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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. District Attorney Jim Garrison's Case For A Conspiracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e7N_e56Ps4
  2. Gaeton Fonzi’s Miami Witness List https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32262517.pdf
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2017/11/03/new-batch-of-jfk-assassination-files-oswald-in-mexico-city-and-watergate-burglars/?tid=ss_fb&utm_term=.9304ada79163
  4. John F. Kennedy’s Nephew: ISIS is a Product of US and Israeli Intervention for Oil in Syria http://www.awdnews.com/index/john-f-kennedys-nephew-isis-product-us-israeli-intervention-oil-syria/
  5. David Talbot posted this on Facebook today: I just received an important new essay from attorney Dan Hardway, one of the heroes of the JFK truth battle. As a young staff investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s, Dan learned from first-hand experience what it's like to go up against the country's national security fortress in the interests of democracy and transparency. All concerned Americans should read this and take action along the lines Dan suggests. As Dan points out, it's not just the fact that the government is still withholding thousands of pages of JFK documents in violation of the law that is the outrage -- it's the countless redactions and even missing pages in the documents that have been supposedly "released in full" by the CIA and other agencies. Here's a key excerpt from Dan's essay -- I'll post a link to the entire article as soon as it's published. Legendary CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton set the strategy in 1964. "Jim would prefer to wait out the Commission," as one CIA memo about Warren Commission inquiries put it. The CIA is still doing that as well as running its propaganda campaign against anyone who questions the lone-nut theory, the agency's "best truth" according to CIA official historian David Robarge. There has been no explanation, let alone a presidential certification, that the massive redactions in these "released in full" JFK documents meet any of the mandatory exemptions that allow withholding. No identifiable harm is specified. No rationale is given as to why the secrets protected outweigh the public interest in disclosure. These files are not in compliance with the law no matter what the mainstream media says. They are an in-your-face flipped bird to the American public. They basically tell us that the CIA is saying that they don't have to comply with the law of the land and that they will not tell us their secrets and that there is nothing we can do about it. I've been here before. It was in a small room in CIA Headquarters in late 1978. I had been fighting to see a file generated by the CIA debriefing of Johnny Roselli (the Mafia liaison with the CIA). Agency officers Scott Breckinridge and George Joannides had just handed me a highly redacted file that violated the HSCA/CIA Memorandum of Understanding mandating unexpurgated access by HSCA to CIA files. They stood by, grinning, as they watched my reaction upon opening the file to find it largely expurgated. They were grinning so hard because they knew they had waited out the HSCA and there was nothing I could do about it. The Angleton strategy still worked. It is still working today. This (redacted and limited) release not only demonstrates that the Angleton strategy is still being applied. It also illustrates the point I have been making about what they are covering up. There may well be nothing we can do about it. It appears our lawmakers are spineless in the face of the intelligence community. Joseph Burkholder Smith, a retired CIA officer, told me and Gaeton Fonzi in 1978, “You represent Congress. What the xxxx is that to the CIA? You’ll be gone in two years and the CIA will still be there.” To paraphrase that to fit the situation in which we now find ourselves: “You are the people that Congress supposedly represents. What’s that to the CIA? You’ll forget about it in a few weeks or so.” But I won’t. I wrote a letter to my Senator yesterday before I saw the travesty that was the day’s release of JFK documents by NARA. Probably a futile gesture, but one I had to take anyway. At this point all I can do is try to tell the truth about this whole state of affairs. I also encourage you to not take this insult to your intelligence and ability to govern yourselves without reaction. Do something. If nothing else, circulate this article to everyone you know. Refuse to accept the cancer of secrecy that destroys our liberty and ability to govern ourselves. Get involved. Get informed. Stay informed. Read and follow http://2017jfk.org/home/ and http://jfkfacts.org/. Join the AARC at http://aarclibrary.org/aarc-membership/. Join CAPA at http://capa-us.org/membership/. If those who exercise the power in this country have such blatant contempt for the law, then the time for serious peaceful civil disobedience may be upon us. Get the word out. Don’t be silent any longer. This is not an issue of the left or the right. Do something. Say something. And don’t stop until you are heard. 2017 JFK Citizens dedicated to upholding the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act in 2017 2017jfk.org
  6. Secret C.I.A. Documents May Shed New Light on J.F.K. Killing https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/03/us/politics/cia-documents-jfk-assassination.html
  7. Dr. Cyril Wecht discusses the mock trial of 2017 http://wallstreetwindow.com/node/13836
  8. David: I have said before in the forum that just because I post something does not mean I support its assertions. Zero Hedge that published the article is extremely influential and widely read. What it publishes cannot just be ignored. Our JFK Assassination topic is read not only by forum members but by members of the general public who are interested in the assassination. Here you and Larry have set the record straight and this will be helpful to all others reading and evaluating the Zero Hedge article. Larry reports that he has been doing this on Facebook. Now our forum is on record about the article. I believe we must keep feeling the pulse of what is going in the public discussion of the JFK assassination. It is not enough just to post articles here that the choir (forum members) approves of unless we want to live like the boy in the bubble. One theory of the law is that silence signals assent. When something significant is wrong or inaccurate about the JFK assassination we must to speak up.
