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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. CIA received JFK assassination warning in 1962 http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/10/politics/jfk-documents-cia-tip-1962-soviet-chauffeur/index.html
  2. Foxhole: The secrets that destroyed Nixon's presidency http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/11/12/foxhole-ray-locker-on-secrets-that-destroyed-nixon-presidency.html
  3. Danny Vasquez posted this on Facebook today: 6:00 pm AF-1 lands at Andrews Air Force Base. 6:? Greer drives ambulance carrying body of President Kennedy, RFK, JBK to Bethesda Hospital for autopsy. According to all reports, Greer stays with the body of JFK at Bethesda until its return to the White House at 4 a.m. the next morning. 8:05 pm C-130 carrying 100X and 679X lands at Andrews Air Force Base. Under police escort the cars are driven to the White House garage att 22nd street and M Streets, NW by Kinney, accompanied by SA Taylor. while Hickey, Keiser and Brett drove 679X. U S Park Police motorcycle officers are assigned to accompany the cars. USPP motorcycle officer Nick Prencipe, who is stationed at the West Executive entrance to the White House, is in radio communication with these men; they are saying that there is damage to the windshield of 100X, a 'hole' in the windshield. 9:00 pm SA Keiser, Brett and White House Policement Snyder and Rubenstal guard 100X and 679X in the White House Garage. SAs Geis and Davis examine the windshield of 100X -- the outer surface seems smooth, and damage is on the inside. Paterni and Boring go to Admiral Burkley at White House and request CPO William Martinelli and Thomas Mills to accompany them to the White House Garage. SA Kinney advises SAIC Boring of bone or tissue on floor near jump seat. Nick Prencipe also states that he spoke with William Greer at the White House entrance that evening, and that Greer said that there were "shots coming at them from every direction, one came right through the windshield." Based on this information, Nick goes to the White House garage, recognizes no one there, states he walked up to the car, which was parked in the middle of the garage, top up, under a tarp, and looked at the windshield. He stated he saw no damage near the rear-view mirror, but saw a 'hole' low on the passenger side of the windshield. He stated that he was not aware of any guards around the car or any activity taking place with the car. 10:00 pm "Plastic" cover removed from limo. Admiral Burkley with CPOs Martinelli and Mills of Burkley's office remove 3" piece of bone and a "quantity of brain tissue" from the back seat of 100X. Paterni finds bullet fragment in front seat. Mills finds fragment on front seat right floor. Per Robert Frazier CE 567 was found on the seat right beside the driver and CE 569 was found on the floor beside the right side of the front seat." 5 H 67. Dallas, Texas -- 11:45 pm CST Vince Drain of the Dallas FBI Office takes possession of the M/C. JBC fragments JFK skull bullet fragments. November 23, 1963 1:00 am EST DC Paterni arranges for FBI agents to examine 100X for evidence. SA and ballistics expert Robert Frazier arrives with Cunningham, Bartlett, Killiam and Thomas. They are signed into the White House Garage logs. Bartlett drives 100X out from its bay. Exam details. SA Taylor reports "small hole in the windshield of 100X from which bullet fragments were removed." 3:10 am CST USAF #276 leaves Carswell AFB, arrives 6:30 am EST, returning evidence from DPD to DC FBI along with Vince Drain. 10:00 am EST F Vaughn Ferguson of Ford Motor Company DC Branch inspects the windshield for damage. The car is guarded and under a tarp, and he is not allowed to examine any other part of it at that time. 4:00 pm EST Messrs. Jack Fox and Howard K Norton, of the Protective Research Section photograph 100X (CE 352, CE 353) 4:30 pm EST SA Gonzales contacts SAIC Bouck and DC Paterni, requesting to clean out inside of 100X because of the offensive odor. They are instructed to obtain permission from the FBI, which is done. At that point, flowers, torn pieces of paper, other "miscellaneous debris" is removed from the floor of the rear of the limo and taken to the Washington Field Office by White House Police Officer Hutch. 11/24/63 Ferguson returns to the White House Garage. 100X is no longer under guard. He cleaned blood from the back seat upholstery buttons, but did not try to clean the bloodstained back floor rug. The SS had already cleaned out the car. 11/25/63 100X remained in the White House Garage; logs show two entries for the day. Though both entries related to operations of the Garage (rather than 100X), Army personnel were present from Ft. Meyer supervising the Garage. (The specious statement that 100X was somehow 'beamed' to the Rouge B Building at Dearborn is therefore unlikely.) 11/26/63 In response to Ferguson's call of 11/26/63, Arlington Glass personnel arrive to replace the windshield. According to the White House Logs, they first take five minutes to measure it, then return to install it. Mr. Davis of the SS takes the windshield, which the men have pushed out with their feet. Ferguson doesn't see the windshield again, but SA Kellerman does. This is made into an issue by another researcher; facts indicate that Ferguson had no reason to look at the old windshield again. (Contradiction between Rowley and White House Logs). Carpet that Ferguson has ordered by phone from Hess & Eisenhardt arrives at the White House Garage. H&E records verify that carpet was ordered; Ford Motor Company archives show that there was a question as to where to bill the cost of the carpeting. 11/27/63 Ferguson was at the White House garage and told that the carpeting was in (or 11/28?) he gave the "piece" of carpet, etc, to the upholsterer. 11/29/63 Carpet "piece" completed late Friday afternoon (or 11/30?)
