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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Brown U. figured in Watergate. Howard Hunt and Chuck Colson were members of the Washington, D.C. chapter of Brown U. Alumni. Hunt persuaded Colson to hire him at the White House. Once there Hunt starting quietly working to drive Nixon from office, taking his orders from CIA Director Helms. When it was all over, both Colson and Hunt went to prison. I can imagine how Colson wished that he had never known Hunt.
  2. Lee D. Shepherd wrote on Facebook today: A word about Secret Service agent Paul Landis. What does his account mean? When Landis helped Mrs. Kennedy out of the car at Parkland Hospital, he saw an intact bullet on the back seat where the top would [normally] be secured. Two large bullet fragments were found in the front seat of the limo, and slivers of lead fragments were recovered from an area below the jump seat where the governor’s wife, Nellie Connally, had been sitting. Landis claims he placed it on JFK’s gurney at Parkland Hospital. His disclosure came sixty years after the fact which is understandable as it raises many questions and places the “magic bullet” theory in doubt. The supposition was that the retrieved intact bullet had been discovered on Governor Connally’s gurney, not Kennedy’s. It was from this assumption, in part, that the Warren Commission reached its pivotal conclusion: The available evidence indicates that “the bullet found on the Governor’s stretcher”—the single bullet—“could have caused all his wounds.” Also, amid the blood and gore, Landis remembers, were two bullet fragments on the back seat, next to where Jackie had been sitting. Of the eight agents in the follow up car, code-named “Halfback,” none but 31-year-Clint Hill made any move to catch the president’s limo, and no one returned fire, even though some of them were equipped with automatic weapons. The media report that “Secret Service men immediately unslung their automatic weapons and pistols,” was an incorrect statement. Landis, the agent stationed on the right side of the follow-up vehicle, remained frozen and never relinquished his hold on the door grip. Landis might just as well have been somewhere else that afternoon. These were supposedly men honed to a matchless edge, but on that bright clear sunny day, there was near total lack of response. Had the Secret Service men reacted as they should have...the sniper crouching behind that window would certainly not have been able to get off a second or third shot, as the Commission says he did.” Landis' statement from his book, that he was momentarily suffering from PTSD, is unacceptable
  3. Students on hunger strike call for Brown University to divest from pro-Israel companies | US universities | The Guardian
  4. Fake Biden robocalls in New Hampshire linked to Texas companies, officials say | New Hampshire | The Guardian
  5. The House rejected a bill that would have provided $17.6 billion in Israel aid. Here's why. (aol.com)
  6. Veritas deserved to end in the trash pit this way. Far-right group Project Veritas admits it had ‘no evidence’ of voter fraud in Pennsylvania | US politics | The Guardian
  7. The best morning show on MSNBC is Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough weekdays who covers a number of topics from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. CT. The best afternoon show on MSNBC is hosted by Nicole Wallace from 3 to 5 pm CT weekdays. She has a variety of guests, all of whom are credible and covers a number of topics, I always watch these shows.
  8. Well Elvis was grossly overweight in his later years and Trump is today judging by his golf photos.
  9. Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A. - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Some names are familiar.
  10. History of Israel and Palestine conflict since 1948 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/01/magazine/israel-founding-palestinian-conflict.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Sk0.s4dl.G5ZF0PtZ-fVJ&bgrp=g&smid=url-share
  11. Musk echoing Trump's attack on the bi-partisan Senate immigration bill has let loose this ridiculous attack on Biden. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/elon-musk-claims-biden-is-trying-to-get-as-many-illegals-in-the-country-as-possible-so-he-can-make-a-one-party-state/ar-BB1hHdhr?ocid=socialshare&pc=DCTS&cvid=45a3b50c63754de097d6242bace18bf9&ei=17
  12. Trial of Trump in D.C. pulled off court calendar https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/trump-dc-trial-drops-off-court-s-march-calendar-clearing-way-for-ny-case/ar-BB1hDv9W?ocid=socialshare
  13. Global protest against U.S. policy favoring Israel. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/02/us/politics/protest-letter-israel-gaza.html?unlocked_article_code=1.SU0._oWT.1Wg3WRPX406i&bgrp=g&smid=url-share
  14. NY Times Thomas Friedman has a great column on what is about to happen in Mideast https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/31/opinion/biden-iran-israel.html?unlocked_article_code=1.SE0.lyAE.dzrJ-tTnEnmd&bgrp=g&smid=url-share
  15. Trump's Georgia case may be dismissed. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-s-fani-willis-case-could-be-dismissed-legal-analyst/ar-BB1hyHVw?ocid=socialshare&pc=HCTS&cvid=7bebff4a7126408386d623f6f3486e39&ei=21&fbclid=IwAR2jH5CHcOCkUCmlMtUMrog59w4CwazvE20athfYVZyHYshrUHVyLVvE-R0
  16. Elon Musk acts to move Tesla legal base to Texas after pay package ruling | Elon Musk | The Guardian
  17. Fulton County DA among nearly a dozen subpoenaed to testify in hearing on affair allegations (aol.com)
  18. Re: #5 above about a terror attack, this article sounds the alarm: FBI director warns that Chinese hackers are preparing to ‘wreak havoc’ on US critical infrastructure (aol.com)
  19. Pro-Palestinian protesters at Biden events cast shadow on his re-election effort | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian
  20. Diseases spread in overcrowded Rafah as Gaza’s population forced south | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian
  21. What is being hidden in Gaza by Israel war machine https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/30/world/middleeast/gaza-war-palestinian-journalists.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Rk0.9GSy.L4VGqGyRqWWO&bgrp=g&smid=url-share
  22. A cult of 1100 members New role for Amy Coney Barrett’s father inside Christian sect sparks controversy | Amy Coney Barrett | The Guardian
  23. Oh no! The NFL has been rigged and weaponized! Then there is this: Wildest dream: Biden is eyeing a huge celebrity surrogate — Taylor Swift - Washington Examiner
  24. Pro-Trump network OAN execs may have ‘engaged in criminal activities’ while promoting 2020 election lies, Smartmatic alleges (aol.com)
  25. Palestinians Testify in Federal Court That Biden Is Complicit in Genocide (theintercept.com)
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