  9. Zero Hedge: The one paragraph you need to read in the files http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-27/one-paragraph-you-need-read-jfk-assassination-files-may-change-everything
  10. https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/update-on-the-release-of-the-fbis-jfk-assassination-files/layout_view
  11. Phil Shenon - a cruel and shocking twist By William Kelly https://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/free/lobster74/lob74-phil-shenon-jfk.pdf
  12. JFK’s Grandson: The JFK Assassination Files Release Contributed to Our Era of Distraction By Jack Schlossberg October 31, 2017 Schlossberg, President John F. Kennedy’s grandson, is a student at Harvard Law School. http://time.com/5003919/jfk-assassination-files-conspiracy-distraction/
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5035335/How-CIA-Hitler-alive-Colombia-1954.html
  14. 'We Want Them to Shut Up': The Two Dallas Cops Who Earned Hoover's Ire After JFK Killing By Joe Pappalardo | October 30, 2017 | 4:00am http://www.dallasobserver.com/news/declassified-jfk-documents-show-show-feud-between-fbi-and-dallas-police-10015830
  15. CIA Spyhunters Knew Oswald Was in Dallas Days Before JFK’s Assassination On Nov. 15, 1963, the staff of legendary CIA counterintelligence master James Angleton learned that Oswald ensconced in Dallas. President Kennedy had seven days to live. Jefferson Morley 10.26.17 7:00 PM ET https://www.thedailybeast.com/cia-spyhunters-knew-lee-harvey-oswald-was-in-dallas-days-before-jfks-assassination
  16. NSA wanted to use the Espionage Act to prosecute a journalist for using FOIA Declassified memos show agency’s leadership argued there was “criminal intent” in Puzzle Palace author’s public records requests Written by Emma Best https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/oct/24/nsa-bamford/
  17. Search through 50,000 emails from the Assassination Records Review Board that tell the hidden story of the JFK files Database shows behind the scenes story of the declassification process, and helps determine what was left out of last Thursday’s release Written by Emma Best https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/oct/30/arrbmails/
  18. Listening to America's First News this morning at 4 AM listeners learned that an obscure trade publication has discovered that Twitter is quietly deleting files, many of which were posted by the Russians. It sounded as though it was involved in the destruction of evidence. My guess is that Special Counsel Mueller is now in communication with Twitter to warn against continuing to do so.
  19. Twitter's ban of Roger Stone has been widely reported by the media. Stone says he is going to sue Twitter but the reality is he does not have the tens of thousands of dollars to pay the legal fees to in pursue a case that is a loser from the start. The sealed indictment of Paul Manafort was released today. Stone and Manafort go way back to high school together. They were partners in Black, Stone and Manafort, that rode to power on Reagan's coattails. Stone's twitter outburst last week was likely motivated that Special Counsel Mueller knows about everything these two have been involved in together from day one. There are 30 to 40 persons biting their nails right now as they see Sheriff Mueller on his horse coming over the horizon. Mueller's probe will last well into 2018 and likely into 2019. If Stone is not indicted, he still may be named as an unindicted co-conspirator down the road, as was Nixon in the Watergate cover-up indictment.
  20. Kirk: The video is a revelation. Clearly not only did James Baldwin carry the day in arguing his case but he emerged as a better public speaker than Bill Buckley. The modern mass conservative movement that emerged from Buckley's National Review and from Young Americans for Freedom in the 1960s clearly was wrong in opposing the cause of civil rights. Prominent conservative columnist James Jackson Kilpatrick of Virginia at one point declared that the position of the conservative movement on this issue had been morally and legally indefensible. HIs statement was in the form of an apology. I think that Buckley in his weak response to Baldwin showed that he too was coming to this realization. However, when one thinks of today's conservatives one visualizes White Supremacists. Racism reigns supreme in that movement.
  21. Twitter bans Roger Stone permanently http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5028221/Trump-ally-Roger-Stone-banned-Twitter-LIFE.html
  22. No, CIA’s counterintelligence chief didn’t mastermind a JFK assassination cover-up weeks in advance A brief debunking of the “James Angleton’s World War III virus” thesis Written by Emma Best https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/oct/26/jfk-angleton-world-war-iii/
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