  4. Jefferson Morley Shares Insight On The JFK Assassination Files https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf0NM9m-T2E&feature=youtu.be
  5. U.S. does not Seek to Clarify Kennedy's Assassination, Expert Says http://www.plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=20705&SEO=u.s.-does-not-seek-to-clarify-kennedys-assassination-expert-says
  6. I was interviewed by Daniel Liszt of Dark Journalist this week about the Kennedy assassination. The interview will be placed on YouTube on Tuesday. In the course of the interview Liszt stated that Howard Hunt had an office inside the same building on Camp St. in New Orleans in which had both Oswald and Guy Banister were listed as having an office(s.) It came as a surprise as I had never heard of this before. In Gaeton Fonzi's list of Miami witnesses that he wants to interview is Howard Hunt. Fonzi says that among the reasons he wants to interview Hunt is about possible knowledge that Hunt may have about Oswald. Scroll down the list to E. Howard Hunt on Fonzi's list below to read Fonzi's reasons and then compare these to the CIA file was just released on Hunt, which David Denton found to be lacking real substance. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32262517.pdf
  7. RT required to register as a foreign agent. https://www.rt.com/news/409349-rt-foreign-agent-doj/#.WgSRfzpMo58.facebook
  8. I just went through the recent release of E. Howard Hunt’s personnel files. For those of you that are not aware, Hunt gained national notoriety for his participation as a member of a “plumbers” unit involved in the Watergate break-in in the 1970s. Previous to that, Hunt had a 20 plus year association to the CIA that ended (technically?) in 1970. Some JFK researchers have found reasons to believe Hunt may have participated in the Dallas affair in some form. In the 1980s, he wo...uld lose a civil suit where the jury, by way of their decision, accepted the notion that Hunt was part of the plot against JFK. He himself, would make a deathbed confession, as reported in 2007, that he was part of the “big event.” After going through his file, that included 11 completely redacted pages, sadly, I have to report that there was nothing “big” to see. The most telling thing about his file may be where particular blank pages occur, because the file appears to be in chronological order. Hunt was obviously a master in propaganda who produced films of that sort in France during his time there. He spoke proficiently in French and Spanish. By 1954, he had taken on the title of “Political Psychological Warfare Officer.” He, like Phillips, spent time operating out of Mexico City. At the time of the assassination, Hunt was posted in D.C. During his career, he was involved in assignments in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Again, like Phillips, he would move back and forth from regular agency employment to contract status, beginning in 1965. An interesting piece of verbiage in his file was a statement to the effect that Hunt was regarded as “re-employable.” This was just before he was sent on a mission apparently to Europe as a contract agent. Although most of his file was filled with positive evaluations, he does receive a downgrade from “strong” to merely “proficient” due to a series of “personal and tax problems beyond his control that would dull his cutting edge just enough to be noticeable.” Ominously, the file appears to be complete through September of 1963, then there is a gap until July, 1964. In that gap, there is ONE completely redacted blank page. It is reasonable to assume that the one missing page might be one of the most significant items still redacted to JFK assassination researchers. Just today, National Archives released 52 pages on Oswald in Mexico City and all but five of them were also blank. Hopefully, President Trump will keep his promise in April of next year of un-redacting most of these things. In the final pages of Hunt’s personnel file, is found a career profile written by Hunt himself. In it, he describes himself as a “regional trouble shooter.” We can still only speculate what exactly he meant by that. I will be looking at William Harvey’s file next, hopefully I get it done before I got to Dallas next week! David D Olney Central College
  9. More records released today: http://aarclibrary.org/latest-group-of-jfk-assassination-records-available-to-the-public-press-release-·-thursday-november-9-2017/
  10. https://www.thedailybeast.com/first-trailer-for-steven-spielbergs-the-post-premieres
  11. Here is a good source for information about Watergate and books that have been published about it. Actually it may be the best: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/forum/217-watergate/
  12. Joe: I don't have plans to see the "LBJ" film. I missed seeing "Mark Felt" because of lack of time. Hopefully it will show up soon at Redbox. I met Felt one time at an event arranged by Ed Miller who was convicted with him in the FBI 'black bag" break-in criminal cases and am mentioned in his autobiography. President Reagon pardoned both Felt and Miller.
