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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Thank you for this. I was wondering who they were. I find it amazing that you recognized their faces and hence their identity.
  2. Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas - Poems | poets.org
  3. John Newman posted this on Facebook today: That is a picture worth a thousand words! Finally, this afternoon, my Volume IV Armageddon preview is finally ready to go. The event itself has mushroomed like a hydrogen bomb! There are 8 Sections in 14 recordings totaling 4 hours and 20 minutes of recorded material—including text, photos, and documents—that were turned in to the Project JFK/CSI Dalles group this afternoon. Allowing also for the Q&A sessions, the Project JFK team has elected to run this event over two consecutive evenings—Wednesday 23 June and Thursday 24 June—from 6 to 9 pm. Those who have already registered will receive an email notification from Project JFK that their free tickets are good for both evenings. There are still some free tickets available. Options to view one or the other evening’s agenda will be put in place for those who could only attend one of the two evenings. Please share the news of these partial highlights with your FB friends and groups: 1. The Dulles brothers were making a fortune by protecting American traitors (many of the biggest U.S. corporations like U.S. Steel, ITT, Standard Oil and many others) who were arming Hitler’s war machine while U.S. troops were dying in Europe during WWII. 2. For several months the Joint Chiefs withheld from JFK what they knew about the coming Russian nuclear missile deployments in Cuba to make sure he had no time to stop the deployments until they were in place nearly ready to fire. They wanted Kennedy to be backed up against the wall with no option other than to attack Cuba while carrying out a massive surprise nuclear strike to destroy the USSR and China. Hope to see you there!
  4. In page 1 of this topic Robert Merritt talked about his three meetings with President Nixon in 1972. At the third and final meeting that took place sometime around the second or third week in 1972: Nixon then produced a letter-size briefcase and withdrew a handwritten letter of three pages. HH He told Merritt that this was the most important document he had ever prepared. He stated that he alone had written with assistance from no one. He said it was addressed to Henry Kissinger. He told Merritt that he was going to give the letter to Merritt to deliver to Kissinger in person or by mail. He told Merritt to remain quiet and not say a word as he read the letter out loud. Merritt wondered if Nixon was secretly taping what he was reading out loud. In essence, Nixon talked about “life as we do not know it.” He said that during the previous twenty years Knowledge had been obtained that could make the human race on Earth “the supreme beings in the universe.” This Knowledge came in part from helpful information provided from an extra-terrestrial being from Planet X, Nibiro, who was in a secure location in a building in the U.S. Nixon said the Knowledge came as the result of discovery made by scientists working at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico who studied the extraterrestrial being’s information. Nixon said, “This all important Knowledge that we possess came from our discovery.” Nixon said that contact with the Alien Being began twenty years before his meeting with Merritt. This would place it around 1952. Confirmation of such an Alien Being was recently made. In a June 4, 2021, interview on Dreamland, legendary UFO researcher Grant Cameron disclosed that in the 1950’s the Canadian government was in contact with an Alien Being called Afa. Afa told the Canadians that the Alien Presence will not interfere with worldly affairs unless nuclear war is imminent. Then the Alien Presence will reveal itself by splitting the Moon in half and then put it back together to demonstrate its power to the world’s population. Grant Cameron makes his disclosure of this Canadian contact starting in minute 26 in the link to the program below. I encourage you to listen to the full free interview because Cameron’s knowledge is mind-boggling. Beyond 60 Minutes: Grant Cameron on the True Depth of Contact – WHITLEY STRIEBER'S UNKNOWN COUNTRY
  5. Joe: Mac Wallace killed Kinser in 1951 because Josefa, LBJ's sister, had told him too many secrets about LBJ criminal path to power as a Senator and his ambition to be president. Josefa was into drugs and drank way too much. She must have forgotten the killing's lesson because ten years later she was again talking publicly about LBJ's secrets, which posed a threat to :LBJ who was now Vice President of the U.S. and making his plans to become President. As Billie Sol Estes told me in 1984, at the Christmas Eve dinner at LBJ's ranch Josefa was given a slice of cake that contained poison. The only other guests present at the dinner were John Connally and his wife who knew nothing of LBJ's plan. Josefa died the next day and was buried the following day at the family cemetery on the ranch. There was no autopsy. Billie Sol also told me that the only person in the world that LBJ feared was John Connally who was even more ruthless than LBJ.
