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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Will Ruha wrote on Facebook three days ago: In 1965 Norman Mailer reviewed Mark Lane's book Rush to Judgment and stated that "if even one-tenth of what he wrote proved to be true, then it raises the most profound questions about the United State government." For his later reversion, Mailer may be somewhat forgiven for the fact that the CIA unleashed Larry Schiller on him to direct and guide him in the production of much of his later works. Schiller, who was a contracted photojournalist to CIA Operation Mockingbird media, and who collaborated with CIA literary hack character assassin Albert Goldman, had done photo work on Marilyn Monroe shortly before her death. This, he used in directing Mailer to produce his book “Marilyn.” And following this, Schiller began to guide Mailer toward other projects. Mailer's Village Voice review of Mark Lane’s Rush To Judgment represented the first dissenting voice from a major literary figure in America questioning the government’s Big Lie. To later counter that, Schiller made arrangements to set Mailer up to receive what were ostensibly selected declassified KGB files on Oswald, that radically altered the former leftist radical figure’s view of the alleged assassin. Now, under Schiller’s direction, he became convinced of Oswald’s culpability. Schiller was instrumental in directing Mailer toward projects consistent with CIA ops and social engineering, literary projects like The Executioner’s Song, Oswald’s Tale, Harlot’s Ghost, etc. Ultimately, via Schiller, Mailer even accepted a CIA invitation to appear at CIA headquarters in Langley, and do a presentation of his works involving the agency. One only has to review Schiller’s work to recognize his role in socio-political mass engineering: material supplier to the biopic Lenny, on the life and death of social critic Lenny Bruce; Marilyn & Me, a photo and literary work on Monroe, who also died from an alleged drug overdose (produced with Mailer); his coverage of the counter-culture scene in a major photojournalist Life Magazine piece and subsequent book on hippies and the use of LSD (which the CIA had tried to corner the market on as early as 1947); the “nonfiction novel” on killer Gary Gilmore (a recidivist criminal incarcerated and treated by psychiatrists during the time of the CIA’s MKULTRA programming of prisoners, who, following his release, became a multiple murderer); a book on the Sharon Tate mass murders (a CIA MKULTRA op), a book on Master Spy Robert P. Hanssen; a Book on the strange unsolved murder of Jon Benet Ramsey; a book on the O.J. Simpson murder trial; a music video with Kris Kardashian, and most notably, his 1977 pet project (during the time of government exposes on CIA assassination plots and the HSCA hearings into the JFK Assassination), the TV blockbuster, The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald, which Schiller produced. It is fairly safe to assume that these chosen projects were not randomly chosen by Lawrence Schiller, but rather carefully selected literary, photo, and film projects designed to socially engineer the American public to accept the Deep State’s interpretation of reality, rather than revelations of its nefarious CIA ops. Mailer, suckered in by Schiller’s relationship with Monroe, his ingratiating manner, and extensive and beneficial contacts that so aided in the development of Mailer’s literary projects, never suspected the true nature of this agent’s role. An ulterior motivation in Mailer compromising himself was his desperate desire to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, which had been denied him, doubtless owing to his 1960 penknife attack on his wife that landed him in Bellevue for mental observation. That episode followed a CIA campaign to destroy the signers of a full page ad in the NY Times supporting the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, the New York chapter from which Oswald ostensibly received his membership. It is no accident that, following Mailer’s death in 2008, Schiller has become Senior Advisor to the Norman Mailer Estate, Managing Director of The Norman Mailer Center, in New York, NY, represents the Norman Mailer Licensing company, and serves on the Executive Board of the Norman Mailer Society.
