I don't think Oswald had anything to do with the rifle transaction.

    This is the most complete and detailed look at this whole imbroglio you will likely find anywhere.

    After all is said and done, the whole transaction as listed in the WC is specious.

    I will post the time line on the creation of the money order, which is fascinating.

  10. Talk about leading with your chin again.

    DVP names the rifle as being ordered by Oswald, and the paper bag as being conclusive proof of Oswald's guilt.

    As Gil Jesus proved pretty much conclusively, the paper bag in evidence was almost certainly made up by the DPD after the fact.

    And as more than one person has shown, the latest being David Josephs, that rifle was almost definitely not ordered by Oswald or picked up by Oswald.

  11. A really good guy.

    One of the only politicians who had the guts to say that the WC was a bunch of BS in public.

    (I know a lot more did that in private, but that does not count for courage.)

    According to Fonzi, Schweiker was great to work for also.

    Bob Tanenbaum also clued me in on the talk he had with Schweiker, where he told him that the CIA had killed Kennedy.

    A real rarity among our gutless public servants.

  12. Davey:

    Really, please.

    You never tell your readers where they placed the thing they tried to say was Connally's wrist did you?

    They did not place it where it is supposed to be in the Z film. Now did they?

    And is that not the whole point of what the critics were complaining about for years?

    That this would make an impossible trajectory?


    Here is a link to another demolition of these phony pastiches that have sprouted up since Myers went on ABC and delivered his disinfo about the Z film and the Single Bullet Fact.


  13. Here is the pay off from Pat's destruction of this show:

    But the program wasn’t over. For their final act they took an autopsy report reflecting the wounds incurred by their simulated torsos to an L.A. County Coroner. Surprisingly, the face sheet created for the Kennedy torso revealed that the bullet exited not from the torso’s throat but from its left chest, and that it probably would have hit its spine (if it had one) and must have hit its sternum (if it had one). (Exhibit 6 above.) Even worse, a probe poked through a skeleton by the doctor to depict the path of the bullet exploded the program’s assertion of replicating the magic bullet, as the probe passed below the clavicle and first rib. (Exhibit 7.) A bullet traveling on such a trajectory would not have bruised the President’s lung, but pierced it, and would have exited far below his throat.

  14. BTW, Myers is a special case. Why?

    Because as he himself shows in the John Kelin interview posted above, he was in the critics' camp for about ten years.

    Then, he and Gus Russo, right about the time Stone's film came out, began to migrate south.

    In fact, there is a You Tube video of Russo talking about a conspiracy theory in the JFK case right about 1991.

    RIght, at about this point, although they still attended JFK seminars, they began to take part in some pretty godawful commercial ventures:

    1993 PBS Frontline on Oswald--Russo and Myers

    Hersh's hatchet job on JFK, the Dark Side of Camelot--Russo

    Then in 2003, they both participated in the Jennings ABC special, which was when Myers actually proclaimed that the Magic Bullet was not fantasy, but renamed it the Single Bullet Fact. Which of course is right out of Orwell, or the Third Reich.

    Only in a computer simulation which he himself controlled could such a thing happen. But they were well paid and Russo bragged about Jennings' flying him around the country first class.

    And it continued to get them work, and both appeared again in 2013, Russo with Tom Brokaw and Myers on cable TV.

    Russo and Brokaw got that MSM puppet Richard Reeves to say something like: in NSAM 263 JFK only referenced to cooks and custodians for withdrawal. If anything indicates the height of outright schizophrenia that our society has become addicted to in its denial of what happened in Dealey Plaza, that does. Because now, its not just what happened to JFK that has to be desecrated in public--Dale Myer's Orwellism about the Single Bullet Fact--but now his buddy Russo gets someone to do the same about Kennedy's Vietnam policy. That is how complete the cover up has to be with these guys. If they could they would simply wipe all of it away forcibly by censorship.

  15. The dummies they used did not have arms. Therefore, the bullet did not demolish any wrist. Also, the bodies were nowhere near what a human would be.


    Yeah, you're right, Jim. The Australian team should have sacrificed two real humans to serve their testing purposes. Nothing less will suffice, right?

    Keep pretending that a perfect "SBT" re-creation is even possible (it isn't, of course, since any test has to SIMULATE the human nuances of John F. Kennedy and John B. Connally).

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

    You cannot make a dummy with arms? You have to use a human?

    Do you think everyone here is a mental defective?

    The reason they did not use full scale proper models is they realized if they could not even get an approximation of the SBT with improper models, and only doing half the experiment, then it would have been an absolute joke if they had done it the right way, or even close to the right way. and tried for a complete path of the bullet.

    It would have proved that it was not possible. And it isn't.

    It never happened in Dealey Plaza, that is for sure.


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