  6. I received this con man email today from Donald J. Trump, the 45 President. I do not know how I got on his email list: Mark, I just announced that I am heading to OHIO for my FIRST RALLY BACK on June 26th. This rally will be unlike anything you've ever seen before and I've specifically requested that YOU be there as my special guest. If you win: We'll meet backstage at the rally We'll take a photo together that I'll sign just for YOU You'll get to bring a guest of your choice We'll cover your flight We'll cover your hotel We can even talk strategy on how to Save America This could be the trip of a lifetime, Mark, and all you have to do is enter. Who knows, I could even have a special announcement...but you'll only know if you're there! Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to win a trip to meet ME backstage at the Trump Rally in Ohio. >> CONTRIBUTE $250 CONTRIBUTE $100 CONTRIBUTE $50 CONTRIBUTE $25 CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT >> I can't wait to be back on stage with the American People. Will you join me and make this OUR BEST RALLY EVER? My team is handing me the entry list soon and I'll be looking for YOUR name. Will I see it? Contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to meet me at my FIRST rally back and to get your name on the list of entries. Thank you, Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States
  7. Watching Biden meet Putin was 'the real moment' Trump realized he wasn't president anymore: NYT's Haberman - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism
  8. UFOs may be threat to US security, lawmakers warn after briefing on military ‘sightings’ (the-sun.com)
  9. UFOs may be threat to US security, lawmakers warn after briefing on military ‘sightings’ (the-sun.com)
  10. Brian Goodyear posted this on Facebook today. It is from the New York Times of Jan. 23, 1978. Its author is W. Malone. Attempts are being made to enlarge it for reading.
  11. In Defense of “Tosh” Plumlee: How His Critics (unintentionally) Help to Vindicate Him —And His Story of “That Day” – LBJ: Master of Deceit (lbjthemasterofdeceit.com)
  12. Michael Danzig email to Robert Morrow on June 13, 2021 Account of Conversation With John and Nellie Connally During Car Ride From Los Angeles Airport to Beverly Hills Hotel, January, 1992 By Michael Danzig June 12, 2021 My name is Michael Danzig, I grew up on Long Island, New York, I graduated from The University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin in 1969. After, I lived in Amsterdam for five years, and worked with The Khamphalous Light Show Group at the Paradiso Club there, and toured all over Europe with groups such as Pink Floyd, and others. In 1974 I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in screenwriting, during which time I had numerous freelance writing jobs, but never achieved an onscreen credit. Subsequently, I taught high school history in the Los Angeles Unified School District for two decades. I am now retired. While I was writing, I supported myself driving a limousine for Dav-El Limousine Inc. The company had numerous show business accounts. I usually drove a town car, which gave me the opportunity, if the client was in a talkative mood to have conversations with some of society's most renowned personalities. Among the memories that stand out are Mick Jagger, who sat in the front seat, and shared a joint with me, as he talked about the coming video revolution in music. I had a lively political discussion with the great playwright, and former Marilyn Monroe husband, Arthur Miller. George Harrison was quite friendly, and we talked about the world situation, and American and English politics. Alexander Haig, former secretary of defense under Reagan, was mad that The Beverly Hills Hotel had not placed in his room his customarily offered bottle of his favorite Scotch. John Ehrlichman, of Watergate fame, was joking about being recognized in the hotel lobby. Deborah Harry, known as Blondie, who I drove to her concert at The Greek Theater, wore onstage a T-shirt I gave her that my girlfriend made with hearts on it to sing her hit, "Heart Of Glass." Sharon Stone, who I drove for a week, shared her dislike of a certain star with whom she shared the screen in one of her hit movies. Diane Sawyer, the highly accomplished newswoman, was so talkative and friendly she gave me a hundred and thirty dollar tip for a ride to the airport. Meryl Steep encouraged me to continue pursuing my quest to become a screenwriter, and gave me the advice to explore my own experience for material. Robin Williams sat in the back seat, and didn't say a word. Steven Spielberg handed me a thin manila envelope, probably with a three-page screen treatment in it, and asked me to put it in the trunk, although he had no luggage or briefcase. I also picked up Robert Wagner from The Santa Monica Airport the morning his wife Natalie Wood drowned, but that's a whole other story for another venue. There were many famous people, who I drove over the decade and a half I worked there, but none so memorable or historic as the former governor of Texas and Treasury Secretary John Connally and his wife Nellie. I picked them up at the Los Angeles Airport, and took them to their hotel in Beverly Hills on the day they appeared on CNN on The Larry King Show. The Oliver Stone movie, "JFK" had opened the