  13. John Newman posted this on Facebook today: Michael Doherty posted this 1 November in response to something I had posted and it was way down in the thread: “I found this in the NARA bulk download. 1st zip file, 2nd last document named docid-32977093. Memo for the record from Lansdale dated Oct. 30 1962. The end of the first paragraph appears to confirm that the CIA ran Alpha-66 operations against Cuban shipping, something they've denied for decades.....could be interesting. The record number is 145-10001-10273 but I do...n't think it's searchable on MFF or the NARA site yet.” Michael was speaking about a Lansdale document released on 11/3/17—see the attachment. I posted this reply to Michael today to pull it up to the top of a new thread: Michael Doherty, Thanks, yes I have this memo in my 11/3/17 nuggets directory. I have found a different back door into what Lansdale was up to at this precise moment. He had a hand in U.S. Army ACSI (Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence) and other Army OSD (Office of the Secretary of Defense) elements at the Pentagon about the use of Veciana and Alpha-66 for various purposes. Lansdale did not want to let CIA know about what they were doing because he felt the Agency would try to take over the op. I am in the initial stages of vetting all of this for one of the two chapters in Volume III. I am going to discuss the Veciana-Phillips 1959-1960 Cuban saga at the Lancer conference in Dallas next week. The Lansdale, Army ACSI, OSD, involvement with Veciana and Alpha-66 will be part of the other, later, chapter covering the 1962 period. See More Like Comment
  14. Joe: Phil Stanford got hold of Heidi Rikan's book of the clients of the DNC prostitution ring. Here he tells the story of John Dean and others. The wife of one of the top officials of CREEP was one of the prostitutes. https://www.amazon.com/White-House-Call-Girl-Watergate/dp/1936239906/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1510082841&sr=1-1&keywords=White+House+Call+Girl&dpID=51oNLYgoK6L&preST=_SY344_BO1,204,203,200_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
  15. Joe: I wasn't aware of the others. What caught my attention with this one is that if my memory is correct David Lifton presented a paper on the assassination at a public forum in Bismarck two or three years ago and just as he reached the peak of his presentation the moderator intervened and cut him off and adjourned the meeting. I wrote David at the time to express my disappointment as how it had been handled by the forum's sponsors. So I thought this piece was a refrain again from Bismarck since it is a newspaper editorial and not a news article. Editorials usually consist of original writing, not copying something from elsewhere.
  16. JFK files: CIA started to disavow knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald within hours of killing https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/11/06/jfk-files-cia-started-disavow-knowledge-lee-harvey-oswald-within-hours-killihttps-presto-gannettdigi/835030001/
  17. Article: Pay attention to Clint Hill, skip theories http://bismarcktribune.com/opinion/editorial/pay-attention-to-clint-hill-skip-theories/article_a1cc073a-1a31-520a-89af-0318a635ce24.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=user-share
  18. David Denton wrote on Facebook today: I was able to go through the rest of CIA man, David Phillips' file that was released over this past weekend. For those of you that do not know, Phillips is one of the more suspicious characters in the JFK assassination story. He was a master of propaganda, deception, and intrigue. During his career he was involved in many plots and coup d’états orchestrated against foreign leaders by the CIA. During the 1950's, he operated inside the CIA and on the outside, flipping back and ...forth between regular duty in the agency and as a private citizen hired as a "contract agent". Of interesting note, was the secrecy agreement Phillips signed as a contract agent. It stated: "You will be required to keep FOREVER secret this contract and all information which you obtained”. Simply stated: anyone connected to the agency was always under their control. Phillips would ultimately rise to the top of the agency, culminating with his heading up the Western Hemisphere Division in the mid 70's before his retirement. What evidence of Phillips' potential participation in Dallas? In 2007, E. Howard Hunt made a deathbed confession where he fingered Phillips, among others, as taking part in the "Big Event". Phillips was in Mexico City as Chief of Station when Oswald made his alleged, mysterious trip to that city. Phillips' assets were the first to spread the propaganda that Oswald was connected to the Soviets and Castro. Cuban exile leader Antonio Veciana recently admitted that the "Maurice Bishop" that he saw with Oswald in September of 1963 was actually David Atlee Phillips. In the