  2. Lee Shepherd wrote on Facebook two days ago: Edgar Bloom Stern Sr. was an American leader in civic, racial, business and governmental affairs for the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. The Newman building was owned by Isidore Newman who was a close friend of Edgar & Edith Stern. (Newman gifted them the grand piano in their drawing room for their wedding in 1914). The Sterns, like Eustice Riley, who owned the Riley Coffee Co. were early donors for INCA (Information Council of the Americas). According to MC Piper—who met with the banker who set up the financing for Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) the Sterns were silent Jewish investors in the plant which was illegally diverting nuclear technology & materials to Israel. The Sterns owned & controlled WDSU TV which portrayed Oswald as communist sympathizer. They were the financial force behind the ADL in New Orleans. According to Mae Brussels, the Riley Coffee was financed by the LDS (Later Day Saints) out of Utah. The LDS, was active in assisting Israel in their nuclear ambitions for “theological” reasons. They also funded the Free Cuba Committee. Kevin Brant My spouse played on their grand piano for the curators and staff. Philip Stern was particularly interesting. He began his career in the office of Henry “Scoop” Jackson who had his own “deep state” connections. It was a topic Stern, apparently, didn’t want to discuss. Jackson had his supporters for a spot on Kennedy’s ticket for VP. Philip Stern knew Angleton (traveled in the same social circle). He worked in the Kennedy Administration and quit in the spring of 63 to understate an interesting endeavor with one of the Warburgs. The Stern/Rosewald family were close to Admiral Lewis Strauss (ONI) who co-owned the Hawkeye Lab. This family is one of my favorite topics. Kevin Brant An interesting article about Senator Jackson. “In 2005, twenty-two years after his death, US government officials, including three members of the CIA, seized and removed several of Senator Jackson's archived documents housed at the University of Washington.” https://www.heraldnet.com/.../cia-seizes-sen-jackson-papers/ HERALDNET.COM CIA seizes Sen. Jackson papers | HeraldNet.com CIA seizes Sen. Jackson papers | HeraldNet.com ·
  3. Opinion | Republicans Aren’t Done Messing With Elections - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  4. Justice Dept. now expects to charge more than 500 in Capitol riot probe (msn.com)
  5. ...And Justice For All (Eventually) - PREVAIL by Greg Olear (substack.com)
  6. Minnesota gasps at the financial damage it faces from the Texas freeze (msn.com)
  7. AG Garland announces federal probe into policing practices in Minneapolis (msn.com)
  8. Top Oath Keeper Says Active-Duty Cops Are Training Militia Members for Civil War (thedailybeast.com)
  9. Last Witness to President Abraham Lincoln Assassination I've Got A Secret - YouTube Viewer comments: magine had he lived just 7 years longer, he'd have lived through JFK's assassination as well. That would've been insane.
  10. Justice Department sues Trump ally Roger Stone, alleging millions in unpaid taxes (nbcnews.com)
  11. Prosecutors secure first guilty plea in Capitol riot cases (aol.com)
  12. I am honored that Spartacus-Education has selected my autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to History, as its Book of the Week. To view the posting, scroll down to the bottom. Spartacus Educational (spartacus-educational.com)
  13. Jerry Shinley today posted elsewhere the article below by C.L. Sulzberger and then called attention to an article in the Washington Post of September 18, 1997, titled "Hunt Claims Authorship of CIA article. Espionage Column in New York Times Carried Sulzbergr By-Line." The Post article noted that the New York Times refused to commend on Howard Hunt's allegation. [Is this an example of Operation Mockingbird?] Thomas Dodd put the article in question in the Congressional Record. October 12, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 28841 [From the New York Times, Sept. 13, 1967] FOREIGN AFFAIRS: WHERE THE SPIES ARE (By C. L. Sulzberger) The cold war between tightly knit Soviet and NATO blocs has certainly relaxed. The five years since the Cuban missile showdown have been marked by cautious if persistent efforts to improve relations between Washington and Moscow despite tensions in Viet-nam and the Middle East. Loosening of their own alliances, realization of the folly of nuclear war and mutual fear of China have all contributed to this easement. But this trend should not be permitted to obscure the fact that the two superpowers continue to found policy on each other's assumed intentions and to watch each other's every move. All the time, day and night, Soviet and American spy satellites whizz overhead while their photographic eavesdropping and other electronic devices snoop about the globe. EXPOSED NETWORKS Nor has the subsidence of tension reduced conventional espionage. We are only occasionally reminded of this fact by events such as South Africa's recent seizure of a Russian spy named Yuri Loginov or the exposure of a clandestine Soviet network last March when Giorgio Rinaldi was arrested by Italian military intelligence. Between March 1966 and April 1967 no fewer than 107 Soviet intelligence officers were uncovered around the world. Most of them held diplomatic passports and were simply declared persona non grata and sent home. Loginov has already made a full confession which involves