month before and had generated worldwide controversy. I had become fascinated with the assassination in 1975, when I watched the first public broadcast of the Zapruder film on Geraldo Rivera's show "Good Night, America." As a limo driver, there was plenty of dead time to read, and I consumed everything from Sylvia Meagher to Col. Fletcher L. Prouty to Anthony Summers, and David Lifton. Thus, when the Dav-El dispatcher, Gordon, handed me the job slip for a pick-up at the airport, and I read the name "Mr. and Mrs. John Connally" I almost collapsed in shock. This was to be my personal appointment with history: I would be transporting in a Lincoln Town Car the two people who were riding in the presidential limousine on November 22, 1963 with President John Kennedy when he was murdered. This was beyond belief, and my brain trembled with anxiety, as I drove to the LA Airport. The plane was on time, and our airport greeter brought the couple to the curb. I got out, and opened the doors for them, and put their luggage in the trunk. I took Motor Avenue to the hotel. This street is a special route from the airport to Beverly Hills, which most limo drivers know as a way to avoid traffic, and give the clients a nice drive. It's a beautiful winding, tree-lined road through the upper middle class suburb of Cheviot Hills. It connects the studios of MGM in Culver City with those of 20th Century Fox in Beverly Hills. It was specially built in the 1920's by Louis B. Meyer, head of MGM, so he could conveniently drive to have lunch with Darrel B. Zanuck, who was chief of 20th Century Fox. I told the Connallys this story as we drove, and they laughed easily, and asked me some questions about the movie industry. They appeared quite friendly and informal, and since they mentioned they were going on The Larry King Show later I felt confident enough to ask them what they thought of the JFK movie. Connally said he didn't agree with the premise that an arm of the government had conspired to kill Kennedy, but that director Oliver Stone had gotten right the fact he was not hit by the same bullet as the president. I started throwing in some details from my reading, and they seemed open to a discussion. The book, "Double Cross" by Chuck Giancana had just come out, where he said his brother, Sam, the late Mafia crime boss of Chicago, admitted to him the mob's involvement in the killing of the president, and I asked Connally what he thought about it. I also reminded him that there was a recent item in the news concerning a man named Frank Ragano, the lawyer of the late mob boss of Florida, Santos Trafficante. He had stated to an author that Trafficante on his death bed had told him he had had a hand in the assassination, along with Carlos Marcello, Mafia boss of New Orleans. Connally said he had read about that, and his wife said she had, too. Connally then said that he had always told the public and the Warren Commission that he knew for sure Kennedy had been hit by the first shot (the neck shot), and that he, Connally, was hit by the second one, and that the third bullet was the kill shot that hit Kennedy in the head. His wife chimed in that's what she witnessed, and that they had never deviated from their testimony. I offered the observation that therefore "The Magic Bullet Theory" must be incorrect, and either Oswald didn't act alone or didn't pull the trigger at all. They both agreed with me, and maintained they believed the Warren Commission was wrong in their conclusion that Oswald acted alone. At that point, as we were driving through this most peaceful neighborhood one could imagine, and to this day, I recall vividly looking in the rearview mirror at John Connally's face as I got up the nerve to ask him the question on the whole world's mind for the last twenty-nine years; who do you think did it? And as I asked it, I realized I was asking the man who had been sitting two feet from the president when he was killed. Connally replied, "I think it was the mob. I think the Mafia killed him, and the recent information that just came out about Giancana and the other guy proves what I've always thought." I then gently prodded them about why the Warren Commission said it was Oswald alone. I remember Nellie Connally, who was the nicest person with the friendliest, cheerful smile say, as I looked at her face in the mirror: "We don't know, we've been trying to figure that one out forever, but we only know what happened because we were there." I remember telling them a few more details about the mob because I had recently read the Giancana book, and I threw in facts about Ruby and his connections to known Chicago gangsters; he was said to have phone numbers in his book linked to them, as well a couple of Dallas mob operators. Then Nellie said, with a laugh, "You know more about this than we do. We should bring you on Larry King with us." And we all laughed about the idea of them bringing their driver on the show. Then, as we turned onto Pico Boulevard in front of the entrance to the 20th Century Fox Studio lot, the subject abruptly changed back to the movie industry. I gave them my standard limo driver history of the old studio system, and how it had radically changed in the sixties, and the story of the creation of Century City as a real estate scam. We drove down Avenue Of The Stars and into Beverly Hills. I'm not sure if I dropped them off at The Beverly Hills Hotel or the Beverly Wilshire, but as I opened the door for them, they thanked me, and said they enjoyed the ride. I said I'd watch them on Larry King tonight, and they smiled and thanked me again, and disappeared into the hotel. And that was my brush with history. Interestingly enough, in 2008, while reading "JFK And The Unspeakable: Why He Died & Why It Matters" by James Douglass, I discovered that I had an additional two degrees of separation from the late president in another way. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, James Douglass describes the secret negotiations he uncovered between Khrushchev and Kennedy. The go-betweens were Norman Cousins, editor of The Saturday Review, and a distinguished author on international relations, and Father Felix Morlion, an advisor to Pope John XXIII. It so happens my father, David Danzig, who was a professor at Columbia University, and a specialist in intergroup relations, and an author of articles that appeared in Cousins' magazine and in "Commentary" had known both men quite well, and both had been to dinner at our house in Sands Point, NY in the late fifties and early sixties. Although I was only thirteen or so when I met them, I still remember both men very well. They were quite distinctive. It's hard to forget an imposing priest in a collar with a pronounced Italian accent discussing his conversations with the pope at the Vatican. So when I read these pages in Douglass' book, I thought back to meeting the Connallys, and realized I had had four meetings of people with two degrees of separation from one of the men who I admired most in history, John F. Kennedy. Two of those people had been with the late president in a tragic setting, and two in a triumphal setting. Then I remembered my ninth grade history class, and a debate I participated in about the 1960 presidential election. My classmate argued for Richard Nixon. Then I stood up in front of the class and gave my argument for why John Kennedy should be elected president. After I finished the whole class clapped. I had obliterated my opponent. Now, thinking back all those years, and writing this testimony, which by the work of Robert Morrow will be placed in the historical files of the Kennedy assassination, it seems somehow for me the circle has been completed.
  13. The above painting: William Balfour-Ker (American, 1877–1918) "From the Depths", 1906 Illustration from "The Silent War" by John Ames Mitchel
  14. JFK wanted to create an alliance with the Soviet Union, the only other great power, to deal with the Alien Presence. His tentative steps to do this alarmed those who rule above the presidency. The Pentagon Report to be released in about ten days is a modern day step to eventually bring about disclosure. One day the full story will be known. I am 83 years old and expect this to happen before I die.
  15. YouTube suspends Ron Johnson for a week after GOP senator touts questionable drugs to fight covid-19 (msn.com)
  16. Sub-headline from an article in the June 12-13, 2021 weekend edition of The Wall Street Journal: "Nearly half of the U.S. population was born after 1981, the last year of double-digit consumer price increases." It makes one wonder what percentage of the U.S. population was born after 1963 and the affect of this on public interest in the assassination of President Kennedy.
  17. Putin: The US Is ‘Walking the Soviet Union’s Path and Its Gait Is Confident and Steady’ - LewRockwell
  18. A major newspaper just called for the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism
  19. UFOs Repeatedly 'Took Offline' US Nuclear Capabilities, Ex-Chief of Pentagon Secret Unit Says - Sputnik International (sputniknews.com)
  20. UFOs Repeatedly 'Took Offline' US Nuclear Capabilities, Ex-Chief of Pentagon Secret Unit Says - Sputnik International (sputniknews.com)
  21. Issue 007 of "garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics" is now available! 186 Pages. Print and E-Version. Issue 007 of "garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics" features an exclusive cover story on Bob Woodward by the author of Haig's Coup, Ray Locker. On the issues of Watergate and Nixon, Jim Hougan discusses the identity of Deep Throat, John Simkin links Watergate to the JFK assassination, and Edgar Tatro gives the Nixon years the poetic treatment. On the JFK assassination, we have James Manning on Oswald's marksmanship (or lack thereof), Larry Hancock on the Bay of Pigs, and a review of Josiah Thompson's Last Second in Dallas by Walt Brown. This year marks 20 years since 9/11 and to continue the ongoing investigation, we have David Ray Griffin writing about Building 7 and Kevin Ryan writing about the real legacy of Rudy Giuliani as it relates to 9/11. Features include Richard Booth on the missing surveillance footage of the OKC bombing, Bruce de Torres on forced education, Whitney Webb on Epstein & Gates, Doug Horne on FDR's Pearl Harbor, Meg Sherman on Aleister Crowley as Orwell's Big Brother, Gregg Wager on the murder of Allard Lowenstein, Kevin Corley on the KKK's war with bootleggers in southern Illinois, Caitlin Johnstone on the bigger picture behind the Fauci emails, and more. https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/MidnightWriterNews
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