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Jonathan Cohen

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  1. The fact that people have let Groden off the hook for this is pretty telling about the evidentiary standards of many so-called JFK assassination research.
  2. Hardly surprised to see more disgusting, anti-trans BS here from Gil Jesus, who previously lectured this forum that "only God" can decide a person's gender. Moderators: I beg of you to remove this content.
  3. No such thing has been proven at all, ever, in any form - especially on this forum.
  4. This is a troubling statement, particularly coming from a forum moderator ...
  5. You're joking, right? Alternative explanations for EVERY major "Harvey & Lee" talking point have been provided here and numerous other places.
  6. But yet it's OK for people to run amok on this forum with absolute and utter nonsense like the "Harvey and Lee" theory? What's the difference? Who is the arbiter of what's "disinformation" and what's not?
  7. Careful, Kevin. You're making far too much sense for the alterationists on this thread :).
  8. All great questions, Kevin. They reveal the massive alteration theory to be a house of cards.
  9. Nobody said you can't "question the validity of other aspects of the case." The problem is that when you actually look at the EVIDENCE, the notion of massive alteration of the assassination film and photo record is shown to be absolute nonsense.
  10. Uh huhhh.. so if that's actually Lansdale in the tramps photo, what was he doing? Why made him move over to where the tramps were at that very moment, especially in light of the facts that the tramps were in fact nothing but actual tramps and not in any way whatsoever connected to the assassination?
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