many Russian so-called diplomats. They include Konstantin, Frolov who served in Argentina and Australia; Yuri Lyudin (also called Modin, former Soviet counselor in New Delhi; Vitali Pavlov (alias Kedrov), a counselor of embassy in Western Europe, who was in Ottawa during the Gouzenko spy case; Aleksei Tiblayshin, who once worked at UNESCO in Paris; Yuri Chekulayev, a diplomat in the Middle East; and Boris Skoridov, said to be the same as Boris Zhiltsov, member of Moscow's London embassy. The highly proficient Soviet espionage apparatus of G.R.U. (military intelligence) and K.G.B. (interior ministry) makes wide use of diplomatic, journalistic and commercial cover. The G.R.U. officer arrested in the Rinaldi case, Yuri Pavlenko, was an attache in the Rome embassy. Rinaldi exposed Albert Zakharov, embassy secretary in Athens; Boris Petrin, attache in Nicosia; Nikolai Ranov, Aerofiot airlines representative in Cyprus; Igor Oshurkov, trade representative in Greece; Mikhail Badin, Vienna military attache; Georgi Balan, military attache in Italy, then Mexico; Aleksei Solovov, employe in the Rome military attache's office. Experts assume no Soviet diplomatic establishment draws fewer than half its staff from G.R.U. or K.G.B. rosters, a figure rising to 80 per cent in some embassies. Of 107 Russian spies exposed last year, 45 had diplomatic cover; thirty were listed as journalists; fifteen commercial representatives; five Aeroflot; six "cultural" representatives. A vitally important, if more conventional, Soviet espionage network at Bakfjord, northern Norway, did effective work in the NATO area before Norwegian counterintelligence broke it up. This group's agents, trained in Murmansk, were responsible for entrapment of the famous U-2 plane piloted by Gary Powers in 1960. This was shot down over Russia while on a high-flying reconnaissance mission between Pakistan and Norway. A NEW SUPERSPY Allied officials are now perplexed by the appearance on the West European scene of a new type of superspy assigned to political action and reporting directly to the Soviet Communist party's International Section, an echelon above K.G.B. and G.R.U. Four diplomats believed to hold such assignments are Sergei Kudryavtsev, Minister-Counselor in Bonn; Pavel Medvedovsky, Counselor in Rome; and Vladimir Feodorov and Georgi Farafonov, Counselors in Helsinki. Kudryavtsev, also involved in Canada's Gouzenko case, was Russia's first Ambassador to Castro. He supervised installation of Soviet missiles in Cuba. Medvedovsky worked in the K.G.B. before being promoted to his political action job. Feodorov, once deputy chief of the party's International Section, was a political observer in China. Farafanov worked in Stockholm eight years for the K.G.B. THE WAR GOES ON One cannot predict how many new names will be added to this roster as a result of Loglnov's confession in South Africa, a confession that has already connected five continents in the extraordinary Soviet network. The basic point is that despite the relative thaw between Moscow and Washington, and efforts to work out political and economic accommodation, the spy war goes on. The watch persists in the skies, on the high seas where trawlers and submarines carry complex electronic devices; along endless frontiers from Norway to Kamchatka; and in the susurrous cellers of embassies about the world. The overt cold war has eased-but not its covert counterpart.
  14. I am honored that Spartacus-Educational has selected my autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to History, as its Book of the Week. Spartacus Educational (spartacus-educational.com)
  15. I am honored that Spartacus-Educational selected my autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to History, as its Book of the Week Spartacus Educational (spartacus-educational.com)
  16. U.S.-Soviet Cooperation in Outer Space: From Yuri Gagarin to Apollo-Soyuz | National Security Archive (gwu.edu)
  17. https://inbroaddaylight.wordpress.com/2018/04/08/the-jfk-assassination-from-a-different-perspective/
  18. Police release body-cam footage in death of Daunte Wright; police chief says officer meant to use Taser during traffic stop (msn.com)
  19. What to know what's coming? Read this National Intelligence Council report. GlobalTrends_2040.pdf (dni.gov)
  20. Joseph McBride posted this on Facebook today. Prince Philip is talking to General De Gaulle
  21. Video emerges of Trump and Ron DeSantis meeting man being investigated for human trafficking with Matt Gaetz - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism
  22. The lady who founded The Power Hour and was its moderator died about five years ago from breast cancer. I talked to her shortly after she had received the news from her doctor and she told me since her program's advertisers were health supplement companies she was going to forego traditional medicine to fight the cancer and instead rely on the products of her advertisers and well as alternative medicine. It may be that there was no way she was going to beat the cancer no matter what methods she employed. Rothstein still has his report on Sturgis' confession and is sending it to me as well as a published book he wrote. When I get the report I shall post it again on the forum.
  23. I have never heard him mention Caulfield and shall ask him in the coming days if he did. He knew Officer Carl Shoffler quite well and believed him to be the real "Deep Throat" as I also maintain.
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