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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. More news on the Saudi threat Saudi accused of threat to Khashoggi UN investigator is human rights chief | Saudi Arabia | The Guardian
  2. Senator Marco Rubio - UFOs over Military Installations - Are they coming from Beyond Earth - YouTube
  3. The UN leaked a Saudi threat to assassinate an official to make sure the killing didn't happen (msn.com)
  4. E.P.A. to Review Attacks on Science Under Trump Source: By Lisa Friedman, New York Times • Posted: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 E.P.A. to Review Attacks on Science Under Trump - Governors' Wind Energy Coalition From the article: Mr. Trump’s first administrator, Scott Pruitt, removed the agency’s web page on climate change (which has since been replaced); fired and barred independent scientific advisers who had received grants from the E.P.A. (a policy that a court ultimately found to be illegal) and then replaced them with many industry representatives; and rolled back scientifically-supported policies such as limiting pollution from trucks with rebuilt engines after meetings with executives and lobbyists. Mr. Pruitt’s successor, Andrew Wheeler, faced accusations that he repeatedly ignored and shut out his own scientists in decisions such as issuing a rule curbing but not banning asbestos; declaring the health effects of chlorpyrifos, a widely-used pesticide, “unresolved” despite years of agency research proving its danger to infants; and pushing through a policy (which has since died in the courts) to limit the type of health and epidemiological studies that could be used to justify regulations.
  5. My guess is that sooner or later the FBI will visit Paxton to request the texts and emails and if he refuses to cooperate then the Justice Department will take the steps necessary to obtain them. If this were to occur, Paxton will face public condemnation. He must be hiding something.
  6. Judyth Exner was personally embittered by her romantic experience with JFK who had many such assignations. Nevertheless she should be proud of her role in history in carrying national security messages dealing with Castro and Cuba between JFK and Giancana. A decade later Robert Merritt played a similar role in history by carrying a national security message and materials to Henry Kissinger. Presidents use out-of-the-loop entrusted persons to accomplish certain plans.
  7. Texas AG Ken Paxton refuses to release texts, emails sent during pro-Trump rally and Capitol riot (houstonchronicle.com)
  8. School girl in Italy doing remote class work in the midst of her shepherd father's herd:
  9. Mesmerizing talk by the real guy about whom the movie "Catch Me If You Can" was made. He has been a FBI agent for three decades now. Catch Me If You Can | Frank Abagnale | Talks at Google - YouTube
  10. F.B.I. Discovers Phone Call Between Proud Boys & White House Hours Before Capitol Insurrection (msn.com)
  11. Marco Rubio Talks to TMZ About UFOs, Aliens (mediaite.com)
  12. Marco Rubio Talks to TMZ About UFOs, Aliens (mediaite.com)
  13. US has secret evidence of UFOs breaking sound barrier without a sonic boom | Daily Mail Online
  14. US has secret evidence of UFOs breaking sound barrier without a sonic boom | Daily Mail Online
  15. THE LAST ACT OF JUDITH EXNER | Vanity Fair | April 1990
  16. MFA lends JFK painting to President Biden: ‘It’s a portrait of steadiness and a portrait of listening’ By Natachi Onwuamaegbu Globe Correspondent,Updated March 12, 2021, 12:08 p.m. 31 "Portrait of John F. Kennedy" was painted by Jamie Wyeth and completed in 1967.MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON Before it landed at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts, a certain portrait of John F. Kennedy with his stoic stare hung over President Biden’s fireplace for the eight years he was vice president. After a four-year stay in Boston, the Kennedy portrait was sent back to Washington, D.C., a few weeks ago. This time it hangs in a private study off the Oval Office. According to the MFA, the painting was lent following a personal request from President Biden. “We’re pleased that we can help support the new president,” said Ethan Lasser, the MFA’s Art of the Americas chair, “and that he values works of art.” (As of press time, a White House spokesperson was checking whether the president wanted to comment.)
  17. Luke A. Nichter observes: The fuller story is in the book, but this provides a good overview.
  18. Jay Veith on Facebook: You and I discussed this many times, but who is Lodge referring to that will kill everyone? Luke A. Nichter: He's referring to what he was told at the South Vietnamese Embassy the night before, when he had dinner with Madame Nhu's parents. He doesn't identify who would do the assassinating, but repeats more than once that they -- Diem, Nhu, and Madame Nhu -- were likely to be killed in a coup.
  19. Author and researcher Jefferson Morley discusses his new book Morley v. CIA: My Unfinished JFK Investigation Author and researcher Jefferson Morley discusses his new book Morley v. CIA: My Unfinished JFK Investigation. (spreaker.com)
  20. Luke A. Nichter wrote on Facebook today: I've been a little slow to post something about this, in part because it's a strange experience to have a book come out during a pandemic. It's caused interest to be spread out over a much longer time -- since we've had nothing else on our minds since it was released in September (!) This is a story about a mysterious tape of JFK speaking with Ambassador to Vietnam, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. The tape itself has a mysterious origin after officially not existing, then turning up decades later at the JFK Library in Boston. It offers new clues about how the U.S. became involved in Vietnam. The tape has been overlooked by every major history of Vietnam that I am aware of -- including the recent PBS series by Ken Burns. This is a link to a 5 minute video that includes the tape: JFK & Vietnam | Full Measure
  21. Email from Donald J. Trump titled, "I have an update for you." Mark, Joe Biden and the Left-wing MOB are an embarrassment to this country. Do you want to know who warned you about the insanity of Biden's radical Administration? ME My father Kevin McCarthy And every other Republican who wants to put AMERICA FIRST. If we want to have any shot at getting the liberal Democrats OUT of office so that we can regain our Republican Majority, then we need to take action NOW. Not tomorrow, not next week, BUT NOW.I've spoken with Kevin McCarthy, and he's agreed that ALL GIFTS made towards our monthly fundraising goal will be 300%-MATCHED. This offer is only available to you for the NEXT HOUR, so you need to act fast. Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to help us reach our goal and your gift will be automatically 300%-MATCHED. >> DONOR FILE SUPPORTER: Mark 300%-MATCH: NOT USED DEADLINE: 1 HOUR CONTRIBUTE NOW >> CONTRIBUTE $100 = $400 >> CONTRIBUTE $75 = $300 >> CONTRIBUTE $50 = $200 >> CONTRIBUTE $25 = $100 >> CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT >> We need to continue the great work of President Trump to DRAIN THE SWAMP, Mark. We've got a long road again, but with YOUR SUPPORT, I know we can finish the job. Will you stand with us? Contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to SAVE AMERICA from the Left and your gift will be 300%-MATCHED. Thank you, Donald Trump Jr. CONTRIBUTE NOW >> PAID FOR BY KEVIN MCCARTHY FOR CONGRESS P.O. BOX 12667 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389-2667 Unsubscribe from messages sponsored by Kevin McCarthy for Congress. To Unsubscribe by email, please reply to this message with Unsubscribe as the Subject Line. Unsubscribe from all communications. Privacy Policy
  22. Indictment Details Proud Boys' Group Chat Before Capitol Riot (msn.com)
  23. The Rutherford Institute :: Digital Trails: How the FBI Is Identifying, Tracking and Rounding Up Dissidents by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead |
  24. FBI releases new footage of pro-Trump mob attacking police at U.S. Capitol (yahoo.com) FBI releases video of 10 rioters who allegedly committed most brutal assaults on police officers (msn.com)
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