mid-70's, Phillips went before Congress and lied, suggesting videotapes of Oswald's visits to the Russian and Cuban Embassies, as well as audio tapes of phone calls he made to them, were routinely destroyed before the assassination. Phillips himself may have alluded to family members before his death that there was something more going on in Dallas. What do released files tell us about Phillips? Probably not nearly as much as the 20 pages that were completely redacted. Throughout, he is commended in his personnel files for his actions taken against foreign leaders. It is noteworthy, that the agency regarded foreign leaders as merely "targets" to be eliminated. In particular, Castro is referred to as a "high priority Cuban target". Phillips received high praise for his actions taken in the overthrow of the "Soviet target" Salvador Allende of Chile in 1973. The released files leave no doubt that Phillips was the man to turn to when it came to conducting an operation to remove someone from power. Ironically in July 1971, Cord Meyer, another agency official fingered by Hunt to be involved in the JFK murder, would in a handwritten note found in Phillips' personnel file, compliment him for his "excellent political judgement”.
  19. I have always believed that Nixon pardoned Hoffa and released him out of prison because of John Dean manipulating the transaction. Dean had been compromised by mobster Joseph Nesline who ran the two Washington, D.C. prostitution rings and possibly subjected to blackmail. He married Maureen Biner four months after Watergate broke so that the marital privilege would attach and prevent her as his wife from testifying against him in Watergate. Prior to their getting married, Maureen had been the roommate of Heidi Rikan, the madam who ran the prostitution ring out of the Democratic National Committee. What convinced me more than anything about Nixon's possible ties to the mob was this event: http://www.nytimes.com/1975/10/10/archives/nixon-plays-golf-with-fitzsimmons-at-resort-built-with-teamster.html?_r=0
  20. From the article about the new book: No book about the mob and Nixon could ignore JFK’s assassination and all of the theories that have developed over the decades. Fulsom touches on it throughout, including this stunning line: “Everyone who lived through the JFK assassination knows exactly where he or she was on November 22, 1963 ... with one exception: Richard Nixon.” The future president actually happened to be in Dallas that fateful day, but couldn’t recall his location when questioned months later by the FBI. Nixon — then chief counsel for Pepsi Cola and living on the Upper East Side — was in Texas for a Pepsi board meeting. Just prior, Nixon told the local press, “I am going to work as hard as I can to get the Kennedys out.” Over the years, Nixon offered a few different accounts of his whereabouts that day and grew testy when journalists asked about it. Chicago boss Sam Giancana said Nixon knew about the assassination and the mobster bragged that he was in Dallas to supervise the plot — as were many other mobsters. Marcello also knew Jack Ruby, who killed Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, leading the mob boss to brag that he had JFK killed. Given Nixon’s career-long ties to the mob, Fulsom asks a most logical question: “Is it a stretch to speculate that Nixon might somehow have been associated with — or at least known in advance — of a Mob contract on President Kennedy’s life?” It’s not a question Fulsom can definitively answer, and this was written before long-secret JFK documents were released two weeks ago. But by broaching these questions and laying out all of Nixon’s ties to the syndicate, it’s hard to think otherwise. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/nixon-deep-seated-mob-ties-revealed-mafia-president-article-1.3611207 [Posted for informational purposes only]
  21. The following was sent to me by a fellow researcher: The first 13 1/2 pages in the list are for the 676 new records released on Friday (11/3/2017). They were tacked onto the same database with the others released in July and on 10/26, for a grand total of 7,361 "rows" of data, each representing one "record" whether it's one or hundreds of pages. https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/2017-release
  22. Andrew: Am pleased this mystery was solved...and quickly. Shows once again what a small world it is. -- Doug
  23. http://aarclibrary.org/the-intelligence-community-flips-off-america/
  24. John D. Thomas wrote on Facebook today: Fonzi's witness list would have been pure gold to researchers for decades. Now however, most of the people on the list are now dead and so are the leads. It would be interesting to see why this document was kept secret for all these years for reasons of National Security. Was it just to make sure they were all dead and couldn't be interviewed by researchers?
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